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Nama : Hanreza Yuniari Pranstika

NIM : 23100261163
Kelas : PPG Prajabatan-PGSD C

Deskripsi Kegiatan
(awal, inti dan akhir):
Tahapan Kegiatan Classroom Language
Starting the lesson Hello, good morning, class!
How are you today?
Please take your seats!
Before we start our class, let's pray together, shall we?
Thank you. Amen.
Who’s absent today?
What did we learn last week? We learned about animals.
(What animals do you remember?)
Do you like animal?
What are your favorite animal?
Today we are going to learn about characteristic of animal by
playing “animals cards”.
Giving instructions to We learn about animals today.
organize classroom
What kind of animals do you know?

What is it? What is the characteristic?

What is it? What is the characteristic?

What is it? What is the characteristic?
Giving instructions to Now, it’s time for us to play!
organize activity
I will divide this class into four groups.
The first group are students with student numbers 1 - 5.
Second group are student who have absence number 6 - 10.
Third group are student who have absence number 11 - 15.
Fourth group group are student who have absence number 16 -
Please gather with your group!
Hello, keep your voices down and listen carefully to the rules
of the game!
I have animals name cards in the box.
Each group takes turns taking and illustrating the charactistic
of animal they have taken in front of the class.
The other group guesses the animal their friend has illustrated.
The group that guesses correctly gets 10 points.
The group that gets the most points is the winner.
Telling classroom rules Hello, pay attention, please.
to discipline students
Focus, keep your voices down.
Giving feedback Good!
That’s right!
Don’t worry!
Good job, Kids!
Closing the lesson Ok, that’s all for today. Do you have any questions about
How did you feel today learning about this? Are you happy or
Let’s close our class today by praying together!
See you tomorrow, all kids!

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