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Mrs. Irene R. Mina

Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

physical, mental and social

INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS OF well-being and longevity consistent
COMMUNITY HEALTH with available knowledge and
NURSING resources at a given time and place.
● is the art of applying science in the
context of politics so as to reduce
inequalities in health while
ensuring the best health for the
PUBLIC HEALTH greatest number. It points to the
fact that public health is a core
● a science and art of preventing element of the government’s
disease, prolonging life, promoting attempts to improve and promote
health and efficiency through the health and welfare of their
organized community effort for the citizens. (WHO)
sanitation of the environment,
control of communicable diseases, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
the education of individuals in
● The practice of nursing in national
personal hygiene, the organization
and local government health
of medical and nursing services for
department, and public schools.
the early diagnosis and preventive
● It is community health nursing
treatment of disease, and the
practiced in the public sector.
development of the social
(Standard of Public Health Nursing
machinery to insure everyone a
in the Philippines, 2005)
standard of living adequate for the
● is a special field of nursing that
maintenance of health, so
combines the skills of nursing,
organizing these benefits as to
public health and some phases of
enable every citizen to realize his
social assistance and functions as
birthright of health and longevity.
part of the total public health
(Dr. Charles Edward Winslow)
programme for the promotion of
● is dedicated to the common
health, the improvement of the
attainment of the highest level of
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

conditions in the social and physical client’s optimum level of

environment, rehabilitation of functioning through teaching and
illness and disability.(WHO Expert delivery of care. (Jacobson)
Committee of Nursing)
● The history of Public Health
● is a unique blend of nursing and Nursing is embedded in the history
public health practice woven into a of the Department of Health which
human service that when properly was first established as the
developed and applied has a Department Public Works,
tremendous impact on human well Education and hygiene in 1898.
being. Its responsibilities extend to
the care and supervision of 1912
individuals and families in their
● he Fajardo act (Act NO. 2156)
homes, in places of work, in schools
created the sanitary divisions
and clinics. It is one of the basic
● -PGH sent 4 nurses to Cebu to take
services of the health departments.
care of mothers and their babies.
● is the utilization of the nursing
process in the different levels of 1914
clientele concerned with the
promotion of health, prevention of ● School nursing was rendered by a
disease and disability and nurse employed by the Bureau of
rehabilitation. (Maglaya, Araceli) Public Health in Tacloban, Leyte.
● Broader sense ● Two nurses, Mrs. Casilang
● Includes CHN in both public and Eustaquio and Mrs. Matilde Azurin
private sectors were employed for MCH and
● is a learned practice discipline with sanitation
the ultimate goal of contributing, as
individuals and in collaboration 1916 - 1918
with others, to the promotion of the
● Ms. Perlita Clark took charge of the
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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Public Health Nursing work. 1927

1917 ● The office of District Nursing under

the Office of General Inspection of
● Four graduate nurses paid by the Health Service was abolished and
city of Manila were employed to replaced by the Section of Public
work in the city division. Health Nursing with Mrs. Genara
de Guzman as consultant to the
Director of Health.
● The office of Miss Clark was
abolished due to lack of funds.
● First convention of nurses was held
until the advent of World War II.
● Ms. Carmen del Rosario, the first
Filipino nurse supervisor was
appointed under the Bureau of ● Conversion of Section of Public
Health. Health Nursing into Section of
● Two government schools of nursing
were established ● Reorganization Act 4007
○ Zamboanga General transferred the Division of Maternal
Hospital School of Nursing and Child Health of the Office of
○ Baguio General Hospital Public Welfare Commission to the
Bureau of Health.
July 1, 1926
● Ms. Carmen resigned and Ms.
Genara Manongdo, ranking ● Transferring of activities and
supervisor of American Red Cross personnel of the Metropolitan
replaced her. Division and Bureau of Health
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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transferred to a new department Bureau of Health, Dr. Eusebio

with Dr. Mariano Icasiano as City Aguilar, their guarantor. Public
Health Officer of Manila; also and Health Nurses joined guerillas
Office of Nursing was established during the World War II.
with Mrs. Vicenta C. Ponce as Chief
Nurse and Mrs. Rosario A. Ordiz February 1946
as her assistant.
● Comparison of war records of the
December 8, 1941 Bureau of Health: a. 308 public
nurses and 38 supervisors (post
● Health nurses in Manila were war), b. 556 nurses and 38
assigned to devastated areas to supervisors (pre-war). Mrs. Genara
attend to the sick and wounded M. de Guzman, technical assistant
during World War II. in Nursing of the Department of
Health recommended the creation
1942 of a Nursing Office of the DOH.
● A group of health nurses, doctors October 7, 1947
and administrators from the Manila
Health Department went to the ● Executive Order (EO) NO. 94
internment camp in Capas, Tarlac reorganized government offices and
to receive sick prisoners of war by created the Division of Nursing
the Japanese army. They were under the Office of the Secretary of
confined at San Lazaro Hospital and Health implemented on December
sixty-eight National Public Health 16, 1947. Mrs. Genara de Guzman
Nurses took care of them. was appointed as Chief of the
Division with three assistants: Ms.
July 1942 Annie Sand (Nursing Ed.), Mrs.
Magdalena C. Valenzuela (Public
● Thirty-one nurses taken prisoners of
Health Nursing) and Mr.
war by the Japanese army and jailed
Patrocinio Montellano for Staff
in Bilibid Prison in Manila were
released to the Director of the
● The Nursing Division was placed
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

