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1.1. Name of Work. DPR for Construction/Improvement of road Devasar- Mauwali Talai
between Km 0.000 and Km 8.220 (net length 8.220 Kms) from Cl-9 to NHDL specifications under
Project Chetak in the State of Rajasthan.
1.2. Locality. Mahajan firing ranges is the only range available in this area, which is being
used by all Army units from different part of India. The Road Devasar- Mauwali Talai is a part of
the Mahajan field firing range, where army units from different formations come to practice for
firing and camping during exercises for routine training programme. Different kind of vehicles like
Jeep, one ton, three tuners, tatra vehicles carrying arms and ammunition has to move for
strategic operations and trainings. The Cl-9 carriageway is inadequate to meet the present traffic
intensity and increased heavy axle loads attributing to road accidents. Considering the difficulties
being faced by the Army Fmns, the requirement of up gradation of this road to NHDL specification
capable of sustained heavy axle load has been projected.
1.3. Authority and Plan of Provision. The Road Devasar-Mauwali Talai (Km 0.000 to Km
8.220 (net length 8.220 kms) is Cl-9 specifications. The Cl-9 road of carriageway is inadequate to
meet the present traffic intensity and increased axle loads attributing to road accidents.
Considering the increase in volume of traffic and axle loads used by army Ops and Trg, a
requirement has been felt to upgrade the road classification to NHDL specifications. Accordingly,
construction/Improvement of this road to NHDL specifications has been included in LTRoWP
2023-28 at Sr No. 210 vide MoD letter No. 04/815/2023-28/ D (BR-1) dated 01 Jun 2023 and in
AWP (BE) 2024-25 at Sr No. 45.
1.4. Priority. This road has been included in LTRoWP 2023-28 at Sr.No. 210 and BRDP No-
1046 vide MoD letter No. 04/815/2023-28/ D (BR-1) dated 01 Jun 2023 with BE Target for FY
2024-25 and PDC of road as on 2027.
1.5. Preparatory Action. Estimate for preparation of DPR for subject work has been
sanctioned vide HQ CE (P) Chetak letter No. 20106/AA/Vol-28/41/E2 (Estg) dated 25 Nov 2023
under Job No. 1185/25 amounting to Rs 6.36 Lakh. Accordingly, ground survey of the stretches
Km 0.00 to 8.220 has been carried out and DPR prepared.
The road Devasar-Mawali Talai was included in BRDB programme in Dec 2002 for construction
to Cl-9 specifications and was completed in the year 2004/2005. The total length of this road is
8.100 Kms. The road takes off from Km 9.985 on Kharabara-Devasar Road and terminates at
Mauwali Talai in MFFR area. Presently, Devasar-Mauwali Talai is being maintained by 101 RCC
under 49 TF /Project Chetak with Scale-I maintenance of Rajasthan state. Present specification
of road are as under:-
Specification Of Road
(i) Class :- CL-9
(ii) Length :- 8.100 Km
(iii) Road way Width :- 7.50 mtr
(iv) FMN Width :- 7.50 mtr
(v) Carriage Way :- 3.75 mtr
(vi) Crust Details :- 39.50 Cm
(MSS 2.0 cm, WBM 7.5 cm three layer & GSB

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15 cm thick.)

2.2. Climate. The area receives scarce rainfall and the average annual rainfall in the region is
20 cm. The temperature in this area ranges from 49o C in summer (Jun) to 5o C in winter (Jan).

2.3. Soil Classification. The soil in the region generally comprises of silty sand with CBR
value up to 11%. Though the road experiences less rainfall, due to the poor soil characteristics,
the embankments are susceptible to rain cuts due to fast discharge of surface runoff. Similarly,
water stagnation is a common phenomenon during rains on sag stretches, which deteriorate the
pavement. Therefore, adequate cross as well as longitudinal drainage facilities are required on
this road.

2.4. Road Inventory. The existing road is of Cl-9 specifications having formation width of 7.50
m and carriageway width of 3.75 m. The crust of the existing road 395 mm thick comprising 15
cm thick GSB Nal-kanker and 22.5 cm thick WBM covered with a wearing coat of thin bituminous
layer of 2.0 cm. The existing pavement is inadequate for the sustained heavy axle traffic on this
road because of its less width of carriageway and crust thickness. Therefore, the road
experiences severe damages and its maintenance has become difficult. The road inventory of
existing road is attached at Appendix ‘AN’

2.5. Traffic. The road being located in plain/desert area and use of heavy axle traffic for
conveyance of Army eqpt. the existing crust thickness and carriageway width are considered
inadequate. The average CVD on this road is 174 Nos out of which 154 Nos (88.51%) are
Heavy axle load truck trailers for transportation of tank etc. The traffic census data recorded at
Km 2.00 on Devasar-Mauwali Talai road are attached at Appendix ‘AI’.

