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Mahesh Biology Classes

Class: - II Pu
Topic: - Microbes in Human Welfare

Microbes in Sewage Treatment

1. Municipal waste water is also known as .
(a) Drainage (b) Sewage (c) Spillage (d) Gutter
2. Sewage is treated in .
(a) STD (b) STP (c) SPT (d) SDT
3. STP stands for
(a) Sequential Topographical Projection (b) Standard Test Procedure
(c) Sewage Treatment Plant (d) None of these
4. Which microbes help in sewage treatment?
(a) Autotrophic (b) Heterotrophic (c) Symbiotic (d) Saprophytic
5. Sewage water treatment is done in how many stages?
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
6. Primary treatment of sewage waste involves which processes?
(a) Filtration and incubation
(b) Sedimentation and decantation
(c) Filtration and sedimentation
(d) Sedimentation and microbial proliferation

7. In sewage treatment plant, primary treatment involving removal of floating debris is done by
(a) Vacuum filtration (b) Pressure filtration
(c) Sequential filtration (d) Sedimentation
8. In primary treatment of sewage water, removal of grit involves which process?
(a) Decantation (b) Picking (c) Filtration (d) Sedimentation
9. In primary treatment of sewage water, after sedimentation, the solids that settle form
(a) Activated sludge (b) Primary sludge
(c) Secondary sludge (d) Both (a) and (c)
10. The supernatant left after sedimentation of sewage water during primary treatment is knownas
(a) Affluent (b) Flocs (c) Sludge (d) Effluent
11. Which of the following is transferred from primary setting tank to another tank for secondarytreatment?
(a) Grit (b) Sludge (c) Effluent (d) Floc
12. The secondary treatment of sewage waste is also known as .
(a) Chemical treatment (b) Physical treatment
(c) Biological treatment (d) Detoxification
13. Which of the following is used in secondary treatment of sewage water?
(a) Fermentation tanks (b) Digester tanks
(c) Detoxification tanks (d) Aeration tanks
14. What kind of microbes is present in ‘flocs’ formed during secondary treatment of sewage?
(a) Aerobic (b) Anaerobic
(c) Symbiotic (d) Aero tolerant
15. In context of secondary treatment of sewage, ‘flocs’ is associated with which microbes?
(a) Bacteria and algae (b) Algae and fungus
Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
(c) Fungi and bacteria (d) Fungi and lichen
16. What is BOD?
(a) Bacterial Oxygen Demand (b) Biological Organic Debris
(c) Biochemical Organic Demand (d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
17. The ‘flocs’ present in large aeration tanks causes in BOD.
(a) Decrease (b) Increase (c) No change (d) Either (a) or (b)
18. BOD can be defined as
(a) Amount of CO2 consumed if all the inorganic matter in one litre of water is oxidized by bacteria.
(b) Amount of O2 consumed if all the organic matter in one decilitre of water is reduced by bacteria.
(c) Amount of O2 consumed if all the organic matter in one litre of water is oxidized by bacteria.
(d) Amount of O2 consumed if all the inorganic matter in one litre of water is oxidized by bacteria.

19. BOD is the measure of in water.

(a) Organic matter (b) Inorganic matter
(c) Bacterial load (d) Toxicity
20. BOD polluting potential of waste water.
(a) Is not proportional to (b) Is directly proportional to
(c) Is inversely proportional to (d) None of these
21. Once BOD from the sewage is reduced significantly, the ‘flocs’ are allowed to sediment and it is known
(a) Primary sludge (b) Secondary sludge
(c) Activated sludge (d) Inactivated sludge
22. The remaining major part of activated sludge is pumped into large tanks called .
(a) Aerobic fermenters (b) Anaerobic fermenters
(c) Aerobic Sludge digesters (d) Anaerobic sludge digesters
23. In an anaerobic sludge digester, anaerobically digesting bacteria digest which microbes?
(a) Fungi (b) Bacteria (c) Algae (d) Both (a) and (b)
24. In an anaerobic sludge digester, during the digestion process, mixture of gases like are produced.
(a) CH4, H2O, O2 (b) C2H6, H2S, CO2
(c) CH4, H2O2, CO2 (d) CH4, H2S, CO2

