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Friends and family, #2, #3

1. Do you come from a big family? 1. No. I come from a small family with 4 members.
2. Could you tell me about one of your 2. Yes. I have a very close friend, we have known each other for 5 years. She is an
friends? energetic, kind and quite funny person.
3. Who are the most important people 3. My family is the most important people to me, they are always ready to be with
in your life? me, care and love me unconditionally.
4. Do you prefer spending time with 4. I like to spend my free time with my family. After all the pressure and fatigue,
your friends or your family? when I have free time I will go back home because then I really get to rest and
have almost nothing to do.
5. How important is it to have a best 5. The most important thing when having a good friend is that two people must
friend? respect each other and not take advantage of the other's trust.
6. What kind of activities do you enjoy 6. I like to watch sports with my family. Everyone in my family loves sports, so
doing with your friends? What about every time there is a national tournament, especially football, we often sit and talk
your family? and watch together.
7. Is it easy for you to make new 7. Are not. I'm not one to open my heart and trust someone easily. My current
friends? friends are mostly the ones sitting next to me in class.
8. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 8. Yes. I have a younger sister who is 15 years old. My brother is quite stubborn, not
9. How often do you meet with your very communicative, but very kind.
friends? 9. I often meet with friends. We often go to each other's rooms or gather at a certain
10.Have you ever had an argument with restaurant on the weekend.
a friend? Why? 10.Have you ever had an argument with a friend? Why?
11.What person from your family has 11.That was my grandmother. Because back in the day I was a very stubborn child
had the biggest influence on you? and often quarreled with my father. After times like that, they often teach me how
to control myself.
12.What do you like the most about 12.I really like her kindness and comfort when I need her, she is available and so am
your best friend? I.
13.How do you keep in touch with 13.I have a friend who is working in Taiwan and we still regularly text and video call
friends from other cities or by mess or zalo.
14.What are some important qualities 14.I like people who when I need them can listen to me, give me advice, and can be
you look for in a friend? there for me when I need it.
15.When you need help or advice, who 15.If I study, I often ask my mother because my mother is a teacher, but if it is
do you usually ask for it? spiritual, I will ask my grandmother.
16.Do you have any friends that are 16.Yes. I have a friend who was my classmate in high school and we got along well,
very different from you? but she's a confident extrovert and a good communicator completely different
from my personality.
17.Are you still in touch with your 17.Keeping in touch with old friends is very important because sometimes we need
friends from school? to know about events like class reunions, school anniversaries...
18.My longest friendship is 9 years. Before I became friends and studied together,
18.Tell about the longest friendship you we were cousins, but when we entered 6th grade we studied together and sat at
have had. the same table, we had the opportunity to talk and understand each other better.
But when we were in high school, we had 2 different schools but we still texted
and asked each other out to eat and now he's working in Taiwan, so we don't have
the chance to meet like we sometimes do. texting and sharing things with each
19.Have you ever met someone through 19.Yes. I have a friend through my best friend. Because we go to the same school,
a mutual friend? when we go out, that friend of my friend often comes down to play, because I sit
at the same table, I sometimes talk, and gradually become friends.
20.It is surely that. When I was in middle school, I didn't get close to many people,
20.How does friendship change maybe because my personality didn't match and at that time I was under pressure
people? from my family, which made me lack confidence and introverted. But in high
school, I met new friends who were relaxed, active, and positive... so my mood
became very much better.

