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Summer holiday home-work (2024-25) :

Class - IV
❖ Maths:
1. Write tables from 6 to 15.
2. Do practice worksheet from page no 21-22 and 38-39.
3. Do 5 sums of multiplications and divisions with 2-digit numbers.
4. Do HOTS questions from page no 22 and 39.
( Kindly note that all the written work has to be done in a separate thin

❖ Hindi:
1. पर्यार्वयची शब्द (1-18)
2. ववलोम शब्द (1-20)
3. अनेकयर्थी (1-7)
4. वयकर्यांश (1-18)
5. वनम्नललखित ववषर् पर अनुच्छेद ललखिए:-
i. पररश्रम कय फल
ii. मेरय विर् त्र्ोहयर
iii. दो नैवतक लशक्षय की कहयनी पढो ।
6. िवतददन एक पेज सुलेि कीजजए।

(दिया हुआ कायय अपनी व्याकरण कॉपी में करें)

❖ Science:
1. Make a model of ‘Digestive System’. (Roll no. 1 -10)
2. Make a model of a ‘Life cycle of a Butterfly’.(Roll no. 11-20)
3. Make a model of ‘Wind Mill’. (Roll no. 21-30)
4. Make a model of ‘Volcano’. (Roll no. 31- 40)
5. Make a model of ‘Telescope'. (Roll no. 41- 44)

Kindly do question no. 1,2,3 (Competency Based Questions) from

page no. 42 of your Science book in a separate thin notebook.
❖ English:
1. Do 1 page cursive handwriting daily in your cursive handwriting book.
2. Read Ch- 4, 5 and write 10 difficult words from each chapter.
3. ⁠Read any 1 story book and write the moral of the story.
4. Write a paragraph on:

A visit to a Zoo


How I spent my Summer Vacations.

5. Read any English Newspaper daily and note down 10 difficult words.

(Kindly note that all the written work has to be done in a separate thin

❖ Social studies:
1. Write causes and measures to prevent water pollution.
2. Write about different hill stations of Uttarakhand.
(Draw or paste pictures to beautify your assignment)
3. Read lesson 5 - lesson 9 and learn new terms from these lessons.
( Kindly note that all the written work has to be done in a separate thin

❖ Computer
1. Read lesson 3 and lesson 4.
2. Draw a beautiful chart related to computer.

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