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Detecting Fake Social Media Profiles Using Blockchain Application

Mr. Shafwaan Ahmed T a Mr.Kamal Raj Pb Dr. K. Abrar Ahmedc

Student/CSE, C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology,Melvisharam,Tamil Nadu 632 509,India
Student/CSE, C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology,Melvisharam,Tamil Nadu 632 509,India
Head of the Department/CSE C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology,Melvisharam,Tamil Nadu 632 509,India

By leveraging blockchain, we envision a transformative

Abstract solution wherein every social media user's identity is
securely stored and cryptographically sealed, rendering it
In the modern digital landscape, the proliferation of fake impervious to manipulation or fabrication [2]. This novel
social media profiles poses significant challenges such as approach not only bolsters the integrity of user identities but
scams and identity theft. Conventional methods of also erects formidable barriers against the proliferation of
identity verification often fall short in combating this fake profiles.
issue. However, blockchain technology offers a
transformative solution. Picture blockchain as an Central to this vision are smart contracts—self-executing
impregnable digital ledger that securely stores agreements encoded on the blockchain—that serve as the
information. Through blockchain, we can establish a cornerstone of automated identity verification [4]. These
system where each user's identity on social media is intelligent contracts are designed to enforce predefined rules
immutably recorded, mitigating the possibility of and parameters, swiftly discerning the authenticity of user
fraudulent profiles. Smart contracts, functioning as identities with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.
digital agreements, can automatically authenticate users'
identities according to predefined criteria. This enables In essence, the proposed blockchain-powered system heralds
swift and precise verification of users' authenticity. By a new era of online trust and accountability, akin to
harnessing blockchain to combat fake social media furnishing each user with a digital passport that is virtually
profiles, we enhance the safety and integrity of the online incorruptible [5]. By fortifying the foundations of social
sphere for all participants. It's akin to possessing a media with blockchain's immutable architecture and smart
digital ID card that is virtually impossible to counterfeit. contract automation, we aspire to foster a safer and more
trustworthy online environment for all stakeholders.
Keywords: Solidity, Ganache, Smart Contract, Remix
In the pursuit of mitigating the perils of fake social media
Ethereum, Authentication, UIDAI API - Unique
profiles, this endeavor represents not merely a technological
Identification Authority of India.
innovation but a societal imperative—a beacon of hope
illuminating the path towards a more secure and authentic
digital realm.
In the ever-expanding landscape of social media, the
Literature survey
pervasive issue of fake profiles has become a persistent
challenge, undermining the trust and integrity of online
interactions [1]. The traditional mechanisms of identity Literature Survey
verification have proven inadequate in stemming the tide of
fraudulent accounts, leaving users vulnerable to various Title 1: Using Machine Learning to Identify False Identities
forms of exploitation, including scams and identity theft. Bots vs. Humans
Authors: Van Der Walt, E. and Eloff, J
However, amidst this digital quagmire, a beacon of hope
emerges in the form of blockchain technology—a This research explores the application of engineered features
revolutionary paradigm that holds the potential to redefine and machine learning models to detect fake human accounts
the dynamics of online identity verification [3]. At its core, on social media platforms (SMPs). By analyzing attributes
blockchain serves as a decentralized and immutable ledger, such as friend-to-followers ratio, the study aims to mitigate
capable of securely recording transactions and data across a malicious activities perpetrated by individuals concealing
distributed network of nodes. This intrinsic property of their identities behind false personas. While enhancing
blockchain lends itself seamlessly to the establishment of a online social spaces' security and integrity, ethical
robust framework for authenticating social media identities. considerations regarding user privacy may emerge due to
data analysis for identifying suspicious behavior.

