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Radiation Extinction Limit of Counterflow Premixed Lean

Methane-Air Flames
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, A oba-ku, Sendai 980-77, Japan


Centre for Advanced Gas Combustion Technology, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Queen's University at Kingston,
Ontario, K7L 3N6 Canada

The application of the laminar flamelet concept to turbulent flame modeling requires a detailed understanding
of stretched laminar flames. In this study, we used numerical methods, including arc-length continuation, to
simulate the extinction characteristics of counterflow premixed fuel-lean, methane-air flames. Attention was
primarily paid to the effect of radiative heat loss on the extinction characteristics of these flames. The results
show that at medium to low values of the stretch rate, the radiative heat loss has a particularly strong impact
on the counterflow premixed fuel-lean, methane-air flames. It was also found that, in addition to the stretch
extinction limit at a high stretch rate, there exits a radiation extinction limit at a low stretch rate.
Furthermore, the relationship between these two extinction limits and the equivalence ratio is obtained. ©
1997 by The Combustion Institute

INTRODUCTION should be taken into account in the study of

these flames.
Understanding the structure and extinction To date, only a few people have paid atten-
characteristics of stretched laminar flames, tion to the effect of radiative heat loss on the
such as the counterflow flames, is critical to structure and extinction characteristics of
the development and application of the lami- counterflow flames. Chao and Law [1] and T'ien
nar flamelet concept to turbulent flame simu- [2] studied the extinction of flames caused by
lation. Many researchers have studied the de- the thermal radiation from a condensed sur-
tailed structure and the extinction characteris- face by asymptotic theory. They found that the
tics of these flames. Some of them have pre- flame will extinguish at a low stretch rate when
dicted and measured the stretch extinction limit the radiative heat loss from the condensed fuel
of these flames with success. However, rela- surface exists. However, both these papers ig-
tively few people have paid adequate attention nored the gas-phase radiation. Liu and Rogg
to the effect of radiative heat loss on the [3] numerically studied the influence of radia-
structure and extinction characteristics of these tion heat loss on the counterflow diffusion
flames, especially for the sufficiently low stretch flame, and showed that at a low stretch rate
rate counterflow premixed flames. radiation has a strong impact on the flame
In high-temperature combustion, radiation structure. In the study of NO x emission of
from flames is the predominant mode of en- diffusion flames, Hewson and Williams [4]
ergy transport. For instance, in boiler furnaces, found that both the flame temperature and
where combustion takes place, a large propor- NO x emission index fall as the stretch rate
tion of the total heat flux from the flame to the decreases from a critical value, when the radia-
surrounding walls is contributed by radiation. tive heat loss is considered. In the study on the
As a consequence, the influence of radiation effects of radiation heat loss on the structure
on the structure and extinction characteristics of stretched diffusion flamelets, Liu et al. [5]
found that there exists a new extinction limit
of small dissipation rate when the radiative
heat loss from the flame is taken into account.
* Corresponding author. Egolfopoulos [6] studied the radiation effects
COMBUSTION AND FLAME 109:639-646 (1997)
© 1997 by The Combustion Institute 0010-2180/97/$17.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0010-2180(97)00050-3
640 H. G U O ET AL.