directly under the Secretary of ● The Rural Health Demonstration

Health for bureaus and units to and Training Center (RHDTC) was
help carry out health programs. At established by the Dept. of Health
the Bureau of Health, the Section of through Dr. Hilario Lara, Dean of
Nursing Supervision took over the the Institute of Hygiene, now
former function of the Section of College of Public Health,
Nursing. Mrs. Soledad Buenafe was University of the Philippines. Dr.
appointed Chief Amansia Mangay (Mrs. Andres
● with Ms. Marcela Gabatin as Angara), a Doctor of Public Health
assistant Chief. The newly created graduate of Harvard was chosen to
Section of Puericulture Center of be Chief of the RHDTC. Dr.
the Bureau of Hospitals had Mrs. Antonio N. Acosta, former
Teresa Malgapo as Chief. Physician of the Manila Health
Dept. was Medical Training Officer.
1948 The first Supervising Training
Nurse was Ms. Marta Obaña with
● The first training Center of the
Ms. Jean Bactat, Mrs. Mary Velono
Bureau of Health was organized in
and Mrs. Natividad B. Asuque as
cooperation with Pasay Cit Health
Nurse Instructor.
Department housed at the Tabon
Health Center which was later 1953
renamed as Doña Marta Health
Center. The staff consisted of Dr. ● The office of the Health Ed. and
Trinidad A. Gomez, Center Personnel Training was established
Physician; Ms. Marcela Gabatin, with Dr. Trinidad Gomez as Chief.
Nurse Supervisor; Ms. Constancia Four nurse instructors were
Tuazon, Mrs. Bugarin and Ms. recruited, two from the Manila
Ramos as Nurse Instructors, later Health Dept, Mrs. Venancia
on joined by Ms. Zenaida Panlilio, Cabanos and Mrs. Damasa Torrejon
National Public Health Nurse of and two from the BOH, Ms.
the Bureau of Health. ZenaidaY. Panlilio and Ms. Leonora
Liwanag (first graduates of the
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

University of the Philippines, Hospitals worked with the Nursing

College of Nursing to join the consultant: Ms. Rosita Furia for
BOH). Hospital Nursing Service, and Ms.
● Republic Act No. 1082 or the Rural Eva Obsequio for Nursing
Health Law created the first 81 Education. Mrs. Rosita Villanueva
Rural Health Units. Among the and Mrs. Juanita Hospitals vice Ms.
first public health nurses assigned to Furia and Ms. Obsequio when they
the Rural units were two graduates retired.
of class 1952 of the Philippine ● The Department of Health
General Hospital School of National Leagues of Nurses, Inc
Nursing, Miss Florida B. Ramos was founded by Ms. Annie Sand in
(Mrs. Martinez) and Ms. Lydia 1969 and became its President and
Amurao (Mrs Cabigao). Adviser. The Reorganization Act
embodied in EO 288, Series of
1957 1959 de-centralized and integrated
health services creating 8 Regional
● Republic Act 1891 was approved
Health offices in the country.
amending Sections II, III, IV, VII
● At the Regional level two
and VIII of the R.A. 1082. This
supervising positions for nurses
second Rural Health Act created 8
were created: Regional Nurse
categories of rural health units based
Supervisor and Regional Public
on population.
Health Nurse.
1958 - 1965 ● The Supervising Public Health
Nurses (SPHN) at the Provincial
● R.A. 977 passed by the Congress in Health supervised the public health
1954 abolished the Division of nurses at the Rural Health Units as
Nursing, creating nursing positions well as the Chief Nurses in
at different levels. Ms. Annie Sand Hospitals.
was appointed Nursing Consultant ● The reorganization of 1959 also
under the Office of the Secretary of merged two Bureaus in the Dept. of
Health. Health: The Bureau of Health (in
● Two nurses of the former Bureau of charge of preventive programs)
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

