AKU Research 2023

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AKU Research 2023

Office of Research and Graduate Studies
Aga Khan University

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Office of Research and Graduate Studies, "AKU Research 2023" (2023). Office of Research and Graduate
Studies. Book 16.
1 40 years of research excellence 18 The state of East Africa’s news 32 Clinical trials update
media: confident under pressure
5 Pioneering study to address 34 AKU innovations earn patents
adversity and brain development 20 Drug-resistant fungal
infections raise alarm 38 In brief: From new rankings
6 Multi-gene testing recommended to new books
for hereditary breast cancer 23 Researchers identify low-cost
interventions for reducing 42 Research governance,
8 IED builds support for malnutrition in Kenya infrastructure and training
teacher licensing in Pakistan
24 Project tests feasibility of 44 Notable publications
12 Grading system developed by ultrasound scans in rural Kenya
AKU-EB adopted in Pakistan 52 Numbers
27 Study to examine the gut
14 One-quarter of health workers in microbiome and child health
Kenyan study show signs of
depression 29 In Tanzania, a living laboratory for
environmental research takes
16 The politics of the veil shape
in interwar Turkey

COVER IMAGE: A cortical organoid. Researchers at AKU’s Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research are
growing such organoids in order to test potential therapies for neurodevelopmental disorders. See page 39 for details.

Editorial and Design: Office of Research and Graduate Studies and Office of Strategic Communications
Image Credits: Akbar Hakim, Akbar Moeen, Benson Githaiga, Beyer Blinder Belle, Danish Sharif, Hafiz Imtiaz Ahmed, iStock.com/
wilpunt, Maureen Ooko, Paul Kariuki Munene, Peter Pascal, Shabbir Hussen, Shahrukh Sharif, Zahur Ramji and Zoya Surani
Printer: Yaqeen Art Press PVT. Ltd
In 1983, the Aga Khan University’s founder and Chancellor, His Highness the
Aga Khan, expressed his goal of making AKU “an international university, able to
mobilise resources from other countries, to coordinate international research
and to encourage the exchange of ideas between nations.” As it celebrates
Sulaiman Shahabuddin its 40th anniversary, the evidence demonstrates the University is achieving

President and Vice-Chancellor this goal. AKU is working on the leading edge of knowledge creation, pursuing
problem-oriented research and demonstrating the “intellectual restlessness” and
“buoyant but disciplined impatience” that His Highness has urged it to express.

Research output Our 40th anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the past, present and
future of knowledge creation and innovation at AKU. Overall, the story is one
has grown of remarkable growth. Over the last five years, AKU has received nearly 700
research grants worth $210 million from institutions such as the U.S. National
dramatically Institutes of Health, the European Research Council, the Bill & Melinda Gates
Carl Amrhein Foundation, Gavi, the Wellcome Trust, the Hilton Foundation, the ELMA
Foundation, the Government of Canada and many others. That is four times
Provost and Vice President, the funding and five times the number of grants the University received from
Academic 2000-2004. Research output has also grown dramatically. Faculty published
close to 1,500 papers in peer-reviewed journals in 2022, double the number
published in 2015. The frequency with which scholars at other institutions cite
our faculty’s work has increased seven-fold in a decade. Indeed, a number of
AKU faculty members are among the most highly cited researchers in the world
in their field. Collaboration between our researchers and scientists at other
universities has also increased significantly. To date, faculty have published
studies with colleagues at nearly 150 institutions in more than 40 countries.

Professor Salim S. Virani Is the University mobilizing resources, coordinating international research and
Vice Provost, Research encouraging the exchange of ideas across borders? The answer is a resounding “Yes.”

Proof of the quality of AKU research has come in multiple forms in recent years.
Rankings published by Shanghai Ranking, National Taiwan University and U.S. News
and World Report have placed AKU among the leading universities in Asia and

AKU Research AKU Research 1

Africa, and among the top universities in the world in medicine and public health
– based largely on its research. Individual faculty and staff have received national
The work of our thousands of women and children in poor and marginalized areas. They have done
so by increasing vaccination rates and demonstrating the effectiveness of new
and international awards and honours that testify to their scientific prowess. These researchers is vaccines, by developing interventions that community health workers can deliver
include a Canada Gairdner Award, one of the three most prestigious awards for to people in their homes and by generating data and evidence that policymakers
health research in the world. Few, if any, private universities that are less than a half- saving lives can use to fight outbreaks of deadly diseases such as typhoid, polio, HIV/AIDS
century old and located in lower-income countries have achieved such benchmarks. and COVID-19. The findings generated by such efforts have been published in The
Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine and other leading journals, making
Growth has also come in the form of an expansion in the number of fields in them available to scholars worldwide. The global relevance of AKU scholarship
which AKU scholars are active. Government and private-sector institutions are is further demonstrated by the fact that nearly 80 percent of faculty publications
increasingly turning to researchers at the Institute for Educational Development in 2022 were aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
and the AKU Examination Board for insights and assistance. Faculty at the
Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations are publishing volumes on In short, if we examine the past, we see that research at AKU has grown
relations between Christians and Muslims in the early Islamic world, the historic rapidly in volume, quality, diversity, recognition, impact and reach. If we
mosques of Sub-Saharan Africa, gender in interwar Turkey and popular culture examine the present, it is clear that the University’s research capacity
and Islam. They are also working at the frontiers of the digital humanities. is impressive, especially given its youth compared to many universities
and the fact that it operates in resource-limited environments.
Within the health sciences, AKU scientists are pursuing increasingly
sophisticated laboratory research in cancer, stem-cell science and genetics, What, then, does the future hold for research at AKU? In light of the University’s
and are active in the fields of child development and mental health. Since the past success and present capabilities, it seems quite reasonable to believe that
start of the pandemic, the University has become a sought-after contributor the coming years will witness continuing advancement in all the dimensions
to international clinical trials of new drugs and vaccines developed by leading delineated above. Certainly, the University’s leadership, faculty and staff will be
pharmaceutical companies. Innovation has also accelerated, with faculty and working restlessly and with disciplined impatience to ensure that we not only create

AKU’s staff developing a number of U.S.-patented medical devices, as well as mobile-

phone applications to assist government health workers in rural areas.
new knowledge but that this knowledge is contextually relevant and improves the
quality of life of the people we serve, especially those in low- and middle-income
appearance on countries. As His Highness told the Class of 1989, “AKU must embody the fact that
The launch of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in the fall of 2023 will further knowledge is constantly changing and must ever be challenged and extended.”
global rankings expand the scope of AKU research, as new scholars in the humanities, social

reflects its sciences and natural sciences join the University. So too will the establishment
of the Arusha Climate and Environmental Research Station in Tanzania.
research prowess
With growth has come impact. Working in close partnership with government health
workers and government health facilities, AKU researchers have saved the lives of

AKU Research 2 AKU Research 3

PIONEERING Pioneering study to
address adversity and
brain development

Researchers will AKU is conducting one of the first

studies of how malnutrition, stress
the four-year study, which will see the
children receive annual brain MRIs,
analyze brain MRIs and other adversities affect the starting as early as 1 month of age.
development of children’s brains The researchers will collect biological
of children from in a low-resource setting. samples and bodily measurements

Ibrahim Hyderi Early life adversities such as neglect,

from both the mothers and their
children. They will also assess them
and Rehri Goth malnutrition and psychosocial and using various behavioral, cognitive
environmental stress prevent millions of and developmental tools such as
children from reaching their potential. the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
Neuroimaging studies from high- Scale and the Reynolds Intellectual
income countries show that these Assessment Scale. Researchers will
adversities can alter the developing then seek to identify correlations
brain. Yet few such studies have been between environmental influences,
done in low-income countries. brain development and cognitive skills.

“There is a great need to replicate Researchers at King’s College London

studies from high-income countries will analyze the brain MRIs. Researchers
in low- and middle-income countries at the University of Manitoba in Canada
to obtain data for the developing will conduct breast milk analysis. The
world and to identify the potential study will conclude in December 2026.
risk factors as they exist here,” said
Assistant Professor Sidra Kaleem Jafri,
the study’s principal investigator.

