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Tin tốt: phương tiện công cộng thân thiện hơn với môi trường, và tùy thuộc vào

vị trí
nơi bạn sống, di chuyển bằng phương tiện công cộng sẽ rẻ hơn sở hữu một chiếc xe
The good news: It's better for the environment, and, depending on where you live, it
may be cheaper than owning a car.

Nếu mọi người đều sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng thì không những giảm
được lượng giao thông mà còn tiết kiệm được tiền.
If people use public transportation then not only will they reduce the traffic but also
save money.

It is more environmentally friendly compared to private vehicles and reduce traffic jam
in some big cities.
 For example, one bus can cater for around 30 to 50 people. This dramatically
reduces the number of vehicles on the roads. Consequently, if more and more
people use public transportation, the air in cities will be of better quality.
 Additionally, roads will be less congested, which is not only will affect the mental
well-being of individuals as they will experience less anger and anxiety but also
maintain a safer and more comfortable life.

It is economically efficient.

 Individuals using busses or trains don't have to bear expenses for car maintenance, purchasing fossils, and etc, thus,
we might save money to do other helpful things.
 It is also low- cost transportation, supporting people who cannot afford (đủ khả năng) or low incomes to by
their own private vehicles.
 If you are taking motorbike, we’ll spent 300.000 VND per month to fill up, while we’ll only take 100.000 VND per
month when travelling by publis transportation.

Hệ thống chuyên chở công cộng đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc giảm tình
trạng tắc nghẽn giao thông.
Public transport plays an important role in reducing traffic congestion.

Bằng cách tập trung hành khách vào xe buýt hoặc tàu hỏa, nó làm gi ảm đáng k ể l ưu
lượng phương tiện trên những con đường tắc nghẽn.

By consolidating commuters into buses or trains, it significantly reduces vehicular volume on congested roads.

will helps to reduce air pollution and to improve air quality. In addition, some means of public transport such as high-speed
trains, trains and hybrid buses cause zero pollution because they run on electricity. Furthermore, there will less heavy traffic
jam because people use more public transportation.
sẽgiúpĐẾNgiảm bớt không khíô nhiễm vàcải thiện không khí chất lượng. Ngoài ra,một sốnghĩa củacông cộng chuyên
chởchẳng hạn như tàu cao tốc, xe lửa và xe buýt hybrid không gây ô nhiễmbởi vìchúng chạy bằng điện. Hơn nữa, sẽ bớt ùn
tắc giao thông nghiêm trọngbởi vì mọi người sử dụnghơncông cộngvận tải.9

On the other hands, the utilization of public transportation presents certain challenges, foremost among them being time
constraints. Scheduled services often result in wait times for passengers, impacting their daily schedules and productivity.
Suburban residents, in particular, face additional hurdles as they must allocate extra travel time to reach transit stations,
further exacerbating their commuting experience. For instance, individuals residing in districts with limited access to public
transit options may find themselves undertaking lengthy walks to reach bus stops or train stations, significantly impeding
their daily routines. Moreover, in cities like Ho Chi Minh, where some roads are inaccessible to vehicles, pedestrians
encounter considerable difficulties accessing public transportation nodes, highlighting the need for comprehensive urban
planning to improve transit accessibility for all residents.

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