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GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA. SUBIBCT:— Other Backward Classes of Citizens under Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the constitution of Inclie—revision of Read =: 1, G.O. No. SWL 12 THS 77 Dated 22-2-1977 k G.0. No. DPAR 1 SBC 77 Dated 4-2-1977 G.O. No. SWL 236 TBS 7 Dated 15-11-1977 G.O. No. SWL 12 TBS 77 Dated 23-1-1978 G.O. No. SWL 4 SNT 78 Dated 12-5-1978 G.0. No. SWL 10 SNT 78 Dated 10-9-1978 G.0. No, DPAR 35 SBC 78 DATED 4-10-1978 G.0. No, SWL 27 BCA 78 DATED 27-3-1979 G.O. No, SWL 123 BCA 79 Dated 1-5-1979 G.O, No. SWL 66 BCA 86 Dated 13-10-1986 psequent on the rejection of the Report of Kamataka Second Backward Classes Commission the reservation Backward Classes in Karnataka has been followed through an adhoc Government Order read at (10) above. mmment Order was issued pending receipt of the report of the Kamataka ‘Third Backward Classes pa. which was constituted vide G.0. No, SWL 259 BCA 86 () dated 9-8-1986 under the chairmanship of He Justice ©. Chinnappa Reddy. The 3r1 Backward. Classes Commission’ submitted its report to the pot on 7-4-1990 and this report was prepared as per the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India in the classes of persons who have to be classified as Backward Classes. This report was submitted afler plc investigation and collection of data and examination of such data thereby delermisiing the socially and” ally Backward Classes in the State ie the report was under the Government's consideration, the Supreme Court of India has given its judgement 1992 relating (o reservation for socially and educationally Backward Classes in particular on the ation of Mandal Commission Report, - z pile going through the various recommendations of the Chinnappa Reddy Conithission Report, Government # Said report requires some modifications and additions in view of the Mandal, Commission Report, of the Other Backward Classes Commissions constituted by the Government earlier. RD 2 ‘The Government have received more than 200 representations from individuals and associations regard inclusion of castes in the Backward Classes list. These representations have been considered very carefully Government. In addition, it has been brought to the notice of the Government that while Mandal Com recognised the need to include rural Vokkaliga in the Backward Classes list, similar consideration was not gi other communities that are essentially rural and agricultural, After a detailed examination gf these represent and after taking note of the fact that Mandal commission has Included the rural vokkaligas in the Backward Cl fist, Government feel it necessary to create one more new category besides the 9 categories of Backward Cl forinulated by the Justice O Chinnappa Reddy in his report, to give adequate reservation quota both under 16 (4) and 16 (4) of the Constitution of India to people who are residing in rural areas like Veerashalva Li Christian, Marathas, Kodagaru, Bunts and Vokkaligas along with their synonyms. Further the Government careful examination has come to the conclusion that adequate representation has not been made under 1G(4) of the Constitution of India for Backward Classes in the State. “The Supreme Court of India has given its direction (o adopt the Creamy Layer principle to eliminate the for people among the Backward Classes. In implementing the Mandal Commission Report, Government of Indi ‘appointed an Expert Committee to consider and to draw the guidelines for this creamy layer. Justice © Chinn Reddy tn his report has suggested this creamy layer principle much eariier than the Expert Committee Re the Government of india, After Careful examination, Government have felt that the creamy layer principle laid by the Expert Committee is too liberal and has therefore, decided to adopt the Creamy Layer principle given by © Chinnappa Reddy in his Report except for item No. 3 .e.. both of whose parents are graduates. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. SWD 75 BCA 92 BANGALORE dated 20-4-1994 (on careful conskleration of the guidelines given by the Supreme Court of India in the judgement of Sri Vas Kumar and another Vs. State of Karnataka and taking into account all available information in regard to the and educational Backwardness of the Backward Communities, Castes and Tribes and considering the level of ofeach community, thelr way of life, standard of living, habits and customs; place ofeach community in social hie ‘as enumerated in the Karnataka Ill Backward Classes Commission Report, Government are pleased to order as fo In supersession of all previous orders and subsequent amendments thereon fa) the list of Other Backward Classes of citizens under Articles 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution sh as specilied in Annexure-t to this order. (©) Category-IV in Annexure II also called Occupational Group will consist of the following citizens (as det in Annexure-1) 1) Agricultural labourers, 2) Handloom Weavers, 3) Construction workers, 4) Aulomobile Drivers, 5) Conductors and Cleaners, 6) Aulo and cycle Rikshaw Drivers. 