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66° PROCESSCYCLE “The operation process eee for de cating consists of ive ain stages, The ftal cycle time is ‘ery shor, typically between 2 seconds and 1 minute, t Clamping j { ‘Tiie\Cest step is the preparation Jd clamping of the wo halves of the de. Each die half is Fae ea rzvou ination and then ube wo fctatste letlon oF ext ar The urine nents wih part in ps wll ase na! of eavities end, 2 a on my be ones ie ch ee ut flr 23 Geporlng upon tener Ae rit, the two ie ales wich or artached inside ce caving machine, ae ln nd seurly amped together, Sula es be pple othe bo Kept sear closed whe the pt nes TH mE required to cee clamp d's degeneat pos he machine lrg machines hose ih aes Clamping fore} wil equi more time, This te canbe estima from the dry cycle time of theimachine. " 2. Injection « ~ the, molten mea whlch & maintained at a'set temperature in the fumace, if ne « crafered ito a chamber were it ca be injected ino the di, The method of transfer sears reals dependent upon the type of die casting machine, whee bot chamber cor gol ebambs machine i being used. The aference in this ‘equipment will be detailed in the next section, Once Typical injection ‘etl in the dies referred to as, in order to preve Case Where a include the tine Cooling Shut forthe next ine ‘Trimming ' ‘ansfered, the molten metal is i Aitng solidification, The amount of Shot. The injection time is he time cavities inthe de. This imei very it earl solidification of any one par o the cold die casting machine is ben to menually Tee ale the molten metal into ie can not be opened unt Daly some force to HS and heres to he die, One tke cast essuce ranges from 1,000 to:20,000 foe shot chamber. + ling time can be estinteted Bod the ejection Gi i de me forthe casting to fll feelin. et he par becay ected a high prefsures into the die i This pressure had the ot etl that is injec int the ie ted forte lien metals ig) + typically, . than 0.1 seeonds he meal. The proper injection tng the material, af well as the wa ute a longer injketion te! ta tne ‘sed, the injection time must als) {9 cool and solidify once it enters slten metal solidifies, the final Shape he cooing tie has elapsed dd the fom several thermodgnamic casting, and the complexity ofthe toe. The geomde compli of aajoal resists tothe fw of fe opened and ‘pope ted die halves can vty. The time ined ding boing sett de cn te camney fy atached to the clitng eG must be trimmed fokn the 8. The time requned to 1 ‘ i (i0 Die channels, | i ' ‘The flow of molt 4 . ede m el al >t pt several channels that ae egrated int haribecitaen ightly for a hot chamber machine and afeold chamber ma} shine. In 2 hi chamber machine, the molten meta enters the die through @ pi ‘called a sprue pushing (in the covey di) and flows around the spine spreader (io the eject di) ‘The sprop refers 10 this primi ry channel of ‘molten ‘metel entering the die. In a ‘cold chpmber machine, t le molten metal enters throigh an injection sleeve After entering the cein ther type of machine, the molten metal flow through a series of runners and enters the part c2) Hi rough gates, which direct the flow. Gen, the cvs wil cons eta space a8 Prrtow wells, which provide ‘additional/Source of molten metal during solidification. ‘When the casting cools, the molten metal wil shrink asd addianl rater is nedded, Lastly, small chamels 2 jncluded that un fom ‘the cavity Yp the exterior ofthe die. Thesj channels ‘act as venting holes 1 allow sir to escape the se cavty Ene molten meta fows trough all ofthese chanel mit solidify attached © the casting and: mst be separated from the get “Frer it is ejected. One type of ehannel that does not fill wigh material is a cpoliag channel. THese channels allow water oF Mil to flow through the die, adjacent to|the cavity, gnd remove | heat fom the die. (i) Die} i tase ospte nu os ch api reek din es at mt onl in the degign of the des, Firstly, the die must fallow the molteh metal to flo cally into all of the iat ry ponane eova fhe sled cng the ds, rae agled tothe wal ofthe part cavity. The desion OP "Ee mus also fecoramodate 2°. eee atres onthe pr sch as underes, Wlch AE “ditional die pieces. Most of a em ep caiy trough ce ie fe 6, dae Herefre Known #8 ese devices te te st oman pe of sides hich enables 29 sides or denne ald, ancer moma ate SE he dls is selecting the exter) sean be nated ot of many ere OP OF siuale High grade tool stel is tna le opal ese fr 100190000 eve, see win low exbo8 the most corer esi to cracking