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Prova Unidades 1:3

Question 1- Complete the conversations.

Sandy: Good morning, Junior.

Junior: ___________, Sandy.
Sandy: ______ are you?
Junior: ________, thanks. _________________?
Sandy: Good.
Junior: See you later.
Sandy: Ok. Have ______________.
Junior: Thanks. ______ too.
Sandy: Bye

Dayanne: Hi. ___________ Jennifer?

Marie: No, ____________. I’m Marie.
Dayanne: Hi, Marie. I’m Dayanne. Nice _____________.
Marie: ___________ here for a dance class?
Dayanne: Yes, ___________. Are we in the _____________?
Marie: Yes, ______________. We’re in class A.
Dayanne: Oh, Good!

Question 2- Write the numbers.

0: _____________ 1: _____________ 2: _____________ 3: _____________ 4: _____________
5: _____________ 6: _____________ 7: _____________ 8: _____________ 9: _____________
10: _____________ 20: _____________ 33: _____________ 78: _____________
92: _____________ 100: ____________

Question 3- Write the questions about the classroom in the picture.

1. A:_______________________________________
B: It’s in front of the board.
2. A:_______________________________________
B: It’s next to the window.
3. A:_______________________________________
B: They’re on the floor
4. A:_______________________________________
B: It’s under the teacher desk.
Question 4- What’s the plural of:
A – person
B – wallet
C – woman
D – child
E – chair
F – man
G – book
H – watch
I – pen
J - key

Question 5- Write the English word for:


Question 6- Complete the question. Then write answers.

1 _________ you busy?
2 _________ your teacher fun?
3 _________ are you from?
4 _________ old are you?
5 _________ your name?
6 _________ your friends nice?

Question 7- Write 5 sentences about the family in this picture.

Question 8- Write responses to show you are interested or surprised. Then ask a question.

My grandmother’s name is Maria. _____________________________________________

My brother is an engineer. ___________________________________________________
I’m from Brazil. ____________________________________________________________
My last name is Nilton. ______________________________________________________
My favorite sport is soccer. ___________________________________________________
Sandy is a great singer. ______________________________________________________

Question 9- Complete the table:

Person verb to be possessive
I my
You are

are your

Question 10- Reescreva as sentenças abaixo, que estão no presente simples, nas formas
negativa e interrogativa.
1- You are from Montes Claros
2- Peter is a soccer player.
3- Your grandmother is nice.
4- Our friends are boring.
5- This English class is fun.
6- I love you.

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