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Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1 10008, Phone : 011-47623456 FORTNIGHTLY TEST SERIES MM : 360 Time :90 mi (for NEET 2023) Test -2 Physies _ : Thermal Properties of Matter Chemistry : Thermodynamics Botany —_: Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Zoology _: Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and Circulation Instructions (Use Blue/Black ballpoint pen only to darken the appropriate circle. (i) Mark should be dark and should completely fil he circle. (i) Dark only one circle for each entry. (iv). Dark the circle in the space provided only (¥) Rough work must not be done on the Answer sheet and do not use white-fluld or any other rubbing ‘material on Answer sheet, (vi) Each question carries 4 marks. For every wrong response 1 mark shall be deducted from total score Choose the correct answer 1 Freezing point on a thermometer is marked as 410°X and boiling point as 110°X. Find the value of temperature 60°C on this thermometer. (1) 60°x (2) 50° (3) 70° (4) 80° For anisotropic solid, if cx, ay, a2 represent the mean coefficient of linear expansion along three mutually perpendicular directions then coefficient of volumetric expansion can be written as () fea,e, (8) oxcy + aycte* a0 (A) caeyee 100 g of water at 20°C is poured on a large block of ice at 0°C, The mass of ice that melts is 2) act ayt az [Ce = 1 callg’C, C, Sea t= cal (1) 20g (3) 30g Which of the region represents the phase change for the following graph? (2) 259 (4) 35g §] ya e (b) g E (c) time () @ (2) @) © (4) Both (a) and (c) a) Fortnightly Test-2 (TYMR_Code-A) Two Year Medicat-2023 5. 10. " ‘A metallic rod is freely suspended. If itis heated then (1) No thermal stress is generated (2) No thermal strain is generated (3) Length of rod remains constant (4) Length of rod decreases ‘The temperature gradient in a rod of 1 m long is 100°C im if the temperature of hotter end is 30°C, then the temperature of colder end is (1) 40°C (2) -70°c (3) -40°C (4) 70°C Choose the correct statement among the following (1) Colour of an opaque black body depends on the wavelength of radiation reflected by it (2) A black body does not mean that its colour is black (3) Good absorbers are bad reflectors (4) Allof these The rate of heat transfer is maximum for (1) Conduction (2) Convection (3) Radiation (4) Both conduction and convection For non-black bodies, the range of values of emissivity ‘eis (1) -t a) as shown in the figure, is heated Copper Tron) (1) Its length does not change (2) It gets twisted (8) Itbends with iron on concave side (4) Itbends with iron on convex side Heat always flows naturally in a direction of (1) Negative temperature gradient (2) Positive temperature gradient (3) Zero temperature gradient (4) Both (2) & (3) Instantaneous temperature difference between cooling body and the surrounding obeying Newton's law of cooling is 8. Which of the following represents the variation of © with time 7 20, 21 22. 23. (1) ( 7 " N 0. ‘ (3) (4) nr +__, ? A black body at 227°C radiates heat at the rate of 10 cal/cm?s. At a temperature of 727°C the rate ‘of heat radiated in same units will be (1) 160 (2) 180 (3) 190 (4) 150 Solar constant (S) depends upon the temperature of the sun (7) as (1) Ser (3) Set Q Ser (4) SxTt CHEMISTRY 24. Process in which temperature remains constant is (1) Isothermal (2) Adiabatic (3) Isobaric (4) Isochoric Which of the following will be non-zero during a cyclic process? (av Qa (3) aH (4) as An ideal gas expands from 2 L to 4 L at 5 atm constant pressure then work done by the gas will be (1) -10L atm (2) -20Latm (3) +20L atm (4) 8 Latm Change in intemal energy if 20 J heat is supplied to a system and gas in system has done 50 J work during a thermodynamic process, will be (1) #304 (2) -30u (3) #704 (4) -704 Intensive property among the following is. (1) Mass (2) Volume (3) Heat capacity, (4) Temperature 25. 26. 27. 28. 29) 30. 