merged with Bureau of Hospitals Orais and later Mrs. Constancia

(curative programs and Asinas
regulatory/licensing functions) to
form the Bureau of Health and November 1971
Medical Services.
● Mrs. Josefina A. Mendoza,
● In the merged Bureau of Health and
Supervising Nurse Instructor,
Medical Services, Nursing program
Office of the Health Education and
supervisors were appointed for the
Personnel Training succeeded Ms.
different programs. In the Maternal
Annie Sand as Nursing Consultant.
and Child Health Division, Ms.
Later, Mrs. Nelida K. Castillo,
Saturnina Latorre, Mrs. Fe Bacaloso
former Nurse Instructor at San
and later Mrs. Rosario Zaraspe,
Lazaro Hospital and counterpart to
Mrs. Isabel Pascua and Mrs. Emilia
Ms. Helen Filmore, WHO
Briones. In the occupational Health
consultant of Pediatric Nursing was
Division, Mrs. Felisa V. Chanco was
appointed Nursing Program
nurse in charge of Occupational
Supervisor, Office of the Secretary
Health Nursing.
of Health
● In the Bureau of Disease Control,
● The Project Management Staff was
Mrs. Zenaida Panlilio-Nisce was
organized as part of Population
appointed as Nursing Program
Loan II of the Philippine
Supervisor and served as consultant
Government with Dr. Francisco as
on 5 diseases: TB. Leprosy, Venereal
Project Manager. Experts on
Diseases, Cancer and Filariasis; and
different fields were recruited and
Mental Health.
Mrs. Nelida Castillo joined the PMS
● At the Office of Health Education
staff. Her position as Nursing
and Personnel Training, the nurses
Program Supervisor, Office of the
were Mrs. Josefina A. Mendoza,
Secretary of Health was taken over
Supervising Nurse Instructor, Ms.
by Mrs. Zenaida Nisce, Nursing
Carmen Panganiban, Ms. Virginia
Program supervisor Bureau of
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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Disease Control. Ms. Julita Yabes, ● The reorganization of the

faculty member of the Institute of Department of Health during this
Hygiene (now College of Public period placed the position of
Health) University of the Nursing Consultant at the Bureau
Philippines served as consultant on of Health and Medical Services later
nursing matters in the Project abolished when Mrs. Mendoza
Manage Staff. retired. Mrs. Zenaida Nisce
remained as Nursing Program
1975 Supervisor of the Office of the
Secretary of Health.
● As a result of the restructuring of
● The other nursing positions at the
the health care delivery system based
Central Office were at the National
on the findings of the Operations
Family Planning Service. Among
Research (WHO assisted)
these nurses were Miss Leonora
conducted in the province of Rizal
Liwanag, Ms. Virginia Orais, Mrs.
the functions of the health team
Vilma Paner, Mrs. Sarah Austria
were redefined.
and Mrs. Leticia Daga, Mrs. Nelia
1976 - 1986 Hizon joined the NFPS when Miss
Liwanag retired.
● The Nursing Consultant and
Nursing Program Supervisor of the 1987 - 1989
Office of the Secretary of Health
● Executive Order No. 119
were involved in the Rural Health
reorganized the Department of
Practice Program which required
Health and created several offices
medical and nursing graduates to
and services within the Department
serve for two months in rural areas
of Health.
before the licenses could be issued
by the Professional Regulatory 1990 -1992
● The number of positions of
1986 Nursing Program Supervisors
(Nurse VI) was increased as there
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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were three or more appointed in Ferrera. At the Department of

each service. In the Maternal and Health Administrative Service there
Child Health Services Mrs. Emilia were four Public Health Nurses and
Briones and Mrs. Nilda Silvera and one Senior Public Health Nurse
Mrs. Vicenta Borja. Mrs. Asucena assigned at the Medical
Alcantara and Mrs. Lucila Agripa Examination Division and
later joined them. Infirmary (MEDI) formerly called
● In the non-communicable Disease the Physical Examination Division.
Control Service (NCDCS), the first
two Nursing Program Supervisors January 1999
were Mrs. Gloria Temelo and Miss
● Department Order No. 29
Gilda Estipona who were with the
designated Mrs. Nelia F. Hizon,
cardiovascular and cancer control
Nurse VI, then the President of the
programs respectively. In 1989, Mrs.
National League of Philippine
Carmen Buencamino joined the
Government Nurses as Nursing
Occupational Health Division.
When these three nurses retired one
after another, their positions were May 24, 1999
taken over by Miss Ma. Thelma
Bermudez, Ms. Frances Prescilla ● Executive Order No. 102 was
Cuevas and Mrs. Ma. Theresa signed by the President Joseph
Mendoza. Ejercito Estrada redirecting the
● The three nurses at the functions and operations of the
Communicable Disease Control DOH
Service, Mrs. Zenaida P. Nisce, Mrs.
Carolina A. Ruzol and Mrs. 2005 - 2006
Zenaida Recidoro participated in
● The development of the
the planning, training, monitoring,
rationalization plan to streamline
supervision and evaluation of
(simplify) the bureaucracy (official
diseases. At the Community Health
procedure) was started and is in the
Service, the Nursing Program
last stages of finalization
Supervisor was Mrs. Patrocinio
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF No. 15 established the Board of

