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COMBUSTION AND FLAME 44:261-275 (1982) 261


Buoyant Axisymmetric Turbulent Diffusion Flames in Still Air

H-Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH

Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

A theoretical and experimental study of buoyant, axisymmetric, turbulent, diffusion flames is described. Measurements
included profiles of mean velocity, velocity fluctuations, Reynolds stress, mean temperature, and mean concentrations
for two flames having heat release rates of 1.67 and 8.51 kW, respectively. Flame shape and the variation of flame
radiation along the axis were also measured. A portion of the measurements were compared with a k-c--g turbulence
model which was developed earlier and has been calibrated for a variety of combusting and noncombusting forced flows
at relatively high Reynolds numbers. The model provides for buoyancy in the governing equations for mean quantifies,
but neglects effects of buoyancy on turbulence characteristics. The model provided an estimation of data trends;
however, errors in the predictions were greater than for forced combusting flows. The greatest discrepancy involved the
width of the flow in the upper portions of the flames, which the model underestimated by as much as 50%. Although care
was taken to minimize room disturbances during the tests, it is felt that they may be an important factor in the
discrepancy. Effects of low Reynolds numbers and buoyancy on turbulence properties, uncertainties in estimating the
initial conditions for the computations, and the accuracy of the measurements are also advanced as factors contributing
to the differences between predictions and measurements.

INTRODUCTION gas chromatography; visible flame shape, employ-

ing both visual and photographic methods; and
Buoyant turbulent diffusion flames, resulting from radiative heat flux, employing a radiometer.
natural fires, are distinguished by low initial mo- While acquisition of new data was the main
mentum of the gases leaving the fuel source; there- objective of the investigation, the results were also
fore flow properties are strongly influenced by compared with numerical predictions. These were
buoyancy. The low velocities in these flames, based on a k- E-g model of turbulent combustion
coupled with effects of low initial Reynolds number that has been satisfactorily evaluated for a number
and buoyancy, present both theoretical and experi- of noncombusting and combusting flows for which
mental difficulties. Thus, progress in understanding buoyancy and low Reynolds number effects are
natural fires has been slower than for the forced small [1 3].
flow flames common in industrial applications. References [4-8] represent recent work on axi-
The main objective of this investigation was to symmetric buoyant turbulent diffusion flames.
measure the structure of typical buoyant diffusion Becker and coworkers [4-6] report measurements
flames, in order to provide data for the evaluation of mean temperature, velocity, soot concentration,
of theoretical models. The test configuration was an soot concentration fluctuations, and visible flame
axisymmetric flame rising vertically in still air. lengths for a range of experimental conditions,
Measurements included mean velocity, velocity including cases with significant buoyant effects.
fluctuations, and Reynolds stress, using a lase~ McCaffrey [7] and Cox and Chitty [8] investigated
Doppler anemometer (LDA); mean temperature, buoyancy-dominated flames using the same experi-
using fine-wire thermocouples; mean concentration mental apparatus, providing information on mean
of gaseous species, using isokinetic sampling and velocities and mean temperatures as well as some
Copyright @ 1982 by The C o m b u s t i o n Institute
Published by Elsevier North Holland, Inc.
52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 0010-2180182/010261+1552.75
262 H.Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH

stochastic properties of the flow. The present study rectly indicates trends of the data; however, flow
extends this work by completing more comprehen- widths are underestimated.
sive measurements, which simplify comparison The present model is similar to that of Tamanini
with predictions. [10, 11], but we have not adopted his treatment of
Integral models and dimensionless parameters the effect of buoyancy in the governing equations
are used to correlate and interpret the data in the for turbulence quantities in order to minimize the
cited studies [4-8]. Other recent theoretical work number of empirical model constants to be speci-
on buoyant flames involves more detailed analysis fled. The model used here has been systematically
using finite difference methods and a turbulence calibrated for axisymmetric combusting and non-
model to predict flow structure [9-11]. Pergament combusting flows for which buoyancy and low
and Fishburne I-9] employ a mixing length model Reynolds number effects were small 1-1, 2].
of turbulence and estimate reaction rates using Applying it to the present flows, without embellish-
Arrhenius expressions based on mean properties, ment, provides a well-established point of depar-
Detailed comparisons are made between the theory ture for subsequent consideration of these effects.
and measurements by Kent and Bilger [12] for
conditions for which buoyancy effects are small. EXPERIMENTAL
Evaluation of the model for buoyant flows was
limited to flame lengths, where the model correctly Apparatus
indicated the trends with source Froude number
for a reasonable selection of model parameters. The apparatus and instrumentation are described
Tamanini [10, 11] describes a k-E-g model of elsewhere [14]. The operating conditions ofthe two
turbulent plumes and natural fires and proposes a flames studied are summarized in Table 1.
method for considering the generation of turbu- The flames were fueled by natural gas flowing
lence due to buoyancy. The predictions are corn- from a vertical cylindrical burner tube; burner
pared with measurements of radiative heat flux and dimensions and fuel composition appear in Table 1.
flame shape by Markstein [13]. The model cor- The flames were attached at the lip of the burner.