Job and career, #2, #3

1. What skills are needed to be 1. The skills I need to succeed in my job include effective communication,
successful in your job? organization and management, critical thinking, teamwork, research, and
2. When you were a child, what did analysis.
you want to become? 2. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a businessman. Because I often admire the way
of thinking and the ability to communicate and make a lot of money for business
3. What jobs are in demand in your people.
country? 3. Jobs are in demand in my country: firstly, it is information technology, followed
4. Can you describe your dream job? by languages, business administration, marketing, ...
4. I want to be a financial analyst. Because it is a job suitable for the industry I am
pursuing and also it makes a lot of money.
5. Would rather work from home or at My job is pretty basic it needs that number of skills talking about the process...
the office? 5. I like to work in flexible places in the workplace: it can be at home, it can also be
at work. Because when working from home we can avoid traffic jams, as well as
save time during commuting, while going to work at the company we will work
6. Have you ever had to do something more efficiently and organized.
you did not enjoy at all? 6. 3 months ago, I had to join a group trip. My class has selected 5 people to
participate in that activity, but I am the chosen one, but because of that, I feel
7. Do you prefer working alone or with uncomfortable when I go with many people I don't know.
someone else? Why? 7. I like to work alone. Because then I can focus 100% on understanding all aspects
of that topic and know what I need to do. But sometimes there are only good
topics and a more difficult project needs a lot of people than I am willing to join
8. What jobs might become obsolete the group activity
with the increasing automation in 8. I think some manual industries like the processing and assembly of auto parts,
every sphere? motorcycles, food processing, etc. Because that process has been replaced by
9. When you are young, is it more robots - they work. More efficient and less costly...
important to work hard or to enjoy 9. I think when we are young we should prioritize work and enjoy life. This is the
life? time when we have health as well as full conditions to be able to develop as well
as learn, explore, and create.

Hobbies and free time, #2, #3

1. How do you usually spend your 1. I usually use my free time to read books, watch movies, and relax, but sometimes I
free time? also go to see my friends.
2. How do you prefer spending your 2. I like to spend my free time alone because I don't want to move, socialize, or
free time – alone or with others? interact with that person and don't want to be bothered.
3. Are you into any sports? 3. I do a few sports like volleyball and badminton and sometimes on weekends I go
cycling with my friends in Thong Nhat Park.
4. What does your perfect weekend 4. My perfect weekend is when I can sleep comfortably and have time to do what I
look like? love, time to cook my favorite dishes, hang out with friends...
5. Do you enjoy playing video 5. I don't like video games. When I feel bored and spend time, I usually read stories
games? and watch movies.
6. Have your interests changed 6. My interests have not changed much when I was young because I still like reading
much since you were a child? stories and still like to watch movies. And it's just that now I have a lot of friends so
I sometimes want to go out with them
7. Why does a person need to have 7. I think having a lot of leisure time is harmful to humans. Because in their free time,
a hobby? they will spend a lot of time using electronic devices such as phones, computers ...
that can harm their eyes and make them easily feel tired when doing something.
8. Is it important to spend free time 8. I think yes. Because it was back in the day when we lived with family we would
with your family? Why? feel quite pressured as well as bored. But when I go away, whenever I have free
time and have long holidays, I will often return home because there I feel
comfortable, cared for and cared for.

Home and hometown, #2, #3

1. Do you live in a flat or a house? 1. I live in a house near the coast of Thai Binh province with my family.
2. Who does the house chores in your 2. My mother is the one who does the housework in the family, but now that my
family? sisters and I do it, my mother has less to do.
3. How long have you been living in 3. I have lived in that house since I was born and now when I have to study away
your current accommodation? from home so I only return home from time to time.
4. Describe the room you live in. 4. I live in a one-story house. It has an area of about 140 square meters. My house
has 4 rooms: 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 3 bedrooms. In addition to living in
the countryside, my house also has a yard and a garden. So I feel really
comfortable living there.
5. Do you live alone or with somebody? 5. Before, I lived with my parents, but now that I am away from home, I live alone.
6. Would you move to a different area if 6. No. of course. Because I like the place I live, it's really peaceful, comfortable
you had a chance? and friendly with nature.
7. What do you like most about the 7. What I like most about the place I live is that it is friendly to nature, there is a lot
place you live at? of food, and the air there is also fresh and cool.
8. In what room of your house do you 8. I spend most of my time in my own room. Because there I can read stories,
spend most of your time? watch movies, do whatever, and sometimes I invite my friends over to my house
9. Do you have a favourite place in your to play.
town or city? 9. Perhaps the Con Den eco-tourism area is the most favorite tourist destination in
my city. Because there we can experience services such as experiencing a day at
10.What are people like in your the beach, eating a lot of seafood and swimming.
hometown? 10.People in my hometown are quite friendly, they live close to each other and live
11.Would you rather live in the city by fishing.
centre or in the countryside? 11.I like living in the countryside more than in the city because living in the
countryside makes us more comfortable and peaceful than if we have to live in a
12.What are the pros and cons of living busy city sometimes with haste.
in your own house? 12.Where I live is peaceful, fresh air. In addition, the cost of living is also quite
cheap. However, public transport is not as popular as in big cities. And people in
my place often travel by private vehicle.