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Health for the City of Manila.
July 1, 1901
Before (1898)
● because it was realized that it was
● Traditional health care practices impossible to protect the American
especially the use of herbs and soldiers without protecting the
rituals for healing were practiced. In natives, a board of Health for the
1876, Medicos Titulares, equivalent Philippine Islands was created
to provincial health officers were through Act No. 157. It became an
already existing. In 1888, a Superior Insular Board of Health when Act
Board of Health and Charity was Nos. 307, 308 dated December 2,
created by the Spaniards which 1901 established the Provincial and
established a hospital system and a Municipal boards respectively. The
board of vaccination. Insular Board of Health proved to
be inefficient operationally so it was
June 23, 1898 abolished and replaced with the
Bureau of Health under the
● Shortly after the proclamation of
Department of Boards of Health.
the Philippine independence from
Spain. The Department of Public 1912
Works, Education and hygiene was
created by a decree signed by Pres. ● Act No. 2156 also known as the
Emilio Aguinaldo. However, this Fajardo act, consolidated
was short live because of the municipalities into sanitary
American invasion. divisions and established the Health
Fund for travel and salaries.
September 29, 1898
● With the primary objective of
protecting the health of the ● Act No. 2468 transformed the
American soldiers, General Orders Bureau of Health into a
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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commissioned service called the May 31, 1939

Philippine Health Service.
● Commonwealth Act No. 430
August 2, 1916 created the Department of Public
Health and Welfare but the full
● The passage of the Jones Law also implementation was only completed
known as the Philippine Autonomy through Executive Order no. 317,
Act provided the highlight in the January 7, 1941. Dr Jose Fabella
struggle of the Filipinos for became the First Department
independence from the American Secretary of Health and Public
Rule. The establishment of an Welfare Act in 1941.
elective Philippine Senate
completed an all Filipino Philippine 1942
Assembly which majored in
reorganization, culminating the ● During the period of the Japanese
Administrative Code of 1917 (Act occupation reorganizations and
2711), which included the Public issuances for the health and welfare
Health Law of 1917. of people were instituted.

1932 October 4, 1947

● Because of the need to coordinate ● Executive Order No. 94 provided

public health, Act No. 4007 known for the post war reorganization of
as the Reorganization Act of 1932 the Department of Health and
reverted back the Philippine Service Public Welfare which resulted in the
into Bureau of Health, and split of the Department and transfer
combined the Bureau of Public of the Bureau of Public Welfare
Welfare under the Office of the (became Social Welfare
Commissioner of Health and Public Administration) and the Philippine
Welfare. The Philippine General Hospital to the office of the
Commonwealth and the Japanese President.
Occupation (1935- 1945)
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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January 1, 1951 primary, secondary and tertiary

levels of care. Under this concept
● The office of the President of the the ration of a nurse to a
Sanitary District was converted into population is 1: 20,000. The
a Rural Health Unit, carrying out expanded role of the public health
seven basic Health services: maternal nurse was highlighted
and child health, environmental
health, communicable disease June 2, 1978
control, vital statistics, medical care,
health education and public health ● With the proclamation of martial
nursing. The impact of the law in the country, Presidential
community was so strong that it Decree 1397 renamed the
resulted in the passage of the Rural Department of Health to the
Health Act of 1954 (RA 1082). Ministry of Health with Sec.
This Act created more health units Gatmaitan as its first Minister of
and created posts for municipal Health.
December 2, 1982
February 20, 1958
● Executive Order No. 851 signed by
● Executive Order No. 288 provided President Ferdinand Marcos
for what is described as the “most reorganizes the Ministry of Health
sweeping” reorganization in the as an integrated health care delivery
History of the Department. This system through the creation of the
came about as an effort to Integrated Provincial Health
decentralize governance of health Officers.
April 13, 1987
● Executive Order No. 119,
● The Restructured Health Care “Reorganizing the Ministry of
Delivery System was conceptualized. Health” by President Corazon C.
It classified health services into Aquino saw a major change in the
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

structure of the ministry. EO 119 Plan which prescribed the current

clustered agencies and programs organizational, staffing and resource
under the Office for Public Health structure consisted with its new
Regulations and Office of ● mandate. EO 102 mandates the
Management Services. The Field Department of Health to provide
Offices were composted of the assistance to local government units,
Regional Health Offices and people’s organization, and other
National Health Facilities. The members of the civic society in
latter was composed of National implementing programs, projects
Medical Centers, Special Research and services which promote the
Centers and Hospitals. health and well-being of every
October 10, 1991
1999 - 2004
● Republic Act 7160 also known as
the Local Government Code ● Development of the Health Sector
provided for the decentralization of Reform agenda which describes the
the entire government. Under this major strategies, organization and
law, all structures, personnel and policy changes and public
budgetary allocations from the investments needed to improve the
provincial health level down to the way health care is delivered,
barangays were devolved to the regulated and financed.
Local Government Units to
facilitate health service delivery. 2005 - ongoing!


