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The University of Edinburgh

College of Science and Engineering

Mathematics 4 Honours
MATH10080 Galois Theory

Wednesday, 8th May 2019

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Chairman of Examiners – Professor A Olde Daalhuis

External Examiner – Professor G Brown

Attempt ALL Questions

Calculators and other electronic aids

A scientific calculator is permitted in this examination.
It must not be a graphical calculator.
It must not be able to communicate with any other device.

This examination will be marked anonymously.

MATH10080 Galois Theory 1

(1) (a) Define the terms splitting field and normal extension. State a theorem relating
these concepts. [2 marks]
(b) Let K ⊆ L be fields. Describe the properties a function τ : L → L must have
in order to be an automorphism. Further, specify those required for τ to be a
K -automorphism. [2 marks]
(c) Define the Galois group, Γ(L : K ), of L : K . Define carefully the maps ( )∗ and
( )† that arise in Galois theory. Show that M ⊆ M ∗† for any intermediate field
M of the extension L : K . [2 marks]
(d) State carefully the fundamental theorem of Galois theory for finite normal
extensions L : K within C.
[4 marks]

(2) Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false, providing a short
(one or two sentence) justification for your answer. Clearly state any theorems that
you employ.
√ √
(a) The field Q( 2, 3) is not a simple extension of Q.
(b) If K is a field and α, β are elements of an extension field then the extensions
K (α) : K and K (β) : K are isomorphic if and only if α and β have the same
minimal polynomial.
(c) If K is a field and α is an algebraic element of an extension field then 1/α is
expressible as a polynomial in α with coefficients in K .
(d) If L : K is a field extension and τ ∈ L is transcendental over K , then τ 3 − 1 is
transcendental over K .
(e) A polynomial over Q is soluble by radicals if its Galois group is a p-group.
(f) Suppose that L : M and M : K are finite normal field extensions. Then the field
extension L : K is finite and normal.
(g) Suppose that L : M and M : K are field extensions, and the field extension L : K
is separable. Then M : K is separable.
(h) Suppose that L : M and M : K are finite field extensions, and the field extension
L : K is normal. Then L : M is normal.
(i) If ζ is a primitive n-th root of unity then the Galois group of the extension
Q(ζ) : Q is cyclic.
(j) The Galois group of a polynomial of degree n is isomorphic to a transitive
subgroup of Sn .
[10 marks]

[Please turn over]

MATH10080 Galois Theory 2

(3) Let p be any prime number and q = p n where n is any positive integer.

(a) Let F be a field. Define the prime subfield of F and the characteristic of F.
[1 mark]
(b) Show that if a field F has q elements then its prime field is Zp and that F is a
splitting field for f (t) = t q − t over the prime subfield. State clearly any results
you assume. [5 marks]
(c) Construct a field F with 4 elements as the splitting field for a suitable polynomial
over a field with two elements, giving the multiplication table for this field.
Define the Frobenius automorphism for F and determine its order. [4 marks]

(4) Throughout this question let p denote an odd prime, let ζ be a primitive p-th root
of unity and let Qpy denote the subfield of C of constructible numbers obtained from
the points {0, 1} ⊂ C using a straight-edge and compass.

(a) State a necessary and sufficient condition on a complex number α to be an

element of Qpy . [1 mark]
(b) If a complex number α lies in a normal extension L of Q such that [L : Q] = 2r
(for some r ∈ N) show that α is constructible, clearly stating any results you
use from group theory. [5 marks]
(c) Using the previous parts as appropriate, show that a regular p-gon is constructible
if and only if p = 22 + 1 for some n ∈ Z≥0 . [4 marks]

(5) Let α be a root of f (t) = t 6 + 3 and set K = Q(α).

(a) Show that K contains a primitive 6-th root of unity. Call this ζ. [1 mark]
(b) Show that K is a Galois (finite, normal, separable) extension of Q, and
consequently determine the order of the Galois group Γ(K : Q). [3 marks]
(c) Determine the Galois group Γ(K : Q), identifying its generators. [3 marks]
(d) Determine all the proper subfields Q ( L ( K that are normal extensions of Q
and provide polynomials over Q for which these are the splitting fields.
[3 marks]

[End of Paper]

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