Transport, #2, #3
1. How often do you use public transport? 1. I don't often use public transport, because I have my own private vehicle.
2. What form of transportation do you like 2. I like to travel by car the most because then I can focus on the scenery along
most? the way.
3. Is there anything you dislike about 3. I don't like public transport, especially buses, because the waiting time is
public transport? long and it's quite crowded.
4. How much time does it take you to get 4. It takes me 5 to 10 minutes to commute from home to school.
to work or a place to study?
5. What is the best way to get around your 5. Taking the bus is the best option to get around the city because then you can
city? see the city easily.
6. Are you afraid of flying on a plane? 6. I'm not afraid of flying because I'm not afraid of heights and I like to see the
view from above.
7. How do you usually commute?
7. I usually go to school as well as go out with friends on my motorbike.
8. What is the most used form of transport
8. Private motorbikes are the most common form of transportation in my
in your city? country.
9. What is the traffic situation in your
city? 9. In my country, the traffic is quite heavy and often congested during rush
10. Do you prefer travelling alone or with hours.
others? Why?
11. What type of transport do you think is 10. I like to travel with my friends because then I won't feel lonely and can have
the most environmentally friendly? good memories together.
12. How important is having a car where 11. I think electric vehicles are eco-friendly because they don't give off things
you live? like detox.
12. I think having a car is quite important because we can't ride a motorbike too
13. Do you think electric cars will replace far or a family wants to go out or move away from home, the car can carry
petrol cars in the future? If so, how many people.
soon will this happen? 13. I think it is possible and within the next 10 years electric cars will replace
gasoline cars because the world is tending to use environmentally friendly
fuels to reduce pollution and reduce pollution. global warming.

Nature and the environment, #2, #3

1. Do you have any parks or squares 1. Where I live, it's near Thong Nhat Park, it's about 1km from my house and I
where you live? often invite my friends to go cycling or walking there on weekends.
2. What animals can you see in your city? 2. Other than dogs and cats, I very rarely see other animals in the City.
3. What kinds of outdoor activities do you 3. The outdoor activities that I like are playing badminton and cycling because
enjoy doing? I can easily find people to join.
4. Have you ever taken part in any 4. When I was in high school, I used to participate in tree planting activities
environmental activism? organized by the school in the spring. At that time, we were involved in
planting trees in the coastal area for the purpose of protecting the dyke.
5. Have you ever visited a national park or 5. I once visited a national park reserve. It was after I passed high school, there
nature reserve? I had the opportunity to see many animals such as tigers, and peacock
monkeys, ...
6. Do you prefer urban or rural 6. I prefer the environment in the countryside because it is quite quiet there,
environments? Why? there are no traffic jams and the air is fresher than in the big city.

Studying, #2, #3
1. Do you currently study anything? 1. Currently, I am studying accounting and auditing under the international
associate program at NEU. This is a suitable course so it can help me become
a financial analyst.
2. What was your favorite subject at 2. Math is my favorite subject. The maths process is so much fun and I always
school? get good marks on my tests and get selected for the school's math teams.
3. What do you enjoy about learning 3. The thing that I like most about learning a foreign language is listening to the
foreign languages? teacher speak English.
4. What do you find most difficult about 4. For me, the hardest thing about English is listening skills and complicated
learning English? grammar.
5. Do you prefer online or classroom 5. I prefer to study in class, because learning in class helps me focus and
education? understand the lecture better and if there is anything I don't understand, I can
ask the teacher directly at that time.
6. Are extracurricular activities are 6. I think extracurricular activities are quite important in the learning process,
important for a student’s education? because in addition to what we learn from books, we should have
extracurricular activities to be more interesting and comfortable with students.
in the learning process.