Summary of Test Conditionsa

Flame I II

Fuel flow rate (mg/s) 34.1 174.0

Heat release rate (kW) 1.67 8.51
Burner exit velocity (m/s) 0.0210 0.1073
Burner exit Reynolds number uod/v0 70 356
Burner exit Richardson number ad/u02 1222 46.8
Free flame height (mm) 350 710
Height of maximum temperaturealong axis (ram) 120 270
Flame tip Rayleigh number a~ooQL2/p~CpooVoo3 1.64 × 1012 3.35 X 1013
Local Reynolds number 2raua/v~
x (mm) = 100 1750 2250
215 4250 5490
300 5340 8080

a Vertical burner with 55 mm i.d., containing an array of stainless steel screens (45 mm apart, 3940 wires/m, square
pattern, 0.10 mm wke diameter) with a similar screen spot welded across the burner exit. Ambient condition was still air
294-300 K, 97-99 kPa. Fuel was natural gas at 294-300 K (approximately 94.9% methane, 3.8% ethane, 0.3% propane,
0.4% carbon dioxide, and 0.4% nitrogen, by volume).

The burner tube was free standing, with a minimum fine wires were mounted on heavier leads spaced 12
exit height above the floor of 400 mm. mm apart and aligned normal to the direction of
The tests were conducted in an interior room the maximum temperature gradient in order to
with floor dimensions 4 m x 6 m and a ceiling reduce conduction erors. The probe was moved
height of 5 m. The flow was protected from room with a linear positioner, accurate to 1 mm. Even
disturbances by a screened enclosure 1200 mm though the wires were small, radiation errors were
square and 1800 mm high (one layer of screening, significant due to the low velocity of the flow. The
630 wires/m, square pattern, 0.25 mm wire diame- magnitude of these errors was estimated and is
ter). A transite enclosure at the top of the screened presented with the temperature measurements. The
area acted as a product gas collector for a natural estimates are based on a range of thermocouple
draft exhaust system, emissivities since the thermocouples became tar-
nished with use. The radiative heat flux measure-
INSTRUMENTATION ments were used to estimate flame radiation to the
thermocouple near the edge of the flow.
Mean velocity, velocity fluctuations, and Reynolds The mean composition of gaseous species (CH4,
stress were measured with a dual-beam forward H 2, CO 2, CO, H20, 02, and N2) was measured by
scatter LDA, as in earlier work on open jets and isokinetic sampling at the mean gas velocity. The
flames I-1, 2]. The LDA incorporated a Bragg cell probe, 2 mm internal bore and water cooled, was
frequency shifter so that flow reversals could be moved with a linear positioner. The coolant tem-
detected near the edge of the flow. Effects of flame perature was maintained at 360K to avoid con-
luminosity were minimized by an optical filter densation of water vapor in the probe. The gas
placed in front of the detector. The optical system mixtures were analyzed with a gas chromatograph.
was stationary. The LDA measuring volume was Calibration experiments to determine the effect of
positioned by moving the burner tube (mounted on gas sampling rates, conducted at several positions
a milling machine vise providing a positioning in the flames, indicated that sampling velocities
accuracy of 1 ram). The measuring volume was within ___50% of the correct mean velocity had little
ellipsoidal, with major and minor diameters of 6.6 influence on the composition measurements.
and 0.27 mm. This resulted in gradient broadening The radiant heat flux leaving the flame was
errors estimated to be less than 10%, for both mean measured with a gas-purged, water-cooled sensor
and turbulent quantities. (Medtherm Radiation Heat Flux Transducer, Type
Difficulties were encountered in obtaining ad- 64F-10-22, 150° viewing angle) mounted near the
equate seeding levels for the LDA. In the upper edge of the flame (r/x=0.45) and directed toward
portions of the flames, sufficient soot was present the axis.
for seeding and low mixture fractions reduced Flame shape, defined by the visible luminous
biasing errors. Near the base and edge of the flames, edge of the flame as observed in a darkened room,
however, it was necessary to supplement this was measured in two ways. The first involved
natural source of particles. Additional particles photographing the flame with a still camera (4 x 5
were provided in high mixture fraction regions Graphlex camera employing Polaroid, Type 52
using a small acetylene diffusion flame as a particle film with a 40 ms exposure time). Ten photographs
generator, with the particles directed into the fuel were made of each flame and were analyzed for the
flow leaving the burner. Near the edge of the flow, mean position of the flame edge and the 95%
an oil droplet generator (average droplet diameter confidence interval (using Student's t distribution)
0.6/~m) was used, allowing the particles to drift into as a function of height above the burner. The
the flame with the entrained air, similar to earlier second method involved positioning pointers at the
work [1]. maximum and minimum flame positions, at vari-
Mean temperatures were measured with a 50- ous distances above the burner, as described
/~m-diameter Pt/Pt-10% Rh thermocouple. The earlier 1,15];the flame edge was then taken to be the
junction was formed by butt welding the wires. The arithmetic average of these two limits.
264 H-Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH

