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Mahesh Biology Classes

Class: - II Pu
Topic: - Microbes in Human Welfare

Microbes in Household Products

1. Choose the correct option with regard to statement A and B. A: Microbes are present
everywhere on earth.
B: They cannot live in thermal vents where temperature is as high as 100C.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is incorrect (b) Statements A and B are correct
(c) Statement A is incorrect but B is correct (d) Statements A and B are incorrect
2. Prions are infectious agents.
(a) Lipidic (b) Sugar containing
(c) Proteinaceous (d) Poison containing
3. Microbes after growth on a nutritive medium forms .
(a) Group (b) Colonies (c) Species (d) Family
4. is/are responsible for converting milk into curd.
(a) Lactobacillus only (b) Lactobacillus and other microbes
(c) Microbes other than lactobacillus (d) (a) or (c)
5. Choose the correct option with regard to statement A and B.
A: Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are responsible for converting milk into curd.
B: LAB creates acidic medium necessary to coagulate and fully digest the milk proteins.
(a) Statements A and B are correct (b) Statements A and B are incorrect.
(c) Statement A is correct but B is incorrect (d) Statement B is correct and A is incorrect
6. If someone wants to make curd from milk, a small amount of curd is added to fresh milk. The small amount of curd
containing millions of LAB is known as
(a) Accelerator (b) Promoter (c) Inoculum (d) Germ
7. To prevent curd from getting sour, which parameter should be essentially controlled?
(a) Quantity of milk (b) Amount of LAB added initially
(c) Temperature of the surrounding (d) Amount of O2 in surrounding air
8. Which vitamin is synthesized by LAB?
(a) Vitamin B2 (b) Vitamin B6 (c) Vitamin B5 (d) Vitamin B12
9. The puffed-up dough of dosa and idli is due to .
(a) Fermentation by bacteria and production of O2.
(b) Hydrolysis by bacteria and production of CO2.
(c) Fermentation by bacteria and production of CO2.
(d) Hydrolysis by bacteria and production of O2.
10. Which microbe helps us in the preparation of bread?
(a) Bacteria (b) Yeast (c) Fungi (d) Algae
11. Baker’s yeast is .
(a) Saccharomyces cariocanus (b) Saccharomyces florentinus
(c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (d) Saccharomyces spencerorum

12. is a traditional drink of south India.

(a) Wine (b) Toddy (c) Tequila (d) Rum
13. The traditional drink of south India is made by fermenting sap from tree.
(a) Eucalyptus (b) Coconut (c) Palm (d) Date
14. ‘Swiss cheese’ bears large holes due to the production of CO2 by which microbe?
(a) Lactobacillus (b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(c) Propionibacterium shermanii (d) Aspergillus niger

15. Just as, Swiss cheese it to bacteria, Roquefort cheese is to .

(a) Algae (b) Yeast (c) Bacteria (d) Fungi
16. Roquefort cheese is ripened by growing a specific fungus on it which gives it a particular
Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
(a) Texture (b) Large holes (c) Flavour (d) Colour
Microbes in Industrial Products
1. Vessels for growing microbes on industrial scale are known as .
(a) Incubators (b) Sterilizers (c) Fermenters (d) Microbial vessels
2. Alcoholic beverages are produced by microbial fermentation of
(a) Malted cereals (b) Fruit juices (c) Vegetable juices (d) Both (a) and (b)
3. Brewer’s Yeast is
(a) Saccharomyces cariocanus (b) Saccharomyces florentinus
(c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (d) Saccharomyces spencerorum

4. is the alcoholic beverage obtained without distillation.

(a) Whiskey (b) Brandy (c) Wine (d) Rum
5. Point the odd one out.
(a) Rum (b) Beer (c) Whiskey (d) Brandy
6. ‘Antibiotics’ literally means
(a) Protecting life (b) Against life (c) Healing life (d) Accelerating life
7. Penicillin was discovered by .
(a) Edward Jenner (b) Louis Pasteur (c) Alexander Fleming (d) Howard Florey
8. Penicillin was discovered by chance as the organism producing it retarded the growth of
(a) Lactobacilli (b) Staphylococci (c) Streptococci (d) E. Coli
9. The name penicillin was given after the mould .
(a) Penicillium notatum (b) Penicillium chrysogenum
(c) Penicillium candidum (d) Penicillium glaucum

10. The full potential as an effective antibiotic in the context of penicillin was studied by
(a) Sutton and Boveri (b) Chain and Florey (c) Watson and Crick (d) Edward Jenner
11. Penicillin was extensively used during which war?
(a) World War I (b) World War II (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Cold War
12. soldiers were extensively treated with penicillin during World War II.
(a) German (b) Austrian (c) American (d) Japanese
13. ‘Gal ghotu’ is a common name for which disease?
(a) Whooping cough (b) Diphtheria (c) Plague (d) Leprosy
17. ‘Kusht rog’ is a common name for which disease?
(a) Dermatitis (b) Plague (c) Leprosy (d) Whooping cough
18. Citric acid is produced by .
(a) Aspergillus niger (b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (c) Lactobacillus (d) Clostridium butylicum
19. Acetobacter aceti essentially produces .
(a) Citric acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Butyric acid (d) Lactic acid
20. Which microbe produces butyric acid?
(a) Sachharomyces cerevisiae (b) Clostridium butylicum
(c) Aspergillus niger (d) Propionibacterium shermanii
21. A bacterium which is a rich source of lactic acid is .
(a) Lactobacillus (b) Aspergillus (c) Clostridium (d) Saccharomyces
22. Which enzyme produced by microbes is an important ingredient in detergent formulations?
(a) Urease (b) Lipase (c) Pectinase (d) Cleansase

