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18. You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following extract from an article.

Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam.

Millions of people today are travelling by lots of kinds of public transport.
Some people think that using public transport brings a lot of advantages to
the society in general and to themselves in particular; others argue that they
have to face disadvantages when using public transport.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using
public transport/sky trains. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your
answer. You should write at least 250 words.

Benefits/Advantages/Pros/Merits/Good points

- Save time and can buy anywhere, anytime

- Feel free to choose products: don't worry about being bothered by staff …
- Can save money

Drawbacks/Disadvantages/Cons/Demerits/Bad points

- Delay in delivery
- Lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online: Product Quality Issues,
- Frauds in online shopping
- Refund Policy
- Missing Product Information

Problems = Drawbacks


- Find out all the details about the product and the online store that
sells it.
- Provide order shipping details so consumers can easily track shipping
In big cities in Vietnam, public transportation has been popular for a
long time. These days, public transport is used by more and more people
due to its convenience while some people are not. In this essay, I will
consider the advantages and disadvantages of this proplem.
Let’s begin by looking at the positives of public transport. Firsly, the
cost of public transportation is low. When using public transportation,
there are no costs for personal vehicle maintenance, fuel costs, etc.
Therefore, users can save money. For example, every month I spend
200,000 VND on gasoline for a motorbike but if I take the bus I only
spend 70,000 VND. Secondly, it reduces environmental pollution and
solves traffic congestion. By promoting bus, train, and subway usage,
governments ease the road strain, cut greenhouse emissions, and enhance
air quality, fostering sustainable urban development. In addition, using
public transportation will be safer for traffic participants.
On the other hand, / Turning to the other side of the argument, there
are also many disadvantages in using publis transport. To start with, not all
areas can be served by public transit because of limited coverage.
Furthermore, finance is one of the main problems. Like many developing
countries, including Vietnam, the infrastructure system is slowly develope
and is gradually deteriorating. For example, expanding infrastructure
requires a lot of land, materials, skillful engineers and architects, etc.
Governments, therefore, can be burdened with debt if they cannot manage
the entire process properly. Beside, scheduled public transportation
sometimes causes inconvenience to users and is even delayed due to
traffic jams. For example, you are a student and have class at 7 am,
however, the bus you usually take is 10 minutes late, which makes you
late for school.
In conclusion, there are both pros and cons to public transportation
services. (In conclusion, using public transport brings benefits such as
cost, reduced pollution, road rules and more safety but limited range,
infrastructure and schedule are its disadvantages). In my opinion, using
public transportation is more effective, especially in the era of technology
and green revolution. Public transportation can reduce traffic congestion
and become environmentally friendly for the community.

In today’s society, childen obedity has become the essential part of debate in the
present world. In this essay, i will dicuss some causes and suggest some solution for
that proplem.
To begin with, overeating is surely the main cause of obesity. The reason for
this is that children often consumer a lot of junk food and the food is too oily as
chicken, potato, candis, ansd so on, which have a lot of fat and high in calories. In
addition, another other is wrong lifestyle. For instance, nowadays, we see easy the
children less active and sitting for watching TV, smartphones or computers.
Therefore, they don’t like doing outdoor activitis, which can help them burn
calories during the day.
There are some solutions to help tackle this proplem. Firstly, parents need have
role for controlling what their children eat. For example, parents should limit giving
money to their children to buy snacks. Moreover, parents should spend as much
time with their children on doing exercise and playing sports or participating
outdoor activities. In addition, teach children about the importance of their bodies
and health. For example, show them videos or news about the harmful effects of
In conclusion, children obesity has become a big worry in our life. This essay
has shown some main causes of obesity are overeating and wrong lifestyle, but the
best solution that parents should control diet of children and education for their
children about negative of obesity. I hope that the number of obese children will
decrease in the future.

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