TURBULENCE MODEL initial states, are adiabatically mixed and brought

to thermodynamic equilibrium at the ambient
The model developed by Lockwood and co- pressure of the flow. This general approach was
workers [3, 16] was adopted. Earlier work in this also applied to the second radiation limit, after
laboratory has demonstrated good results for assuming that the fixed fraction of the chemical
forced flows. This includes the study of Shearer et energy released during eqt~ilibration was lost.
al. [1] for forced constant and variable density jets With this approach, a unique set of state proper-
in still air, which demonstrated good agreement ties can be computed for each radiation limit. This
between predicted and measured mean and turbu- gives temperature, composition, and density as a
lent quantities, using the model constants rccom- function of mixture fraction, employing conven-
mended by Lockwood and Naguib [3]. tional equilibrium calculations. Ideal gas behavior
Subsequent comparisons for a forced combusting was assumed, with allowance for variable specific
n-propane jet, using the same constants, were also heats and dissociation. The calculations were corn-
satisfactory [2]. These results provided a calibra- pleted using the package computer program CEC-
tion of the model for flows having relatively high 72 [17], which incorporates JANAF thermochemi-
initial Reynolds numbers for which buoyancy cal properties for the combustion gases. The fuel
effects were small. Therefore, the model serves as a used in the test flames was predominantly methane
useful reference for examining the present flames, (cf. Table 1) and, consistent with the accuracy of the
for which these effects should be more significant, composition measurements, was approximated as
The model employs the boundary layer ap- pure methane. The ambient gas was approximated
proximations for steady, axisymmetric, turbulent as dry air. Both reactants were taken to have an
flow. The environment is an infinite stagnant initial temperature of 300K.
medium having fixed composition and tempera- Determination of state properties requires some
ture. Flow velocities are low; therefore, viscous rather arbitrary decisions concerning the extent of
dissipation and kinetic energy are ignored in the equilibration. Low and high mixture fractions are
mean flow equations. Typical of most models of outside normal flammability limits. Furthermore,
turbulence [1-3, 10, 11, 16], the exchange coef- unreasonable quantities of soot are predicted for
ficients of all species and heat are assumed to be the mixture fractions near unity. As in earlier work,
same. Local chemical equilibrium is also assumed complete equilibrium was assumed for mixture
at each point in the flow. fractions less than 0.08; for higher mixture fractions,
In order to reduce the number of empirical the formation of soot and the equilibration of the
parameters to be specified, limiting cases are con- water-gas reaction was suppressed [2]. Recent
sidered with respect to radiation. The first limit measurements by Mitchell et al., [18] suggest that
involves ignoring radiant heat losses entirely, simi- the water-gas reaction is not equilibrated for
lar to Mao et al. [2]. The second limit is based on equivalence ratios greater than 2 in typical methane
the observation of Markstein [13] that the total diffusion flames, tending to support this approach.
radiative power of a flame is nearly proportional to In addition, it was not possible to reconcile the
its rate of chemical energy release. Therefore, we mean temperature and mixture fraction measure-
assume that the flame is optically thin and that a ments at high mixture fractions for the present
fixed fraction of the chemical energy released by flames without discounting the water-gas reaction.
reaction is radiated to the surroundings. This The state properties for the present test flames at
fraction, 200/0, is selected to bound the radiative the limit of no radiative heat loss are illustrated in
heat losses measured for the present flames. Fig. 1. Temperature, density, and the mass fractions
For negligible radiation, under the present as- of methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and the major
sumptions, the instantaneous properties at each product species are plotted as a function of mixture
point in the flow correspond to the thermodynamic fraction. The results for 20% radiative heat loss are
state attained when an amount f of fluid from the qualitatively similar, but exhibit a reduction of
burner tube and 1 - f of ambient fluid, at their mixture temperature (a maximum of 290K at the