Art (films, music, the theatre, literature etc.), #2, #3

1. Do you prefer reading or watching 1. I prefer reading books to watching movies because reading books has more
movies? Why? interesting topics than movies.
2. Do you prefer reading physical books 2. I prefer reading e-books because we can find and read things easily.
or electronic books?
3. What kind of music do you listen to? 3. I like soft music and I often listen to it when I feel uncomfortable or stressed.
4. Which do you like more – watching 4. I prefer to watch movies at the cinema than at home because when watching
movies at home or at the cinema? movies in theaters, the sound and pictures are more vivid and better.
5. What is your favourite movie genre? 5. I love horror movies because I like the excitement, curiosity, and suspense of
those movies.
6. Do you have a favorite actor or an 6. I have a favorite American singer and songwriter, it's Taylor Swift - she's a
artist? If so, who is that? very beautiful singer, and she has a beautiful voice and I love her song "Love
7. How often to you go to live concerts? story".
7. I have never been to a concert because I don't like crowded places and
8. In your opinion, does reading books especially I have not been able to attend concerts.
help improve your language skills? 8. That is for sure because reading a lot will help our vocabulary become richer
which makes communication more fluent and more flexible.

Travelling, #2, #3
1. How often do you travel abroad? And in 1. I have only recently had the opportunity to travel in the country. One has
your own country? been to some places like Sapa, Phu Quoc, Da Lat, Ninh Binh...
2. Tell me about the last place you visited. 2. In February this year, I had a Sapa trip for about 2 days with my
grandmother. We visited the temples and visited the beautiful sights in Sapa
and in the evening, I went with my brother and sister to love market and
here bought some souvenirs.
3. What kind of places do you like to visit 3. I like to go to places that are peaceful and have fresh air and are especially
when you travel? environmentally friendly
4. Do you have any friends who are keen 4. I have a group of friends who share the same hobby of traveling and
on travelling and tourism? exploring tourist destinations, we often go on free time and we often go on
1 to 2 day trips together.
5. What is your preferred mode of 5. If I go alone with my family, I prefer to go by car because I can comfortably
transportation when travelling? enjoy the scenery. But when I go with friends, I like to go by motorbike
because at that time I want to breathe in the natural atmosphere.
6. Do you have any plans to travel 6. It is surely that. I will come back to Sapa again because in the last trip, I did
somewhere in the future? not have the opportunity to climb to the top of Fansipan so I want to go
back there again.
7. Is shopping an important part of 7. In my travel, the most important thing is that I like to explore and
travelling for you? experience more. But when I go out, I still want to buy souvenirs, so
shopping is almost indispensable.
8. If you could visit any country, where
8. If I visit, I will go to Japan because I love to see the Cherry Blossoms and
would you go? Why?
it's called the land of anime.
City and the country, #2, #3
1. Where do you live – the city or 1 I live in the countryside. The place is very peaceful and beautiful.
the countryside?
2. Do you enjoy living in the 2 I prefer living in the countryside than living in the city because living in the
city/the country? Why/Why countryside will make you feel peaceful, comfortable, the atmosphere there is not as
not? stuffy as in big cities and especially, you there will be no traffic jams.
3. What are the advantages of 3 Living in the city centers will bring you convenience as well as: easy service
living in the city center? Are experiences, but besides that, in the city is too densely populated and often congested
there any disadvantages? with traffic. at peak hours.
4. What is the nightlife like in 4 Currently, I live in Hanoi, the nightlife in Hanoi usually starts at around 8 or 9 pm,
your city? Hanoi at night is quite bustling and vibrant.
5. In the future, do you think
more people live in the cities 5 Depending on the development of your hometown, for example, some provinces are
or in the country? being invested and developed, the demand for jobs is very large, as well as the level of
spending there is cheaper than in the city ... causing many people to go back to the
countryside to work. But besides that, there are also areas that are not really developed,
so the people there tend to go to big cities to work.