34 32, If heat at constant volume for combustion of CH« at 127°C is -20 kJ, then heat at constant pressure will be (1) (2O#2RT) KI — (2) 20K (3) +20kd (4) (20-2RT) kd Which of the following processes will result in decrease in entropy? (1) CaCOs(s) + Cad(s) + COAg) (2) H20() > H20(9) (3) bs) > ba) (4) Ag’(aq) + Cr(aq) > AgCi(s) Correct condition for adiabatic free expansion of ideal gas will be (1) aH>0 (2) ASees > 0 (3) AU>0 (4) aG>0 Condition at which a reaction will be spontaneous at any temperature is (1) AH>0,a8>0 (2) AH<0,a8>0 (3) aH<0,a8<0 (4) AH> 0, a8 <0 @) Fortnightly Test-2 (TYMR_Code-A) Two Year Medicat-2023 33, 34, 36. 36, 37. 38, 39, Correct condition for vaporisation of water at 373 K and 1 atm pressure is (1) aH>O. (2) as <0 (3) aG>o (4) aT>0 Which of the following is an endothermic process? (1) C(s) + Ox(9) -» COx(g) (2) HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) > NaCi(aq) + H20(1) (3) CHa(g) > C(g) + 4H(g) (4) C2Ha(g) + Ha(g) > CaHe(g) Thermodynamically most stable state of carbon is (1) Diamond (2) Graphite (3) Fullerene (4) Coke If heat of combustion for CHs is -20 kcal mol* then amount of heat evolved on combustion of 20g CHs will be (1) 20 kal (2) 40 kcal (3) 30 kcal (4) 28 kcal Heat change corresponding to which of. the following reaction is correct representation for formation of H20(1)? (1) Hela) + O2(@) > 24200) (2) Hag) * FOxa) > H20(!) (3) HCI(aq) + NaCH(aq) -» NaCi(aa) + H:0¢) (4) H2S0«(l) + H20(g) + SOx(0) If bond dissociation energies of N= N, H—H and N-H bonds are x, y and z respectively then heat of formation of NH3(g) will be (1) x+3y-22 (4) xty-z Which of the following set of acid and base will give maximum heat of neutralisation? (1) NaOH + He! (2) NaOH + CH:COOH (3) NH.OH + HCI (4) CHsCOOH + NHiOH 40. 4 42, 43, 44, 45, If the enthalpy change for the transition of liquid water to steam is 30 kJ mot at 27°C, then the entropy change for the process will be (1) 100.J mor K-* (2) 10s mor K* (3) 1d mor* K+ (4) 0.4. J mol K Consider the following process AH (kJ/mol) () ASB +200 (i) Boc+D 150 (ii) D#ASE 300 For; +E» 2A, AH will be (1) -250 kJ/mol (2) +250 kJ/mol (3) 650 kslmol (4) +650 kuimol 11 mol of a gas expands from 2 L to 4 L by reversible isothermal process at 27°C, then work done will be (1) 17296 Q) 1.7294 (3) 0.19 kd (4) -0.19 kd Bond eneray of C-H bond from data given below CHe(a) > Ca) + 4H(g), 4H = +416 Kis (1) +416K (2) +208 ky (3) +104 kJ (4) —416 kJ if values of AH and AS for the reaction de cone) 9 are 200 kJ and 400 JK" respectively. Equilibrium temperature for the reaction will be (1) 100k (2) 100K (3) 5000 K (4) 500K Difference between molar heat capacity at constant pressure and molar heat capacity at constant volume for an ideal gas wll be (1) 2R @R (2) aR 41 G 0,(g}—>CO(g) (4) Two. sar Medical-2023, Fortnightly Test-2 (TYMR_Code-A) 46. 47, 48. 49, 50. 51 52. 53, The meristem found between mature tissues is known as (1) Root apical meristem (2) Axillary bud (3) Shoot apical meristem (4) Intercalary meristem Choose the odd one for parenchyma tissue. (1) Elongated in shape (2) Cellulosic cell wall (3) Thick walled (4) May have intercellular space The only living component of xylem tissue is (1) Ray parenchyma (2) Vessel (3) Tracheid (4) Sclerenchyma fibre In roots, (1) Secondary xylem is exarch type (2) Protoxylem lies towards periphery (3) Primary xylem is endarch type (4) Metaxylem lies towards periphery Cuticle is absent on epidermis of (1) Loaf (2) Roots (3) Stem (4) Fruit Trichomes may not be (1) Secretory in nature (2) Mutticettular (3) Unbranched (4) Found on root surfaces Radial vascular bundles are found in (2) Dicot root (4) Monocot leaf (1) Monocot stem (3) Dicot leaf Match the columns and select the correct option. Column! Column-lt {@) | Ground tissue of | () | Mesophyi stem (©) | Ground tissue | (i) | Cortex absent in root (6) | Ground tissue of | (i). | Hypodermis leaf 54, 55. 87, 58. 