Z ~ O O | ~ 2.0 tions follow the approach outlined by Gosman et

al., [16] and discussed by Shearer [19].
ZOO0 • T t K ) "-~ 1.6 With these assumptions, the governing equa-
/ tions are

lao, .a OT +

~Z/~ .4
= B(fi)-a~5~ -/5)=D(f) =0, (1)
4o( P(kg/m3) -- -o D(k)=#, -p~, (2)

.8 MASSFRACTIONS D(E) = C, lflt ~ (Ou'~

~ r r ) 2 _C,2f3 k - , (3)

2 _eg
.S . D(g)= Co,#, - Cgzp ~ - , (4)

.4- n where

o0 .2 ~ .4 .6 .8 1.0 #,=cask~/e, (63
Fig. 1. Equation of state for methane combustion in air
at atmospheric pressure (reactants initially at 300 K and
no radiative heat loss).

D(¢)=lSfi ~xx +/Sv° ~r r ~r r %

-- ~ (7)
stoichiometric mixture ratio) and a slight increase
in density.
As in past studies [1-3, 16], the turbulent flow for ~b=fi, f k, e, or g.
model involves the solution of Reynolds-averaged The parameters Ci and a i in Eqs. (1)-(7) are
conservation equations. Mean quantities are ob- constants. Two sets of constants (Table 2) were
tained by solving conservation equations for mass,
momentum, and mixture fraction. Turbulence
characteristics are found by solving model trans-
port equations for turbulence kinetic energy, dissi- Constants in the Turbulence Model
pation, and concentration fluctuations. With this
Set Cu Cel CUl Ce2 = Cg 2 of = ag ok ae
approach, several terms involving density fluctu-
ations are ignored, for lack of better information, i.a 0 . 0 9 1.44 2.8 1.84 0.7 1.0 1.3
The justification for this approach rests on past ii.b 0.09 1.57 2.8 1.92 0.9 1.0 1.3
success for a number of variable density flows [1-3,
16]. While buoyancy is considered in the mean a Employed in Refs. [1-3, 19] for variable density
equations, its effect on turbulence is ignored. T h e b Employed in Ref. [16] (except for Ce2 = Cg 2 =
details of the development of the governing equa- 1.82 and 1.90) and Ref. [20].
266 H-Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH

examined during the present calculations. Set i The initial values of k were estimated from the
corresponds to the values employed during calib- velocity fluctuation__ measurements. For isotropic
ration of this model [1, 2, 19], where best results turbulence, k = 3u '2/2, while computations for non-
were obtained using the original recommendations combusting plumes suggest that k = u '2 [11]. The
of Lockwood and Naguib [3]. Set ii corresponds to latter value was used in the calculations due to the
values used in recent work by Lockwood and similarity of buoyant plumes and natural fires.
coworkers [16, 20]. The individual values of the The initial value of ¢ was obtained by estimating
two sets of constants are not very different, with the value of the turbulence viscosity and employing
CEz=Co2 and ai=cro in both cases, this, along with k, to compute e from Eq. (6).
The mean value of any scalar quantity (other Seeding difficulties limited the reliability and avail-
than f,, k, E, g, and #0 is computed as a weighted ability of Reynolds stress measurements at the
average initial condition; therefore, the turbulence viscosity
was estimated using Prandtl's mixing length
foI theory. Combining this expression with Eq. (6)
c~= (a(f)P(f) df (8) yields the initial estimate

