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A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form
of the verbs:
1. ......................... you ................................... (usually have) a big meal on Christmas Day?
2. Sonia ............................................ (not work) today. She is at home.
3. Helen ............................................ (phone) her best friend every evening.
4. There’s a dog in our garden. Look! It ............................................ (dig) up the flowers.
5. John ............................................ (not live) in this town. He moved three months ago.
6. What ......................... you ......................... (cook)? It smells great!

B. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form
of the verbs:
1.While I .................................. (tidy) my room, I .................................. (find) an old schoolbook.
2. I .................................. (practise) the piano when my friends .................................. (arrive).
3. As Nick ........................... (get) out of his car, he ............................... (fall) and hurt his leg.
4. When I .............................. (wake up) yesterday, the sky was grey and it .................... (rain).
5. While I ............................. (make) a salad for supper, Mum .................................. (cook) some

C. Circle the correct words:

When I was a student, I (1) used to work / am working in a restaurant in New York. One
day a big man (2) was coming / came into the restaurant and ordered some chicken. He
(3) eat / ate the chicken quickly and then he (4) told / was telling the waiter to bring
him a steak, some spaghetti and, after that, ice cream, cake and fruit. Two hours later he
(5) still ate / was still eating! In the end the waiter asked, “(6) Why are you eating so
much?” He said: “(7) I start / I’m starting a diet tomorrow and I won’t eat food like this
again for a long time.” Then he (8) used to pay / paid the bill and left!

D. Circle the correct answers:

1. ...... September have 30 days or 31 days?
a. Is b. Do c. Does
2. My family ...... a house, but now we do.
a. didn’t use to have b. aren’t having c. weren’t having
3. ...... this evening?
a. Do you go out b. You go out c. Are you going out
4. We arrived late because we ...... on time.
a. didn’t leave b. didn’t use to leave c. weren’t leaving
5. Kelly used to ...... football with the boys.
a. played b. play c. playing
A. Complete:
1) The weather in Greece is usually ................................ (warm) than in England.
2) The Harry Potter books are the ....................................... (exciting) stories I have ever read.
3) I never buy anything in Oxford Street. The shops there are ................................ (expensive)
than the mall.
4) Some people think that German is ..................................... (difficult) than French.
5) A Nokia is .................................... (cheap) an iPhone.
6) I think Jim Carrey is ......................................... (funny) actor in the world.

B. Complete with a few or a little:

1. There is ________ bread in the cupboard. But it’s enough for dinner.
2. Susan has __________ friends. She doesn’t feel lonely.
3. Can I have _________ milk in my coffee?
4. There are _________ puddles on the road. Let’s put on rubber boots.
5. _______ apples are enough for me not to feel hungry.
6. I have ________money in my wallet.
7. You have _________ mistakes in the test.
8. There is ________ meat in the fridge.

C.Complete with a lot of / much / many:

John has got 1___________ cars but he hasn’t got 2 __________ patience.
David has got 3 ___________ money, but he hasn’t got 4 ___________friends.
Michel hasn’t got 5 ______money, but he has got 6 __________charm.
Arthur has got 7 __________ fun, but he hasn’t got 8 ___________sense of humour.
Bill hasn’t got 9 ___________clothes, but he’s got 10 ___________pairs of shoes.
Sid has got 11 ____________style, but he hasn’t got 12 ___________humour.

D. Match:

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