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Yu e wu Wang

many teachers; they spend considerable time correcting their students’ compo-

sitions only to find their corrections and comments ignored. Despite teachers’

hard work, many students’ written English remains non-idiomatic, poorly orga-

nized, insufficiently developed, grammatically awkward, devoid of sentence

structure variety, and weak in vocabulary usage. One important reason for all
this is that learners have not been helped to become motivated, involved in their

own learning, or self-sufficient. The fact is, students will not devote their efforts

to learning a foreign language if they do not have a need or desire to learn it.

However, when students are duly motivated, they will become involved in learn-

ing a foreign language and will learn it autonomously.

One way to motivate learners, according to Ellis (1994, 516), is to design

challenging tasks that present students with opportunities for communication

and self-direction. To create such conditions, I designed a magazine-editing proj-

ect at Shanghai Maritime University, where I taught English writing to EFL stu-

dents. This paper describes that writing project.

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Objective of the project dents’ own writings + 20% edited mate-

The objective of the project was to encour- rials) + 30% exam
age students to write more freely, naturally, To encourage the students to read and get
and fluently while creating and editing an information for their writing, about one third
English language magazine. The project was of the magazine’s content was permitted to be
designed to supplement the compulsory Eng- simulations, adaptations, translations, reviews,
lish writing course I taught. etc. of any kind, in any style, and from any
source. The rest of the content, however, was
Class description
required to be the students’ own writing. They
The project was carried out four times in could write in various forms (e.g., essays, short
four different semesters. Four separate classes stories), and the content could be about any-
comprised of 95 English-major sophomores thing (e.g., their own emotions, experiences,
participated in the project. They met for two world affairs). The purpose was to encourage
hours each week for 19 weeks. The students’ the students to express their own ideas, experi-
English levels ranged from intermediate to ences, emotions, and values using the words
high intermediate. All had a basic knowledge and expressions they were learning. Because of
of keyboarding and Internet search tech- the nature and purpose of the project and to
niques. Five had advanced computer skills, but maximize fairness among all learners, the stu-
none had ever edited an English magazine. dents were not permitted to use photocopies
Requirements and guidelines or web page downloads. They were told that it
made no difference whether they edited their
At the beginning of each semester, editing
magazines by hand or with the help of a type-
an English magazine was assigned to the stu-
writer or computer (which obviously was
dents as a term task to be completed outside
preferable, however). To develop in them a
the classroom. They were given maximum free-
sense that they were writing to communicate
dom to read, write, and edit articles, and to
to a real audience, students were told that their
print them. Only two classroom hours, one at
completed magazines would be exhibited in
the beginning of the task and the other about
the classroom for their peers to review. The
halfway through it, were set aside for the
students were also encouraged to exchange
instructor and learners to brainstorm and share
views and share difficulties and joys during the
ideas, discuss difficulties, and solve problems.
editing process.
The requirements and guidelines went
The portfolio assessment of the students’
through some changes, but in general they are
writing was designed to avoid inhibiting them
as described below:
and to encourage them to write freely as well
1. Magazine size: 30 pages as responsibly. The final magazine was evaluat-
2. Students’ own writing: no less than two- ed as “very good,” “good,” “fairly good,” and
thirds of the magazine content so forth. In general, grading was cumulative.
3. Illustrations: no more than five percent All of the students’ work was included in cal-
of the magazine content culating the final grade.
4. Content and form: freedom of decision
Collecting and editing materials
5. Format: paper size A4, handwritten, Students searched through all kinds of
typed, or computer printed in 12-point materials for what they thought best fitted their
font magazines. The topics eventually included in
the magazines covered almost everything that
6. Restrictions: no mother tongue, no pho-
tocopies, no direct web page downloads interested them (e.g., arts, culture, business,
sports). They spent considerable time adapting,
7. Classroom discussion: week 8
rewriting, editing and organizing their selected
8. Completion deadline: week 16 materials. About 70 percent of the students
9. Exhibition and assessment: weeks 17-18 used computers to help create their work and
10. Students’ assessment for the writing the others either used typewriters or wrote and
course: 70% magazine editing (50% stu- drew everything by hand.

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Students’ own contributions ness, coherence and fluency, linguistic accuracy,

Most of the students included classroom euphony, etc.), and the originality demonstrat-
assignments as part of their magazines. All stu- ed in the design and content of their magazines.
dents made use of their selected materials as
Questionnaire survey
input to their own writing. Almost all students
told me that their own contributions con- When the project was brought to a close,
sumed much more time and energy than other all students were asked to answer an open
parts of their magazine. questionnaire anonymously. The questions
elicited such information as their growth dur-
Classroom discussion ing the process of carrying out the project,
The students were encouraged to raise their motivation and interest in English writ-
questions and help each other improve the ing, the project’s contribution toward improv-
content and organization of the magazines. ing their written English, and any general ben-
Peer review was encouraged as a collaborative efit they felt they gained from editing their
strategy to help them learn from each other. magazine. The majority (59%) of the students
During the discussions, they became aware reported that they had been motivated greatly
that their classmates had similar difficulties in to be self-sufficient and creative, and their
editing and writing. Major difficulties they interest in EFL writing, in particular, had
encountered included decisions about the use increased enormously. More than half of the
of illustrations and anxiety resulting from unfa- participants (54%) said they thought the proj-
miliarity with computer operations. They also ect had contributed greatly to their improve-
worried about their poor handwriting and the ment in written English. The great majority of
pressure of time. They were assured, though, the learners (97%) said they believed they had
that matters such as whether they used illus- gained a great deal or at least something from
trations or computers, or whether their hand- taking part in the project.
writing was poor, were not considerations in
their final grade assessment. Test results
Students who edited their own magazines
Feedback by the instructor performed well in the Test for English Majors
To lessen the students’ anxieties and avoid (level 4), a high-stakes national examination of
discouraging them, the feedback the instructor English proficiency in China. They did partic-
gave to the students was generally positive. It ularly well in the writing sub-test, which con-
focused on strengths rather than weaknesses. sists of essay writing and note writing. On the
whole, these students turned out to be more
Classroom exhibition successful than students who took the test in
Towards the end of each term, the maga- the years before and after them who did not
zines were exhibited in the classroom. Every participate in magazine editing. The writing
student was required to skim through them test mainly reflects the learner’s success in writ-
and read carefully at least three pages con- ing one kind of essay, argumentation. Howev-
tributed by the editor of each magazine. Stu- er, it was clear that the magazine project had
dents were also required to note their impres- had the remarkable effect of enabling students
sions of each magazine on a separate piece of to write other types of essays and even creative
paper, which was later delivered to the editor. stories as well. Although the writing the stu-
Thus, students knew what their peers thought dents did on the magazine project had some
about their work and, as a result, they learned grammatical and lexical problems, it was cre-
from each other. ative and communicative.