The state relation, e:g., Fig. 1, provides q)(f). P (f) is E= 16k2/(t~2 0~- ) , (10)
the probability density function for f, chosen to be a
clipped Gaussian function [1-3]. P(f) has two
parameters, the most probable value and the where the width of the flow 6 and the velocity
variance. They can be found fromfand g, which are gradient were obtained from the measurements.
known as a result of integrating Eqs. (1) and (4). The initial value of g was estimated using the
Lockwood and Naguib [3] describe this entire measurements offand ~. Given f a t any location, T
procedure in some detail, can be computed as a function ofg using Eq. (8) and
The calculations were begun at a position 100 the state relation. The values of g which matched
mm above the exit of the burner, using measured predicted and measured values of ~were employed
properties at this station for initial conditions. This for the initial condition.
approach was chosen because the region near the The method of solution was similar to earlier
burner exit, where the flame contracts as the flow work [1, 2], utilizing a modified version of
accelerates, is not strictly a boundary layer flow. GENMIX [21]. The computations employed 33
Effects of laminar flow and transition, which have cross-stream grid nodes, with a maximum axial
not been incorporated into the model, were also step size corresponding to the minimum of either
observed near the exit of the burner. 2Vo of the current radius of the flow or the position
This choice of the initial condition eliminates the where the entrained flow was 10~o of the current
need to consider the development of the shear layer flow. Reduction of these parameters had no signif-
at the edge of the flow, near the exit of the burner, icant effect on the results.
Throughout the region that was considered, ap-
propriate boundary conditions for Eqs. (1)-(7) are

r--0, ~ - ----0; r--*oo, ~b=0. (9) General Ol~ervatioas

Radial profiles were measured at 100, 215, and 300
At the initial condition,__the measurements gave mm above the exit of the burner. Axial profile
complete profiles of fi, f, u,z, T, and the Fi. This measurements spanned the range 100-350 ram.
provides the initial values of fi and f immediately; The maximum temperature along the axis was at
however, initial values of k, ¢, and g must be 120 mm for flame I; therefore, these results era-
estimated, phasize the upper portions of a natural fire. The

TABLE 3 dioxide in air). The maximum discrepancy between

Mass Conservation Balances the expected and measured value of a quantity is
42~o, for the measured fuel flow rate of flame I at
x (ram) rhF (mg/s)a rhc/mn b tho2#hN2 c x = 3 0 0 mm. The error is largest here since the
Flame I composition of fuel and combustion products is
0d 34.1 3.07 0.304 lowest at this condition, which maximizes com-
100 27.7 2.10 0.346 position errors. Checks of the remaining parame-
215 24.8 3.41 0.319 ters agree with expectations within 20-30~o.
300 19.9 3.33 0.316 Repeated measurements and checks of test pro-
Flame II cedures were unable to improve these results.
0a 174.0 3.07 0.304
I00 120.0 3.19 0.307 The main reason for the mass conservation
215 148.0 3.93 0.288 discrepancies is felt to be inaccuracies near the edge
300 176.0 3.39 0.306 of the flow, where concentrations of fuel and
combustion products are low, leading to reduced
a Total mass flow rate of material originating from accuracy for the composition measurements.
burner fuel flow.
b Ratio of mass flow rates of element carbon to ele- Errors near the edge of the flow are magnified in
ment hydrogen, checks on conservation of mass since even low
c Ratio of mass flow rate of element oxygen to ele- concentrations can yield significant flow rates of
ment nitrogen, material, due to the relatively large flow area in this
d Burner flow condition, except that of rho2/rhN2 , region. In addition, the interpretation of average
which is the ratio for dry air. values obtained from the measurements also has an
effect. The velocity and temperature measurements
maximum temperature along the axis was at 270 approach a time average using present techniques;
m m for flame II; in this case the test range covered however, isokinetic sampling tends to yield a Favre
the lower portions of the flame, average for compositions [22]. Combining such
Several independent measurements were made measurements to obtain a total mean mass flux
of each quantity. Repeatability was within the yields errors that are difficult to estimate in the
following limits: mean velocity, 5~o; mean tempera- absence of measurements of velocity-
ture, 6~o; mean concentrations, 15~o; velocity flue- concentration covariances. Effects of axial turbu-
tuations, 11~o; Reynolds stress, 20~o; flame radi- lent transport [11], seeding difficulties, and varying
ation flux, 7~o; and mean flame position, 5 ~ o . humidity of the ambient air are also factors
Rechecking measurements over a period of months contributing to the error.
gave results within these limits. Measurements and predictions for flames I and
Conservation of mass was examined in order to 11 are shown in Figs. 2-5 and 6-9. Radial profiles at
check the measurements. This involved integrating x = 100 mm, the initial condition for the calcu-
the measurements across the flow to get the mass lations, appear in Figs. 2 and 6. Properties along the
flow rate of material originating from the burner, as axis of the flames are illustrated in Figs. 3 and 7.
well as the mass flow rates of elemental carbon, Radial profiles at the upper two measuring lo-
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The results are cations appear in Figs. 4, 5, 8, and 9. The predic-
summarized in Table 3, where the burner flow rate, tions illustrated in Figs. 2-9 employed the model
the ratio of the mass flow rates of elemental carbon constants of set i. Predictions for both adiabatic
and hydrogen, and the ratio of the elemental flow flow and 20% radiation loss are shown, except for
rates of oxygen and nitrogen are given for each test species concentrations, where only results allowing
location. The first two quantities can be compared for radiation losses are illustrated in order to avoid
with burner exit conditions and the last to the overcrowding the figures. In other instances, results
composition of air (neglecting the relatively small for the two models overlap where only a single solid
oxygen and nitrogen concentrations of the fuel and line is shown. Effects of model constants and the
the small amounts of water vapor and carbon influence of radiant heat losses on species concen-
268 HoZ. YOU and G. M. FAETH