● EO No. 102, “Redirecting the
Functions and Operations of the a) Client-oriented roles
Department of Health” by
President Joseph Estrada granted
the DOH to proceed with its ● Provides a continuous and
Rationalization and Streamlining comprehensive to the family, group
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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of people, and community at large. education sessions for organized

● Emphasizes more on promotive and community groups e.g., school
preventive healthcare. children, antenatal mothers, eligible
● Approaches the family and couples, elderly, etc.
persuades them to implement ● Health education for the family is
promotive and preventive measures. planned and implemented as part of
● Care during illness is beneficial the family care plan.
gaining acceptance, trust, and ● Involved in giving
confidence. incidental/casual/spontaneous
● Also provides care during illness for health education according to the
which usually the family members situation. (Washing of hands before
come forward to seek help. the child eats)
● As care is given, the nurse educates
and helps the family members to COUNSELOR
develop their abilities and overcome
● Helps individuals, families, and the
their barriers so that they can take
community at large to recognize and
care of their health and nursing
understand their problems to be
needs, promote their health, and
solved, find solutions within
prevent illness.
resources and implement feasible
EDUCATOR and acceptable solutions.

● Educates the individual, family, REFERRAL RESOURCE

groups of people, and the
● Explores community resources in
community at large.
terms of money, manpower,
● Health education thus given
material, agencies, etc.
focuses on promoting health,
● Makes use of these resources in
preventing illness and aspects related
helping individuals, family groups,
to care during illness and
and communities to meet their
rehabilitation and disability
health and nursing needs.
● The nurse conducts planned health
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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ROLE MODEL team members, government

organizations and non- government
● Helping a person develop by seeing organizations
and following your example ● Coordinates nursing plans and
● Encouraging reflective practice and programs with other health
increasing their self awareness programs
● Providing strategies to overcoming
● Being a supportive role by providing
encouragement or emotional help ● Seldom practice in isolation. They
● Empowering a person to develop must work with many people,
their own career into the future including: the clients, physician
teachers, social workers,
CASE MANAGER nutritionist, psychologist, city
planners, other nurses, health
● Coordinates and directs the educators, physical therapist,
selection and use of health care occupational therapist,
services to meet client needs, epidemiologist, etc. to solve patient
maximize resource utilization, and care problems and to provide the
minimize the expense of care. optimal quality level of care to the
● Work with the multidisciplinary patient or group of patients.
health care team to measure the
effectiveness of the case LIAISON
management plan and to monitor
outcomes. ● Fosters the relationship between
patients and the facilities providing
b) Delivery-oriented roles their care.
● Establish patients' eligibility for
COORDINATOR care, communicating with families,
and interacting with a wide range of
● Coordinates health services with
staff members, from admissions
concerned individuals and families
coordinators to case managers to
through the community health
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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● Arranging care for patients, assisting client return to health.

patients in appointments, liaising ● Promotes and motivates change in
with healthcare staff for patient the community in their health
health matters, ensuring consumer practices and lifestyle behaviors for
rights, and following up on them to promote and maintain
insurance claims for patients. good health, be knowledgeable and
has the initiative in accessing health
c) Population-oriented roles services
● Inculcates self- reliance to brought
about development and
● Involves identifying individual cases improvement in the community
or occurrences of specified diseases
or other health-related conditions
requiring services. ● Promotes self- reliance of
community and emphasizes their
involvement and participation in
● Focuses on affecting change, thus planning, organizing, implementing
the nurse becomes an agent of and evaluating of health services
change. ● Initiates and implements
● Seek to initiate changers that community development activities
positively affect people’s health.
● Influences others to work together
to accomplish a specific goal. ● Creates temporary or permanent
alliances of individuals or groups to
achieve a specific purpose.
● Acts as a change agent when Coalitions have the advantage of
assisting others, that is, clients, to fostering community wide problem
make modifications in their own solving and collaborative policy and
behavior. Nurses also often act to program development.
make changes in a system such as
clinical care, if it is not helping a
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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POLICY ADVOCATE community through the conduct of