59, 60, a b c m i) wi) © @ wi) O @) Gi) Gi) @ 0 Wi) Gi) Guard cells are bean-shaped in (1) Grasses (2) Dicot plants (2) Monocot plants (4) Cereals Stole does net include (1) Pericycle (2) Pith (3) Phloem (4) Cortex Identify the wrong match (1) Conjunctive = Parenchymatous tissue (2) Polyarch xylem — Monocot root bundles (3) Outermost layer - Epiblema of stem (4) Secondary Monocot stem growth absent Suberized cells of which layer are water impermeable? (1) Pericycle (2) Endodermis (3) Cortex (4) Hypodermis Which of the given is not true for pericycle of dicot root? (1) Form lateral roots (2) Thick walled cells (3) Participate in secondary growth (4) Can perform photosynthesis and store food material Early wood (1) Is formed in spring season (2) Is formed in winter season (3) Is called autumn wood (4) Has small number of xylary elements Periderm does net include (1) Phellem (3) Phloem (2) Phellogen (4) Phelloderm 6) Fortnightly Test-2 (TYMR_Code-A) 61 62, 63, 64, 69, 70, Lense-shaped opening found on woody parts of trees are (1) Lenticel (2) Stomata (3) Guard cells (4) Companion cells, Light coloured secondary xylem found towards periphery of stem is known as (1) Heart wood (2) Sap wood (3) Late wood (4) Autumn wood Pith is small and inconspicuous in (1) Dicot root (2) Monocot root (3) Dicot stem (4) Dicot leat Read these statements and select the correct option cavities A. Water-containing are found ‘monocot stem. B. Endodermis has abundant starch in monocot stem. (1) Only Ais correct (2) Only Bis correct (3) Both A and B are correct (4) Both A and B are incorrect, Two Year Medicat-2023 65. Vascular bundles are not arranged in a ring-like manner in (1) Mango (2) Apple (3) Peepal (4) Maize 66. Chloroplast is found in (1) Bullform cells (2) Guard cells (3) Subsidiary cells (4) Accessory cells 67. Select the incorrectly matched pair. (1) Medullary — Conduct food and rays water (2) Annual ring - One spring ring + one autumn ring (3) Cambium ring - Cells are generally more active on outer side (4) Interfascicular. - Secondary cambium cambium 68. Cork cambium does net form (1) Cork: (2) Secondary cortex (3) Phellem (4) Secondary phloem Read the following statements and choose the correct option. Statement (A): Respiration Is an anabolic process which leads to the formation of carbon dioxide, Statement (B): During respiration, CO2 produced by the cells is released out. (1) Both statements (A) and (B) are correct (2) Both statements (A) and (B) are incorrect (3) Only statement (A) is correct (4) Only statement (A) is incorrect, Consider the given statements and mark them as true (T) or False (F). (A) Branchial respiration vertebrates. {B) Mechanisms of breathing vary among different group of animals depending only on their levels of organisation. is found in all {C) Lower invertebrates like sponges, flatworms, etc, exchange Oz with CO by simple diffusion over their body surface. (D) Frogs can respire through their moist skin Choose the correct option. AB oc »D mM tT oT T FT @ FO oT T FT @ FO oF T T @ TF oF T 71. What is the common passage for food and air? (1) Larynx (2) Pharynx. (3) Trachea (4) Ocsophagus 72, At what level trachea divides into a right and left primary bronchi? (1) 4 thoracic vertebra (2) 7 thoracic vertebra (3) 5 thoracic vertebra (4) 6" thoracic vertebra 73. Complete the analogy wart. the formation of thoracic chamber and select the correct option. Dorsally : Vertebral column (1) Ribs (2) Diaphragm (3) Stemum (4) Thoracic vertebrae Ventrally @) Two. sar Medical-2023, Fortnightly Test-2 (TYMR_Code-A) 74, 75, 76. 7. 78. Respiration involves a series of steps. Arrange the given steps in sequential order and select the correct option. (2) Diffusion of gases across alveolar membrane (6) Transpor of gases by the blood (c) Pulmonary ventilation (4) Diffusion of Oz and COz between blood and tissues (6) Colluia respiration (1) @+H)>>@) (6) (2) (@)-» (A) -» ©) > (@)-»(@) @) (> @) >) >@) >) 4) >) >@)>@) >) ‘The movement of air into and out of the lungs is cartied out by creating a pressure gradient between the lungs and atmosphere. Inspiration can occur if (a) Intra-pulmonary pressure is tess than the atmospheric pressure (b) There is increase in the volume of thoracic chamber in the antero-posterior axis () There is increase in pulmonary volume Select the option that statements only. (1) Only (a) (2) (b) and (e) only (3) Only (e) (4) (@). (6) and (c) (On an average, @ healthy human breathes times/minute, Choose the option that fils the blank correctly. (1) 15-20 (2) 12-16 (3) 10-42 (4) 20-25 in normal physiological conditions, the maximum volume of air a person can breathe in atter a forced expiration can be represented by (1) RVeVC (@) IC+ERV (3) TV+ERV (4) EC +IC The partial pressure of Or in systemic veins carrying deoxygenated blood is equal to (1) pCO> in alveolus (2) pCO2in tissues (3) pO2 in alveolus (4) pCO2 in systemic veins includes correct 79. 