on steady and unsteady stretched laminar tion is paid to ascertain whether, in addition to
flames, and indicated that radiation is impor- the stretch extinction limit, the radiation heat
tant for near-limit premixed flames and for loss can lead to another extinction limit at a
weakly-stretched diffusion flames. However, low stretch rate, i.e., whether a radiation ex-
the study was not extended to sufficiently low tinction limit at a low stretch rate exists in
stretch rates. counterflow premixed flames. We expect that
Platt and T'ien [7] first investigated the ex- this radiation extinction limit may strongly de-
tinction of counterflow premixed flames at low pend on the value of the equivalence ratio.
stretch rates, and found that the flame extin- Another purpose of this study is to understand
guishes at a low stretch rate. However, a sim- the mechanism of the extinction observed ex-
ple one-step overall reaction mechanism, which perimentally [8].
cannot consider the effects of the chain-
branching and the chain-terminating process, NUMERICAL MODEL
and constant transport properties were used in
the paper. The experimental study carried out Governing Equations and Solution Procedure
by Maruta et al. [8], under microgravity condi-
tions, indicated that, in addition to the stretch The flame we modeled can be produced by two
extinction, which occurred at a high stretch counterflowing reactant streams which emerge
rate, the flame extinction also happened when from two coaxial jets. In the neighborhood of
the stretch rate decreased to a sufficiently low the stagnation point produced by these flows, a
value. Therefore, it is necessary to employ a chemically-reacting boundary layer is estab-
detailed chemistry and complex transport lished, as shown in Fig. 1.
properties to further study whether, in addition The present simulation for counterflow pre-
to the stretch extinction limit at a high stretch mixed flames assumes a laminar stagnation
rate, there exists another extinction limit at a point flow. The boundary layer approximation
low stretch rate for counterflow premixed was used in this calculation. The governing
flames, which may be caused by the radiation equations for mass, momentum, chemical
heat loss from the flame, and to discover what species and energy can be found elsewhere
is the mechanism of this extinction. [11]. Cylindrical coordinates were used in our
In the present study, numerical studies of simulation. The only difference between this
counterflow premixed fuel-lean, methane-air work and that conducted by Giovangigli and
flames were conducted to gain insight into the Smooke [11] is the energy conservation equa-
extinction characteristics of counterflow pre- tion, in which we retained the sink term due to
mixed fuel-lean, methane-air flames, with spe-
cial attention paid to the effect of the radiative ~y
heat loss from flames. A series of calculations
were performed for different values of the
equivalence ratio. The arc-length continuation
method was used to obtain the extinction limit.
The emphasis is on the low stretch rate at low
equivalence ratio region.
The present numerical computations of
counterflow premixed flames were conducted
with complex transport properties and detailed
chemical kinetics. The necessary thermochemi-
cal and transport properties were obtained
from CHEMKIN data base [9]. The adopted
numerical scheme was basically developed by
Smooke et al. [10] for the simulation of one-di-
mensional premixed flames.
The most important attention in our calcula- Fig. 1. Counterflowpremixed flame configuration.

the thermal radiation. In the present study, all the gaseous species CO2, H20 , CO and CH 4,
these conservation equations were transformed and is expressed as:
into a set of ordinary differential equations.
kp = p~.~xikp, i (3)
For the sake of brevity, we give only the energy
conservation equation here: where p is the pressure (atm), and kp, i and xi
dT dT denote the mean absorption coefficient and
p c i , ~ t + pVCp dy mole fraction, respectively, of absorbing and
emitting species. The quantity, kp,i, c a n be
given as in [17].
dy A Ty - ~'~hkwkM k Experimental study [8] showed that even at a
low stretch rate, twin flames extinguish by
KK dT merging with each other. The maximum dis-
- ~ PYkCpkVk--SS, +
qr (1) tance between twin flames at the low equiva-
lence ratio is very small (less than 20 mm).
where qr is the sink term due to the thermal Therefore, the optically thin assumption for
radiation which will be described in the next the radiation is basically appropriate near the
subsection, and KK is the number of species. extinction limit.
Because the C 1 path is the principal channel
for fuel-lean, methane-air flames, especially
for the flame speed and the extinction, the C 1
elementary reaction mechanism, which in- We performed a series of calculations of
volves 58 reactions and 18 species, was em- the flame extinction limits of counterflow pre-
ployed in this calculation. It is given by Kee mixed fuel-lean, methane-air mixtures at at-
et al. [12] and can accurately reproduce the mosphere-pressure with the equivalence ratio
experimental data over extensive concentration varying between 1.0 to 0.421. Unless it is ex-
and pressure ranges tested in [13]. plicitly indicated, all calculations were con-
Our calculation was carried out basically by ducted with the radiative heat loss included.
using the CHEMKIN code developed by Figure 2 shows the fame temperature versus
Smooke et al. [10, 12, 14]. Windward differ- the stretch rate, a (l/s), for various equiva-
ences were used for the convective term. lence ratios. We can see from this figure that
Adaptive refinement of meshes was done. The for each equivalence ratio, as the stretch rate
arc-length continuation method [11, 15] was increases from a value at which the flame
used to obtain the extinction limits. temperature is the highest, the flame tempera-
ture decreases until the extinction limit is
The Sink Term of the Energy Equation reached at the point of the vertical tangency.
We name this extinction limit at a high :stretch
In the present investigation, attention was paid
to the influence of radiative heat loss on the 1500
extinction limit of counterflow premixed fuel-
lean, methane-air flames.
Based on the optically thin approximation, ff ~400
the sink term due to the radiation, qr, may be
calculated as [16]:
qr = - 4 o ' k p ( T 4 - T 4) (2) 1300