surveys and home visits
● A person or group of people who ● Conducts researches concerning the
work for and argue on behalf of health of the community
policy formation or changes in ● Coordinates with government and
policy that influence the health of non- government organizations in
population groups. the conduct and implementation of
● Applies the commercial marketing
technologies to the analysis,
planning, execution and evaluation PROVISION OF HEALTH AND
of programs designed to influence NURSING CARE
the voluntary behavior of target
audiences to improve their personal ● Utilizes the nursing process in the
welfare or that of their society. care of client in the home setting
● Encourages certain personal through home visits and in public
behaviors by mothers or health care facilities; conducts
interpersonal behaviors between a referral of patients to appropriate
mother and others—for example, to levels of care when necessary.
encourage nurses to support a
mother’s choice to start HEALTH EDUCATION
breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth
● Utilizes teaching skills to improve
RESEARCHER the health knowledge, skills and
attitude of the individual, family
● Explores phenomena observed in and the community and conducts
the world with the intent of health information campaigns to
understanding, explaining and various groups for the purpose of
ultimately controlling them. health promotion and disease
● Follows a systematic process of prevention.
monitoring the health status of the
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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COORDINATION & and as program manager, the PHN

COLLABORATION is responsible for the delivery of the
package of services provided by the
● Establishes linkages and health program to the target
collaborative relationships with clientele.
other health professionals,
government agencies, the private RESEARCHER
sector, non-government
organizations and people’s ● Participates in the conduct of
organizations to address health research and utilizes research
problems findings in practice


● Monitors and supervises the INDIVIDUAL

performance of midwives and other
● sick or well individuals in the home
auxillary health workers; also
and health center.
initiate the formulation of staff
● Considered as the entry point in
development and training programs
working with the family.
for midwives and other auxillary
health workers as part of their FAMILY
training function as supervisor.
● Two or more persons bound
LEADER AND CHANGE AGENT together by blood, marriage, or
● Influences people to participate in
the overall process of community POPULATION GROUP
● A group of people sharing the same
MANAGEMENT characteristics, developmental stage,
or common exposure to particular
● Organizes the nursing service
environmental factors thus resulting
component of the local health
in community health problems.
agency or local government unit;
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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COMMUNITY to parents

● group of people sharing common UNIFIED WHOLE

geographic boundaries and/or
common values and interests. ● Operates as a single entity
● No two communities are the same.
● Exerts a strong influence on health
of individuals, families and ● something that is both a part and a
communities. whole e.g. an individual is
autonomous, but also part of a
family, which is part of an extended
family, which is part of the
● existing in two different forms
● divided into separate elements
● the occurrence in an animal species
of two distinct types of individuals
● relating to a study of the whole
instead of a separation into parts

UNDERSTANDING AN ● the holistic and scientific and social
INDIVIDUAL study of humanity.
BIOLOGICAL ● relating to the study of humankind.
● related by consanguinity, especially
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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ESSENTIALISM (SOCIOLOGY) of the sexual impulse

● the view that all members of certain SIGMUND FREUD

groups of people (such as those of
the same race, gender, age or sexual ● (Surname of German origin) an
orientation) have common, essential Austrian neurologist,
traits inherent to the defining psychotherapist, and founder of
feature of the group. psychoanalysis-(oral-birth to 1 year,
anal-1-3 years, phallic-3-6 y,
CONSTRUCTIONISM latent-6-puberty – libido inactive,
genitals-puberty to death-maturing
● (in social science) the idea that sexual interests)
people learn about, or perceive the
world by constructing mental PSYCHOSOCIAL
● relating to the interrelation of social
CULTURE factors and individual thought and
● the arts, customs, lifestyles,
background, and habits that ERIK ERIKSON (8 STAGES)
characterize a particular society or
nation. ● trust vs mistrust, autonomy vs
● the beliefs, values and behavior and shame and doubt, initiative vs guilt,
material objects that constitute a industry vs inferiority, identity vs
people’s way of life. confusion, intimacy vs isolation,
● in anthropology - any knowledge generativity vs isolation, integrity vs
passed from one generation to the despair
next ● described the impact of social
experience across the whole lifespan
PSYCHOLOGICAL ● interested in how social interaction
and relationships played a role in the
PSYCHOSEXUAL development and growth of human
● involving the psychological aspects
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

BEHAVIORISM social order, acceptance, and change

or social evolution.
● an approach to psychology focusing
on observable behavior, denying any THE INDIVIDUAL AS A CLIENT
independent significance for mind,
and usually assuming that behavior ● Individual is a single human being, a
is determined by the environment. person, a distinct indivisible entity.
● The CHN deals with individuals;
SOCIOLOGICAL sick or well on a daily basis.
● Since the health problems of
SOCIAL LEARNING individuals are intertwined with
those of the other members of the
● theorized by Albert Bandura
family and community,
● posits that people learn from one
● Individuals are considered as the
another via observation, imitation
entry point in working with the
and modelling.
family and community.
1. Family and kinship
2. Social groups INDIVIDUAL

SOCIOLOGICAL Article III: Bill of Rights

● pertaining to sociology 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION


