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A cloud computing company needs to schedule several data processing tasks on

their servers. Each task has a specific processing time, a deadline by which it must
be completed, and a revenue it generates upon completion. The company also
needs to ensure that the total energy consumption remains within the allowed
budget to minimize costs.


● Tasks: Each task is represented by a tuple

● (𝑝,𝑑,𝑟)
● (p,d,r), where
● 𝑝
● p is the processing time in hours,
● 𝑑
● d is the deadline in hours from now, and
● 𝑟
● r is the revenue in dollars. The tasks are:
1. Task 1:(4,24,50)
2. Task 2:(6,48,80)
3. Task 3:(8,36,70)
4. Task 4: (3,12,40)
● Servers: Each server is represented by a tuple(Ps,Es) where Ps is the

processing power in tasks per hour, and Es is the energy consumption per
hour in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The servers are:
1. Server 1: (2,5)- Mid-tier server
2. Server 2: (3,7) - High-performance server
3. Server 3: (1,3) - Low-power server
● E_max: The maximum energy budget is 60 kWh.

● Task 1 assigned to Server 1.

● Task 2 assigned to Server 2.
● Task 3 not assigned (or an alternative assignment that maximizes revenue
while adhering to constraints).
● Task 4 assigned to Server 3.

Dynamic Programming Approach

To solve this problem, a dynamic programming (DP) approach is used with a state
representation that includes:

● The subset of tasks considered.

● The energy consumption state.
● The server assignment state.

DP Table Definition

Define a DP table DP[i][e][k] where:

● i is the index of the current task.

● e is the remaining energy budget.
● k is a bitmask representing the server assignment state.

State Transition

The state transition can be defined as:

DP[i][e][k]=max(DP[i−1][e][k],maxs (DP[i−1][e−Es ⋅ti][k∪{s}]+ri))

● ti is the time taken to process task i on server s, computed as ti=Ps/pi.


1. Initialize the DP table.

2. Iterate through each task and each possible state.
3. For each task and state, try assigning it to each server if it fits within the
deadline and does not exceed the energy budget.
4. Update the DP table accordingly.
5. The maximum value in the DP table at the end will give the maximum

Explanation of Example

● Task 1: Processing time is 4 hours, deadline is 24 hours, revenue is $50.

● Assign to Server 1: 𝑡1=4/2=2 hours, energy consumed =2⋅5=10
● Assign to Server 2:𝑡1=4/3=1.33 hours, energy
consumed=1.33⋅7=9.31 kWh.
● Assign to Server 3:𝑡1=4/1=4 hours, energy consumed =4⋅3=12
● Choose the server with the lowest energy consumption or highest
revenue, and fits within constraints. Assign to Server 1.
● Task 2: Processing time is 6 hours, deadline is 48 hours, revenue is $80.
● Assign to Server 1:𝑡2=6/ 2=3hours, energy consumed=3⋅5=15 kWh.
● Assign to Server 2: 𝑡2=6/3=2 hours, energy consumed=2⋅7=14 kWh.
● Assign to Server 3:𝑡2=61=6 hours, energy consumed =6⋅3=18 kWh.
● Choose the server with the lowest energy consumption or highest revenue,
and fits within constraints. Assign to Server 2.
● Task 3: Processing time is 8 hours, deadline is 36 hours, revenue is $70.
● Assign to Server 1:𝑡3=8/2= 4 hours, energy consumed 4⋅5=20 kWh.
● Assign to Server 2:𝑡3=8/3=2.67 hours, energy consumed=2.67⋅7=18.69
● Assign to Server 3:𝑡3=81=8 hours, energy consumed =8⋅3=24 kWh.
● Due to high energy consumption and deadlines, may not be assigned.
● Task 4: Processing time is 3 hours, deadline is 12 hours, revenue is $40.
● Assign to Server 1: 𝑡4=3/2=1.5 hours, energy consumed 1.5⋅5=7.5 kWh.
● Assign to Server 2:𝑡4=3/3=1 hour, energy consumed =1⋅7=7 kWh.
● Assign to Server 3:𝑡4=31 =3 hours, energy consumed=3⋅3=9 kWh.
● Choose the server with the lowest energy consumption or highest revenue,
and fits within constraints. Assign to Server 2.

Goal is to maximize revenue while ensuring all tasks meet their deadlines and stay
within the energy budget. The specific server assignments depend on the precise
order and calculation of energy consumption

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