LQ ~ ,r_f/fc .I ~- -co2 !

0.5 ~ - . ~ _ 0 " •

o.~ - ~'/~c oo

ooo/ " - °
OONO I T , P , 0.,

.ooI ..~
1500 _
0 co

3.0 H
I000 2 ®
LO (-lO0)Srg'/~c .0001 MASS FRACTIONS

500 1.0 / ~
YlI/IIIIII/L/II/I//I//I/I/ /~O 0 <:>V//////I/=~/11111 /1t IIII/I II I/IIIIIII/
°i .; .~ .~ ~ ~, ., .2 .3 .4 > ° ° ° ' o .z~ . .3i .4
Fig. 2. The initial condition for flame I-radial profiles of mean and turbulent quantities
at x = 100 m m .

1500 ~ E I ~ R O R BOUN[)(TYP.) • .--, I.O ~

I000 ~" 1.2 ~ ~

500. ' ~/rcoo

• o...
VISUAL~-O~ ~ • • • = = 'k
50 t 2 / -I -~ . . . . . . -C0

4 .I ,001

o ~"~"~ ~.-~ ' I ~ MASS FRACTION
o ~. • .0001

2 ~><%%
o O' ,, , ~ . . ~ I MREAS
fl] SyMB0LS
I OOo% " I 20% RA D I A T ~

a °°°°°°° 0011 ~ )0001| ~ I

0100 2dO 500 400 " I00 200 300 400 I00 200 300 400
Fig. 3. Axial variation o f mean and turbulent quantities for flame I.


PREDICTIONS: | o ~/~c N2
• 20% RADIATION | 05 ~, o ~ ~

a~ ~/fo 1 °°•
t °°
O- ~ * •
I I 0.2

,ooo ,~

1 I'~\
3 : ~ ~ \



o i 2 ~ ~ o :, ~ 3 ~ ~ )00% i 2 3 4

Fig. 4. Radial profiles o f m e a n and t u r b u l e n t quantities for flame I at x = 215 m m .

, , o~.~_~_~ ;, ~ ~,
ADIABATIC _ __ ° o c ~ ~ ,~ ~
,o~.f~,~ o ,,

• I/2_ 0 °°°
0.5- \~ " / ' - g/fc
1,0• ,co •
~°°eoo °
• .~7'/% .o, ~-c°2
0 0.2 • ° • •
2000 • ~• ,
° 18~
T (K) 0.1 ' ~2/~c._~\ ° .oral "- 1 '~
1500 0
2.0 ¢ ~ < (-IOO)~"ff'/ .00011
500 1.0 FLAME EDGE