2.6. River Crossing. No River crossing exists on the entire alignment.

2.7. Railway Crossing. No Railway crossing exists on the entire alignment.

2.8. Profile. Existing alignment originates from Km 9.985 of Kharbara-Devasar road(NHDL

specifications) at Devasar and connect to Mauwali Talai- Bhuriadhora road(NHDL specifications).
The proposed alignment traverses through army land. The alignment is having steep gradients
(rise and fall) at certain locations. The site distance is unsafe at few locations. It is found feasible
to develop the existing alignment with improvement of geometrics of the road to meet IRC
stipulations and the user requirement. Plotting of Plan, L- sections and X- sections have been
done with the use of Civil 3D Software by re-grading and curve improvement as per NHDL
specifications and the total design length is found to 8.220 Kms.


3.1. User Requirement. Considering the difficulties being faced by the Army Fmns, the
requirement of up gradation of this road to NHDL specification capable of sustained heavy axle
load has been projected and the status of endorsements are highlighted in succeeding
paragraphs. Therefore, the improvement of this road is a strategic requirement to meet the needs
of Armed Forces being a strategically important feeder axis to the border areas and operational
point of view.

3.2. Topographical Survey. The survey of entire stretch has been carried out with Total
Station. Plotting of Plan, L- sections and X- sections have been done as per site requirement by
Civil 3D Software. Road length have been design by re-grading and curve improvement of
existing surface conforming to the specification in IRC 73:2007. Due to re-grading and curve
improvement of existing road the net design length of road assessed to 8.220 Kms.

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4.1. Land Acquisition. No land acquisition is required for road since land already in
possession of army as confirmation received by Stn HQ MFFR vide their letter No.
2113/Roads/MFFR dated 14 Dec 2022.
4.3. Forest Clearance. The Road Devasar-Mauwali Talai is a part of the Mahajan field firing
range, where army units from different formations come to practice for firing and camping during
exercises for routine training programme. There is not requirement of forest clearance since only
existing road has been proposed for improvement to NHDL specifications.
4.4. Shifting of Utility. The joint survey for shifting of Electric lines with concern agency
(JdVVNL) is carried out, a sum of Rs. 5.95 Lakhs has been catered for in this DPR for utility
shifting as per Asst. Engineer JdVVNL Chattargarh letter No. 1378 dated 28 Aug 2023 enclosed
at Appx ‘AV’.

5.1. Obligatory Points. The proposed road is basically meant to facilitate the Army being used
for move of military traffic during ‘Ops’ and deploying the troops on International Border. The road
is being utilized for deployment of troops to border areas and also by troops engaged in Op

5.2. Compatibility with Master, Regional & Town Plan. The existing alignment of road has
been selected with the help of Topo-sheet of Scale 1:50000. There is no infrastructure
development plan by the local bodies of State Govt.

5.3. Alternatives Considered. The existing road is feeder road to different villages and MFFR
area. The existing alignment is the shortest and most economical besides meeting the
requirement of users, therefore no alternate route has been considered.

5.4. Route Selection and Approval of Alignment. Since this existing alignment has been
approved by MO Dte for conversion to NHDL specifications, improvement work has been
provisioned on existing alignment.

5.5. ROBs, Major/Minor Bridges. No Railway Over Bridge, Major/Minor Bridges exists on the
existing as well as proposed alignment. Therefore, no action for preparation of proposal for same
is envisaged.
5.6. Area Needing Special Treatment. There are no trouble spots or area requiring special
treatment on the proposed alignment. Conventional breast walls to retain cut slope and
embankment protection with PCC block pitching in slope, wherever felt necessary has been
considered while designing the road structure. No special treatment has been considered in this
5.7. Environmental Features. The road already exists and only improvement from existing Cl-
9 to NHDL specifications is to be carried without changing the alignment. No harm to the
environment in the form of flora and fauna is anticipated due to improvement of this road.


6.1. IRC Code. Provisions of IRC SP: 27-1984 “Report containing recommendations of the IRC
regional workshops on highway safety” and IRC SP: 88-2019 “Manual on road safety audit” have
been kept in mind while preparing the DPR. The salient features are highlighted in succeeding

6.2. Stage-1 Audit (During Feasibility Study). The road safety parameters to be considered
during feasibility study have been kept in mind while carrying out feasibility study. The check list 1
as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT–I’.

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6.3. Stage-2 Audit (Preliminary Design). The preliminary design has been done in
accordance with the guidelines for road safety. The check list 2 as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is
attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT–II’.

6.4. Stage-3 Audit (Detailed Design). The road safety parameters to be considered during
detailed design have been kept in mind during the process. The check list 3 as per IRC SP: 88-
2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT-III’.

6.5. Stage-4 Audit (During Construction). It will be ensured that all the road safety
requirement as catered in the DPR will be implemented religiously during the construction stage
so as to make the road conforming to the safety requirements.

6.6. Stage-5 Audit (Pre-Opening). The road safety audit will be carried out before declaring
the road completed and opening to traffic, to confirm that the safety requirements are
implemented in totality.

6.7. Planning. The requirement as per check list 7 has been kept in view while planning the
improvement work on the roads and the same has been enclosed at Appendix ‘AT-VII’.

6.8. Alignment. Due care has been taken to ensure the alignment is free from hazardous
phenomenon. The details are attached as per Check list 8 at Appendix ‘AT–VIII’.

6.9. Cross Sections. The road sections have been carefully studied with reference to road
safety requirements and appropriate provision has been made in the DPR as per check list 9
attached at Appendix ‘AT-IX’.