A total of 250 mother-child pairs from

the Ibrahim Hyderi and Rehri Goth
areas of Karachi have been enrolled in

AKU Research 4 AKU Research 5

Multi-gene testing
recommended for
hereditary breast
Study is the first
of its kind in

Individuals who require testing for cases, it may be present as a de novo cancer clinic at the Aga Khan University have been detected, limiting doctors’ who tested positive for hereditary breast The study, by Senior Instructor Fizza
hereditary breast cancer should receive variant (that is, only present in the Hospital over a three-year period. ability to treat them. Thus, multi-gene cancer, 11 had no family history of breast Akbar, Associate Professor Abida Sattar
multi-gene testing, not just testing patient as a new event). It accounts (The actual testing was outsourced testing for those who require testing for or related cancers. and Associate Professor and Chair of
for pathogenic variants in the BRCA1 for 5-10 percent of cases but is to laboratories in the United States.) hereditary breast cancer is advisable. the Division of Women and Child Health
and BRCA2 genes, according to an understudied in lower-income countries. In total, 273 of the 284 patients had The National Comprehensive Cancer Salman Kirmani, et al., was published in
AKU study that is the first of its kind in Knowing that an individual’s breast breast cancer, including four men. In total, 22 percent of those tested Network 2023 guidelines recommend Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice.
Pakistan. The study validated guidelines cancer is hereditary can help doctors were found to have hereditary breast genetic testing for anyone under the
that recommend genetic testing for to optimize patient management and Researchers found that 45 percent cancer, a result that is toward the higher age of 50 who develops breast cancer,
all individuals below the age of 50 who help family members to understand of patients who tested positive end of the range of results reported regardless of whether they have a
are diagnosed with breast cancer. their risk of cancer, enabling them for hereditary breast cancer had a in other countries. The median age family history of cancer. The study’s
to take better care of their health. pathogenic variant in a gene other of those who tested positive was 37.5 authors note that some clinicians only
Hereditary breast cancer is mainly than the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. years. Twenty-five percent of patients refer breast cancer patients for genetic
caused by pathogenic variants (that is, The study examined data on 284 If multi-gene testing had not been who tested positive had no family testing if they have a family history of
variants that cause disease) in genes individuals who had genetic testing done, the fact that these patients had history of breast or related cancers. cancer. Doing so can lead to hereditary
inherited from one’s parents. In other done through the hereditary breast hereditary breast cancer would not Of the 44 patients below the age of 45 breast cancer going undetected.

AKU Research 6 AKU Research 7

IED builds support
for teacher licensing
in Pakistan
8 9
Licensure could based assessment in which teachers
demonstrate their skills in a classroom.
example, to research from the U.S.
by Stanford University Professor Eric
Ali and Ahmed set out to encourage
educators and policymakers to
that teacher opposition could doom the
idea politically. It therefore recommends
Sindh Cabinet approved a new teacher
licensing policy. One of the first steps
help to improve Hanushek that found that students consider its potential benefits. proceeding gradually; taking care to taken under the policy was to require
Pakistan has implemented various in an excellent teacher’s class can consult teachers and address their that new elementary school teachers
teacher quality, strategies to enhance the quality of learn 1.5 years of material, compared They drafted a dozen short papers concerns; and ensuring that licensing have a Bachelor of Education and pass

researchers say teaching, yet many students continue to

learn little. One-quarter of eighth graders
to only half a year’s material in a weak
teacher’s class. Citing research by
on various aspects of licensure and
organized policy dialogues that
remains focused on improving teacher
quality, student learning and public
a licensing exam. Teachers who do so
will be hired at the government’s Basic
cannot fluently read a simple story in Stanford Professor Linda Darling- included presentations by experts from confidence in the teaching profession. Pay Scale 16, rather than at Basic Pay
The idea of requiring teachers in Urdu, Sindhi or Pashto, and one-third Hammond and others, they argue Pakistan, Singapore and the United Scale 14, as was the case previously.
Pakistan to obtain a license before they cannot perform division, according that licensing would increase teacher States. They also conducted an online Following the publication of the white “With the policy in place, the Sindh
can enter the profession has gained to the Annual Status of Education quality by setting minimum standards survey of almost 1,000 stakeholders paper, IED collaborated with the Sindh Government has laid the foundation
traction as a result of research and Report. More than 90 percent of for entry into the profession. in Pakistan to gather perspectives Teacher Education Development for a more robust and professional
outreach conducted by the Institute primary and lower-secondary students on teaching quality and licensure. Authority and Durbeen, an NGO, to teaching workforce,” Sindh Minister of
for Educational Development (IED). in Pakistan have only a weak or basic In addition, licensing could enhance develop a teacher licensing policy Education Syed Sardar Ali Shah said.
understanding of the mathematics the public’s confidence in teachers, Ali and Ahmed then published a for Sindh. Committee members met
Many countries require teachers to be and science they are required to learn, bolstering the prestige of teaching white paper on teaching licensure in regularly with the Education Minister
licensed or certified, along with other according to a nationwide IED study. and helping to attract more qualified Pakistan that incorporated findings and Education Secretary during
professionals such as doctors, lawyers IED Associate Professor Sajid Ali and candidates to the profession. from the dialogues and the survey. the development of the policy.
and engineers. Obtaining a teaching Research Associate Afaq Ahmed note
license typically involves passing either that teacher quality has a huge impact Not content simply to present the While the paper found support for As this edition of the AKU research
a written examination or a performance- on student learning. They point, for case for teaching licensure in Pakistan, licensure among stakeholders, it notes magazine was going to press, the

AKU Research 10 AKU Research 11

Grading system
developed by AKU-EB
adopted in Pakistan

A new system for grading school- grade level, as well as for university 85 and above but below 90 receive an
leaving examinations developed by the admissions decisions. Approximately 4 A, 80 and above but below 85 receive
AKU Examination Board (AKU-EB) will million students take the tests annually. a B++ etc. – down to 70 percent. From
be used nationwide in Pakistan after 40 percent to 70 percent, the bands
the federal Inter Board Committee of The previous grading system had increase from 5 percentage points to
Chairmen (IBCC) voted to adopt it, seven levels (A-1, A, B, C, D, E and 10 percentage points. The minimum
starting in the 2023-2024 academic year. F). A score from 80-100 percent passing grade under the new system
received an A-1, while a score from is 40 percent, compared to 33 percent
Researchers at AKU-EB reviewed 70-80 percent received an A, a under the old system. Rather than
the grading systems of 30 countries score from 60-70 percent received an ‘F’ for ‘Fail’, the lowest grade is ‘U’
before developing the new system. Its a B, etc. A major problem with the for ‘Unsatisfactory’. Under the new
adoption reflects years of engagement system was the large band for an A-1, system, examination results will only
The system with the IBCC by AKU-EB and its CEO,
Dr Shehzad Jeeva, who has served
which failed to distinguish among
high performers. Narrower bands
show grades, not numerical scores.

will be used for as chairman of the IBCC in the past.

Pakistan has nearly three dozen
are typical in many countries.

school-leaving examination boards. Each develops

year-end examinations for high school
The new grading system features 10
levels. Scores ranging from 95 percent

examinations students that are used to determine

whether they proceed to the next
and above receive an A++, while 90
and above but below 95 receive an A+,

AKU Research 12 AKU Research 13

One-quarter of health
workers in Kenyan study In a nationwide study in Kenya, one in
four nurses, midwives and community
amongst nurses and midwives and lack
of salaries for CHVs. Opportunities to
interventions could help health workers
to manage mental health challenges.

show signs of depression health volunteers interviewed by

AKU researchers exhibited signs of
depression. An even higher proportion
receive psychosocial support were
found to be lacking, with managers
having little or no relevant training.
As the study was conducted during
the pandemic, it included funding for

Interviews also showed symptoms of post-traumatic masks, sanitizers and gowns, which
stress disorder. Resources necessary for providing were distributed to health care workers
indicate PTSD psychosocial support – such as space, who were having difficulty obtaining
The findings were based on phone trained staff and funding – were also such items. Approximately $7,000 worth
symptoms are interviews with nearly 4,000 individuals found to be limited or nonexistent. of such resources were distributed in

common conducted between January 2021 and

June 2022. Health care workers from “We need to develop policies that
northeastern Kenya through the Frontier
Counties Developmental Council and
all 47 counties participated. The study recognise and address the mental in the Dagoretti area of Nairobi.
was conducted by faculty from the health needs of health workers,” said
Institute for Human Development and Professor Amina Abubakar, Director of The Nursing Council of Kenya assisted
the School of Nursing and Midwifery, the Institute for Human Development. in identifying participating nurses and
East Africa, and funded by the “In our analysis of policy documents, we midwives, while the CHVs were recruited
Johnson and Johnson Foundation. learnt that available policies focus on through the County Departments of
patients and their needs. There is limited Health. The National Nurses Association
Twenty-three percent of nurses and direction on how to address health of Kenya provided counselling services
midwives and 25 percent of community workers’ psychosocial needs, yet we for those in distress. Study results were
health volunteers (CHVs) showed expect quality health care from them.” disseminated at a high-level meeting
signs of depression. Forty percent with policymakers from the Ministry
of nurses and midwives and 38 The study implemented a text of Health, representatives of nursing
percent of CHVs showed symptoms message-based intervention to associations and other stakeholders.
of post-traumatic stress disorder. provide psychosocial support to
health workers. Participants received
Sources of stress identified by automated text messages offering
participants included heavy workloads, advice on managing work-related stress
lack of resources, poor work and on resilience-building measures.
environments, irregular salary payments Preliminary results indicated that such

AKU Research 14 AKU Research 15

The politics of the veil
in interwar Turkey
New book
examines how
women negotiated
efforts to
“modernize” their

AKU Research 16 AKU Research 17

The state of East
Africa’s news media:
East African news outlets are young,
diverse in ownership and confident
in their ability to innovate and deliver
high-quality journalism, despite
the financial difficulties they have
the public is exposed. Dependence
on advertising at a time when news
media outlets are losing advertising
revenue to new competitors online
may endanger their financial viability .
focused organizations (50 percent)
and highest among multimedia
organizations (71 percent).

