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'spro/v\ asaql asn 'uroorsself.rno^ ut s6utr.

aql ]noqe suorlsanb.ra^ sue pue )isv slted ut )iloM
.roou alll uo saqlo l ere 3.raql 8
sraurerllo t ed s,a.rJql /
der abuero " """ " l,us a.raql 9
ip.loM pa.|ol qlea]ol lurod ouo 1a6 nol no^ dlaq ""
sAa>1 l,ua..rp eroql S
o1 6 xf ur uorlesra^uol aq] asn lr llads o] Moq raul.rPd
lloq sr araLll ,
.rno^ )sp pup lrun s ql uor.l p.roM e asooql sired ur )ton^ 'auoqd al qou.r l,usr araLll €
slroqs 1o red sr o]aL_.lI z
arP araLll L
'luo rc atuos 'uo 'o tqlttu'
'uorlesra^uof oql astlleJd slted ut)loM 9 x3 urernl:rd aql lnoqe sa)ualuos aq1 a1alduol
ffiffi q!tM
'spJo^ asaqt qtlm (H-V) atnl:rd aq1 ur s6urq1aq1 q:1e6
Storler This is mel

Family date of birth (n) mean (v) dictionary (n)
aunt(y) (n) email address (n) of course (phr) light (n)
brother (n) first name (n) open (v) noticeboard (n)
cousin (n) lanquage (n) page (n) pen (n)
dad (n) nationality (n) pair (n) pencil (n)
grandma (n) postcode (n) put (the light) on (phr v) poster (n)
grandpa (n) signature (n) put (your hand) up (phr v) shelf (n)
grandparents (n, p/) street name (n) repeat (y) wall (n)
mum (n) surname (n) spell (v) window (n)
sister (n) telephone number (n) turn to (phr v) Other
uncle (n) website address (n) work in pairs (phr) bag (n)
Titles Classroom Ianguage Things in a classroom belt (n)
l"liss (n) Can you say that again, bin (n) cap (n)
Mr (n) please? (phr) book (n) jeans (n)
Mrs (n) complete (v) bookcase (n) mobile phone (n)
f,ls (n) double (v) chair (n) money (n)
ldentlty here you are (phr) clock (n) (pair of) shorts/trainers (n)
age (n) in a minute (phr) computer (n) socks (n, p0
birthday (n) look (it) up (phr v) cupboard (n) towel (n)
date (n) match (v) cushion (n) T-shirt (n)
water (n)

. ,' Find the following in the wordlist. !li.i l[ s 4 Listen and complete the questions with words

I four words that describe men in a family or phrases from the wordlist.
2 four things that you can find on a wall inaclassroom 1 A:What'syour.............................?
B: Smith. My name's Emma Smith.
3 four things you can wear on your body
2 A: What's his .......................,..... ?
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. B: lt's 26 l.4arch 2003.
1 My aunty / cousin Rose is my dad's sister 3 A: What's the school ............................. ?
B: lt's GL7 6J I"i.
2 Can you repeat / spell your question? I didn't hear
you. 4 A: What s Orla's .................._.......... ?

3 This bin / cushion is really soft and comfortable. B: lrish. She's from Dublin.

4 lt's very dark. Can you put the light /poster on, 5 A: What's the ......................,...... for the shop?
please? B: lt's

5 The information about chess club is on the clock / 5 A: What's lYatt's ............................. ?
noticeboard. B: lt's 07793 982 77 6.

6 There's more paper inside the shelf / cupboard.


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