80, at 82, The disorder in which there is wheezing due to inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles is (1) Asthma (2) Emphysema (3) Siticosis (4) Occupational respiratory disorder Read the given statements and select the correct option ‘Statement (A): Simple organisms like sponges and coslenterates as well as. complex organisms use special fluids like blood within their bodies to transport nutrients, Oz and other essential substances. ‘Statement (B): Blood helps in transportation for continuous removal of waste or harmful substances produced in living cells for the healthy functioning of tissues. (1) Only statement (A) is correct (2) Only statement (B) is correct (3) Both statement (A) and (B) are correct (4) Both statement (A) and (B) are incorrect Match Column! with Columnell and select the correct option Column- Column-tt ‘a. | Erythrocytes | () | Generally short-lived b. | Leucocytes | (ii) | Devoid of nucleus in most mammals . | Plasma (ii | Graveyard of RBCs d. | Spleen (iv) | Constitutes 55% of the blood (1) afi, Bi), efi), div) (2) ali, Gv), efi), aii) (3) liv), bli), efi), ai) (4) afi, bq), cfiv), aii) Select the incorrect statement. (1) 90-92 per cent of plasma is water and proteins contribute 6-8 percent of it (2) Neutrophils and monocytes are phagocytic cells which destroy foreign organisms centering the body (3) A healthy adult individual has 20-26 gms of haemoglobin in every 100 mL of blood (4) Plasma without the clotting factors is called serum i) Fortnightly Test-2 (TYMR_Code-A) Two Year Medicat-2023 83. A person who has B -ve blood group can receive blood from other persons having blood group (a) AB-ve (b) B-ve (©) O-ve (@) O+ve Select the correct option (1) Both (a) and (b) (2) Both (b) and (c) (3) Only (e) (4) (2), (b) and (e) 84, Heart, the _ (A) _derived organ, is situated in the thoracic cavity, in between the two lungs, slighty tited to the | (6) Select the option that fil the blanks (A) and (8) correctly (1) (@}Mesodermally (B}Left (2) (A}Ectodermally (8 Right (8) (A}Endodermally (B)Left, (4) (A}Mesodermally (Right 85. Which of the following can generate the maximum number of action potentials and is responsible for initiating and maintaining the rhythmie contractile activity of the heart? (1) SAN (2) AVN (3) Purkinje fibres (4) AV bundle 86. The walls of arteries and veins consists of three coats or tunics. The coat which is thin and have few muscle fibres in vein is (1) Tunica externa (2) Tunica intima (3) Tunica media (4) Both tunica intima and tunica media 87, 88, 89, 90. a What is the effect of neural signals through the sympathetic nerve fibres on the heart? (a) Increase the rate of heart beat (b) Increase the speed of conduction of action potential (6) Increase the cardiac output (d) Stimulates the SAN Select the correet option (1) Only (a) (2) Only (a, (b) and (c) (3) (@),(O), (c) and (4) (4) Only (b), (¢) and (4) Which of the following is considered as normal systolic blood pressure in an healthy adult man? (1) 120 (2) 140 (3) 80 (4) 90 The disorder in which the heart muscles are suddenly damaged due to inadequate blood supply is (1) Myocardial infarction (2) Cardiac arrest (3) Heart failure (4) Angina pectoris Which of the following represents pulmonary circulation? (1) Right ventricle > Lungs — Left atrium (2) Right ventricle -» Body parts -> Left atrium (3) Left ventricle -» Body parts -» Right atrium (4) Loft atrium > Lungs — Right atrium @)

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