News organizations rate themselves

confident under
experienced in recent years and efforts fairly highly on several factors that
to shape their coverage by powerful Amid the pandemic, most media influence the quality of their journalism:
interests. Such are the findings of The outlets expected to survive: Four On a Likert scale of 1 to 5, with 1

State of Innovation and Media Viability out of five outlets put their likelihood representing the lowest score and 5
in East Africa, a 72-page report by of survival at 60 percent or higher, the highest, organizations rated their
AKU’s Graduate School of Media and despite the fact that the vast majority editorial practices a 4.23. They rated
Communications and DW Akademie. suffered financially in 2020. both their editorial independence
and their ability to provide regular
The report is based on an in-depth Journalists face intimidation and and attractive levels of pay a 3.64.
online survey of media managers pressure: Some 13 percent of media
and journalists from a total of 437 outlets in Tanzania, 35 percent in Kenya News organizations rate themselves
media outlets in Kenya, Uganda and and 58 percent in Uganda reported highly on the diversity of their staff
Tanzania from 2020 to 2021. More their journalists had been arrested despite the limited number of women in
than 800 journalists and nearly 275 or physically assaulted as a result of the media: Most organizations agreed
managers responded. The responses their work in 2019. Roughly a third of or strongly agreed that they have a
from within each organization were Kenyan outlets and half of Ugandan “diverse staff from different backgrounds
aggregated to produce a single score, outlets said they had spiked at least including women and marginalized
which the report then used for its one story due to political or business groups.” That is despite what the report’s
analyses. Some key findings follow. pressure in 2019. A third of Tanzanian authors call “well-documented gender
outlets said that in 2019 they had disparities in the newsroom.” One-
Media outlets tend to be young, spiked at least one story due to political quarter of the managers
independently owned and dependent pressure, and 15 percent said they had and one-third of the
on advertising for revenue: Although done so due to business pressure. journalists who
most print publications are older, about responded to the
60 percent of TV, radio, digital and Journalists may lack access to survey were
multimedia outlets are less than 10 years the equipment, technology and women.
old. About 60 percent of all outlets are training they need: Less than half
independently owned. Advertising is of organizations agreed or strongly
the top revenue source for all sectors agreed that their journalists have
of the media save print, for which access to needed equipment,
single-copy sales and paid downloads technology and training.
are the leading source of revenue.
Young media firms may be more likely Most news outlets believe they are
to fail, but may also be more likely to be innovative: More than 60 percent
innovative. The fact that most outlets of surveyed organizations
are independently owned may increase say they are innovative. The
the number of viewpoints to which figure is lowest among print-

AKU Research 18 AKU Research 19

fungal infections Study finds
raise alarm high levels of
among Candida

In Pakistan, the fungus can cause severe and fatal infections. percent between 2006 and 2009 and “The reasons for increased drug fungal diagnostics in Pakistan,
Candida is becoming People with weakened immune 4.6 percent between 2010 and 2014. resistance are multifactorial, having previously benefitted from
increasingly resistant systems and those who have had In the United States, about 7 percent including limited capacity for fungal a capacity-building partnership
to antimicrobial drugs, certain types of hospital procedures of all Candida strains isolated from diagnosis, overuse of antifungals for with the CDC’s Myotic Diseases
according to an are most at risk of contracting blood samples tested by the Centers patient management and misuse Branch. The University is currently
AKU study. That is a invasive Candida infections. for Disease Control and Prevention of antifungals as disinfectants,” collaborating with Northwestern
worrisome finding given (CDC) are resistant to fluconazole. said Professor Kausar Jabeen, the University in the United States to
that Candida infections AKU researchers examined 2,200 study’s principal investigator. build its capacity in the genomic
can pose a serious Candida strains collected from 2015 For the first time in Pakistan, the surveillance of Candida species
threat to human health. to 2021 from hospitalized patients researchers found fluconazole The study’s results demonstrate the using whole genome sequencing.
in Pakistan. The average rate of resistance in Candida albicans, need for continuous surveillance of
Candida is a type of fungus resistance to fluconazole, a first-line Candida parapsilosis and Candida antifungal resistance in Pakistan.
that ordinarily lives on the skin treatment, was 8 percent in newborns, tropicalis. They also analyzed They may inform treatment
and in various areas within the 23 percent in children and 36 percent drug-resistant Candida strains to and prevention guidelines, as
body without causing harm. But in adults. That represents a sharp identify genetic mutations that well as policy development.
if it invades the blood or organs, it increase from resistance rates of 2.1 may contribute to resistance. AKU is a leader in the field of

AKU Research 20 AKU Research 21

Researchers identify
low-cost interventions
for reducing malnutrition
in Kenya

The health of children in some of Population and Housing Census and supplements. Doing so yielded an
Kenya’s poorest counties could be Demographic and Health Survey. estimated reduction in the prevalence of
improved without increasing spending stunting from 40 percent to 33 percent
by directing funding to more cost- The Optima model includes over the 10-year modelling period.
effective nutrition interventions, interventions proven either to directly
according to a study by researchers reduce stunting, wasting, anaemia The study team has begun engaging
at AKU and other institutions. and mortality, or to reduce their with policymakers and nutrition
risk factors, such as preterm birth, programme planners at the national
Developed for the World Bank by failure to breastfeed and diarrhoea. and county levels to consider how
researchers in Australia, Optima The effect of optimizing budgets was incremental progress toward the
Nutrition is a modeling tool that makes projected for a 10-year period and optimal budget allocations generated
it possible to optimize spending across compared to a baseline scenario in using the Optima model can be
a range of nutrition interventions which 2019 spending was continued. achieved. Additionally, they hope to
to minimize stunting and wasting test the impact of implementing the
in children, as well as anaemia in In most counties, to lower the number model’s recommendations. Ogero and
children and pregnant women. of stunted children, the model Ngugi worked with researchers from

Study aims to Drawing on data on demographics,

reallocated resources to achieve high
coverage of multiple micronutrient
the Burnet Institute in Australia, which
developed the Optima Nutrition tool, as

help policymakers nutrition outcomes and intervention

coverage and costs, Instructor Morris
supplementation, balanced energy-
protein supplementation, lipid-based
well as with Kenya’s Ministry of Health.

working with Ogero and Associate Professor Anthony nutrition supplementation and Vitamin
Ngugi used the tool to estimate the A supplementation. For example, in
limited budgets impact of optimizing nutrition budgets Baringo county, the model shifted
in the 24 counties with the poorest resources from zinc tablets and
nutrition outcomes in Kenya. Data came oral rehydration salts (used to treat
from seven sources, including Kenya’s diarrhoea) to lipid-based nutrition