● is the study of society, patterns of Section 1. No person shall be deprived of

social relationships, social life, liberty, or property without due
interaction and culture of everyday process of law, nor shall any person be
life. It is a social science that uses denied the equal protection of the laws.
various methods of empirical
Section 2. The right of the people to be
investigation and critical analysis to
secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
develop a body of knowledge about
effects against unreasonable searches and
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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seizures of whatever nature and for any preference, shall forever be allowed. No
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search religious test shall be required for the
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue exercise of civil or political rights.
except upon probable cause to be
determined personally by the judge after Section 6. The liberty of abode and of
examination under oath or affirmation of changing the same within the limits
the complainant and the witnesses he may prescribed by law shall not be impaired
produce, and particularly describing the except upon lawful order of the court.
place to be searched and the persons or Neither shall the right to travel be impaired
things to be seized. except in the interest of national security,
public safety, or public health, as may be
Section 3. (1) The privacy of provided by law.
communication and correspondence shall
be inviolable except upon lawful order of Section 7. The right of the people to
the court, or when public safety or order information on matters of public concern
requires otherwise, as prescribed by law. shall be recognized. Access to official
records, and to documents and papers
(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
this or the preceding section shall be decisions, as well as to government research
inadmissible for any purpose in any data used as basis for policy development,
proceeding. shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
limitations as may be provided by law.
Section 4. No law shall be passed abridging
the freedom of speech, of expression, or of Section 8. The right of the people,
the press, or the right of the people including those employed in the public and
peaceably to assemble and petition the private sectors, to form unions,
government for redress of grievances. associations, or societies for purposes not
contrary to law shall not be abridged.
Section 5. No law shall be made respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting Section 9. Private property shall not be
the free exercise thereof. The free exercise taken for public use without just
and enjoyment of religious profession and compensation.
worship, without discrimination or
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

Section 10. No law impairing the well as compensation to the rehabilitation

obligation of contracts shall be passed. of victims of torture or similar practices,
and their families.
Section 11. Free access to the courts and
quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal Section 13. All persons, except those
assistance shall not be denied to any person charged with offenses punishable by
by reason of poverty. reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt
is strong, shall, before conviction, be
Section 12. (1) Any person under bailable by sufficient sureties, or be released
investigation for the commission of an on recognizance as may be provided by law.
offense shall have the right to be informed The right to bail shall not be impaired even
of his right to remain silent and to have when the privilege of the writ of habeas
competent and independent counsel corpus is suspended. Excessive bail shall not
preferably of his own choice. If the person be required.
cannot afford the services of counsel, he
must be provided with one. These rights Section 14. (1) No person shall be held to
cannot be waived except in writing and in answer for a criminal offense without due
the presence of counsel. process of law. (2) In all criminal
prosecutions, the accused shall be
(2) No torture, force, violence, threat, presumed innocent until the contrary is
intimidation, or any other means which proved, and shall enjoy the right to be
vitiate the free will shall be used against heard by himself and counsel, to be
him. Secret detention places, solitary, informed of the nature and cause of the
incommunicado, or other similar forms of accusation against him, to have a speedy,
detention are prohibited. impartial, and public trial, to meet the
witnesses face to face, and to have
(3) Any confession or admission obtained
compulsory process to secure the
in violation of this or Section 17 hereof
attendance of witnesses and the production
shall be inadmissible in evidence against
of evidence in his behalf. However, after
arraignment, trial may proceed
(4) The law shall provide for penal and civil notwithstanding the absence of the
sanctions for violations of this section as accused: Provided, that he has been duly
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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notified and his failure to appear is (2) The employment of physical,

unjustifiable. psychological, or degrading punishment
against any prisoner or detainee or the use
Section 15. The privilege of the writ of of substandard or inadequate penal
habeas corpus shall not be suspended facilities under subhuman conditions shall
except in cases of invasion or rebellion, be dealt with by law.
when the public safety requires it.
Section 20. No person shall be imprisoned
Section 16. All persons shall have the right for debt or non-payment of a poll tax.
to a speedy disposition of their cases before
all judicial, quasi judicial, or administrative Section 21. No person shall be twice put in
bodies. jeopardy of punishment for the same
offense. If an act is punished by a law and
Section 17. No person shall be compelled an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under
to be a witness against himself. either shall constitute a bar to another
prosecution for the same act.
Section 18. (1) No person shall be detained
solely by reason of his political beliefs and Section 22. No ex post facto law or bill of
aspirations. attainder shall be enacted.
(2) No involuntary servitude in any form Appendix B
shall exist except as a punishment for a
crime whereof the party shall have been PHILIPPINE PATIENT’S BILL OF
duly convicted. RIGHTS

