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Title: Gender in language: Exploring gender bias in vocabulary and its social implications

Background: Language reflects cultural and social structures in which gender biases are
reproduced and reinforced in the choice of words, grammatical structures, and the
representation of gender roles in different languages. This bias can inadvertently reinforce
gendered work roles and stereotypes, particularly in job titles and grammatical markers for

Problem statement: Widespread gender bias in language inevitably has an impact on gender
identity and the social role of individuals, despite society's ongoing efforts towards gender
equality. Research needs to examine how this bias manifests in different languages and
cultures and impacts on individuals and society. There is insufficient research on ways to
recognise and reduce these biases.

Research objective: to analyze gender biases in language and their impact on individuals and
society in order to reduce these biases, promote equal and inclusive communication and
provide support for language policy and education.

Research questions: How does gender bias manifest in language, and how does this differ
across cultures?
Do different cultures perceive language gender bias the same?

Research significance : This study examines gender bias in language and its social
implications, with the aim of understanding how gender is constructed in everyday
communication. The research will support the development of language strategies that
constrain gender equality and the social dynamics that promote gender equality. The results
can help educators, policy makers, etc. to make more conscious choices in dealing with
gender bias and promote the realization of a fair communication environment.

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