AKU Research 22 AKU Research 23

Project tests feasibility
of ultrasound scans in
rural Kenya
Scaling up is health care facilities received portable
ultrasound machines, which AKU
receive an ultrasound early in their
pregnancy can be implemented in
recommended, but faculty trained nurses and midwives to resource-poor environments by staff
use. Nearly 300 nurses, midwives and at the primary-care level if they are
requires training community health volunteers were appropriately trained, supervised and
also given a mobile-phone application
and investment for recording health data on pregnant

women during visits to their homes. The project was carried out in close
collaboration with Kilifi County
A project to provide ultrasound scans More than 3,000 women were invited to Government, sub-county government
to pregnant women in rural Kenya the study and received an ultrasound and the Philips Foundation. AKU
increased the number of women seeking scan, most of them before 24 weeks. researchers have partnered with
antenatal care and demonstrated the Gestational age was determined and government officials in the area on
feasibility of providing ultrasounds in multiple pregnancies were detected, numerous projects in recent years. For
community health facilities in resource- leading to referrals to higher-level health example, they have been collecting
poor settings. facilities. and analyzing health and demographic
information on more than 75,000 people
The World Health Organization Overall, the project generated positive in Kilifi County since 2017, in partnership
recommends pregnant women receive outcomes and was appreciated by with sub-county health officials.
an ultrasound within 24 weeks of stakeholders, according to researchers.
gestation as part of routine antenatal Patients as well as health care providers Professor Marleen Temmerman was
care to allow accurate determination and managers felt that the provision the project’s principal investigator. Co-
of gestational age and detect multiple of ultrasounds and mobile technology investigators included Nidhi Leekha,
pregnancies and fetal anomalies. was relevant, feasible and effective; Lucy Nyaga, Michaela Mantel, Sikolia
benefitted the target population; and Wanyonyi, Rachel Odhiambo and Sarah
Known as Mimba Yangu (or My improved the utilization and quality of Kedenge.
Pregnancy), the project was funded by antenatal care services. Data showed
the Philips Foundation and conducted an increase in the number of women
by the AKU Centre of Excellence in visiting facilities for antenatal care four
Women and Child Health in three rural or more times, likely due to their first
communities of Kilifi County where AKU visit coming earlier in their pregnancy.
has been working for years: Kaloleni, The project also demonstrated that the
Ganze and Rabai. Fourteen government WHO’s recommendation that women

AKU Research 24 AKU Research 25

Study to examine
the gut microbiome
and child health

Researchers at AKU are utilizing gut microbiota are shaped by a variety of children living in low-income, peri-urban
genetic sequencing to understand the factors, with one likely factor being the communities of Karachi.
gut microbiome and its influence on maternal microbial reservoir. Yet little is
maternal and child health. known about how transmission occurs The study is part of a larger effort by AKU
from mother to child. to become a leader in gut microbiome
Characterization of the human research in Pakistan and to undertake
microbiome can provide valuable Whole genome shotgun metagenomics clinical studies of interventions that
insights into the status of human health sequencing technology offers a can improve maternal, foetal and infant
and disposition to disease. The gut robust way to study the effect of the health. It is being funded by the Bill &
microbiome changes during pregnancy gut microbiome on human health. Melinda Gates Foundation as part of
and appears to differ in women Shotgun metagenomics is the the development of a multi-country
with certain pregnancy-associated untargeted (“shotgun”) sequencing platform that will enable clinical
complications. An infant’s microbiome of all microbial genomes present in a trials of interventions for improving
may have long-term implications for its sample. To understand the transmission maternal nutritional status and foetal
physical growth, nutritional status and and adaptation of the maternal and growth. Other study sites are located
cognitive development. infant gut microbiomes and how they in Bangladesh, Senegal and Zambia.
could be modulated to manage risk Associate Professor Fyezah Jehan is the
Gut microbiota composition and factors in pregnancy, AKU researchers study’s principal investigator.
The influence of the function develop throughout the first are performing such sequencing on

gut microbiome on two years of life. The development of the

gut microbiome in infancy is thought to
maternal fecal samples taken around the
time of delivery and infant fecal samples
child development is play an important role in the maturation taken 42 days after birth and between 12
of the immune system, prevention of and 18 months after birth. The samples
not well understood pathogen colonization and nutrient are part of an AKU biobank that holds
utilization and modification. Newborns’ 2,500 biospecimens from mothers and

AKU Research 26 AKU Research 27

In Tanzania, a
living laboratory
for environmental
research takes shape

AKU Research 28 AKU Research 29

AKU’s emerald
jewel is ready
to shine

A research asset unlike any other in and other activities for local residents. many organizations will be interested
AKU’s portfolio is rapidly taking shape The second site, known as Two Rivers, in pursuing research at the station.
in Tanzania. Featuring 3,700 acres consists of 500 acres located between
of undeveloped land, the Arusha the Malala and Tengeru rivers, and Several research projects are already
Climate and Environmental Research is currently used for horticultural underway and more than a dozen others
Station will be a living laboratory for crops. Current activities at the sites are in various stages of development.
studies related to climate change will largely continue as the University A community needs assessment was
and environmental sustainability. adds laboratory facilities and housing undertaken as a first step toward
for researchers and students. identifying local challenges that
The station consists of two sites. The researchers could address. A study
Manyara site consists of 3,200 acres of Efforts to take full advantage of the sites’ of pollinators will help to address the
historically degraded and deforested research potential are well underway. lack of data on pollinator populations
land, dotted with seven hills and An advisory committee has been in Tanzania. Pollination by bees,
featuring views of 4,500-metre-tall established that includes experts from butterflies and other creatures increases
Mount Meru, which sits at the centre of the University of Alberta and Simon production of most agricultural crops,
Arusha National Park. Portions of the Fraser University. Insights into field- but pollinator populations are shrinking
site are used by contract farmers for the station operations have been garnered around the world. One recent study
production of flower seeds, coffee, fruit via visits to the Mpala Research Centre, by Harvard University estimates that
and vegetables, and its grasses are used operated by Princeton University and insufficient pollination could reduce
by area residents as fodder for livestock. others, and the International Livestock agricultural income in some lower-
The University has planted more than Research Institute’s Kapiti Research income countries by 10-30 percent.
200,000 trees on the property and Station. Partnership agreements are
operates an agricultural demonstration in place with a dozen universities
site that displays climate-resilient and research institutions in Tanzania,
approaches to small-scale farming. Canada and the United States,
Manyara is also home to an AKU-run including the Tanzania Wildlife Research
Community Outreach Centre, which Institute and Simon Fraser University.
offers educational opportunities, sports Discussions indicate scientists from

AKU Research 30 AKU Research 31

Clinical trials
Thirty clinical trials are currently underway at AKU – 23 in Karachi and seven
in Nairobi. These trials are testing therapeutics and vaccines developed by
American, French, Swiss, Swedish and Chinese pharmaceutical companies
for use against a range of diseases, including hepatitis D, fungal infections,
breast cancer, oesophageal cancer, multiple sclerosis and COVID-19. Among
them are the following.


Hepatitis D, or delta hepatitis, is The CARES trial is a phase III, four- The LIDERA trial is a phase III study of The ASTEFANIA trial is a phase III The CHIMES trial is a three-country, to treat COVID-19 is complete. It
a liver infection that can lead to country trial evaluating the use of Giredestrant to treat estrogen-receptor double-blind, placebo-controlled study phase IV trial of ocrelizumab to treat discontinued evaluation of lopinavir,
cirrhosis, cancer and early mortality. ibrexafungerp to treat patients with positive, HER2-negative early breast assessing the use of atezolizumab relapsing multiple sclerosis in black and hydroxychloroquine and interferon
The D-LIVR trial is a phase III study candidiasis caused by Candida auris, cancer. Tamoxifen and aromatase and trastuzumab emtansine to treat Hispanic patients. Black and Hispanic (IFN)-β1a for futility and found that
examining the use of lonafarnib to a yeast. Candida auris is often drug- inhibitors are the main therapies patients with HER2-positive primary patients are underrepresented in clinical remdesivir had no significant effect
treat hepatitis D, either in combination resistant and more than one-third of currently used to treat such cancer, breast cancer who have received trials of multiple sclerosis treatments, on ventilated COVID-19 patients and a
with ritonavir, which is used to treat patients with an invasive Candida but many patients relapse and the side preoperative chemotherapy and HER2- yet they may suffer worse outcomes small effect against death or progression
HIV, or in combination with ritonavir auris infection die. The trial’s sponsor effects of the drugs can lead patients directed therapy and have residual from the disease. A total of 179 patients to ventilation among other hospitalized
and peginterferon alfa, which is used is U.S.-based Scynexis Inc. Scynexis to discontinue treatment. Giredestrant invasive disease. An estimated 1,700 are enrolled in the study, which is patients. The ACT trial, sponsored by
to treat hepatitis B and C. Of the 400 is also sponsoring the FURI trial, a is a novel endocrine therapy that could patients in more than 30 countries sponsored by U.S.-based Genentech. Canada’s Population Health Research
patients enrolled in the study by more phase III trial that is evaluating the decrease relapse and recurrence while will be enrolled in the study. The Institute, is complete and found no
than 100 sites in 22 countries, 53 use of ibrexafungerp in patients with a causing fewer side effects. An estimated sponsor is Switzerland-based Roche. COVID-19 TRIALS support for the use of colchicine or
come from AKU, more than from any fungal disease that has been intolerant 4,100 patients from more than 50 aspirin to prevent disease progression
other site. The trial’s sponsor is U.S.- or refractory to standard antifungal countries will be enrolled in the trial. The TALIOS A number of trials of COVID-19 or death in outpatients with COVID-19.
based Eiger BioPharmaceuticals. treatment. An estimated 30 patients sponsor is Switzerland-based Roche. vaccines and therapeutics to which Sponsored by China’s Pacific Meinuoke,
in four countries will be enrolled in The TALIOS trial is a phase II study of AKU contributed have been completed the DEFLECT study of meplazumab to
the CARES trial and an estimated two drugs, both bispecific antibodies, to and several are underway or about to treat patients with severe COVID-19
200 patients in eight countries will treat advanced or metastatic squamous begin. The COPCOV trial sponsored by reported that the drug “promoted
be enrolled in the FURI trial. cell carcinoma of the oesophagus, Oxford University evaluating the use COVID-19 convalescence and reduced
compared with nivolumab. An estimated of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine mortality, viral load and cytokine levels.”
210 participants from more than 20 to prevent COVID-19 is complete, A trial of two Sanofi vaccines is ongoing.
countries will be enrolled in the trial. The with results yet to be published. The A vaccine produced by China-based
sponsor is Switzerland-based Roche. World Health Organization’s Solidarity Livzon Pharmaceutical has reportedly
trial of repurposed antiviral drugs been approved for use as a booster.