Title 2: Bot detection using deep neural networks

Authors: Ferrara and Kudugunta.S
platforms, extracting relevant features, and applying
Introducing a deep neural network architecture, this paper supervised and unsupervised machine learning models for
leverages contextual LSTM models incorporating content analysis. Real-time monitoring flags suspicious profiles,
and metadata to identify bots at the tweet level. Achieving while continuous evaluation ensures model effectiveness.
high classification accuracy, the approach surpasses previous Ethical compliance and privacy considerations are
methods, even with minimal training data. However, paramount, along with collaboration with domain experts for
challenges may arise in detecting novel bot behaviors not system deployment and maintenance. This approach taps
captured in the training dataset, potentially impacting into the rich data sources of social media, enabling
adaptability to emerging tactics. predictive capabilities and timely anomaly detection,
ultimately enhancing security measures.
Title 3: Utilizing Dynamic CNN to Detect Fake Profiles in
Internet Social Networks Limitations:
Authors: Jie, H.J., and Wanda, P.
1. Privacy Concerns: Immutable storage of user identities
This study presents DeepProfile, a dynamic CNN algorithm on the blockchain raises privacy concerns, as once stored,
addressing fake account issues in Online Social Networks the information cannot be altered or erased, potentially
(OSN). Demonstrating promising results, it outperforms compromising users' control over their personal data
traditional learning algorithms in malicious account
classification tasks. Despite its efficacy, DeepProfile may 2. Risk of Permanent Identity Theft and Fraud: Tamper-
face susceptibility to adversarial attacks, posing a challenge resistant records on the blockchain pose a risk of permanent
to its reliability in accurately identifying fake accounts. identity theft and fraud if unauthorized access occurs, as
rectifying such incidents becomes extremely challenging due
Title 4: Identification of Fake Accounts on Twitter Using to the immutable nature of blockchain data
Hybrid SVM Algorithm .
Authors: Kodati, S., Reddy, K.P., Mekala, S., Murthy, P.S., 3. Technical Complexities and Scalability: Implementing
and Reddy decentralized verification processes using blockchain
technology may introduce technical complexities, such as
The proliferation of social networks, particularly Twitter, managing network consensus mechanisms and ensuring
underscores the need to identify malicious users. This paper sufficient scalability to handle increasing user volumes
proposes a hybrid SVM algorithm tailored for Twitter, without compromising performance.
achieving high accuracy in classifying fake and genuine
profiles. However, its effectiveness may diminish over time 4. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to evolving
as attackers develop new evasion tactics. regulatory frameworks related to data privacy and identity
management poses a challenge, as blockchain-based systems
Title 5: Fake Profile Detection Methods in Large-Scale may need to navigate legal requirements across jurisdictions,
Online Social Networks** potentially leading to compliance issues.
Authors: B D. Ramalingam and V. Chinnaiah
5. Adoption Challenges: CEncouraging widespread
With the widespread engagement on social networks comes adoption of blockchain-based identity verification systems
the challenge of detecting fake profiles. Various algorithms among social media platforms and users may face resistance
and methodologies have been developed to address this due to unfamiliarity with blockchain technology, concerns
issue, yet continuous evolution of fraudulent techniques about usability, and perceived barriers to entry.
poses a challenge to existing detection methods,
necessitating ongoing updates and enhancements. 6. Reliance on External Data Sources: Depending on
external data sources, such as government-issued
Title 6: Identifying Fake Accounts on Social Media identification databases for user verification, introduces
Authors: S. Khaled, N. El-Tazi, and H.M. Mokhtar dependencies and potential points of failure, impacting the
reliability and autonomy of the system.
The SVM-NN algorithm proposed in this study effectively
detects fake accounts on Twitter by combining support 7. Maintenance and Upkeep: Ensuring the ongoing
vector machine and neural network techniques. Achieving maintenance and upkeep of the blockchain infrastructure,
high accuracy, the algorithm may require significant including regular updates to address security vulnerabilities
computational resources and expertise for implementation and scalability issues, requires dedicated resources and
due to its complexity. expertise, potentially posing challenges for long-term
8. False Positives and False Negatives: Like any automated
In the current system, the process of detecting fake social detection system, there is a risk of false positives
media profiles involves collecting data from various (incorrectly flagging legitimate users as fake) and false
negatives (failing to identify actual fake profiles), which can
undermine user trust in the system's accuracy and

The proposed system for detecting fake social media profiles

using blockchain application encounters several challenges,
including privacy concerns, potential identity theft risks,
scalability issues, and regulatory compliance hurdles.
Overcoming these obstacles necessitates the implementation
of robust privacy measures, scalable solutions, and
regulatory frameworks to ensure the integrity and
effectiveness of the blockchain-based approach.



The proposed system aims to address the challenge of 1. User Verification Module: At the forefront of our
detecting fake social media profiles by leveraging system, the User Verification Module serves as the
blockchain technology. It includes immutable identity gatekeeper for authenticating user identities. By intertwining
storage on the blockchain, a decentralized verification their social media accounts with their Aadhar numbers, this
process, and automation of identity verification via smart module ensures a robust verification process. It boasts an
contracts. Additionally, tamper-resistant records for user intuitive user interface facilitating Aadhar number input and
identities will be established, enhancing security and trust seamlessly integrates with the UIDAI API for the secure
through blockchain. The system will enable efficient transmission of OTPs. Following a stringent OTP
detection of fake profiles while standardizing digital identity verification process, user details, including name and photo,
with blockchain technology. are meticulously retrieved from UIDAI upon successful
verification, thereby laying the foundation for a trustworthy
ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM user verification mechanism.