6.10. Junctions. The junctions have been designed duly taking in to consideration the traffic
volume and safety requirements. Check list 10 as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to the DPR at
Appendix ‘AT–X’.

6.11. Round About. No requirement has been felt to provide round about on the present section
of highway and only one armed junction involved at km 2.750 of the road.

6.12. Signal Controlled Junction. Requirement has not been felt essential to provide signal
controlled junctions.

6.13. Vegetation and Plantation. All the trees and plantation vulnerable to the road safety will
be removed from the road way during construction.

6.14. Road Signs. All the mandatory road signs in accordance with IRC: 67-2012 required for
enforcing the road safety requirements have been catered for in the DPR and the check list 11 to
IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT-XI’.
6.15. Road Marking. Road marking as per IRC: 35-2015 has been proposed in the DPR duly
taking in to account the safety aspects and the check list 12 as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached
to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT–XII’.
6.16. Lighting. Provision for lighting or illumination has not been provided in the DPR as it will
be provided by municipal authorities in the affected areas.
6.17. Roadside Hazards.There are no hazardous activities in the RoW. Regular check will be
exercised during construction and maintenance to prevent happening of vulnerable activities.
Check list 14 as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT-XIV’.
6.18. Roadside Facilities. Adequate road side facilities have been provided to ensure safety of
pedestrians and non-motorized traffic especially at built-up areas and towns. Check list 15 as per
IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT-XV’.
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6.19. Vulnerable Road Users. Facilities for pedestrians, non-motorized traffic, passengers at
bus bays and truck lay byes etc have been considered in the DPR. Check list 16 as per IRC SP:
88-2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT-XVI’.
6.20. Development Proposal. Provision for appropriate road geometrics and amenities have
been made in the DPR duly taking in to consideration the safety requirements conforming to the
design speed. Check list 17 as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to the DPR at Appendix ‘AT–
6.21. Maintenance Work. Adequate and appropriate road signs will be provided as per safety
requirement during the construction stage. Check list 18 as per IRC SP: 88-2019 is attached to
the DPR at Appendix ‘AT-XVIII’.
7.1. Geometric Design & General Features. The classification of proposed road is NHDL
standard as per Indian Roads Congress (IRC) guidelines, contained in IRC: 37 -2018, IRC SP:48-
1998, IRC: 73-1980, IRC: 38-1988, IRC 56-2011, IRC: SP: 73-2018 and IRC: SP: 23-1983. The
pavement design has been done using IIT Pave software. The broad design parameters are
tabulated below:-

Ser Parameters Adopted Parameters Reference

(a) Right of Way (RoW) Open Area : 45 m Table 3 of IRC:73 - 1980
Built up Area : 18 m
(b) Roadway (Formation) 12 m Table 5 of IRC:73 - 1980
(c) Carriageway Width 7m IRC: 73-2007
(d) Camber/Cross slope 2% Table 8 of IRC:73 - 1980
(e) Design Traffic Capacity 5 MSA IRC: 37 -2018
(f) Design Speed Ruling – 80 Km Table 2 of IRC:73 - 1980
Minimum – 65 Km
(g) Sight Distance: Stopping Ruling - 120 m Table 11 of IRC:73 – 1980
Minimum - 90 m
(h) Sight Distance : Ruling - 470 m Table 12 of IRC:73 – 1980
Overtaking Minimum - 340 m
(j) Sight Distance : Ruling -240 m Table 13 of IRC:73 – 1980
Intermediate Minimum - 180 m
(k) Horizontal curves Ruling - 230 m Table 16 of IRC:73 – 1980
Minimum - 155 m
(l) Super elevation Maximum – 7% Clause 9.3 of IRC:73 – 1980
(m) Gradient Ruling – 3.30% Table 19 of IRC:73 – 1980
(n) Minimum length of vertical Ruling - 50 m Table 20 of IRC:73 - 1980
curve Minimum - 40 m

7.2. Sub Grade Level and HFL. The alignment does not fall in low lying/ flood affected area.
However, the designed alignment has been proposed with adequate free board from
possible HFL. The proposed alignment follows the existing road and the height of
embankment at different locations has been kept adequately to meet the level of existing
cross drainage on the road.
7.3. Parallel Service Road. Not considered necessary in the present project.

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8.1. Traffic Surveys. Based on traffic survey, the project road has been designed as one
homogeneous section. Traffic Volume Count (TVC) survey has been conducted at Km 2.000 on
Devasar-Mauwali Talai road. The details of traffic census are attached at Appendix ‘AI’.
8.2. Traffic Projection. The adopted Traffic Growth rate is 5% for all type of vehicles.