AKU Research 32 AKU Research 33

earn patents
Two new devices developed by AKU faculty and staff have received
US patents, bringing the total number of US patents earned by faculty
and staff to 10. In addition, an AKU-developed mobile app received
first prize at an international competition.


The Glove is a three-in-one wearable – and easy to use. It has received a US Roughly the size of a thumb drive, the used with either dry or gel electrodes. Cardiac surgery trainees can benefit
device that can be used to measure patent and researchers are working to ECG On-the-Go can be used at home by Researchers are working to engage from practicing procedures on heart
oxygen saturation via an infrared engage a company to build prototypes patients to record an electrocardiogram a company to build prototypes that simulators, yet most such simulators
sensor and blood pressure via an that can be used in a clinical trial. The and send it via a mobile app to their can be used in a clinical trial. The ECG are unable to mimic blood flow and are
inflatable cuff, while also recording Glove was funded by Grand Challenges physician, enabling the detection of a On-the-Go was developed by Saleem therefore insufficiently lifelike. An AKU
an electrocardiogram via electrodes. Canada and developed by Professor variety of heart problems. As patients Sayani, Muhammad Abdul Muqeet, team was able to create a higher-fidelity
It can therefore take the place of a Ayeesha Kamran Kamal, Senior do not always exhibit symptoms when Hafiz Imtiaz Ahmed, Hafsa Talat, simulator that pumps a blood-like fluid
pulse oximeter, a sphygmomanometer Instructor Ambreen Gowan and a team a scheduled electrocardiogram is Professor Ayeesha Kamran Kamal, through a cow’s heart. The device was
and an electrocardiogram machine. of researchers at the Digital Health performed, the flexibility the device Ambreen Amir Ali and Naeem Sheikh. created by Professor Saulat Fatimi,
Readings are sent wirelessly to a Resource Centre that included Saleem permits can enable the detection Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery; the late
smartphone application and an Sayani, Hafiz Imtiaz Ahmed, Hafsa of issues that might otherwise be Professor Charles Docherty, who prior
algorithm generates a diagnosis. The Talat and Muhammad Abdul Muqeet. overlooked. The US-patented device to his untimely passing in early 2023 was
Glove is comfortable, washable – its features a rechargeable battery and Director of the Centre for Innovation in
electronic components are waterproof retractable electrodes and can be Medical Education; and Dr Mohammad

AKU Research 34 AKU Research 35


Bin Pervez, a graduate of the MBBS The Hayat mobile application is used LHWs can use to instantly pull up their
programme and a former chief resident by 1,850 Lady Health Workers in rural patient records. Hayat won the top
in cardiothoracic surgery. The simulator Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral. Lady Health prize in the maternal and neonatal
is housed within the Anatomy and Workers are government-employed health category at the fifth annual
Surgery Learning Studio and is being community health workers who provide Commonwealth Digital Health Awards.
used by cardiac surgery residents. “The basic health services to women, children
pumping heart simulator represents and families during home visits. As Support for the development of the
a significant breakthrough in cardiac they visit households, workers use devices was provided by the University’s
surgery training,” said Dr Fatimi, who the Hayat app to record details of the Technology Innovation Support Centre
hopes to eventually market the device services they deliver, while a geo- and Digital Health Resource Centre.
to other institutions. “While earlier mapping feature tracks their location.
simulators were limited to training The data can be analyzed and used for
procedures designed for the surface of decision-making by supervisors and
the heart, our simulator allows trainees policymakers. In addition, individuals
to practice procedures inside the heart.” receive a card with a QR code that
A US patent has been applied for.

AKU Research 36 AKU Research 37

From new rankings
to new books
IN MEDICAL RESEARCH is based on a composite indicator that ORGANOIDS TO STUDY disease in a more diverse population will
takes into account citations, h-index, Professor Zulfiqar Bhutta received the NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS The Brain and Mind Institute (BMI) will lead to the discovery of new biomarkers
The NTU Rankings, published by co-authorship adjusted hm-index 2022 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global be working to deliver new insights into and targets for drug development.
National Taiwan University, placed AKU and citations to papers in different Health Award. The Gairdner Awards, the Researchers at AKU’s Centre for dementia in Africa in partnership with
among the world’s top 300 universities authorship positions. The list includes Lasker Awards and the Nobel Prizes are Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative. SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING AND
in medical research. Only six institutions the top 100,000 scientists (out of nearly the three most prestigious prizes for Research are working to understand The project addresses the lack of LEARNING GAINS GROUND
in South Asia and Africa were ranked in 7 million globally) according to the medical research in the world. Nearly the molecular and cellular basis of research on dementia in lower-income
the top 300. The rankings, which have composite indicator, as well as those 100 Gairdner Award recipients have neurodevelopmental disorders such countries, which will be home to two- Efforts to encourage AKU faculty
been published since 2007, are based who are among the top 2 percent in gone on to win a Nobel Prize. John as microcephaly, schizophrenia and thirds of the world’s population over members to incorporate evidence-based
on productivity (number of articles their subfield (scientists are classified Dirks was Dean of AKU’s Faculty of autism. Assistant Professor Salma 60 years of age by 2050. Researchers teaching strategies into their classroom
published, etc.), impact (number of into 22 fields and 176 sub-fields). Per Health Sciences from 1994 to 1996 and Jahan is using induced pluripotent will seek to validate biomarkers of practice and conduct research on
citations, etc.) and excellence (highly Ioannidis and his co-authors, “We have was Dean of the University of Toronto stem cells from individuals with dementia through a study of patients teaching and learning are bearing fruit.
cited papers, h-index, etc.). “This ranking tried to offer a solution to overcome Faculty of Medicine. Other 2022 award neurodevelopmental disorders to at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Around the world, doctoral programmes
system evaluates the performance of many of the technical problems and winners include Professor Marleen grow cortical organoids – tiny bits Nairobi. Biomarkers enable the early are primarily designed to develop
the scientific papers of universities, provide a comprehensive database Temmerman, who was elected to the of tissue that possess some of the identification of individuals who have researchers rather than effective
and the indicators were designed to of a sufficiently large number of US National Academy of Medicine and features of the brain. She will then or are at risk of dementia. BMI will classroom teachers. AKU’s Network of
compare both the quality and the the most-cited scientists across the American Academy of Arts and test the response of these organoids also interview people with dementia, Quality, Teaching and Learning supports
quantity of scientific papers in each science.” The AKU faculty members Sciences; and Associate Professor Farah to various therapies. Jahan previously their caregivers and members of the faculty members in developing their
university,” the ranking’s authors state. on the list are Zulfiqar Bhutta, Abdul Naz Qamar, who received the Tamgha- contributed to a study published public as part of an ethnographic study pedagogy and in pursuing scholarship
Mannan Baig, Marleen Temmerman, e-Imtiaz from the President of Pakistan in Nature by a team of researchers of attitudes toward the condition in on teaching and learning. The Network’s
FACULTY AMONG WORLD’S Adil Haider, Jai Das, Rehana Salam, in recognition of her contributions to at the University of California, San Kenya. AKU is the first institution to biennial conference on teaching
MOST-CITED RESEARCHERS Romaina Iqbal, Junaid Razzak, Bushra public health. Dr Qamar received her Francisco that provides a framework carry out research in Sub-Saharan and learning research has raised the
Jamil, Sajif Soofi, Muhammad Ghayur, master’s in clinical research from AKU. for evaluating and improving the extent Africa outside of South Africa with subject’s profile within the University,
Twenty-two AKU faculty members Muhammad Shamim, Farah Qamar, to which cortical organoids accurately the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, while its grants help faculty to pursue
are among the most highly cited Wasim Jafri, Syeda Sadia Fatima, model human brain development. which is partnering with institutions educational research and innovation.
researchers in the world, according Waris Qidwai, Zafar Fatmi, Imran around the world to study Alzheimer’s in So far 29 grants worth $96,000 have
to the latest edition of a well-known Ahmed, Rodney Adam, Mansoor Saleh, people of non-European ancestry. The been distributed, supporting projects
dataset published by Stanford University Khabir Ahmad and Salim Virani. related to educational technology,