Section 19. (1) Excessive fines shall not be 1. The patient has the right to considerate
imposed, nor cruel, degrading or inhuman and respectful care irrespective of
punishment inflicted. Neither shall death socio-economic status.
penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling
reasons involving heinous crimes, the 2. The patient has the right to obtain from
Congress hereafter provides for it. Any his physician complete current information
death penalty already imposed shall be concerning his diagnosis, treatment and
reduced to reclusion perpetua. prognosis in terms the patient can
reasonably be expected to understand.
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

When it is not medically advisable to give consideration of his privacy concerning his
such information to the patient, the own medical care program. Case
information should be made available to an discussion, consultation, examination and
appropriate person on his behalf. He has treatment are confidential and should be
the right to know by name or in person, conducted discreetly. Those not directly
the medical team responsible for involved in his care must have the
coordinating his care. permission of the patient to be present.

3. The patient has the right to receive from 6. The patient has the right to expect that
his physician information necessary to give all communications and records pertaining
informed consent prior to the start of any to his care should be treated as
procedure and/or treatment. Except in confidential.
emergencies, such information for
informed consent should include but not 7. The patient has the right that within its
necessarily limited to the specific procedure capacity, a hospital must make reasonable
and or treatment, the medically significant response to the request of patient for
risks involved, and the probable duration of services. The hospital must provide
incapacitation. When medically significant evaluation, service and/or referral as
alternatives for care or treatment exist, or indicated by the urgency of care. When
when the patient requests information medically permissible a patient may be
concerning medical alternatives, the patient transferred to another facility only after he
has the right to such information. The has received complete information
patient has also the right to know the name concerning the needs and alternatives to
of the person responsible for the procedure such transfer. The institution to which the
and/or treatment. patient is to be transferred must first have
accepted the patient for transfer.
4. The patient has the right to refuse
treatment/life – giving measures, to the 8. The patient has the right to obtain
extent permitted by law, and to be information as to any relationship of the
informed of the medical consequences of hospital to other health care and
his action. educational institutions in so far as his care
is concerned. The patient has the right to
5. The patient has the right to every obtain as to the existence of any
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
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professional relationship among ● Many factors combine together to

individuals, by name who are treating him. affect the health of individuals and
communities. Whether people are
9. The patient has the right to be advised if healthy or not, is determined by
the hospital proposes to engage in or their circumstances and
perform human experimentation affecting environment.
his care or treatment. The patient has the ● To a large extent, factors such as
right to refuse or participate in such where we live, the state of our
research project. environment, genetics, our income
and education level, and our
10. The patient has the right to expect
relationships with friends and
reasonable continuity of care; he has the
family all have considerable impacts
right to know in advance what
on health, whereas the more
appointment times the physicians are
commonly considered factors such
available and where. The patient has the
as access and use of health care
right to expect that the hospital will
services often have less of an
provide a mechanism whereby he is
informed by his physician or a delegate of
the physician of the patient’s continuing DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH
health care requirements following
discharge. ● are a range of factors that influence
the health status of individuals or
11. The patient has the right to examine populations. At every stage of life,
and receive an explanation of his bill health is determined by complex
regardless of source of payment. interactions between social and
economic factors, the physical
12. The patient has the right to know what
environment and individual
hospital rules and regulation apply to his
behavior. They do not exist in
conduct as a patient.
isolation from each other.

● The social determinants of health
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

are the conditions in which people richest and poorest people, the
are born, grow, live, work and age. greater the differences in health
These circumstances are shaped by
the distribution of money, power EDUCATION
and resources at global, national
● low education levels are linked with
and local levels.
poor health, more stress and lower
● The social determinants of health
are mostly responsible for health
inequities - the unfair and avoidable PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT
differences in health status seen
within and between countries. ● safe water and clean air, healthy
workplaces, safe houses,
The determinants of health include: communities and roads all
contribute to good health.
● The social and economic
environment, the physical EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING
environment, and the person’s CONDITIONS
individual characteristics and
behaviors. ● people in employment are healthier,
● The context of people’s lives particularly those who have more
determines their health, and so control over their working
blaming individuals for having poor conditions
health or crediting them for good
health is inappropriate. Individuals SOCIAL SUPPORT NETWORKS
are unlikely to be able to directly
● greater support from families,
control many of the determinants
friends and communities is linked to
of health.
better health.

● higher income and social status are

linked to better health.
● The greater the gap between the ● customs and traditions, and the
Mrs. Irene R. Mina
Encoded by: Kyna Cathleen M. Galolo

beliefs of the family and community

all affect health.


● inheritance plays a part in

determining lifespan, healthiness
and the likelihood of developing
certain illnesses.



● balanced eating, keeping active,

smoking, drinking, and how we
deal with life’s stresses and
challenges all affect health.


● access and use of services that

prevent and treat disease influences


● Men and women suffer from

different types of diseases at
different ages.

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