8.3 General Soil Test Data. The CBR value for stretch from Km 0.000 to Km 8.220 varies
from 10.68 to 12.31 percent. The test results of soil samples are attached at Appendix ‘AJ’.
Therefore, CBR value of 11% (80 percentile weightage CBR value) has been considered for
pavement design as per IRC 37:2018.
8.4. Construction Materials. There is no departmental quarry available for the construction
materials like stone, sand, aggregates etc. The entire materials required for the work are to be
procured through supply contract conforming to the MoRTH specifications. Therefore, no
investigations in this regard have been carried out. The lead involved in supply of aggregates and
stores for this work from the quarries being operated by Contractors & Supply points is as under:-

Ser Item Loc of Quarry/ Supply Point Average lead (Km)

(a) Moorum/Gravel Randhisar 265
(b) Stone Randhisar 265
(c) Sand Bikaner 222
(d) Bricks Suratgarh 94
(e) Aggregates Randhisar 265
(f) Cement Hanumangarh 148
(g) Steel -do- 148
(h) Bitumen -do- 148

8.5. Earth filling to the tune of 47925.32 cum is involved in this DPR. The quantity of earth work
excavation is 70786.00 cum. Therefore, the quantity of soil required for embankment filling will be
available from excavated quantity. However, the same has to be carried to the embankment sites
through Tippers. Necessary provision for carriage of soil has been made in the estimate.
Therefore, there is no requirement to extract soil from Borrow pits. The excess earth balance from
embankment filling have been proposed to disposed off at the locations of high embankment
along the road side within RoW. Hence separate muck disposal/dumping zone will not be


9.1. The present road is subjected to movement of heavy vehicles of Tata which carries
Trailers loaded with Tanks. Therefore, the bituminous pavement thickness has been provided
with DBM 75 mm and BC of 40 mm, in the pavement design conforming to IRC: 37-2018.
9.2. Design CBR. The Design CBR value of 11% has been considered for design of pavement
for stretch from Km 0.000 to Km 8.220.
9.3. Design Traffic. The traffic intensity considered for design of pavement is 5 msa as per
calculation attached at Appendix ‘AH’. The parameters considered for deriving the axle load are
as under:-

Ser Parameters Adopted Reference

(a) Number of commercial vehicles per day 174 CVPD Appendix ‘AI’

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9.4. Design of Pavement. Based on the above factors the cumulative standard axles to cater
for the design works out to 5 MSA., the layer composition has been worked out using IIT Pave
design Software and IRC 37-2018.The following composition has been proposed:-

Srl Items/ Layer Reference

No. Layers Thickness
(a) GSBC : 200 mm (in two Conforming to Clause 401 of MoRTH Spcns Revision 5
(b) WMM : 150 mm (in two Conforming to Clause 406 of MoRTH Spcns Revision 5
(c) DBM : 75 mm Conforming to Clause 505 of MoRTH Spcns Revision 5
(d) BC : 40 mm Conforming to Clause 508 of MoRTH Spcns Revision 5
Total : 465 mm

10.1. GSBC 100 mm thick two layer for Sub Base layer :- GSB 100 mm thick (compacted )
with stone aggregate conforming to grading No- V as per Tables-400-1 of MORT&H
specifications for Road and Bridge Works(Fifth Revision) including supply of material, watering
and compaction all complete. The GSB layers have been provided on full formation width in terms
of section 7 of IRC: 37-2018.

10.2. GSBC 150 mm thick for shoulders:- GSB 150 mm thick (compacted) with stone
aggregate conforming to grading No- V as per Tables-400-1 of MORT&H specifications for Road
and Bridge Works (Fifth Revision) including supply of material, watering and compaction all
complete. GSB 150 mm thick have been provisioned over earthen shoulder as per para 2.5.2 of
IRC: 73-2007.

10.3. WMM 75 mm thick two layers for Base Course:- Wet Mix Macadam 75 mm thick
compacted with stone aggregate grading as per Table 400-13 and satisfying the physical
requirement as per Table 400-12 of MORT&H specifications for Road & Bridge works (Fifth
Revision) for Wet Mix Macadam 75 mm thick compacted including premixing the materials with
water to OMC in mechanical mix laying in uniform layers in sub base/base course on a well
prepared base and compacting with power vibratory roller to achieve the desired density including


10.4.1 DBM 75 mm thick:- Binder Course of Dense Bituminous Macadam 75 mm compacted

thick layer with HMP plant mix, pre-coated stone aggregated having physical
requirement/grading/mix composition as per Table 500-8/9/10 of MORT&H specification for road
and bridge works (5th revision) with minimum 4.50% binder asphalt VG-30 by weight of total mix
all as specified in clause 505 of MORT&H specification for road and bridge works (Fifth revision).

10.4.2 Tack Coat and Prime Coat: Tack coat and Prime coat has been considered as per
MORT&H specification for road and bridge works (Fifth revision).

10.4.3 BC 40 mm thick:- BC (Bituminous Concrete) layer 40 mm thick compacted with HMP

mix pre coated stone aggregate having physical requirements/grading/mix composition as per
Table 500-16/17 respectively mixed with 5.40% (Minimum) binder asphalt VG - 30 by weight of
total mix and 2% cement/lime by weight of total aggregate (for filler) all as specified in clause
507.2.4 of MORT&H specifications for Road & Bridge works (Fifth Revision).
11.1. Typical cross section of layer composition of pavement work is enclosed in this DPR.

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12.1. General Drainage Pattern, HFL, Water Table, Seepage Flows, etc. The proposed
alignment does not cross any natural streams and also the area falls under low rainfall region
having rainfall up to 200 mm (rainfall data enclosed). To avoid the damage to the road and
balancing the surface drainage, cross drainage works in the form of RCC Box cell culverts of size
2.0 x 2.0 m are proposed for surface runoff of water crossing the road, in this DPR as per IRC
SP: 13-2004.