2. Blockchain Smart Contract Module: Operating at the

heart of our solution, the Blockchain Smart Contract Module
orchestrates the secure storage and retrieval of verified user
details through the power of blockchain technology.
Leveraging Solidity in the Remix Ethereum IDE, this
module crafts smart contracts endowed with the ability to
safeguard user data with cryptographic prowess. These
contracts meticulously define functions for storing and
fetching user details, encompassing vital information such as
Aadhar numbers and hashed photos, all while maintaining an
airtight access control framework. Furthermore, this module
is adept at adapting to evolving verification processes,
ensuring the seamless integration of updated user

3. Profile Authenticity Verification Module: In the pursuit

of upholding the integrity of user profiles, the Profile
Authenticity Verification Module embarks on a mission to
distinguish genuine users from impostors. By cross-
3.MODULES: In our project to tackle the menace of fake referencing social media profiles with verified Aadhar
social media profiles, our project, "Detecting Fake Social details securely stored on the blockchain, this module acts as
Media Profiles Using Blockchain Application," is the custodian of authenticity. Armed with insights gleaned
meticulously structured around several key components from the Blockchain Smart Contract Module, it orchestrates
aimed at leveraging the power of blockchain technology to a meticulous verification process, meticulously scrutinizing
ensure the authenticity and integrity of online identities: profile names and other pertinent details. Through a blend of
algorithmic prowess and blockchain-backed validation, this
module stands as the vanguard against the proliferation of
fake profiles, safeguarding the sanctity of online identities.
4. Scalability and Performance Optimization Module:
Ensuring the seamless operation and optimal performance of Profile Authenticity Verification Module:A critical
our system, the Scalability and Performance Optimization component of the system will be the profile authenticity
Module stands as a testament to our commitment to user- verification module, tasked with verifying the authenticity of
centric design. With an unwavering focus on enhancing the user profiles against stored blockchain data. Leveraging data
user experience, this module orchestrates a symphony of retrieved from the Blockchain Smart Contract Module, this
updates to the user interface, driven by real-time user module will employ algorithms to compare social media
verification statuses and blockchain data. Through seamless profile details with stored blockchain data, thereby
integration with the Profile Authenticity Verification determining the authenticity of user identities. This
Module, it heralds the arrival of user-friendly options for verification process will be seamlessly integrated into user
viewing verification statuses and initiating re-verification login and profile update workflows to ensure real-time
processes. By meticulously synchronizing blockchain data authentication.
an unparalleled user experience, characterized by reliability,
efficiency, and trustworthiness. Machine Learning Models Integration: Complementing
the blockchain-based verification system, machine learning
models will be integrated to enhance the detection of fake
METHODOLOGY profiles. These models will leverage advanced techniques
such as feature engineering, deep learning, and SVM
Data Collection and Preprocessing: In the initial phase of algorithms to identify patterns indicative of fake profiles.
the project, the team will focus on collecting relevant data Trained models will be deployed for real-time monitoring
from various social media platforms, including user profiles, and flagging of suspicious profiles, thereby bolstering the
activity logs, and any other pertinent information. This data system's ability to detect and mitigate fraudulent activities.
will then undergo preprocessing to ensure cleanliness and
extract necessary features for subsequent analysis. Scalability and Performance Optimization Module:
Preprocessing steps may involve tasks such as data cleaning, Ensuring scalability and optimal performance of the system
normalization, and feature extraction, aimed at preparing the is imperative for handling a large volume of user verification
data for further processing and analysis. requests and blockchain transactions. To achieve this, the
team will implement various optimization techniques,
Blockchain Integration: The project will involve including caching mechanisms, load balancing, and parallel
integrating blockchain technology to establish a secure and processing. Continuous monitoring and optimization efforts
immutable storage system for user identities. This will be conducted to maintain system efficiency and
integration will be executed through the development of responsiveness, thereby ensuring smooth operation even
smart contracts using languages like Solidity, which will under high loads.
manage the verification and storage of user identities on the
blockchain. These smart contracts will be designed with Ethical Considerations: Throughout the project lifecycle,
robust access control mechanisms to restrict interaction to ethical considerations will be paramount. The team will
authorized entities only, ensuring the integrity and security prioritize user privacy by implementing robust data
of the stored data. protection measures and obtaining explicit consent for
identity verification processes. Compliance with ethical
User Verification Module: A crucial aspect of the project guidelines and regulations pertaining to user data privacy
involves implementing a user verification module to and security will be ensured at all stages of development.
authenticate the identity of users. This module will facilitate Regular audits and reviews will be conducted to assess the
the linking of users' social media accounts with unique system's impact on user privacy and mitigate any potential
identifiers such as Aadhar numbers. Integration with UIDAI risks or concerns.
API will enable Aadhar verification and authentication
processes. Upon successful verification, the module will EXPRIMENTAL SETUP
retrieve relevant user details from UIDAI, including name,
photo, etc., to establish a verified identity within the system. Step 1: In the Profile Edit Profile Button is Added

