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Time- 90mns ENGLISH Max.Marks-40

The question paper is divided into 3 sections:

Section A: Reading Comprehension 10 marks

Section B: Writing &Grammar 10 marks
Section C: Text books 20 marks

SECTION A (Reading-10 Marks)

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:-
1. All of Earth’s oceans share one thing in common: plastic pollution. Discarded plastic
bags, cups, and bottles make their way into the sea. Today, it seems that no part of
the ocean is safe from plastic trash. In recent years, oceanographers have searched
in vain for a pristine marine environment. They have found plastic everywhere they
have looked. “It is a common global problem; we can’t point to a single habitat or
location with no plastic.”

2. Plastic harms wildlife and introduces dangerous chemicals into marine ecosystems
— communities of organisms interacting with their surroundings. Once plastic
enters the environment, it lasts a long time. Scientists are working to prevent plastic
pollution from entering the sea.

3. In today’s world, plastic is everywhere. It’s found in shoes, clothing, household

items, electronics, and more. There are different types of plastics, but one thing
they all have in common is that they’re made of polymers – large molecules made
up of repeating units. Their chemical structure gives them a lot of advantages:
they’re cheap and easy to manufacture, lightweight, water-resistant, durable, and
can be moulded into nearly any shape.

4. Another problem with plastics is the other chemicals they contain, like dyes and
flame retardants. When plastic isn’t disposed of properly, these additives end up in
the environment. Plastic also tends to absorb harmful chemicals from its
surroundings. “It’s like a sponge for persistent organic pollutants.” These long-

lasting, toxic substances include pesticides and industrial chemicals. If plastic
absorbs the chemicals, and marine organisms eat the plastic, they may be
exposed to higher concentrations of these contaminants.

5. One of the biggest impacts of plastic pollution is its effect on sea life. Seals, sea
turtles, and even whales can become entangled in plastic netting. They can starve to
death if the plastic restricts their ability to move or eat. Or the plastic can cut into
the animals’ skin, causing wounds that develop severe infections.

6. “Individual actions make a big difference,” says Jambeck. Disposing of plastic

properly for recycling or trash collection is a key step. “And simple things like
reusable water bottles, mugs, and bags really cut down on waste,” she says.
Skipping straws or using paper ones help too. Ocean pollution can seem
overwhelming, but it’s something everyone can help address. This is a problem we
can really do something about.
------By Jennifer Barone

Q1. Plastic is not biodegradable because it is made up of:

(a) Low atomic particles

(b) Tiny Particles
(c) Strong big particles
(d) Large molecule polymers

Q2. Chemical structure of plastic gives them a lot of advantages:

i. Lightweight
ii. Water-resistant
iii. Durable
iv. Rigid

(a) Both i. and iv. are correct

(b) Only iii. is correct
(c) i., ii., and iii. are correct
(d) All of the above are correct

Q3. In each of the questions given below, there are two statements marked as
Assertion (A) and Reason (R).

Statement: Plastics cause problem to sea animals.

Reason : Plastics are made of polymers – large molecules made up of repeating

Mark your answer as per the codes provided below:

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(e) Both A and R are false.

Q4. In each of the questions given below, there are two statements marked as
Assertion (A) and Reason (R).

Statement: In recent years, oceanographers have found a pristine marine

Reason : They have found plastic everywhere they have looked

Mark your answer as per the codes provided below:

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(e) Both A and R are false.

Q5. Why is plastic compared to a sponge?

Q6. “Individual actions make a big difference.” Name any two.

Q7. Mention any impact of plastic pollution on sea life.

Q8. Find a word from the passage which means the same as-

(a) Impurities/ toxins (para 4)

(b) Flawless/ unblemished (para 1)

Q9. Which of the following words DOES NOT mean “moulded”-

(a) Shaped into.

(b) Sculpted.
(c) Formed.
(d) Transformed.

Section B: (Writing & Grammar -10 marks)

Q2. As the Head Prefect of the Music club of Green Valley Public School, Residency
road, Richmond Town, Bengaluru – 560001. Write a letter to the musical instruments
store ‘The Sounds of Music – SOUND GLITZ’ , Phoenix Market City, Mahadevpura,
Bengaluru - 560048 to place an order for the purchase of three acoustic guitars, two
pianos, one keyboard, a set of bongos, one saxophone and a cello. 5m

Q3. Complete the dialogue below by choosing the correct options given (3x1=3)

Ajay: (a)------ you please admit me in the G Suite Classroom, Mam?

Teacher: Yes, b)….. be you are trying with the wrong link.
Ajay: Sorry madam, I…….(c)……..not saved the link in my device.
Teacher: I have sent the link again in the class group. Join quickly.

(a) a. will
b. shall
c. may
d. should

(b) a. ought
b. have
c. may
d. need

(c) a. have
b. will
c. shall
d. may

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs. (2x1=2)

(a).‘Great Expectations’ … a must read novel of Charles Dickens. (is/are)

(b) The news --------- faster than the wind. (spread, spreads, spreading)

Section C: (Text books-20 marks )

Q5. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the
questions that follow. (4x1=4m)

The baker made his musical entry on the scene with ‘jhang, jhang’ sound of his
specially made bamboo staff. One hand supported the basket on his head and the
other banged the bamboo on the ground. He would greet the lady of the house with
“Good morning” and then place his basket on the vertical bamboo. We kids would be
pushed aside with a mild rebuke and the loafs would be delivered to the servant.

(I) The author describes the entry of a traditional Goan village baker in the lines
above. Choose the correct statements from the options given.

1) The baker’s staff was made of iron.
2) Generally, the servant of the house collected the loafs of bread from the baker.
3) The vertical bamboo held and supported the baker’s basket.
4) The baker used both his hands to balance the bread basket on his head.

a) 1,3,4
b) 1,4
c) 2,3
d) 3,4

II. How did the baker manage to control the kids rushing towards them?
a) He allowed them to treat themselves.
b) He shoved them aside by gently scolding them.
c) He would angrily shout at them.
d) He would call upon the elders of the house to control them.

a) Only b
b) a and b
c) b and c
d) Only d

III. Onomatopoeic words found in the passage are

a) Greet the lady
b) Musical entry
c) “jhang jhang”
d) Good morning

IV. The synonym of rebuke is

a) approval
b) scolding
c) praise
d) compliment

Q6.Attempt the following questions in 30-40 words :- 2x6=12 marks

a)What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
b) What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
c) What are the ‘tokens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago, and
which the animals have kept for him?
d) What is the Chinese legend about the discovery of the tea?
e) What kind of a person is Mme Loisel — why is she always unhappy?
f) Why and where did Richard Ebright send the tagged butterflies?

Q7. Attempt the following in 100-120 words. (4m)

A People should always try to live within their means. Aspiration have no limits but
one should never forget the ground realities. Elaborate on the basis of the chapter,
“The Necklace”

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