where o- is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant; kp

is the Planck mean absorption coefficient; To
is the ambient temperature, and T is the in- 1200 J f I J l : I
2O 40 60 80 100
stantaneous local temperature. Stretch rate, 1/s
The Planck mean absorption coefficient ac- Fig. 2. Flame temperature as a function of the stretch rate
counts for the absorption and emission from for various equivalence ratios.
642 H. G U O ET AL.

rate the "stretch extinction limit." Many re- 1400 l l ' ' ' ' i i

searchers have studied this stretch extinction

limit theoretically a n d / o r experimentally [11,
15]. Therefore, there is no need of detailed
explanation for this limit here again.
A new phenomenon shown in Fig. 2 is that,
as the stretch rate decreases from the maxi-
~ 1300

~D @=0.43
mum flame temperature point, the flame tem- --O-- R a d i a t i o n h e a t loss Ignored
perature for each equivalence ratio also de- ---e-- Radiation heat loss included
creases and, finally, another extinction point, 1100 I i I • , , ,l I
s 10 2o
where d T / d a ~ oo, is reached on the left por- Stretch rate, l/s
tion of the curves. A detail of Fig. 2 at low Fig. 4. Comparison between the case in which radiative
stretch rates is given in Fig. 3, which shows the heat loss was considered and the case in which radiative
point of the vertical tangency at a low stretch heat loss was ignored.
rate more clearly. These results indicate that,
in addition to the stretch extinction limit men-
tioned above, there is another extinction limit
at the low stretch rate. We name this extinc- loss is ignored for the equivalence ratio of 0.43.
tion limit at the low stretch rate the "radiation It can be seen that when we did not consider
extinction limit." A detailed discussion of this the radiative heat loss, as the stretch rate in-
radiation extinction limit at the low stretch creases the flame temperature first slightly rises
rate will be given in the following section. to a maximum point, then falls toward the
stretch extinction limit. The flame temperature
difference between these two cases increases
Radiation Extinction Limit with the decrease of the stretch rate. The slight
decrease of flame temperature at the low
Figures 2 and 3 clearly show that there is stretch rate for the case in which radiative heat
another extinction limit at the low stretch rate, loss was ignored is due to the influence of the
in addition to the stretch extinction limit at the Lewis number, which has been discussed by
high stretch rate. It can be seen that the tem- many researchers both experimentally and the-
perature at the radiation extinction limit is oretically [18-20].
lower than that at the stretch extinction limit. However, if the radiative heat loss from the
Figure 4 shows the comparison between the flame is not taken into account, we can easily
case in which the radiative heat loss is consid- imagine that the flame would not extinguish at
ered and the case in which the radiative heat a low stretch rate, as shown in Fig. 4. Conse-
quently, we can say that the extinction at the
low stretch rate for counterflow premixed fuel-
1 3 . . . . . . . lean, methane-air flames is caused by the ra-
diative heat loss. This is why we call this ex-
tinction limit at the low stretch rate "radiation
extinction limit," being different from the
~ 1260 "stretch extinction limit" at the high stretch
rate in the physical mechanism.
The radiation extinction mechanism at the
J low stretch rate is as follows. First, as the
lz2o stretch rate decreases from the maximum flame
temperature point, the flame zone first rela-
1200 i , I I * , , , tively thickens, and thus the heat release rate
1 2 ' S ' 10
Stretchrate, 1Is per unit volume of the flame zone decreases.
Fig. 3. Amplified graph in the vicinity of the radiation From Eq. 2, the radiative heat loss is propor-
extinction limits. tional to volume fractions of absorbing and

