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Topic : Organic Farming

Name of the Village:
K. Sravani
II B.Sc,MPC(2021-2022)
HALL TICKET:206030052008

Lecturer in Physics
GDC, Rajampet-516115

Affiliated to



1.Introduction about Organic Forming

2.Socio-Economic Survey of Village
3.Problems Identified and Analyses of problems
4.Community Awareness Programme Conducted write the Problems an


7.Recommendations and Conclusions


1. introduction about Organic farming

about Gundluru

Gundluru is a Village in Rajampet Mandal,Annamayya district of

AndhraPradesh state in India.It is a Major Gram Panchayat with the area of
100.41 sq km.
Population: 1. According to 2011 census population is 35,310. But in 2022 is
estimated to be 40,355 among that 18060 are males and 17971 are females as
per 2011 census.
2. The Population density in this area is 1/Sq Km
3. Rajempet Mandal sex ratio is 954 females per 1000 of males.
Literacy:Literate people are 19723 out of 11160 are male and 8563 are female.
Agriculture:Total 939 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of
757 arecultivated by men and 182 are women.The agricultural commodities are
Health: Gundluru having 1- CHC CENTRE (Govt Hospital) ,1 PHC Centre
(Rajempeta),And nearly ~15 private health care centers.
Sanitation: Gundluru is a major gram pranchayat with a good sanitation system
, having52 sanitations workers . And recently proposed for underground

Water Resources: Water resources are good in not only for the drinking and
dailyusage but also for better agriculture.Main water resource for Gundluru is
papagni river. And ground water levels arealso in normal range only.And in
town there is one water tank and constructing one more tank for theconvenience
of citizen.
Over view: In town there are 7 Grama sachivalayas are there (in town only), 18
Visiting places:
⮚ saibaba temple,nandhaluru bridge
Nearby visiting places : Agriculture lands , annamaiah Project,sominadha
Myself I take gundluru villege for CSP Programme.There it has
1.200 houses with population 500.
2.There ST Families: 05,SC Families:05, BC Families:05, OC Families:18
3.Literate rate is nearly 80%
4.Regarding Income below Rs50000/- per anum is 35 families,above Rs
51000to 1,00,000/- is and 12 families and above 1,00,000/-is 03 families.
5.Regarding occupation Agriculture is 16 families,Labour 05
families,Contracors 05 families Employees 24 families.
6.No of families benifitted from Govt Schemes a)Central:Nil b) State:15
7. No of families having drinking water source:200Families
8.No of Families Vaccinated:28

2. Organic Farming Survey of Village

3. Problems Identified and Analyses of problems
The following problems are identified.
 Deforestation. Intensive farming causes soil degradation and leads to the
expansion of new lands. ...
 Pest and weed resistance to chemicals. ...
 Soil degradation. ...
 Impact on natural habitats. ...
 Water pollution. ...
 Climate change.
5.Community Awareness Programme Conducted write the Problems and
their outcomes.



o Organic products are often appraised for their benefits to health and the
environment. There is a lot of hype around organic and not wrongly so.
But when it comes to farming and producing organic food, you should be
aware that it also requires a lot of effort to deal with. the many challenges
of organic farming.
o However, young and farmers interested in joining the organic farming
bandwagon should not be deterred from it. Instead, they should be aware
of them in order to make an informed choice and be better prepared to
deal with those challenges.
o So, what are the main problems of organic agriculture? Let’s find out.
o The Challenges of Organic Farming that Farmers Have to Deal With
o 1. Time is Critical
o One of the main problems of organic farming is that of timing. This does
not concern all cases, but generally, organic produce and meats require
efficient supply chains to reach the market quicker.
o The main difference between organic from conventional farming
methods is using fewer chemicals throughout food production. But
despite the obvious health benefits, organic products are generally more
susceptible to decay for various reasons. From temperature fluctuations
during transportation and generally less forgiving shelf life, organic
products need to be consumed sooner to ensure food safety and appeal.
o 2. Pests Want your Organic Products too
o Another critical challenge of organic farming is that of pest infestations
that are as old as farming itself. Pests such as rodents or insects, if not
controlled, are responsible for the destruction of crops. For that reason,
humans have been using chemicals known as pesticides to deal with them
effectively for a long time now. However, as many of those chemicals are
not of natural origin and are toxic to the environment, they are not
allowed in organic farming.
o As a result, organic producers have to find alternative and effective ways
to deal with pests. Even though pesticides are banned from organic
farming, there are still some pesticides from natural ingredients that
organic farmers can still use. Other ways to dealing with pests include
diversified crops, employing traps, mating disruption, or the use of birds
and other insects.
o 3. It is Harder to Market Organic Products
o As mentioned above, in organic agriculture it is important that products
reach the market quickly in order to remain fresh and nutritious.
However, living in a culture where commuting long distances and online
ordering is the norm, organic produce is at a disadvantage.
o For this reason, organic farmers need to find local channels of
distributing their products that may not always be possible. Alternatively,
farmers should invest in top-quality climate control vehicles to allow
longer transportation. That way, organic products can reach distant
markets where demand is high.
o 4. Limited Supply of Organic Food
o One final challenge of organic farming is that production yields are lower
compared to conventionally grown food. In addition to lower production,
mainly due to not using industrial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides,
organic agriculture also requires more land to meet the previous
production levels.
o To deal with it, farmers should do their homework and plan ahead for
their crops. They need to make sure that a specific variety or type of crop
is suitable for the area and to make sure that what they cultivate is always
in season..

7.Recommendations and Conclusion

Organic farming is the best and the most viable alternative for traditional
farming techniques.The producer of organic farming has high nutritional value
in comparison to conventional food.Organic farming helps in reducing soil
pollution and air pollution.Use of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides
will poison our food cycle.India has the most organic farmers in the whole
world.The only disadvantage of organic farming is it is costlier in comparison to
conventional farming methods.Consumption of organic food has many health
benefits as compared to conventional food.The two types of organic farming are
pure organic farming and integrated organic farming.The economy of scale
cannot be achieved through organic farming since the production is in smaller
amounts in comparison to conventional agriculture methods.Health-conscious
consumers around the world are increasingly demanding organic foods in the
8. References:
 Organic farming is an agricultural system that uses fertilizers of organic
origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal and places
emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. It
originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing
farming practices. Certified organic agriculture accounts for 70 million
hectares globally, with over half of that total in Australia.[1] Organic
farming continues to be developed by various organizations today.
Biological pest control, mixed cropping and the fostering of insect
predators are encouraged. Organic standards are designed to allow the use
of naturally-occurring substances while prohibiting or strictly limiting
synthetic substances.[2] For instance, naturally-occurring pesticides such
as pyrethrin are permitted, while synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are
generally prohibited. Synthetic substances that are allowed include, for
example, copper sulfate, elemental sulfur and Ivermectin. Genetically
modified organisms, nanomaterials, human sewage sludge, plant growth
regulators, hormones, and antibiotic use in livestock husbandry are
prohibited.[3][4] Organic farming advocates claim advantages in
sustainability,[5][6] openness, self-sufficiency, autonomy and
independence,[6] health, food security, and food safety.


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