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These science keywords are provided from studifysuccess

Class 8th Science


Atmospheric pressure
The atmospheric pressure at a point is defined as the force acting normally on a unit area
around that point, due to the total height of the air column of the atmosphere above it.

Contact force
Force applied by direct touching an object is called contact force. Like me pushing a wall i.e.
muscular force or frictional force etc.
Electrostatic force
The electrostatic force is an attractive as well as repulsive force caused by the electric
charge particles.
A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with
another object.
Friction is defined as the resistance offered by the surfaces that are in contact when they
move past each other.
Gravitational force
Gravitational force is the attractive force exerted by the earth on all the objects in the

Gravity is a force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth or any other physical
body having mass.
Magnetic force
Magnetic Force can be defined as the attractive or repulsive force that is exerted between
the poles of a magnet and electrically charged moving particles.
Muscular force
Muscular power is the power exerted by using body parts such as the arms or legs.
Non-contact force
A non-contact force is a force applied to an object by another body that is not in direct
contact with it.
These science keywords are provided from studifysuccess

The force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that
force is distributed is known as pressure.
The pull is defined as the force that is responsible for an object moving from the state of
rest but in the opposite direction when compared to the push.
Push is defined as the force that is responsible for an object moving from the state of rest.

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