25. The gases that evolve from anaerobic sludge digester constitute .
(a) Natural gas (b) Biogas (c) Water gas (d) None of these
26. After secondary treatment, the effluent is released into
(a) Digester tank (b) Filtration unit
(c) Water bodies (d) Chemical treatment unit
27. Which ministry has initiated Ganga Action Plan and Yamuna Action Plan?
(a) Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
(b) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(c) Ministry of Community Health and Diseases
(d) Ministry of Environment and Forest

28. Which gas is the main constituent of biogas?

(a) H2S (b) CH4 (c) C2H6 (d) C3H8
29. The gas produced as end-product during growth and metabolism of microbes depends on
(a) Nature of microbe and substrate (b) Nature of digester tank and microbe
(c) Nature of microbe only (d) Oxygen levels in the digester tank
Microbes in Production of Biogas
30. Methanogens produce certain gases by growing on cellulosic material. What kind of organ-isms are they?
(a) Fungi (b) Algae (c) Bacteria (d) Lichen

Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
31. Methanogens are microbes.
(a) Anaerobic (b) Aerobic (c) Microaerophiles (d) Aerotobront

32. Methanogens produces which gases amongst the following list of gases?
CH4, O2, CO2, H2O2, H2S, H2
(a) CH4, H2O2, H2 (b) H2S, H2, CO2
(c) CH4, H2, CO2 (d) H2S, H2O2, CO2

33. The most commonly found methanogens in anaerobic sludge is .

(a) Ethanobacterium (b) Methanobacterium
(c) Cyanobacterium (d) Both (b) and (c)
34. The rumen of cattle harbours which bacteria?
(a) Methanogens (b) Cyanobacteria
(c) Cellulogens (d) Ethanogens
35. What is the role of bacteria present in the rumen of cattle?
(a) Production of methane (b) Regulation of digestion
(c) Breakdown of cellulose (d) Synthesis of polysaccharides
36. Gobar gas is the same as .
(a) Water gas (b) Biogas
(c) Natural gas (d) None of these
37. The depth of concrete tank, a part of biogas plant, ranges from to .
(a) 10–15 feet (b) 10–15 metre
(c) 15–20 feet (d) 15–20 metre
38. What is the input material for a biogas plant?
(a) Bio wastes (b) Slurry of dung
(c) Industrial waste (d) Both (a) and (b)
39. A is placed over the slurry in biogas plant.
(a) Gas holder (b) Floating cover
(c) Digester (d) Gas filter
40. The spent slurry in a biogas plant is used as .
(a) Pesticide (b) Fertilizer
(c) Insecticide (d) Herbicide
41. Apart from cooking, biogas is generally used in rural areas for .
(a) Mechanical work (b) Lighting
(c) Chemical transformation (d) None of these
42. Which institutes have actively participated in the development of technology for biogasproduction?
(a) IIT and KVIM (b) IISC and KVIC
(c) KVIC and IARI (d) IARI and KVIM
43. IARI stands for
(a) Indian Aviation Research Institute (b) Indian Aerospace Research Institute
(c) Indian Atomic Research Institute (d) Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Microbes in Biocontrol Agents

44. Biocontrol refers to
(a) Indiscriminate use of microbes for human welfare
(b) Use of microbes to control plant diseases
(c) Use of microbes to control cattle diseases

Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
(d) Both (b) and (c)

45. A beetle with ‘red and black’ markings is known as .

(a) Dragonfly (b) Ladybird (c) Clever Wasp (d) Queen Ant
46. Dragonflies are useful to get rid of .
(a) Ladybird (b) Aphids
(c) Mosquitoes (d) Both (b) and (c)
47. Butterfly caterpillars can be controlled by use of the microbe .
(a) Bacillus stearothermophilus (b) Bacillus thuringiensis
(c) Bacillus Chemophilus (d) Bacillus terminates

48. ‘Bt’ is available in sachets as dried .