AKU Research 38 AKU Research 39

experiential learning, critical thinking interviews with more than 30 smokers. colleges and to trainees at leadership the first comprehensive survey of the This edited volume features nine essays The contributors mostly engage
and other subjects. For example, Multiple interviewees did not consider colleges in each of the three countries. region’s historic mosques. In a work from scholars in six countries plus a with one or more of these features.
Associate Professor Lena Jafri used a smoking harmful for a physically fit The interventions aim to help develop featuring more than 200 illustrations, substantial introduction by the editors, Wood takes up Asad’s argument that
grant to introduce workplace-based person, believed smoking to be halal, champion teacher educators and Pradines covers nearly 300 structures professors Leif Stenberg and Philip the seemingly innocent category of
assessments into the curriculum for believed that smoking is protective school leaders who can create inclusive, in 22 countries, dating from the ninth Wood of AKU’s Institute for the Study of “religion” reflects the assumptions
chemical pathology residents. The against COVID-19 and said that seeing gender-sensitive learning environments. to the nineteenth centuries. “African Muslim Civilisations. No simple answer of nineteenth century Protestantism
initiative led the College of Physicians health care professionals smoke led Researchers will follow participants Islam is plural,” Pradines notes, and so to the question posed by its title is and is ill-equipped to deal with Islam.
and Surgeons Pakistan to incorporate them to believe smoking must not be over four years, examining their lesson is its architecture, encompassing the offered. Rather, the editors sketch the But he suggests that it is not only
workplace-based assessments into harmful. The intervention was delivered plans and other documents; observing earthen buildings of the Niger valley, the context in which the discipline of Islamic Christians who have consciously or
the national chemical pathology to more than 160 smokers and consisted their teaching; and collecting data via baked brick of Chad, the dry stone of Studies operates today. They discuss the unconsciously sought to mould other
curriculum. AKU’s recently established of provision of a pamphlet, nicotine gum, interviews and questionnaires. The the horn of Africa and the limestone of extent to which scholarly approaches religions in the likeness of their own
Haile T. Debas Teachers’ Academy counselling sessions and discussions study aims to determine how successful the Swahili Coast. While influenced by in North America and Europe vary by faith – Muslims have done so too, based
is also supporting the development via phone. The counseling sessions were the interventions are and to help Indian, Persian, Arab and North African country (reflecting national differences on their expectations of what a religion
of scholarly approaches to teaching tailored to each participants’ situation. shape teacher education and school building styles, the mosque builders of in attitudes toward religion and should look like. Stenberg, in a paper
and learning within the University. For example, lower-income participants leadership programmes in the region. Sub-Saharan Africa developed their own identity politics, differing degrees of co-authored with Professor Susanne
In just a few years, the number of were presented with the estimated cost distinctive architectural vocabularies. colonial entanglement and varying Olsson of Stockholm University, also
times publications on teaching and of smoking over 10 years and those THE MOSQUES OF SUB- Rather than a footnote to the history experiences with Muslim migration); engages with challenges to the utility
learning by AKU faculty have been with children were informed about SAHARAN AFRICA of Islamic architecture, Pradines the legacy of Edward Said’s Orientalism of “religion” as a concept, arguing for
cited has tripled, to more than 1,500. the dangers of second-hand smoke. insists that the historic mosques of and debates over the possibility of its retention, reconceptualization and
Participants reported the intervention Historic Mosques in Sub-Saharan Sub-Saharan Africa should be seen as objectivity; the attacks of September use “in a conditional, provisional and
SONAM INTERVENTION was effective because it addressed the Africa: From Timbuktu to Zanzibar central to it and a part of humanity’s 11 and the rise of what one might contextual sense.” Looking to the future,
HELPS SMOKERS particular barriers to quitting they faced. By Stéphane Pradines heritage. As such, he says, they are call well-intentioned essentializing; the editors conclude their introduction
Brill; 368 pages richly deserving of preservation and and the influence of feminism. by proposing an approach to the study
A smoking cessation intervention IED, EA STUDIES IMPACT OF TRAINING greatly in need of further study. Other features of the contemporary of religions that is “pre-ethical.” “In
developed by faculty members and There are hundreds of millions of context highlighted include the this model,” they write, “the study of
a PhD student from the School of The Institute for Educational Muslims in Sub-Saharan Africa, and their WHAT IS ISLAMIC STUDIES? prominence of the work of Talal Asad religions and theology could enjoy a
Nursing and Midwifery in Pakistan Development, East Africa (IED) is ancestors have been building mosques and Shahab Ahmed (whose What is similar relationship to (for instance)
led to smoking cessation among 40 studying the impact of training it for more than a thousand years. Yet What is Islamic Studies? European Islam? Stenberg and Wood reference the history of political thought and
percent of study participants after 12 provides to teachers and school leaders this volume, the fruit of three decades and North American Approaches in their title), and the growth of the political philosophy, in which the
weeks. The intervention was informed in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. IED is of research and fieldwork by Professor to a Contested Field scholarly sub-field known as Quranic first discipline provides an evidenced
by a review of five years of studies on delivering workshops and mentoring Stéphane Pradines of AKU’s Institute Edited by Leif Stenberg and Philip Wood studies over the last two decades. grounding for a normative project.”
smoking cessation in South Asia and to instructors at teacher education for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, is Edinburgh University Press; 224 pages

AKU Research 40 AKU Research 41

Research governance,
infrastructure and

The University Research Council (URC) The Institutional Biosafety Committee Since the launch of AKU’s first graduate The Ethics Review Board reports to The Animal Research Facility on the Located on the Stadium Road campus
was appointed in 1999 by the AKU (IBC) ensures that all research activities, programme in 1993, more than 2,800 the University Research Council and Stadium Road campus in Karachi in Karachi, Juma Research Laboratory
Board of Trustees. It is the University’s including intramural and extramural students have earned degrees from is tasked with monitoring ethical caters to the needs of researchers has Biosafety Level 2 and 3 facilities
apex body for research governance. The grant applications, are reviewed in light 18 graduate programmes, ranging compliance in research, standardizing and educators in two purpose-built and supports basic science research,
Council consists of senior management of national and international standards from the Master of Education to the review processes across eight Ethics buildings. The facility is managed by including research related to cancer
together with representatives of various before activity is initiated. Additionally, Master of Science in Epidemiology Review Committees on three continents the Animal Facility Committee and stem cells, antimicrobial resistance,
research constituencies within the the Committee provides oversight and Biostatistics. More than half of and addressing appeals. The Board overseen by the Ethics Committee for vaccines, drugs and maternal and child
University. It has put in place a multi- to all material transfer agreements graduates are women. The number of monitored 52 research studies for the Animal Care and Use (ECACU). The health. Of the 32 research projects
country system for ethical review of all (MTAs), ensuring compliance with PhD students at AKU has been steadily Faculty of Health Sciences in Pakistan latter reviews and approves proposals currently ongoing at the laboratory,
research involving human and animal international shipping regulations. In increasing, with 47 PhD graduates in 2022, amounting to 20 percent of for work with research animals, and two-thirds are externally funded.
subjects and an institutional bio-ethics 2022, the IBC’s grant review process was thus far and an additional 48 students all projects. During 2022, it began ensures ethical compliance, animal The laboratory includes a genomics
safety committee to vet proposals upgraded to PeopleSoft, a software- enrolled in doctoral programmes in monitoring studies in Kenya, where 24 well-being and biosafety for researchers facility that features state-of-the-art
where required. The URC is supported based system, where all extramural 2022. The Office of Graduate Studies studies, representing 20 percent of all and facility staff. The ECACU conducts technologies such as an Illumina MiSeq
by a Grants Review Committee, which grant proposals and MTAs are now ensures compliance with regulations projects, were randomly selected and an annual workshop “Principles of machine and a Nanopore sequencer. The
evaluates proposals for funding from uploaded and approved. The IBC also and policies governing the PhD monitored for ethical compliance. Laboratory Animal Science”, which is laboratory is poised to undergo a major
AKU resources. Over the past decade, introduced and implemented an online programmes and scrutinizes over 200 attended by local and international renovation over the next few years.
the URC has awarded 174 intramural training programme for all research theses and dissertations each year. SHARED RESEARCH SERVICES attendees. The workshop is unique
research grants totaling more than $2.5 staff at Juma Research Laboratory. A in Pakistan, and contributes to
million. In 2022, 25 intramural grants total of 81 grant proposals and 38 MTAs In October 2022, the Faculty of Health national capacity development.
totaling $320,000 were awarded. Sixty were reviewed in 2022. The Committee Sciences in Pakistan established AKU is pursuing international
percent of awardees were women. strives to maintain an average the Office of Shared Research accreditation for the facility to
turnaround time from project receipt Services. It facilitates all financial ensure compliance with the highest
to final decision of 10 working days. and administrative aspects of grant standards in care and use of animals.
management, including pre-award,
post-award and close-out activities.
The SRS works in collaboration with
the Office of Research and Graduate
Studies, which is AKU’s global office for
research and grant administration.