and ln Used 4,000,000 cyele: Other commen conte tape eno, mlybdenm, eel OYE ET > and vanadiom. ABY macro te ds canbe made ut ofthese META : 68 DEFECTS OF DIE CASTING | « | potter | Chases Wiest tnjesio pesur to igh Fiash | [Clamp foree 100 !ow 7 peal i ii ia Insufficient shot lume (Untied sections Siow injection Low pouring tempbraure a. | Defect Ceuses Injection temperature to high aw Non-uniform cooling rate Hot tearing ‘Non-uniform cooling rte (ea Cooling time too shprt Bjector marks jection force too $n 69 HIGH HRESSURE ALUMINUM DIE CASTING PROCESS? © | i i i sess in which molten) metal, High wre aluminum die casting is a manufecturifig process in wh} ene Helmer dag Orn redah, ; Beenut of te excelent cinentonl acre andthe no suriss, mos hgh resus die cata unmanned i esl lig and tapping holes. High pressure die casting production is fast and inexpensive relative to other Sag pee inn i ompany uses for high pressure die There aye several aluminum alloys Kivetie Die Casting Company uses pressure di costing arts hfe esc! ropes and hei reakowns lini ed ‘in 80-90% of the bigh pressure die casting alloys available in the world today. In many cases stuminum high pressure die casing cn replace see, ncfesing suengt an reducing rer) ela We produce high ress ie casting part in uses of ess hug an ounce up o large sizes of 1 pounds, We usualy en produce and shi igh pressure delasting pats within two weeks of receipt of your purchase order if we have tt high pressure die casting die already ‘and have completed our first article inspections. Fe t " “60 ZINC castines : I] bl |e Fox countless decorative and faaonalpplicon no oft material ed prodes can mathe properties and economies of zine ie casting ! : ‘ Zinc casting alloys ere stronger than reinforced molded polymers and zine's hardness, seif lubricating proprties, dimensional sbilty and high mofulus make it sukeble for werking siechaneal par, such as gears and pions tht wouldbe ids dorebleif molded from polymers Zinc’s excellent therinal and elestcal conductivity, as wells precise casting toleranes, make an ideal material ccice for heatsinks, eletical components and applications requiring Clectromggnetic shielding. Zine canbe cat at moderate temperturs thus providing signfican, "energy and processing savings over other metals and engineérng alloys, ' | 710 INJECTION MDULDING A i | a i & PTER SEVEN ection moulding if a manufacturing| process for producing parts bY injentitg material into & role. Injeation, moulging can be performed with a ost of materials malay Le ‘The pars that ee prodused are most commonly thermoplstic and thease eat Materiel the paris fe ino a heated barel, mixed, and forced info mould cavity, ve cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity After « product is ee metal ‘ndustrial designer or an engineer, moulds are made by @ tmeuld-makts or ooake fom Pe usualy either steel or aluminim, and precision-machined to form the fete of to oot fern injechon moulding is widely ued fr manning aveiety of party om ‘components to entire body panels of cars. ae ; . ing process: arts tobe injgtion aouded must be very caeflly designe 0 Se: the poe of the the material used for the part the depired shape and feats cs of the pact the sion. The rould dal the prpentos of the moufding machine must gil 66 HE) "A Fas and YVerseilty of injection moulding is fheilitated by this eta tector possibilities, Injection moulding is the most cormmon ‘modefn method of main ra shea fr potinghigkvol}es ofthe se oi | i ae 38 “ CHAPTER EIGH 80 FORGING oF RATIONS ‘ Forging is defined asa metal ‘working process that shape work pieve into desired dimensions by Compressive forces applied ‘hrough the use of dies and tools. Forging process is operatediby: hammering or Pressing the metal I sone ofthe oldest known metalworking processes With its Fun about some thousands of years see firs, forging was complicated bya smith wing cen a ail Using hammer and anv becraee es of forging, The smithy or forge has fen improved io become a facility wits nginesred processes, produstion equipment, odling ‘aor materials and producto meet te denene ef industry } Eemowadays thus figs done ete tn presses orhammers powered by compessed Git eletrcity, hydraulics or steany Same examples of produ obtained by fering proces ae- rane hook, connecting rod ofan IC ngine, spanner, geer blahks, ctown wheel, pinion ee. Forging proceds produces ‘Parts of superior mechanical opel Hes with a waste of aula ths proces, he suring mein a elatiely ple geomenys is metral