Weather and climate, #2, #3

1. What kind of climate do you live 1 In my hometown, because it is near the sea, the weather is quite pleasant, neither
in? Do you like it? too hot nor too cold. Even in winter, temperatures are quite mild. However, the
disadvantage of the climate in Thai Binh is the high humidity, so the preservation of
machinery and food is difficult and easily damaged.
2. What is your favorite season and 2 Autumn is my favorite season because it's a season where it's neither hot nor cold I
why? can comfortably go out without having to wear sunscreen.
3. Do you like it when it’s raining? 3 I like the rain because when it rains I usually sit by the window and watch the rain
fall and while I usually read stories, listen to music.
4. Which do you prefer – when it’s 4 Actually I prefer cloudy days because it is neither too hot nor too cold. And what's
cloudy or sunny? Why? more important to me is that I can go out comfortably.
5. What is the typical weather in 5 In recent years, the summer weather in my country is hot and the average
your country during the summer? temperature is from 36 to 39 degrees Celsius and there are frequent thunderstorms.
6. Has the climate changed in your 6 In recent years, due to climate change, my country's weather has changed markedly,
country over the years? If so, it can be easily felt as summer is becoming hotter and hotter and the time is longer,
how? while winter is shorter. and get warmer.
7. In your opinion, can climate 7 That is for sure, because climate change has caused many forests to burn, leaving
change lead to the extinction of animals without shelter, food sources becoming scarce, thereby leading to the
some species? extinction of many animals. object.
8. Do you think global warming is a 8 Global warming is certainly a very serious problem. It affects both animals and
serious issue? humans. Humans also need to adapt to live in hot weather to avoid shortness of
breath, heatstroke ... and it also leads to many species becoming extinct.

Holidays and celebrations, #2, #3

1 What is the biggest holiday in your 1 The biggest holiday in my country is Lunar New Year. This is an opportunity for
country? families to gather and get together. When Tet comes, everyone will buy together to
prepare for Tet.
2 What are the national holidays 2 In my country, there are a number of national festivals such as: Hung Kings
celebrated in your country? Anniversary, Lunar New Year, National Day on September 2, Reunification Day
on April 30...
3 How do you usually celebrate your 3 My birthday parties are usually small parties with family or friends.
4 What is your favorite holiday? 4 My favorite is summer vacation because then I will have time to go out with
5 Do people in your country have a friends or travel with family.
traditional dish for celebrations or 5 In my country, on every occasion of the whole wedding, people often make banh
holidays? chung to worship, as a traditional culture

Food and cuisine, #2, #3

1 What are the typical dishes in your 1. In my country Pho, Banh mi has become a typical food and has been known
country? and loved by many international people.
2 What kind of food do you prefer? 2. I like to eat Pho because it's easy to eat and especially it has a very good broth.
3 Do you like cooking? Why/Why not? 3. I love to cook because I want to cook delicious meals for my family.
4 Do you eat out? If so, how often? 4. I don't often eat out because I feel it's not good for my health, but sometimes I
do go out with friends and it usually takes from 1h or 1:30.
5 Would you say you’re a picky eater? 5. Sure, I'm a very picky eater, I don't like to eat vegetables and foods with weird
6 What is your favorite drink to have 6. Coke is a drink that I love to use with meals because it is so delicious and easy
with a meal? to drink.
7 Is there any type of food or dish you 7. I can't eat strange foods or some seafood because I have allergies.
don’t eat?
8 Why do people find fast food so 8. I think yes, because it is convenient for the user which can save time and it is
attractive? also decorated very nicely and nicely.