12.2. Surface Drains, Catch Water Drains and Longitudinal Side Drains Proposed, if any.
Lined drains are provided at box cutting areas. The general U-shaped section is considered for
lined drains as per design standard of IRC-SP-48, 1998 for rural roads manual.

12.3. Sub-Surface Drain, Blanket Courses, etc. Sub-surface drainage has not been
provisioned in this DPR as it is not required.

12.4. Internal Pavement Layer Drainage. Internal pavement layer has not been provisioned
below the existing pavement, as it is not required. However, the GSB layers have been
provisioned over full formation width to act as drainage layers as per IRC stipulations.


13.1. Water Way. Waterway has been assessed as per ground condition.

13.2. Type of Structure. As per ground condition 5 nos. of 2.00 x 2.00 m Box culvert have been

13.3. Broad Features Clearance above HFL, etc. Sufficient free board above HFL has been
provided for all proposed culverts.

13.4. Culvert Details. Location wise details of proposed culverts are enclosed at Appx ‘O’.

13.5. Bridge Details. No Bridges are involved.

14. ROAD INTERSECTION: At Km 2.750 of road T-type (Un-channelized) intersections are
proposed for safe movement of traffic as per MOST-standard drawing 1992, ‘Type of design for
intersection on Two lane NH and VR/ODR. The details of intersection are as under:-

Ser Particulars T-intersection at Km 2.750 Reference

(a) Type of Intersection T-Type Unchannelized Drg No. 35 Type
Designs for
(b) Name of Major/ Minor Road Devasar – Mauwali talai (NHDL Intersections on
with Specification. specifications) / Ring Road to Pt National highways,
223(Cl-9 specificatiions) MoST (Road Wings)
(c) Traffic intensity for 174 CVD -1992 (Appendix ‘Y-
proposed road II’).
(d) Radius of intersection 15 mtr
(e) Length of intersection 70 mtr

The Intersection is catered as per Standard drawing No. 35 (For T - Intersection involving
a two lane NH and Lightly Trafficked Ordinary village road with radius of Curve 15.00 mtr) of Type
Designs for Intersections on National Highways, GoI, MoST (Road Wings)-1992.

14.2. Interchange, if any with Justification. Nil


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15.1 Location of Crossings and the Number of Lines (BG/MG) being Crossed. No railway
crossing exists.

15.2 Justification for Provision of ROB/RUB. No ROB/RUB is required on the proposed



16.1. Borrow Area of Soil with Soil Properties for Embankment as well as Sub Grade and
Lead Involved. Adequate soil will be available from the formation cutting and balance
requirement, if any, can be met out with In RoW. Hence separate provision for borrow pits has not
been catered for in this DPR.

16.2. Quarries for Aggregates, its Characteristics and Lead Involved. There are no quarries
under operation with BRO in the AOR. Therefore, Stone metal, Chips, Bricks and Sand is
planned to be procured through contract.

16.3. Source of Material, Water and Arrangement for Transportation, etc. Road materials
like stone, stone metal, stone chips and sand for permanent works are proposed to be procured
through contract as no departmental quarries exists on the road as well as in the vicinity. The
lead involved in supply of aggregates and stores for this work from the quarries being operated by
contractors has been considered. Stone, stone metal and stone chips are available only at
Randhisar quarry at a lead of 265 Km, Sand is available at Bikaner quarry at a lead of 222 Km
from mid sector and bricks are available at Suratgarh at a lead of 94 Km to the mid sector of
proposed road. Water point is available locally to meet the requirement of water for construction
and Adm purpose.

16.4. Labour Availability and Amenities. Sufficient local workers are available for the work
from nearby villages.

17.1. Protective Works such as Pitching/Retaining Walls, etc. 84 No’s of Breast walls with
different heights of 2.00 to 3.00 m with 8.00 m length at different locations have been provisioned
in the DPR to protect the newly cut slope from erosion as per details contained in Appendix ‘Q’.
Protective works such as 116 No’s of 60 mm thick PCC block pitching having different height from
2.00 to 2.50 m of 8.00 m length have been proposed to protect the embankment slope from
erosion as per details in Appendix ‘T’.

17.2. Rest House, Temporary Quarters, Wayside Amenities, Truck Park, Etc. Road side
accommodation to construct shelters for troops, CPLs and stores @ 2% on the estimated cost of
work (cost of Fmn & Pmt work only) has been catered for in this DPR as per BRDB letter
No.F.194/BRDB/P&C/05/CCC (Vol-III) dated 14 Apr 87. RSA is required for keeping stores, living
areas for workmen and site supervisory staff. Area experiences extreme heat and is highly
drought prone. Adequate provision for RSA to accommodate troops and stores has been made in
the DPR accordingly.

17.3. Roadside Plantation, Turfing, Landscaping, etc. These activities are taken up by Govt.
of Rajasthan under social forestry activities and hence no provision has been made in this DPR.

17.4. Guard Rails, Sign Boards, Traffic Control Devices, If any. Location statement of
required road furniture for this stretch is enclosed with this DPR.