7) Employees in Factories. 8) Employees in shops and Establishments, 9) Road, Bridge and Railway track and Irrigation Project Workers 10) Street Hawkers, 11) Rural Artisans, 12} Other manual workers. 3) ‘ie percentage of reservation for the Other Backward Classes of citizens listed in Annexure I and 1! under Article 15(4) and 16) (4) of the Constitution shall be fixed at 5036 respectively as follows: D Category Most Backward) 2) Calgegory (fore Backward) 3) Category It (Backward) 4) Category (Occupational Group) No one should be entitled to benefit of reservation under Article 15(4) or under article 16 (4) of the Constitution of india: 1) either of whose parents is a class I or Class If ollicer in the service of the Government or holds an equivalent posts in Public Sector Undertaking or an employement under a private employer and draws a salary which is not less than that of a class I officer {initial stage of the pay scale of Rs, 2050-8950) either of whose parents is a professional i 1) Doctor 2) Lawyer 3) Chartered Accountant 4) Income Tax Consultant 5) Financlal or management consultant 6) Dental Surgeon 7) Engineer or Architect 3) elther of whose parents is an income tax assessee: 4) either of whose parents is assessed to sales tax: 5) cither of whose parents or both together own more than 8 hectares of rainfed or diy Jand or its equivalent, reservation, of 50% wider Article 16(4) of the constitution shall also be fixed in respect of Backward Classes and Occupational Group in all State Public and Private institutions which are receiving ‘Ald’ from the State. “Ald shall mean and include nancial assistance. acquisition of or sanction of land by Goverment, refund of sales tax or percentage tax or any other monetary assistance given by the State Government, The “Rural Area” shall mean a village or town having a population of less than filly (thousand, By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka RIN SANGA Secretary (0 Government Social Welfare Department SLNo, Name of the Caste Sia I ta) ®) Ambalakarma “(ag Mogaveerser ) yf Bavandhi fad) Moger a! Sate) Bavall ~ (ae) Mukkavan ~ 4 (b) att > fad Parvara (©) Bairagi ~ fag Siviyar tb) (@) Bavani - (ah}Sunagara* (incl. the (¢} (©) Byragi - Lingayal Sub-group) (@) Dasriosayt “Al Tore @ @ Davai - {@) Bhamia o (8) Gosayi (©) Bhompta « @ @ Gusai 2 {o) Paradeshi-Bhampta~ — (h) @ Helava‘finel. the (@) Takari ~ @ Lingayat (©) Bhomptra ~ a Sub-group) () Uchillian~ ik (9 Helova ~ WO Bhatrajue 0 0) Holeva 87 (a) Bogad- wi (on) Nandiwala~ ) Begadi- ‘al : (n) Nathapanthi~ {@) Bagan - ob) (0) Pichigunta ~ (@) Bogadi~ © {p) Pichguntala- Budubudukt - 19, (Preguntas - Pree () Bava - Chhetrt - © 8) Byaragl - Devari @ (a) Bestha Garadl « @ (} Ambigafinel. the Gicaidit- 0 Lingayat Sub- @ Joshi - @ group) {h) Kiehagara“ ay (o) Bara ~ ( Kullikyata 7 @ (@) Besthar~ ). Modiga- i) (@) Bhoyifffcl. the Lin (k) Pansa « fa) gayal Sub-group) {l)_Panasa - ) (9 Blunde-Beshiar ——_{m) Pingale - ) @ Daalji - {n) Sadajoshi (8) Daavat ~ (o), Budbudkala ~ y () Gabi“ 6" Chunchar~ 2a) () Galadakonkant “ Ua). Dasari - Sa {) Gangemakkalue(b) Chakravadya-Dash 33a) () Gangakula-— (6) Dang-Dasar 7 ) (m) Gangamatha‘inel-~ (@) Dombi-Dasaru « © the Lingayat Sub-12-{@). Devadasi~ @ group (b) Basavi « @ (o) Gangamathastha “(havin - 0 (0) Gangaputra o-——(@)_-Bogam~ @ (@) Gowrimatha “vy (@). Ganika~ w (@ Bunde Bestha/* (9. Kalavant~ o Gunde Bestha > (@ Nat < () Harakanthra -- ——(h) Natuva < a) £ (@) Jalagara~ Patramela - ® * nee abbey 1a) Chisae - ) (u) Kabbaliga (b) Ghisadi © (a) () Kabbill M4 Jay Goniga ~” & (i kahar-7 MB sanitale-Teluguas™ 4 (x) Khari — chetty- @) Koll (o) Goniga-Chettye — @5-) (@) Kolimahadey “ (@) Sadusetty ¢ & 2 Agamiudi ~ ‘Ambalakaran ~ SLNo, Name of the Caste (aa) Madar fab) meenagar“e CATEGORY—1 SLNo. ~ehh- 4 (MOST BACKWARD) we) Name of the Caste Salapary ~ Gurav "Tamballa ~ ‘Tamblt < Guritha = Halawakki-Waklcal 1,44 ‘Atte-Vokkala ~ ) Yelegar ~ Matava ~ Medara: gayat Sub-grou Gam Gawada ~ (b) Batter ~ Gam Voklalu ~_ (©) Burned ~ Gramna-Vokksalt (@) Cauriga < Halakid-Voklalu” —(e). Gourige Kare-Vokkalu ~ () Gowri — Kunchavalkal~ (@)- Gowrlmaratha Shilwaickal ~ th) Gowsiga ~, Vakkal ~ @ Medari Gavada {) Burd Gam Gowda” \92~, Mudhar~ : Gram Vakkal~ 93 Otani = Hawadiga ~ SG Pamtor - Fasgar~ SS) Pangual Howgar™ {b) Pangusal - ogi 8 ika - ee tape” 97 Safar Sogar ) Ravat — Sogtin < Resins ~ - Ngo Sansa ~ Raval - Nox Satarkar Rawalia~ Sia Sao 2) Siar sanyasi Shikalgar ~ Joger « {@) Shukkaligar ~ ane AA er Khanjar Bhat™ (©) chitara ~ (e} Chitragar ~ {@) Digwan ~ Katabar- fe} Jeenagara” Katabu- (0 Najabund - Katik < (@ Nalabund~ Aray th) ‘Tambat ~ Aenean OR recacar Ari-Katikelu ~ 45

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