Blockchain Smart Contract Module: To ensure seamless

interaction with the blockchain, the team will develop smart
contracts responsible for handling the storage and retrieval
of verified user details. These contracts will be coded to
securely manage user data on the blockchain, with
provisions for updating user details and verification status as
necessary. Implementation of access control mechanisms
within these contracts will safeguard against unauthorized
access, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of stored
Step 2: In the Edit Profile - Authentication Button is Added Step 5: UIDAI Aadhaar Data is being Validated

Step 6: Profile Name and Aadhaar Name is being validated

in Blockchain

Step 3: User Name and Aadhaar Number is Entered

Step 4: OTP is Validated Step 7: After Validation Tick for Verified and Wrong Mark
fake profile
Networks.52, Article ID 102465 in Journal of Information Security
Conclusion and Applications.

In conclusion, the project "Detecting Fake Social Media 4. Identification of Fake Accounts on Twitter Using Hybrid
Profiles Using Blockchain Application" addresses a critical SVM Algorithm, Kodati, S., Reddy, K.P., Mekala, S., Murthy,
P.S., and Reddy, P.C.S., 2021.Article No. 01046 of E3 S Web
issue prevalent in today's online landscape – the proliferation of Conferences, page 309.
of fake social media profiles. Leveraging the power of
blockchain technology, the project aims to establish a robust
and secure system for verifying user identities, thus
mitigating risks associated with scams and identity theft. By 5. Fake Profile Detection Methods in Large-Scale Online
storing user identities in an immutable manner on the Social Networks: A Complete Study, D. Ramalingam and V.
blockchain and automating identity verification through Chinnaiah, 2018.165–177 in Computers & Electrical
smart contracts, the project enhances the security and Engineering, vol. 65.
trustworthiness of online social spaces. Additionally,
integration with machine learning models further strengthens
the system's capability to detect and mitigate malicious 6. Identifying Fake Accounts on Social Media, S. Khaled, N.
activities perpetrated by individuals hiding behind false El-Tazi, and H.M. Mokhtar, 2018. Big Data 2018 IEEE
identities. Through rigorous testing and adherence to ethical International Conference, Seattle, 10–13 December 2018, 3672–
considerations, the project ensures reliability and user
privacy. Overall, the implementation of this blockchain-
7. Fake Profile Detection on Social Networking Websites: A
based solution contributes towards making social media Complete Study, Roy, P.K. and Chahar, S. 2020. pp. 271-285 of
platforms safer and more trustworthy for users worldwide. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.

Future work

Future work for the project "Detecting Fake Social Media

Profiles Using Blockchain Application" involves several key
areas of development. Firstly, there's a need for continual
refinement of machine learning algorithms for profile
authenticity verification, exploring advanced deep learning
techniques to improve accuracy and robustness. Secondly,
addressing ethical considerations around user privacy and
data protection is paramount, necessitating the
implementation of privacy-preserving techniques and
compliance with regulations. Additionally, enhancing the
scalability and performance of the blockchain-based system
is essential, requiring research into novel consensus
mechanisms and architectures. Moreover, integrating
additional verification mechanisms, such as multi-factor
authentication and biometric authentication, would
strengthen security. Finally, ongoing collaboration with
stakeholders and domain experts is crucial for refining the
system based on real-world feedback and requirements,
ensuring alignment with industry standards and best
practices. By focusing on these areas, the project can evolve
to create a safer and more trustworthy online environment.

1. Using Machine Learning to Identify False Identities: Bots
vs. Humans. Van Der Walt, E. and Eloff, J. 2018.6540–6549 in
IEEE Access.

2. Ferrara and Kudugunta, S. (2018) Bot detection using

deep neural networks. 312–322 in Information Sciences, 467.

3. Jie, H.J., and Wanda, P. (2020) DeepProfile: Utilizing

Dynamic CNN to Detect Fake Profiles in Internet Social

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