17.5. Toll Plaza. No provision has been made as the road is being improved for use by security

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17.6. Diversion & Haul Roads. No provision has been catered for in this DPR.

17.7. Bus Lay Byes. Since Road is carrying low intensity of public conveyance. There in not
requirement of Bus Lay Byes for rural areas.

17.8. Truck Lay Byes. No provision has been made as the road is being improved for use by
security forces.

17.9. Justification for Splitting of Work, if Proposed. As the improvement work has been
proposed on existing road, the works have been considered in a consolidated manner and no
splitting up of work has been proposed.

17.10. Pre-qualification of Contractors. There is no specialised work involved in this DPR for
which prequalification shall be required. Work shall be executed as per departmental policies and
instructions received from time to time.

17.11. Statement/Charts. Single consolidated volume of DPR has been prepared including
statement of case, appendix wise detailed quantity calculation, estimated cost, drawings,
certificates and other essential appendices required as per check list.

17.12. Drawings. Plan, longitudinal & cross section of road and all working drawings of
permanent structures have been prepared as per IRC SP: 19-2001 and enclosed with this DPR in
a separate folder.
17.13. Special Status, if any. The construction of this road axis will facilitate the movement of
Army heavy vehicles during Ops, deployment of troops near International Border and movement
of heavy machines. Accordingly, construction/improvement of this road to NHDL specifications
has been included in LTRoWP 2023-28 at Sr.No. 210 vide MoD letter No. 04/815/2023-28/ D
(BR-1) dated 01 Jun 2023 and necessary inclusion of work in AWP (BE) 2023-24 was also
proposed vide their letter No..21802/AWP 2023-24/CTK/DGBR/27/TP (Plg) dated 16 Jun 2023
and approval of DGBR Note.21802/AWP 2023-24/CTK/DGBR/TP (Plg) dated 16 Jun 2023. BE
Target for FY 2024-25 is also allotted with PDC of road as on 2027 in approved AWP (BE) 2024-
25 at Sr No. 45.
18.1. Rates. DPR has been priced on DGBR SSR 2023 rates. For the items not available in
DGBR SSR 2023 the rate analysis has been adopted. Rate for material procured through supply
contract and work to be done under execution contract have been adopted as per the SSR rates
in this region. 10% on SSR rate for contractor’s overhead charges and further 10% for
contractor’s profit has been added to the work executed through contract as per general rule No.
08 of DGBR SSR 2023.
18.2. Road Lift Charges. Road lift charges have been considered in this DPR from nearest Rail
head Hanumangarh as per Dte GBR letter No P63 (21)/DGBR/90/P-II dated 22 April 1994.
18.3. Extra Transportation Charges. Extra Tpt charges for conveyance of water from locally
available water point is catered in this DPR.
18.4. Royalty Charges. Royalty charges for water have not been considered in this DPR as
water will be used from Camp of Armed forces.

18.5. Escalation Charges. There is no escalation charges for the year 2024-25 onwards since
DPR has been framed on SSR 2023 rates.

18.6. Credit for Retrieved Material. Existing Pavement at many stretches has to be removed
as part of correction to profile of road. The material retrieved from the existing pavement cannot
be fully used for GSB due to Nalkankar material. Moreover, the granular layer of the existing road

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are GSB (Nalkankar) and WBM whose physical properties like gradation, water absorption, AIV
and CBR at 98% dry density etc are not meeting the standards given in specifications for roads
and bridges for construction of new road. However, credit for the 40% of total material used in
existing WMM/WBM layer is considered in this DPR.
18.7. Scarification of Bituminous layer. Scarification of bituminous layer of existing road of
2.620 Kms length has been considered in the DPR on stretches where embankment filling up to 1
m depth in terms of Clause 13.1 (b) IRC 36-2010.
18.8. Credit for GREF Tradesmen. The credit on account of deployment of GP tradesmen and
PNRs have been catered for in this DPR in accordance with policy on the subject.
18.9. Contractor’s profit for Work to be executed through contract . The cost of work to be
done under execution contract arrived by adding 10% Contractor’s profit and overhead charges
on the SSR rates as per para 8 of general rules in DGBR SSR 2023.
18.10. Quality Control. Quality control charges @ 1% have been considered in this DPR as per
para 5(i) of general rules in DGBR SSR 2023.
18.11. Physical Contingency Charges. Physical contingencies @ 5% of cost of works for road
works have been considered in this DPR as per BRDB letter No F-194/DGBR/CCO/Vol-II dated
14 Apr 1997. Physical Contingencies charges @ 1% or 0.50% as per HQ DGBR letter No.
41543/Tech Policy Corrs/DGBR/29/T – Coord/West Dte dated 23 Jan 2018 for execution contract
works has also been considered in this DPR. Also, additional Sign board, Gantry, Cat Eyes,
Crash Barrier etc. related construction zone safety will be met out of Physical Contingency.

18.12. Labour Cess. Provision for labour cess @ 1% of estimated cost of work has been catered
in this DPR as per policy in vogue.

