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Cryptocurrency Risk and Fraud Controls

for Financial Institutions

CipherTrace Armada helps banks, payment providers, and regulators uncover virtual currency-related transactions for use in
risk and fraud models by mapping legal names and account numbers to VASPs. Armada’s VASP Risk Monitor allows users to
view, filter, sort, and drill down on VASP risk- and fraud-related data points, such as asset profiles, domiciled location, and
transactional risk profiling.

Financial Investigations and Blockchain

CipherTrace’s enormous repository of attribution data ties crypto-addresses to real-world organizations, sanctioned entities,
IP addresses, and events. Complete transactional histories and a graphical explorer make it easy to “follow the money,” and
integrated case management capabilities power collaborative investigation.

Cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering

Transaction Monitoring
Sentry allows your internal business systems to take advantage of CipherTrace data for real-time “know your transaction”
monitoring. CipherTrace Sentry exposes relevant data from CipherTrace’s enormous attribution data lake, which ties crypto-
addresses to real-world organizations, sanctioned entities, IP addresses, and events. CipherTrace Sentry also assigns risk
levels to millions of crypto addresses based on their direct and indirect interactions with suspicious addresses and wallets.

Travel Rule Compliance for Virtual Asset

Service Providers
CipherTrace Traveler helps financial organizations and cryptocurrency exchanges comply with global “Travel Rule” regulations
and Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations. It is easy to implement and compatible with international
messaging standards, including IVMS. Traveler is the most secure, reliable way to exchange required Travel Rule
originator/beneficiary information, even with VASPs that do not currently have a travel rule solution.

Request a demo
Explore the CipherTrace platform – a quick snapshot on how to trace cryptocurrencies through blockchain, expedite
investigations, and see risks associated with transactions and entities.

Highlights of what you’ll be able to uncover:

 Trace criminals who use any of 900+ cryptocurrencies to conceal their illicit activities
 See risky attributes of crypto addresses and wallets
 Try the powerful and easy-to-use search engine
 Use the real-time graph view to explore correlations among attribution data points
 Visually trace the flow of funds over time and through the blockchain ecosystem
 Try out the integrated Case Management, which lets you save and share data

About Us
Payback Ltd is one of the leading chargeback firms worldwide. Specializing in online trading
scams (Forex, Binary Options, Crypto, etc), we pride ourselves on having one of the highest
success rates in the industry. We are also known for our no-nonsense approach to confronting
scammers in the effort to bring our clients’ money back.

Amir Geva, a former IDF officer who served in the Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT)
unit, co-founded Payback in 2010. With over 10 years of experience in the Risk-Management &
Chargeback industries, Amir leads our team in the battle against fraudulent entities and
Justice doesn't only mean that the people who commit crime are
punished. It also means that we can never give up seeking the truth.
-Henning Mankell

Our Team
Being a hugely successful operator in the scam debt recovery field has led us to have a great
many enemies in the criminal world of financial scams. To protect our team, we cannot disclose
the names and identities of those who provide invaluable assistance in our effort to get your
stolen money and assets back.

Among our team, we have a selection of key personnel who ensure the running of our operation
is highly efficient and customer orientated. All our employees at Payback Ltd have a grounding
and experience in the world in which we inhabit, this makes them incredibly effective at their

From Customer Support to Lawyers & Forensic Accountants, anyone you reach within our
company is ideally placed to assist you. Starting with the initial process of gathering the
evidence, all the way to confronting the scammers and getting your money back, our team will
be on your side every step of the way.
Our Results
We are the largest recovery company worldwide and have been in operation since 2010. Starting
as a risk management firm before operating as a scam debt recovery service since 2017. Over the
past four years, we have recovered in excess of $210,000,000, helping to get back money stolen
by scammers for over 6,500 customers. Furthermore, Payback is one of few debt recovery
services that successfully recovers money from cryptocurrency scams.

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