23. The fruit juices available commercially are clearer than ones which are homemade. Which ingredient is added in
Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
commercially available fruit juices?
(a) Lipase and protease (b) Pectinase and hydrolase
(c) Pectinase and protease (d) Hydrolase and protease
24. Which enzyme is known as ‘clot-buster’?
(a) Protease (b) Thrombokinase (c) Streptokinase (d) Hydrolase
25. ‘Clot-buster’ is produced by which microbe?
(a) Staphylococcus (b) Streptococcus (c) Penicillium (d) Aspergillus
26. The enzyme streptokinase is used medicinally to
(a) Check growth of microbes in body fluids
(b) Remove blood clots from the blood vessels
(c) Weaken walls of blood vessels
(d) Create blood clots in blood vessels
27. Which drugs are often administered before and after organ transplant procedure?
(a) Immunomodulators (b) Immunosuppressants
(c) Vaccination (d) Anabolic steroids
28. Which drug is generally administered at the time of organ-transplant procedure?
(a) Actinomycin-D (b) Bleomycin (c) Cyclosporin-A (d) Paclitaxel
29. Cyclosporine-A is produced by fungus .
(a) Trichoderma polysporum (b) Penicillium notatum
(c) Micromonospora (d) Aspergillus niger

30. Blood cholesterol lowering agents are known as .

(a) Steroids (b) Statins (c) Lipolytics (d) Diuretics
31. Monascus purpureus is a commercial source of .
(a) Antibiotics (b) Statins (c) Pectinase (d) Ethanol
32. The mechanism of action of statins is .
(a) Allosteric inhibition of enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol.
(b) Competitive inhibition of enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol.
(c) Irreversible inhibition of enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol.
(d) None of the above

Fill in the blanks

1. Microorganism such as ___________ and others commonly called ___________ grow in milk and convert it to curd.
2. In the dough used for making dosa and idli, the puffed-up appearance of it is due to the production of ___________
3. The dough used for making bread is fermented using ___________
4. The scientific name of Baker’s yeast is ___________
5. ___________ is a traditional drink in some parts of southern India that is made by fermenting sap from palms.
6. The large holes in ‘Swiss cheese’ are due to production of large amount of ___________ by a bacterium named
7. The ‘Rouefort cheese’ is ripened by growing specific ___________ on them which gives them a particular flavor.
8. The alcoholic drink ___________ and beer are produced without distillation whereas ___________,
___________ and rum are produced by distillation of fermented broth.
9. ___________ was the first antibiotic to be discovered by ___________.
10. Alexander Fleming while working on ___________ observed that the mould named ___________ growing in unwashed plate
produced penicillin because of which bacteria was not able to grow around mould.
11. Fill the correct acid producer of respective acid: citric acid by ___________ , acetic acid by ___________,
butyric acid by ___________ , and lactic acid by ___________ .
12. ___________ enzymes are used in detergent formulations and are helpful in removing oily stains from the laundry.
13. Streptokinase is produced by bacterium ___________.
14. Cyclosporin A is used as immunosuppressive agent in organ transplant patients is produced by fungus ___________.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
15. ___________ produced by the yeast ___________ have been commercialized as blood-cholesterol lowering agents.
Board Questions
1. Mention any two significant roles of LAB.
2. Write any two uses of LAB other than its role in converting milk into curd.
3. Name any two distilled and two undistilled alcoholic beverages.
4. Name two enzymes used to clarify bottled juices.
5. Name any two bacteria which are used in the production of organic acids.
6. Mention the scientific name of the source organism of streptokinase. How does this bioactivemolecule
function in our body?
7. Mention the scientific name of the source organism of cyclosporine-A. Mention the function of
cyclosporine A.
8. Mention the scientific name of the source organism of antibiotic penicillin. Mention thefunction of
9. List any two bioactive molecules of fungal origin and explain how those molecules help inrestoring
good health in humans.


1. Write about any three microorganisms and their role in household products.
2. What are antibiotics? Name the first antibiotic to be discovered and the person who discoveredit.
3. Mention any three bacteria which are used in the production of organic acids. Mention theproducts
obtained from them.


1. Explain the role of microbes in house-hold products.
2. Explain the role of microbes in the production of industrial products.
3. Write the scientific names of microbes from which following products are obtained:
(a) Ethanol (b) Acetic acid (c) Butyric acid (d) Citric acid (e) Lactic acid
4. Write the products obtained from following microorganisms:
(a) Clostridium butylicum (b) Trichoderma polysporum (c) Aspergillus niger (d) Monascuspurpureus (e)

Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375

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