AKU Research 42 AKU Research 43




In this genomic epidemiology study, analysis revealed a declining trend of This study assessed the effect of the were not significantly affected. Although The phase I/II FIGHT-101 study tumors and driven by FGFR fusions/
we sequenced the genomes of 3489 S multidrug resistant typhoid in south COVID-19 pandemic on essential most of the health indicators began to (NCT02393248) evaluated safety, rearrangements and mutations. These
Typhi strains isolated from prospective Asia, except for Pakistan, where XDR health-care services in Kenya. Using recover during the pandemic, the health- pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, results prompted a registrational study
enteric fever surveillance studies S Typhi emerged in 2016 and rapidly county-level data from health facilities, care workers’ strike resulted in nearly and preliminary efficacy of pemigatinib, in cholangiocarcinoma and phase
in Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, replaced less-resistant strains. we examined changes in 17 indicators. all indicators falling to numbers lower a potent and selective fibroblast growth II/III trials in multiple tumor types
and India (between 2014 and 2019), In the pre-pandemic period, we than those observed at the onset or factor receptor (FGFR) 1-3 inhibitor, as demonstrating the benefit of precision
and combined these with a global da Silva KE, Tanmoy AM, Pragasam observed a positive trend for multiple during the pre-strike pandemic period. monotherapy or in combination therapy, therapy, even in early phase trials.
collection of 4169 S Typhi genome AK, Iqbal J, Sajib MSI, Mutreja A, indicators. The onset of the pandemic for refractory advanced malignancies,
sequences isolated between 1905 and Veeraraghavan B, Tamrakar D, Qamar was associated with statistically Kiarie H, Temmerman M, Nyamai M, Liku with and without fibroblast growth Subbiah V, Iannotti NO, Gutierrez M,
2018 to investigate the temporal and FN, Dougan G, Bogoch I, Seidman significant decreases in outpatient N, Thuo W, Oramisi V, Nyaga L, Karimi factor (FGF) and receptor (FGFR) Smith DC, Féliz L, Lihou CF, Tian C,
geographical patterns of emergence JC, Shakya J, Vaidya K, Carey ME, visits, cervical cancer screenings, HIV J, Wamalwa P, Gatheca G, Mwenda gene alterations. Eligible, molecularly Silverman IM, Ji T, Saleh M. FIGHT-101,
and spread of antimicrobial-resistant Shrestha R, Irfan S, Baker S, Luby SP, tests, malaria testing, tuberculosis V, Ombajo LA, Thumbi SM; Essential unselected patients with advanced a first-in-human study of potent and
S Typhi. We performed non-parametric Cao Y, Dyson ZA, Garrett DO, John cases, hypertension cases, vitamin A Health Services Data Monitoring and malignancies were included in part selective FGFR 1-3 inhibitor pemigatinib
phylodynamic analyses to characterise J, Kang G, Hooda Y, Saha SK, Saha S, supplements, and diphtheria, tetanus Evaluation sub-working group. The 1 (dose escalation; 3 + 3 design) to in pan-cancer patients with FGF/FGFR
changes in the effective population size Andrews JR. The international and toxoid, and pertussis vaccinations. COVID-19 pandemic and disruptions determine the maximum tolerated dose. alterations and advanced malignancies.
of fluoroquinolone-resistant, extensively intercontinental spread and expansion Pneumonia cases, diarrhea, and children to essential health services in Kenya: Part 2 (dose expansion) evaluated the Ann Oncol. 2022 May;33(5)
drug-resistant (XDR), and azithromycin- of antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella attending welfare clinics decreased a retrospective time-series analysis. recommended phase II dose in tumors
resistant S Typhi over time. We inferred Typhi: a genomic epidemiology study. significantly, while cases of sexual Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Sep;10(9) with or where FGF/FGFR activity is
timed phylogenies for the major S Typhi Lancet Microbe. 2022 Aug;3(8) violence increased. Skilled deliveries, relevant. Pemigatinib was associated
sublineages and used ancestral state antenatal care, people with HIV infection with a manageable safety profile
reconstruction methods to estimate the starting antiretroviral therapy, confirmed and pharmacodynamic and clinical
frequency and timing of international cases of malaria, and diabetes cases activity, with responses seen across
and intercontinental transfers. Our

AKU Research 44 AKU Research 45


A prospective, observational study B streptococcus was rarely found. A systematic scoping review was epidemic were associated with adverse A multicountry, matched cohort iGBS survivors need long-term follow-up
was conducted in delivery units A. baumannii was rarely found in the conducted to identify the existing mental health among adolescents study was carried out to assess with integrated emotional-behavioral
and neonatal intensive care units to placentas of these deceased neonates. evidence regarding the association of and youth from LMICs. Geographically the emotional-behavioral problems assessments and appropriate care.
identify pathogens found in internal Findings from this study can help better mental health with outbreaks of the localized disease outbreaks such and psychopathological conditions
organs and placentas of deceased understand and address the factors influenza A (H1N1), Zika, Ebola, and as Ebola, Zika, and H1N1 influenza in survivors of invasive group B Chandna J, Liu WH, Dangor Z, Leahy S,
preterm infants cared for in hospitals contributing to neonatal mortality. SARS-CoV-2 virus in exposed youth were deemed highly understudied Streptococcus (iGBS) disease, Sridhar S, John HB, Mucasse H, Bassat
in India and Pakistan. Tissue samples and adolescents in LMICs. Across 6 and warrant future investigation. specifically infant iGBS sepsis and Q, Bardaji A, Abubakar A, Nasambu C,
from deceased neonates obtained by Ghanchi NK, Ahmed I, Kim J, Harakuni databases, the mental health outcomes meningitis, including children aged 18 Newton CR, Sánchez Yanotti C, Libster
minimally invasive tissue sampling S, Somannavar MS, Zafar A, Tikmani of adolescents and youth associated Kumar M, Akbarialiabad H, Kouhanjani months to 17 years. Data was sourced R, Milner K, Paul P, Lawn JE; GBS Low
and placentas were examined for 73 SS, Saleem S, Goudar SS, Dhaded SM, with 4 major pandemic outbreaks in MF, Kiburi S, Shidhaye P, Taghrir MH, from health demographic surveillance and Middle income Collaborative
different pathogens using multiplex Guruprasad G, Yogeshkumar S, Hwang LMICs were reviewed. A total of 57 Shidhaye R. Association of Major systems or hospital records in Argentina, Group for Long-term Outcomes
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Tissue K, Aceituno A, Silver RM, McClure EM, studies fulfilled the search criteria, 55 Disease Outbreaks With Adolescent India, Kenya, Mozambique, and South group. Emotional and Behavioral
for pathogen PCR was obtained from Goldenberg RL. Pathogens Identified related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and and Youth Mental Health in Low- and Africa. Children without an iGBS history Outcomes in Childhood for Survivors
liver, lung, brain, blood, cerebrospinal by Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling 2 to the H1N1 influenza epidemics. The Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic were matched to iGBS survivors for sex of Invasive Group B Streptococcus
fluid, and placentas from 377 deceased in India and Pakistan From Preterm studies reported high rates of anxiety Scoping Review. JAMA Psychiatry. and age. Our findings suggested that Disease in Infancy: Findings From 5
preterm infants. In organ samples from Neonatal Deaths: The PURPOSE Study. and depressive symptoms among 2022 Dec 1;79(12):1232-1240. doi: school-aged iGBS survivors experienced Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
deceased infants in India and Pakistan, Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Feb 8;76(3) adolescents, including posttraumatic 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.3109. increased mild emotional behavioral Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Jan 20;74
evaluated with multiplex pathogen PCR, stress disorder, general stress, and PMID: 36223094. problems that may affect children and
A. baumannii was the most commonly health-related anxiety, suggesting that families. At-risk neonates including
identified organism, whereas Group the COVID-19 pandemic and H1N1


1476 80000 66024
1500 1274 1362
1125 60000
884 889
1000 739 40000 27944
20000 9603
500 1041 3175
0 2003 2007 2012 2017 2022
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
AKU authors published 1476 articles in peer-reviewed journals in 2022. Over the past two decades, publications authored by AKU faculty and students have been cited by an increasing
ISMC faculty authored and/or edited a total of six books during this period. number of articles. On average, annual citations increased by 24% annually between 2003 and 2022.