i Dlasieally deformed in one or more opesione si Product elately complex condition, Forging usually equines clare expensive tfoling Thus, the process is sitet large number of parts must bdprodiced andor hes go | Feat in the fished product canbe pbianed only by, forging process over met manufacturing rake Math eo)hre are sil som deface het ‘may lightly hepoen if ain Lan ting proces design defeats ech be teh imperfections 81 TYPES OF FORGING Processes ! i Wien forging an intial singe pre bil, is pléstcally deformed between io egitited fl configuration Forundesamit optiiztion of forgn {Rett 0 classify this process in a sytensatn ‘way. There are a large number, ‘hat can be claspified 4s follows: diss to obtain iB optrations, itis - Of peg proeeoes forging, warm forging/and hot forging) ‘ 1 Ferting is varied ou ator near toom temperature (hetow ie shryalization tem) of tbe sre pene en yee anmeiy ee aes fenerally prefered wes the metal is aleady oc * like aluminum, Ths proces is usually ess (@) Cold forging: roc gyPes Besording tthe temperature of the work Piece pe f tel 46 i . gees expensive the facil els a orsng and the end product requires litle or no finishing work. Cold forging Senses Fah,” ttaminatfon problems, and th final component features a beter Advantages . * Production} tes ae very high with exceptional de life = 1 Improves mectancalpropeies Less tition between die surface and work piece i Liibicatiog is easy i No atte 6F scaling on the work’ i Disidvintages Residual stress may oocur Heavier and more powerfol equipmen Styonger tooling is rsquited Topl design and manufacturing ae critical . ' =| (6) Wars forging Temperature range forthe warm forging of steel runs from so 00mm tempeyatute fo below “he ‘ecrystllidation temperature In vara forging, the billet i Heated blow the recrystallization temperature, up t0 700 to 800 °C for sees, in order to lower the flow stress and the forging’ pressutes. Comparet with cold forging, warm forging has the potentil advantages. is needed \ i Advantages ; * Reduced tooling toads + Reduced prefs loads © increased stab ductility ~ Elimination éf need to anneal ior to forging Favorable astforged propertias [nat can eliminate heat treatment . High produetlon sass be Excel pn dinesna leases ad sis in fred pars ‘Significant savings in material and machining. i avbrible grain Bow to impeave strength | i Greater toughness ofthe forged part (©) Hot forging ‘ i Forging i carried out et a temperature above the recrystlliation tempersture of the metal, The ‘crystallization temperature is defined es the temperate af which the new grains are formed in meta. Ths kindof extreme heat is necessary in avoiding strain hardening of the metal duving Be6¢rition Hol forging is most widely used... Yoo" 1? Advantagis ©, 2 High sin res and hee easyfow ofthe metal + Rectystallization and recovery ate possible + Rorps eauied ales, : Disadvantages i * Lubvgstions dificut thigh temperatures melt « * Oxidation and scaling occur onthe work piewe * = Poor surface finish ‘ . * Less precise tolerances possible warping ofthe mteialduring the colin process Copper alloys. Carbon and Low-alloy stels + Martensitic staitless steels Apstenitic sinless els Titanium alloys Tron-base superalloys Cobslt-bese superalloys Teptctur alloys Molybdenum alloys (2) Types according to arrangements of dies ' ‘ pe Table- 1: Hot forging temperature range for different metals and | * alloys [1] tl | atl (@) Open-die forging: Forging in which he fat des of simple shape ae used io allow the material b eal | Aeformed ial deen of pid od. Blok show open de fgingopertod Upper die ~—f 9 - a A \ " e ‘Characteristics of Open-die forging ¢ J (Open de forgings only suitibie for simple shapes for its less. dimensional aoouracy, there 1S tress lof opr, sof i ra expensive, ich s simplest of alte forging opens. { : ® host de forging Cobre orn) i ‘orgng ih whic he materi is lly onstened inthe ny crema ytureename ‘ower die halves. It allows more acchrately shaped parts be formed, ~ 1 ‘nse eles rate control of natal volume 2 x | __ Closed ie forgink isa form of ssion-ie forging, Wyck 088 NOE ~ ash formation tf achieve compl Filing ofthe die. Material isefonet in slows litle or tolesape of excess ater, thus pat eater demands on IE at Fogea ; . Charestrites pf Chosed-ie fo dope 20 ‘Ws is ugh She lose Sia ty king, waki o e NO rag book Sant Sing FO inet | ‘ie book, more mumber of dies are ease CF on the complexity oF aracyclos® sues eben ne work is fered under gh PSSST high Se expensi®s ‘control