Animals and pets, #2, #3

1. Do you have any pets? 1. I don't have a pet. Because I don't have time and I'm not good at taking care.
2. Do you like animals? Why or why not? 2. I really like animals because they are quite cute and friendly.
3. What animals are popular as pets in 3. In my country, dogs and cats are the two most popular animals. In addition,
your country? some people like to keep hamsters, birds, rabbits...
4. Do you think people should have pets? 4. This, I think depends on many people because having a pet you need to be
Why or why not? economical and have time to take care of them.
5. Which animal makes a better pet – a cat 5. I think having a dog would be better. Because in my opinion, I like dogs
or a dog? Why? more than cats. Dogs can treat homes and especially dogs live longer than
6. Why people might want to have a pet? cats.
6. Because I think people want to have a pet so that they can satisfy their hobby,
7. Do you think pets should be allowed on also for some people having a pet helps to reduce their loneliness.
public transport? Why/Why not? 7. I think this is not. Because on public transport is quite crowded and has a lot
of smell it can make animals wary and uncomfortable in which case it can be
harmful to people. And more than that, many people they don't like and fear
8. Have you ever visited a zoo or an animals.
aquarium? Did you enjoy the visit? 8. I have also been to the zoo as well as the aquarium. In my opinion, I prefer
the aquarium, because I like to see the animals swimming in the blue water.

Technology and progress, #2, #3

1. How often do you use your mobile phone? 1. I quite often use my phone not only for studying but I also use
2. Do you think technology has made life easier? it to watch movies, read stories and call home or call friends.
3. How does technology help you in your everyday life? 2. Don't think technology makes us more prosperous in life
4. Why do you think people spend so much time with because they can help us find information easily, exchange and
their mobile phones nowadays? communicate faster and help us store information...
5. What changes in our lives can we expect to happen 3. We are increasingly dependent on technology that helps us find
because of technology in the future? information faster as well as exchange and transport easier.
Health and well-being, #2, #3
1. How often do you exercise? 1. I rarely exercise. Before, when I was with my family, I sometimes went to play
badminton with my mother in the afternoon, but when I went to Hanoi, I rarely
2. Would you say that you have a 2. I don't think of myself as a person with a healthy lifestyle. Because I'm very little,
healthy lifestyle? my meals are quite erratic when I'm hungry I'll eat and I also drink very little
3. Which do you like more – to play water.
sports or to watch it? 3. Maybe for me, I prefer watching sports than doing sports. I especially enjoy
4. What food do you avoid eating to watching sports when I have my family.
stay healthy? 4. I usually avoid foods that are too spicy and contain a lot of oil because it is not
5. How important do you think it is good for health
to have consistent sleeping 5. It is surely that. Because when you sleep at the right time, from 10 pm, it will help
schedule? your body and brain become healthy and the toxins accumulated in the body will
6. How do you deal with daily stress? be eliminated.
6. I usually deal with stress by listening to my favorite music. In addition, I will
7. What are the benefits of taking often come home or call to talk to my friends or my mother.
part in team sports? 7. I think it will help us to be healthier and meet many people with similar interests
8. Should smoking be banned in that will motivate us to exercise.
public places? 8. It is surely that. Because smoking is harmful to health, so when we smoke in the
community, it not only affects ourselves but also affects the health of people
around us, so banning smoking is a must at the gate.

Money and shopping, #2, #3

1. Would you say that you are good at 1. I think I'm a pretty good money manager. Because I live alone, I have to
managing money? manage my expenses properly. Besides, I haven't worked every month, so the
monthly money comes from my parents, so I need to know how to save.
2. How often do you go shopping? 2. I usually once every 2 to 3 months. At that time, I usually buy clothes,
cosmetics or essentials.
3. When was the last time you bought 3. The last time I bought something expensive was a pair of sneakers 2 months
something expensive? What was it? ago.
4. Who keeps track of the money in your 4. My father is the money manager in the family.
family? 5. In recent years, especially after the pandemic, people often tend to pay by card
5. What is more popular in your country – more than cash. But people still often pay in cash at traditional markets
paying by cash or by card? because it's convenient.

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