(a) Spores (b) Capsules
(c) Seeds (d) Both (a) and (b)
49. ‘Bt’ spores are mixed with and sprayed on vulnerable plants.
(a) Only alcohol (c) Any organic solvent
(b) Only water (d) Any aqueous solvent
50. Scientists have introduced gene into plants to impart resistance to insect pests.
(a) Ct gene (b) Bt gene (c) Tt gene (d) Mt gene
51. Which fungus is used in plants to provide control against pests?
(a) Aspergillus (b) Trichoderma (c) Trichophyton (d) Rhizopus
52. are the pathogens that attack insects and other arthropods.
(a) Rhinovirus (b) Baculovirus (c) Ranikhet Virus (d) Bean Virus
53. Baculovirus belongs to the genus
(a) Retrohedro Virus (b) Nucleohedero-Virus
(c) Nucleopolyhedro Virus (d) Polyhedral Virus

54. IPM stands for

(a) Indian Pollution Management (b) Institute of Pest Management
(c) Integrated Pest Management (d) Institute of Pollution Management
55. Root nodules of leguminous plants bear which microbe?
(a) Rhizopus (b) Rhino virus
(c) Rhizome (d) Rhizobium

56. are free living bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen in soil.
(a) Azobacterium (b) Acetobacterium
(c) Azotobacter (d) Azabacterium
57. Fungi which form symbiotic associations with plants are .
(a) Rhizobium (b) Mycorrhiza
(c) Azospirillum (d) Oscillatoria

58. Mycorrhiza absorbs from soil and passes it to the plant.

(a) K (b) P
(c) Fe (d) Mg
59. bacteria fixes atmospheric N2 in aquatic and terrestrial environments.
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Azotobacter
(c) Methanobacteria (d) Mycorrhiza

60. serve as an important bio-fertilizer in paddy fields.

(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Azotobacter
(c) Methanobacterium (d) Mycorrhiza

61. Which microbe adds organic matter to the soil to increase its fertility?
Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Blue-green algae
(c) Rhizobium (d) Trichoderma


62. What does ‘P’ indicate in the figure?

(a) Dung and vegetable waste (b) Water and dung
(c) Vegetable and human excreta (d) All of these
63. What does ‘R’ indicate in the figure?
(b) Effluent (b) Gas
(c) Gas holder (d) Filtration
64. What does ‘S’ indicate in the figure?
(c) Digester (b) Gas purifier
(c) Gas holder (d) Sludge tank
65. What does ‘T’ indicate in the figure?
(a) By-product collector (b) Sludge
(c) Digester (d) Gas holder
66. What does ‘U’ indicate in the figure?
(a) Gas holder (b) Digester
(c) Sludge (d) waste collector


1. Write the steps involved in primary treatment of sewage.
2. What is BOD? Write its significance.
3. What are flocs? Write their significance in sewage treatment.
4. Name two groups of organisms which constitute flocs. Write their significance.
5. Name any two gases produced during sludge digestion in sewage treatment.
6. Write two uses of biogas.
7. Biocontrol of insects and pests is desirable and beneficial compared to the use of insecticidesand

Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375
pesticides. Justify this with two reasons.
8. Give any two examples for free living bacteria which can fix atmospheric nitrogen.
9. Give any two examples for cyanobacteria which can fix atmospheric nitrogen.
How do cyanobacteria act as biofertilizers?


10. Explain three biological methods to control pests and diseases.
11. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Biogas plant.
12. Explain the role of any three microorganisms as biofertilizers.
13. Mention any three significances for plants having symbiotic association with fungi.
14. List any three benefits for plants from mycorrhiza.


15. Explain different stages involved in sewage treatment.
16. Describe the biogas plant with a neat labeled diagram.
17. Explain the role of any five microorganisms as biocontrol agents.
18. Describe the role of microbes as biofertilizers.

Dr. Mahesh Kumar M.K., Msc., Ph.D For NEET, KCET, PU Board classes Contact -7411861375

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