AKU Research 46 AKU Research 47


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a Quality improvement efforts to decrease Many investigators have attempted to contentious. We provide an up-to-date In Pakistan, the prevalence of stunting among children aged 6–23 months
major cause of preventable morbidity the burden of VTE in postoperative elucidate the precise pathophysiological review on the immune dysregulation among children younger than 5 has in marginalized populations. UCT +
and mortality after cancer surgery. patients should measure and account mechanisms causing COVID-19 caused by COVID-19 and highlight remained above WHO critical thresholds SBCC was not effective in reducing
Venous thromboembolism events for these late VTE-related readmissions. respiratory and systemic disease. pertinent discussions in the scientific (≥30%) over the past 2 decades. We the child stunting prevalence.
that are significant enough to require Spillover of lung-derived cytokines community. We hope that this review hypothesized that an unconditional
hospital readmission are potentially Mallick S, Aiken T, Varley P, Abbott causing a cytokine storm is considered informs the aims of future research. cash transfer (UCT) combined with Soofi SB, Ariff S, Khan GN, Habib A,
life threatening, yet data regarding the D, Tzeng CW, Weber S, Wasif N, the cause of systemic disease. lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNS) Kureishy S, Ihtesham Y, Hussain M,
frequency of these events beyond the Zafar SN. Readmissions From However, recent studies have provided Shafqat A, Shafqat S, Salameh SA, and/or social and behavior change Rizvi A, Sajid M, Akbar N, Garzon C,
30-day postoperative period remain Venous Thromboembolism After contradictory evidence, whereby the Kashir J, Alkattan K, Yaqinuddin communication (SBCC) will prevent de Pee S, Bhutta ZA. Effectiveness
limited. A retrospective cohort study Complex Cancer Surgery. JAMA extent of cytokine storm is insufficient A. Mechanistic Insights Into stunting among children 6–23 mo of of unconditional cash transfers
of the 2016 Nationwide Readmissions Surg. 2022 Apr 1;157(4):312-320. doi: to cause severe illness. These issues the Immune Pathophysiology of age. This was a 4-arm, community- combined with lipid-based nutrient
Database was performed to study adult 10.1001/jamasurg.2021.7126. PMID: are highly relevant, as management COVID-19; An In-Depth Review. Front based cluster randomized controlled supplement and/or behavior change
patients readmitted with a primary VTE 35080619; PMCID: PMC8792793. approaches considering COVID-19 Immunol. 2022 Mar 24;13:835104. doi: trial conducted in the district of Rahim communication to prevent stunting
diagnosis. Data obtained from 197 510 a classic form of acute respiratory 10.3389/fimmu.2022.835104. PMID: Yar Khan, Pakistan. A total of 1729 among children in Pakistan: a cluster
visits for 126 104 patients were analyzed. distress syndrome with a cytokine 35401519; PMCID: PMC8989408. children (UCT, n = 434; UCT + SBCC, randomized controlled trial. Am J
VTE-related readmissions after complex storm could translate to unfounded n = 433; UCT + LNS, n = 430; and UCT Clin Nutr. 2022 Feb 9;115(2):492-502.
cancer surgery continued to increase clinical decisions, detrimental to patient + LNS + SBCC, n = 432) were enrolled doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab341. PMID:
well beyond 30 days after surgery. trajectory. Additionally, the precise at 6 months of age and measured 34612491; PMCID: PMC8827069.
immune cell signatures that characterize monthly for 18 months until the age of
disease of varying severity remain 24 months. UCT combined with LNS
and UCT + LNS + SBCC were effective
in reducing the prevalence of stunting

AKU Research 48 AKU Research 49


Use of pesticides is implicated in There is a need for reliable monitoring To assess the baseline critical care setting (56.6%). Almost all ranks showed The purpose of this research was contexts as all institutions and their
decrement in lung function, manifested and reporting procedures along with capacity of Pakistan, we conducted significant disparity between public- to focus on work-based problems students enter the new normal.
as restrictive or obstructive dysfunction appropriate environmental policies and a series of cross-sectional surveys private and metropolitan-rural settings, catalysed by the COVID-19 global
or both. Using comparative cross- regulations for handling of pesticides. of hospitals providing COVID-19 care with private and metropolitan hospitals pandemic, based on a case study Khamis, Tashmin & Naseem, Azra &
sectional study design, the authors Interventional studies are needed where across the country. These hospitals having a greater proportion in the 1st of the Aga Khan University, a multi- Khamis, Anil & Petrucka, Pammla. (2021).
conducted the study to determine farmers could be trained on the proper were pre-identified by the Health rank, while public and rural hospitals had continental, multi-campus university. The COVID-19 pandemic: a catalyst
an association of pesticide use with use of personal protective equipment Services Academy, Pakistan. Surveys a greater proportion in the lower ranks. Higher education institutions (HEIs) for creativity and collaboration for
impairment in lung function among (PPE) to limit exposure to pesticides. were administered via telephonic and in developing countries lacked pre- online learning and work-based higher
agricultural farmers. The data were on-site interviews and based on a Khan MA, Shahbaz H, Noorali AA, existing infrastructure to support online education systems and processes.
collected using modified American Wadani ZH, Azam I, Irfan M, Fatmi unique checklist for assessing critical Ehsan AN, Zaki M, Asghar F, Hassan education and/or policy and regulatory Journal of Work-Applied Management.
Thoracic Society Division of Lung Z. Pesticides Use and Impaired care units, which was created from the MM, Arshad HM, Sohaib M, Asghar MA, frameworks during the pandemic. The 10.1108/JWAM-01-2021-0010.
Disease questionnaire and spirometer Lung Function Among Male Partners in Health 4S Framework, which Khan MF, Sabeen A, Aqeel M, Khan MH, University’s programmes in Pakistan
measurements. Using multinomial Agricultural Farmers in Rural Sindh, is: Space, Staff, Stuff, and Systems. These Munir T, Amin SK, Atiq H, Haider AH, and East Africa provide lessons to
logistic regression, the risk of both Pakistan. Asia Pac J Public Health. components were scored, weighted Samad Z, Latif A. Disparities in adult other developing countries’ HEIs. The
restrictive and obstructive lung 2022 Mar;34(2-3):230-235. doi: equally, and then ranked into quartiles. critical care resources across Pakistan: University’s focus on teaching and
dysfunction was found to be almost 10.1177/10105395211065647. Epub A total of 106 hospitals were surveyed, findings from a national survey and learning and staff development has had
twice among pesticides users with 2021 Dec 15. PMID: 34911377. with the majority being in the public assessment using a novel scoring a transformational organisational effect.
each increasing year of exposure to sector (71.7%) and in the metropolitan system. Crit Care. 2022 Jul 11;26(1):209. The paper provides important and
pesticides (1.92 and 1.95, respectively) critical lessons and recommendations
after adjusting for other covariates. to other institutions in similar

AKU Research 50 AKU Research 51


350 318
182 191
157 148
135 145
150 119
102 102 109
88 93 84 94 92
100 69


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Proposals submitted Proposals funded

Over the past decade, AKU received funding for 1,134 extramural grants.


60 53.45 3,500+ 1,000-3,500 250-1,000 1-250 No data available
40 30.64 32.3
30 24.06 23.12 This map shows the number of joint publications by faculty members from AKU and other
22.2 19.8
20 institutions by country, from 1983 to 2023. It shows how many peer-reviewed articles co-authored
by AKU researchers and researchers from a given country have appeared in scholarly journals.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
The number of publications for Pakistan is 13,571
AKU received extramural grants worth $345.8 million over the past decade.

All data comes from Scopus.

AKU Research 52 AKU Research 53


61 34
236 163
2,737 75
148 21
235 16
54 4
15 6
81 178
During the period 2017 to 2022, more than 77% of publications authored or co-authored by AKU
researchers aligned with the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs). These 4,064 publications
have garnered a total of 227,214 views and have been cited by 128,809 peer-reviewed articles.

AKU Research 54
Office of Research & Graduate Studies
research.office@aku.edu | www.aku.edu/research

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