emitting gases, which are not significantly af- to the fall of temperature between twin flames.
fected by the stretch rate. Hence, the rate of Consequently, conductive heat loss from the
radiative heat loss per unit volume is not flame toward the stagnation plane increases,
strongly dependent on the stretch rate. As a which further lowers the temperature of the
result, the ratio of the sink term due to the flame. There would not be this term of conduc-
radiative heat loss, to the heat release term in tive heat loss if we did not consider the effect
the Eq. 1, increases, and the temperature of of the radiative heat loss. This is another phys-
the flame falls as the stretch rate decreases. To ical factor leading the radiation extinction.
demonstrate this, we define a parameter, rr, Both of these two factors accelerate the
which may be called the radiation fraction, as: drop of the flame temperature more quickly as
the stretch rate decreases from the maximum
flame temperature point.
r/= f Lqr dy ~. hlctol~Mkdy (4) At a sufficiently low stretch rate, the sum of
k=l the radiative and conductive heat loss is so
strong that the flame temperature becomes
very low. Therefore, the flame propagation
where h k represents the specific enthalpy of
speed, with a decrease rate which, because of
the kth species; tok, the molar rate of produc-
the drop of the flame temperature, is higher
tion of the kth species per unit volume; L, the
than the decrease of the reactant flow rate,
distance from the stagnation plane to the
becomes slower than the reactant flow rate.
burner exit, and M k, the molecular weight of
Consequently, the reaction zone moves back to
the kth species. Figure 5 plots rf versus the
stretch rate for the equivalence ratio of 0.48. It the stagnation plane again, and the reaction
cannot be completed, leading to the radiation
should be noted that the fraction of radiation
extinction. The distance between twin flames,
increases rapidly as the stretch rate decreases.
based on the maximum temperatures in twin
However, rf equals to only 23.4% at the stretch
rate of 1.1 l / s , which is near the radiation flames versus the stretch rate for the equiva-
lence ratio of 0.48 is shown in Fig. 6. It should
extinction limit. Such a small value of rf can-
be noted that a decrease of the stretch rate
not lead to the flame extinction, so there must
leads to the distance between flames decreas-
be another physical factor resulting in the radi-
ing rather than increasing near the radiation
ation extinction.
extinction limit. This radiation extinction pro-
Second, the flame zone moves forward to the
cess is consistent with the experimental obser-
burner as the stretch rate decreases at the
beginning, and so the downstream zone be- vation [8].
To demonstrate the radiation extinction pro-
tween twin flames with a higher temperature
cess, the mole fractions of CO and OH, and
and higher concentration of COe and H 2 0
becomes thicker. As a result, radiative heat
loss from this zone increases, which then leads r . . . .
•1 • r . . . . I

u I u I (P=0.48

cI,=0.48 =2

Flammable region
~ o , J , I - ' ~ ~ , a O ,1 i I I
o 20 40 60 s 10 so 100
Stretch r a t e , 1/s Stretch r a t e , l / s
Fig. 5. F r a c t i o n of r a d i a t i o n as a function of the stretch Fig. 6. T h e d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n twin f l a m e s versus the stretch
r a t e for the e q u i v a l e n c e r a t i o of 0.48. r a t e for ~b = 0.48.
644 H. G U O ET AL.