18.13. Road Side Accommodation. Provision of RSA @ 2% of the cost of Fmn and Pmt works
has been considered in this DPR.


19.1. Formation Work. Planned for execution through departmentally.

19.2 Permanent Work. Materials required for permanent work such as stone metal, chips,
sand, etc., are required to be procured through supply contract, for which necessary provision
has been made in this DPR. The pre-cast lined drain has planned to procured through supply
contract so as to promote innovative materials and automation in road construction. All other Pmt
works will be executed departmentally.

19.3. Surfacing Work. Due to non- existence of departmental quarries and non-availability of
crusher, the material for GSBC have been provisioned through supply contract. GSBC layer will
be executed departmentally. WMM layers and the bituminous layers DBM & BC are proposed
through execution contract due to non-availability of HMP in the AoR and also WMM plant has
been erected & excessively utilized in B-P-B road.
19.4. Procurement of Stores. The stores required for this work will be procured through GeM
duly following the procedures.
20.1. Shifting of Utilities. The cost of shifting of utilities as catered for in the DPR is as under:-

Ser Particulars of Item A/U Quantity

(a) Shifting of electric lines Rs. 594680.00
Say Rs. 5.95 Lakh

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20.2. Formation Work. The scope of work as catered for in the DPR is as under:-
Ser Particulars of Item A/U Quantity
(a) Earth work in Excavation Cum 70786.00
(b) Earth work in Embankment (Earth from FMN Cutting) Cum 47925.32
(c) Carriage/Disposal of Excavated Earth within a lead of 5 Cum 63740.60
Total Scope in Km Cl-9 Eqvt Km Eqvt Cl-9 8.301
Cost of Formation Work Rs Lakh 273.48
Rate per Km Eqvt Cl-9 Rs Lakh 32.95
Rate per Linear length Rs Lakh 33.27

20.3. Permanent Work. The scope of work as catered for in the DPR is as under:-

Ser Particulars of Structure A/U Quantity

(a) RCC 2.00 x2.00 m box cell culvert with wing wall Nos 05
(b) B/Wall – 8.00 x 2.00 m height in PCC 1:3:6 Nos 64
(c) B/Wall – 8.00 x 2.50 m height in PCC 1:3:6 Nos 15
(d) B/Wall – 8.00 x 3.00 m height in PCC 1:3:6 Nos 05
(e) PCC block pitching 60 mm thick with toe wall of 1.0 m height Nos 102
of 8 m length - 2.0 m average height embankment
(f) PCC block pitching – 2.5 m average height embankment Nos 14
(g) Lined drain in PCC 1:3:6 of “U” shape Mtr 6045
Total Cost of Permanent Work Rs Lakh 842.08
Length of Road Km 8.220
Rate per Km (linear length) Rs Lakh 102.44

20.4. Surfacing Work. The scope of work as catered for in the DPR is as under:-

Ser Particulars of Item A/U Quantity

(a) Prep of Sub grade in SMB Sqm 99477.50
(b) GSBC 100 mm thick (two layers) Sqm 186507.40
(c) GSBC 150 mm thick (shoulders) Sqm 33862.40
(d) WMM 75 mm thick (three layers) Sqm 121645.00
(e) DBM 60 mm thick Sqm 58335.50
(f) BC 40 mm thick Sqm 58335.50
(g) Scarifying existing surface Sqm 9825.00
(h) Prime coat Sqm 58335.50
(j) Tack coat Sqm 116671.00
(k) Earth filling in shoulders Cum 6614.35
Surfacing Eqvt Cl-9 Km 34.869
Cost of Surfacing Work Rs Lakh 2584.89
Rate per Km Cl-9 Eqvt Rs Lakh 74.13
Rate per Linear length Rs Lakh 314.46

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20.5. Road Safety Audit Work.

The scope of work as catered for in the DPR is as under:-
Ser Particulars of Structure A/U Quantity
(a) Road marking 2.5 mm thick Sqm 1965.10
(b) Crash Barrier (Single beam) M 921
(c) Cat eyes Nos 1558
(d) Delineators 900 cm Nos 100
(e) Ordinary KM stone Nos 07
(f) Sub KM stone Nos 33
(g) 5th KM stone Nos 2
(h) Boundary stone Nos 84
(j) Providing of cautionary boards Nos 26
(k) Providing of Information boards Nos 04
(l) Full Over Head Gantry with road information Boards Nos 2
(m) Providing and erection of Village board Nos 4
(n) Chevron Sign board Nos 53
(o) Hazard sign Board Nos 25
Total Cost of Road safety Audit Work Rs Lakh 95.48
Length of Road Km 8.220
Rate per Km Rs Lakh 11.62
21.1. Cost of Project.
The cost of the Project based on this DPR is as per details given below:-
Ser Item of Work A/U Scope Cost in Rs Lakh
(a) Shifting of utilities Rs Lakh 5.95 5.95
(b) Formation Work KM CL-9 8.301 273.48
(c) Permanent Work Rs Lakh 842.08 842.08
(d) Surfacing Work KM CL-9 34.869 2584.89
(e) Road Safety Audit Work Rs Lakh 95.48 95.48
Total Cost of Work Rs Lakh 3801.88