gn tolerances, ‘suite for complex shapes _dies are comples en essay 0 justify high cos vargeprdution rete ne a and duty of wer Temper, Sina hereto, cena of hereof formation = Wear resistance to tesist abrasion "Wear dup to. les presect on work piece. Die size Composition and properties of work piece ‘Complexity of shape No.of performing steps, Fs Forging temperate, ‘Type of forging operation Cost of ie material No. of forgings required ‘Heat transfer ftom work piece to dies,etc. 1 fel ! \ I . i; : " Selection of proper die material depends on: | dias | Peencccte ia 4 ‘ie materials used: tot and diesels with CiNiMo, Va. i (Types according to forging equipments | ¥ i Forged components are shaped either by hemmeror press ee ae) Forging onthe hammer is cai out in aveession of de mpipsion sng repeated blobs Te ataly ofthe forging any the economy and productivity of the hammer procesq depos? | + Tpene foting spd the Sil ofthe oper. In pres forging, sak is una oly pce in each die impression an the design ofeach imprsion stomp mote lnporan hie | operator skill is less eical, The continuous development of fo ng technology reduires, Paces fndanentl untersaing of eqipnen capbiies fo ase ‘The equipment ie presi rd hammers used in fergng, inucresthe kage Bes sh | it afte the deformation rate and temperature conditions, and it heteminesicied [oduetion The equletents of given forging process cult comput te oad ‘snetgy, time and accuracy characteristics ofa given forging mechice, (2) Hemmer forging: The most commen typeof forging equipment is the harmnet end envi The the least expensive and mot versatile pe ofeuipen: er pleatng Cary outa forging profess. This echnolony is characterized Contoured dies: Hammes harime is « load and energy ts > multiple impact Hows between are primarily used fr hot forging, Tere ee basicaly ho pes of anaes: Graviy-drop hammers and power drop tans Ina sample gly op | Hamner, the upper ram is connected toa board (boatéstop hates) s bee (eelterop AARIRGH) 8 chaln (hain-drop bamme) or a pston (al, ar, of sean doy reer The {hin is lifted toa certain height and then dropped on the stock gased on the vi rng the Au Stroke, the ram is cclerated by gravity and bulls up tt blow enegy Tab pec Likes place immediatey afer the Blow. The operation prinzild of poneetop hare similar to that ofan aihrop hammer Inthe own stoke, in adit to avi tee is accelerated by steam, cold ait, or hot ait pressure. In the por *-drop hammer, the scceleation of the amis enhanced with ar pressure applied of th op sie of era cylinder. Figure 3 shows mechanicl board hemmer- Repeatedly the Board eight) Itisastrgke restricted machine. | ‘staid by fton ols nas Bropped on the dg Is rat is | 49 in the terns of wei [eae eae | (a i ight of th steam in alpiston and eylinas a 289 EMetBY delivered, Fifure 4 shows stean| hammer- [tus r= Ihuses forgings ran; MEME fom a few kilograms to several tonnes Hise i ldad efaa : i is preferre et te forging Briton rolls * | - oe ae f Pa oe | [eae c= | a | a pose : | LE Af : io 1, | es a aa I i Figure 3: Mechanical board hammer Fifure 4: Steam hhmmer (2) Bross forging ; sas RAG the metal is shaped ot by meas of seis of blows sin Hammer forsing, Fo ern sentmcoussqueveng ection, Te are vo main fypes mechanical end hydric presses. ranks or toggles to produce a préset(e = « . stroke) and reproducible stroke. Due to the ition. (Mechanical press Mectianical presses function by using'cams, predetermined ford at certain location in th meh ofthis ype of stem, differentforces ae available et ifferent stoke p Mlechenieallreses are faster than they hydraulic counterparts (up (050 stokes per aorta) -rhdir eapaciis ecge from 3 fo 160 MN (300 to 1£,000 short ons-foee). ) Hydrate Ayrelic presses rss. hs ond ei Fiance dies dan be srfller and have lod ger life than with’ hammer Features of Hydspubie Press lees i L, A il pess Iqad is evglabe Curing the fill stoke ofthe ranyram velocity fp 1 contrblled and Fal re die aig, is low apeed machine and ehee has longer cat ime and henee higher aie témperatures.the slow squeezing action gives elpse tolerance on férgings,initial cost is higher compared to hammers. The advantages of @ hyd lic press over a shechenical press. ~ are its flexibility and greater capacity. The disadvantages fede 2 slower, Hrger and costlier machine to operate al so ; ‘uid pressureard a piston to generate free, Figure 5 shows hydraulic id machine. Ifhas more of squeezing action than hammering action,

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