Evaluation of students’ work Main achievements in students’ writing

The magazines were read and assessed by the In my past teaching experience, I frequent-
instructor. In addition to the criteria specified ly encountered compositions with interesting
in the task requirements, the criteria for evalua- content and ideas but inaccurate expressions,
tion included the quality of the editors’ own or with correct form but boring content. The
writing in English (communicative effective- magazine-editing project provided students

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with a good opportunity to balance form and spurred them to write what they thought
content in their writings. In contrast to con- would be interesting or important to a real
trolled writing on arbitrary topics, editing a audience, in this case, their peers. Moreover,
magazine in the target language engaged stu- they felt compelled to consider how they
dents to such an extent that they wrote more could accomplish their task. All this motivated
and better. their writing and made it seem close to real-
Students were given an opportunity to world writing outside the classroom (White
immerse themselves in personal topics so that 1987, 261).
they had something interesting or something Another important factor contributing to
they considered important to communicate to the success of the project was that it was nei-
their readers. Reading and selecting materials ther too easy nor too difficult for the students.
gave them valuable input to their own writing, Some students felt anxious at the beginning of
indeed, so much so that they didn’t have to the project, but all of the students persisted
worry about sufficient content for their maga- and finished the task on time, in spite of diffi-
zine. The average length of a typical piece of culties. In the course of editing their maga-
their own writing for the magazine was one zines, they gained confidence in their own
page (about 400 words), making it much abilities and enjoyed the work. There was no
longer than a normal classroom assignment doubt, therefore, that requiring learners to
(about 200 words). present “a tangible end-product” made the
The student editors had to write drafts and project “meaningful and purposeful” (Skehan
make repeated revisions of them, trying their 1998, 273–4).
best to polish their writing to their own satis- The project was learner-centered because
faction before having it published in their strong emphasis was placed upon individual-
magazines. “After finishing every passage,” one ized reading and writing. It was up to the stu-
student editor wrote, “I would always modify dents to decide which topics to choose and
and revise it very carefully.” Another wrote, “I how to approach those topics. Autonomy was
had spared no efforts to write every article the thus initiated and learners were empowered to
best I could.” It is clear that students had be masters of their own work. The task catered
learned to take full responsibility for their own to students’ differences, needs, and interests,
work. They had come to understand that writ- which in turn stimulated their enthusiasm for
ing is a process involving constant revision, the task. When the project came to an end,
not only in terms of English grammar and many students were unwilling to stop, and one
usage, but also in terms of the logical organi- wrote: “You should have asked us to launch
zation of ideas. In general, their own writing another magazine full of our own writings so
read more fluently and coherently and with that we may have the chance to write more
fewer mistakes than the compositions I had and to write even better.”
corrected laboriously before the students
launched their magazines. Conclusion
During the project we had fun. The stu-
Why such achievements? dents were active participants, learners, writ-
After years of teaching EFL writing, I have ers, and editors, while the teacher acted as
reached the following conclusions: If students director, organizer, and counselor. Students
have the need or desire to write for real com- were engaged. They bragged to others, and
munication and a real audience, they will be they looked forward to the appreciative com-
glad to write. If they are engaged in challeng- ments of their readers. Each magazine was
ing and interesting tasks, they will write well. unique, and they were a delight to read.
Finally, if they learn to be responsible for their Next time I organize the project, I will
own writing, they will write even better. make some improvements. First, I will
Clearly, giving students the freedom to increase the proportion of students’ own con-
include what they wanted and write what they tributions or require that the magazines consist
wanted in their magazines required them to solely of their own writing, as one student sug-
consider for whom and for what purpose they gested. Second, I will assign more classroom
were writing. These considerations in turn time to discuss problems and difficulties, since

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creating a magazine in a foreign language is Skehan, P. 1998. A cognitive approach to language

such a demanding job. Third, I will ask stu- learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
dents to publish their magazines on the Inter- White, R. 1987. Approaches to writing. In Long, M.
net so that a wider audience will be able to H. and Richards, J. C. (eds.), Methodology in
appreciate them. With these changes, the proj- TESOL: A book of readings. New York: Newbury
House Publishers.
ect will be even more effective in strengthen-
ing students’ writing skills.
YUEWU WANG teaches English at Shanghai
References Maritime University and is a Ph.D. student in
Ellis, R. 1994. The study of second language acquisi- Applied Linguistics at Shanghai Jiao Tong
tion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. University, China.


English Magazines = Motivation + Improved EFL Writing Skill • Yuewu Wang

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English Magazines = Motivation + Improved EFL Writing Skill • Yuewu Wang

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