21.2. Plan of Execution.

The work has to be included in AWP BE 2023-24 and the plan of execution is drawn as per
following details:-
Ser Item of Work A/U Scope Year wise Plan
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
(a) Shifting of utilities Rs Lakh 5.95 5.95 - -
(b) Formation Work Km Cl-9 8.301 3.00 5.301 -
(c) Permanent Work Rs Lakh 842.08 200.00 642.08 -
(d) Surfacing Work Km Cl-9 34.87 5.000 25.000 4.87
(i) GSB Km Cl-9 13.36
(ii) WMM Km Cl-9 7.37
(iii) DBM Km Cl-9 7.07
(iv) BC Km Cl-9 7.07
(e) Road Safety Audit Work Rs Lakh 95.48 - - 95.48

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Total Cost of Work Rs Lakh 3801.88 675.44 2669.95 456.49

21.3. Mode of Execution as per availability of Resources. The availability of resources for
execution of the Project and mode of execution adopted are depicted in physical terms as per
following details:-
Ser Item of Work A/U Mode of Execution Mode of Execution
Deptl Sup Exe Cont Total
(a) Shifting of Rs Lakh 5.95 - - 5.95 Through Govt. of
utilities Rajasthan.
(b) Formation Km Cl-9 8.301 - - 8.301 Departmental
Work execution

(c) Permanent Rs Lakh 352.63 489.45 - 842.08 Departmental

Work execution with material
supply through
(d) Surfacing Work Km Cl-9 13.36 21.51 34.87
GSB Km Cl-9 13.36 - 13.36 Departmental
execution with material
through supply
WMM Km Cl-9 - 7.37 7.37 Execution Contract.
DBM Km Cl-9 - 7.07 7.07 -do-
BC Km Cl-9 - 7.07 7.07 -do-
(e) Road Safety Rs Lakh 63.72 13.61 18.15 95.48 Departmental
Audit Work execution with material
through supply
21.4. Mode of Execution in Financial Term. The mode of execution adopted in financial terms
are depicted as per following details:
Ser Item of Work Mode of Execution (Rs Lakh) Remarks
Deptl Sup Cont Exe Cont Total
(a) Shifting of utilities 5.95 5.95
(b) Formation Work 273.48 - - 273.48
(c) Permanent Work 352.63 489.45 - 842.08
(d) Surfacing Work 501.16 422.16 1661.57 2584.89
(e) Road Safety Audit 63.72 13.61 18.15 95.48
Total 1196.94 925.22 1679.72 3801.88


22.1. General. The DPR is not meant for execution through EPC mode. The work proposed in
this DPR covers scope for departmental execution with provision for execution of bituminous
layers through contract for which no departmental capability exist at present with the TF.
Notwithstanding the above, details as per Appendices’’ A to D as per HQ DGBR letter
No.24006/DGBR/Policy /88/EPC Cell dated 05 Mar 2019 are attached to the DPR as per details
discussed in succeeding paragraphs.

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22.2. Salient Features. The salient features of the alignment as per Appendix ‘A’ to HQ DGBR
letter No. 24006/DGBR/Policy/88/EPC Cell dated 05 Mar 2019 is enclosed at Appendix ‘AU-I’ to
the DPR.
22.3. Technical Approval. Draft technical approval has been prepared and attached as per
Appendix ‘B’ to HQ DGBR letter No. 24006/DGBR/Policy/88/EPC Cell dated 05 Mar 2019 at
Appendix ‘AU-II’ to the DPR.
22.4. Check list. Draft checklist has been prepared and attached as per Appendix ‘C’ to HQ
DGBR letter No. 24006/DGBR/Policy/88/EPC Cell dated 05 Mar 2019 and enclosed at Appendix
‘AU-III’ to the DPR.
22.5. Project Memorandum. Draft Project Memorandum for the same has been prepared and
attached as per Appendix ‘D’ to HQ DGBR letter No.24006/DGBR/Policy/88/EPC Cell dated 05
Mar 2019 at Appendix ‘AU-IV’ to the DPR.

22.6. Abstract of Cost. Draft Abstract of cost for the same has been prepared and attached as
per Annexure -1 to Appendix ‘D’ to HQ DGBR letter No. 24006/DGBR/Policy/88/EPC Cell dated
05 Mar 2019 at Appendix ‘AU-V’ to the DPR.

23. Certificate. It is certified that:-

(a) No lump sum provision has been made in this DPR.
(b) No portion of the works catered for in this DPR is covered by any earlier Government
sanction/estimate sponsored.
(c) The work proposed in this DPR is essential to cater for the requirement of
“Construction/Improvement of road Devasar - Mauwali Talai between Km 0.000 and Km
8.220 (net length 8.220 Kms) from Cl-9 to NHDL specifications”.
(d) All quantities proposed in this DPR are supported by drawings/details.
(e) All arithmetical calculations have been checked and are correct.


The cost of work for construction / improvement of road Devasar - Mauwali Talai between
Km 0.000 and Km 8.220 (net length 8.220 Kms) from Cl-9 to NHDL specifications have been
worked out to Rs. 3801.88 Lakh. It is strongly recommended that, the DPR for this stretch be
sanctioned on priority to complete allotted targets as in approved AWP 2024-25.

Station: C/o 56 APO (Ishfaq Zahoor)

Dated: Apr 2024 Officer Commanding

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