the flame temperature along the axial distance limits in the a-th plane; a C-shaped extinction
for three typical values of the stretch rate limit curve was dearly formed, as shown in Fig.
where the equivalence ratio equals 0.48, are 8. In this graph, the flammable region is
plotted in Fig. 7. The flame zone is close to the bounded by two branches of extinction limit
stagnation plane at the stretch rate of 40.0 1/s. boundaries: the stretch extinction limit branch
Then, the reaction zone moves towards the and the radiative extinction limit branch. For
burner exit at the stretch rate of 6.0 1/s. When the equivalence ratio between approximately
the stretch rate is further reduced to 1.1 1 / s 0.421-0.48, if we start with a flame, the stretch
(which is near the radiation extinction limit for extinction limit can be reached when the
this equivalence ratio), the reaction zone moves stretch rate is increased and the radiation ex-
again to the stagnation plane, but with incom- tinction limit can be reached when the stretch
plete combustion. rate is decreased. At approximately ~b = 0.421,
the two branches merge at one point, which we
call "flammability limit of counterflow fuel-lean
Flammable Region of Counterflow premixed flames." For the equivalence ratio
Premixed Flame below the value specified by this point, a steady
stagnation-point premixed flame cannot be es-
From Figs. 2 and 3, we note that both the tablished regardless of the values of the stretch
stretch extinction limit and the radiative ex- rate. This low lean limit for the counterflow
tinction limit change for different values of the premixed methane-air flames is lower than
equivalence ratio. We plotted all the stretch that for the plane premixed flames without
extinction limits and the radiation extinction stretch effect, which is approximately 0.49, ob-
tained by Law and Egolfopoulos [21].
The radiative extinction limits for the equiv-
i "1 i i | I ' i i w I ' ' ' ' -I
alence ratio greater than 0.48 may exist at a
kd l.fd)0 (A) a:40.0 l/s
.......... a=6.0 1/s :""'"['~
J very low stretch rate, or do not exist. Because
the calculation at very low stretch rates is quite
difficult, we have not obtained the radiation

J-I00 0.02 ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I . . .
extinction limits for the value of the equiva-
lence ratio higher than 0.48.
The comparison of the present numerical
results with the experimental results [8, 22] is
(13) shown in Fig. 9, in which the velocity gradient
0.015 a=40.0 l/s in experiments (U/L, where U is the velocity
,~ ............ *=6.0 its
.~ 0,01 ....... a=l.l 1/s

8 0.005 (I)=0.48 /~ lO3

Methane/air premixed flame
, , , , I , , , _L..---I''"~'.J', ,

8xlO ~ i i i i i i i i , i i m i ' 4 10~

= (C)

6xlO-4 - - a=40.O lls Stretch extinction limit
............ a=6.0 l/s 101
4×10-4 ....... a=l.1 1/s ,~ • Radiation extinction limit

2×10.4 @--0.48
!! \
~ 10o i .../.,
[ Flammability limit of
i/ eounterflow premixed flame
-3 -1 -2o 10-t I , t I I , i i I
y, c m 0.4 0.5 0.6
Fig. 7. Temperature, C O and O H mole fractions as a Equivalence ratio
function of axial distance for three typical values of stretch Fig. 8. C-shaped curve for counterflow premixed fuel-lean,
rate at ~b = 0.48. (a) Temperature; (b) CO; (c) O H . m e t h a n e - a i r flames.

.~ 10 4
' I ' I ' The present result is qualitatively consistent
with the experimental result.
•~ 10~
The authors thank Mr. Atsutaka Honda for
10 2 carrying out the supplementary experiments in
umerlcal results
normal gravity.
.. 10l This work was performed under the manage-
iA OElaruta et al., [81) ment of the Japan Space Utilization Promotion
O Experiments in normal gravity
~ 10a (Law et al., [20]) Center as part of the R & D project of Advanced
'~ Present supplementary Furnaces and Boilers supported by the NEDO
experiments In normal gravity
~ 1 0 -l I , I , t J 1 , I (New Energy and Industrial Technology Develop-
0.4 0.6 0.8 ment Organization).
E q u i v a l e n c e ratio
Fig. 9. Comparison of extinction limits with experimental
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