. . . . . . . . . ,, . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ,~,~
o~ -'7
o, .~. .~ . .5 ;~. o .. . . . . . ,,,,,'%- ..... o ,?;,,,,',"
.~ .~ .~ .4 )ooo,,.
~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.~, .~ .~

Fig. 5. Radial profiles o f m e a n and t u r b u l e n t quantities for flame [ at x = 300 m m .
270 H-Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH
, , I.O


Fc .,
~.2 ,.~+-T-...Z-~'~io
2000 ~ " c ~
(K) 0.~

0 ~
5,0 i~:
'..0 . 0 0 0 1 ~


,/1/ ..... 1//,//,///// J, ~//,H /~//,//Z k/////////////////,
o .; .~' .i .~ °o .I .a .3 .4 00% ., .2 .3 .4
Fig. 6. The initial condition for flame lI-radial prof'fles of mean and turbulent quantities
at x = 100 mm.

oJ ..__..._o-~- - _ ~c (m/s) 2 4C H
o ~ ~ 1.6 o o / i ~ 0~"~

¥ ~c(K) 1.2
500~ o FLAME RADIUS (mm ~
150' VISUAL --o-- 0.8J" 5,c ,/0c eo = =
PHOTO --o-- ~ ~F ~'

~ 0.2 ~ ~ _
50 (~ 0.1 ~ --
0 0 ' ® ~' " • .,--H_

(kW/m 2) F. - - _!; . - ~ _ _ / / '~ (~
.~o • •

//~SS FRACTION@ r =0


100 2()0 300 4 0 0 °'°=Joo 200 300 4 0 0)c 100 200 300 400

Fig. 7. Axial variation of mean and turbulent quantities for flame II.

LO . . . .

-.. 20% RADIATION 0"51 ~o ' ....
,c • "q ~.-

oi ° o o oI :
" ~-c°2 .~o

~ e l b e e e •
o~ o2 '/0° " °1 ~c.4" o
200 =°
ot •
0.1 • • • )Ol! ~o
OONO,TY, o 1
% T(K) 3.oi

iooo ~ooo%% z°m

~ °~o

- (-,oo)w,/~ .c )oJ~ ~,


~//// I/I/111 A /I/111/~ VII/I I/I////~

Fig. 8. Radial prof'fles of m e a n and turbulent quantities for flame II at x = 215 m m .

, . 0 ~ 20% RADIATION 051 " ~ .....
\.~ ,,r.i',,~
\~ '/z[ o~.
°Oo° o
' ~ ://..c%
, o.~ , o I>o ~ : "• e 41~,°|
~"" " "•

"'" " r ~''° ~ rC"~'~° ~o HzO.J.

I 0.1 *
1500L,//ERROR BOUND(TYp) \\ *. .0(: ,o ~ °o

IOOC ~ 3.0~"
OF ~ t l l ~ ~'
2.01" .OOC
(- I00)u-'~',/ic2
500 1.0~"~ , ~ /
////,, / f/I/////// /////////// ///////I/I / / / IlIA
%- .; .~ .~ .~ o ., .~ .~ k ,oo~ .; .~ .~ k
Fig. 9. Radial prordes of mean and turbulent quantities for flame n at x = 300 ram.
272 H-Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH

tration predictions are not large, and will be however, since the measurements only covered the
discussed later, lower portion of this flame.
In order to relate the data to the appearance of
the flame, the luminous edge is indicated on each
figure. The axial variation of flame width is il- Comparisonof Predictions
lustrated in Figs. 3 and 7. In this case, the mean and Measurements
flame position is indicated by the symbol, while the
range of the flame position is indicated by bars. For Model predictions of mean velocity, mean mixture
the photographic method, the bars indicate the fraction, mean temperature, mean species concen-
95% confidence interval of the measurements. For trations, and Reynolds stress are illustrated in Figs.
the visual method, the bars indicate the observed 2-9, for comparison with the measurements. As
maximum and minimum flame positions. In gen- noted earlier, k was set equal to u'2 at the initial
eral, the visual technique indicates wider flame conditions (Figs. 2 and 6), for the remaining figures;
boundaries. This behavior is largely a function of these two quantities have been plotted together so
the exposure time and sensitivity of the film; other that they can be compared. Finally, the predicted
settings would vary this trend. On the remaining values ofg are also illustrated on the plots. It should
figures, the band indicating the edge of the flame be recalled that g was selected to match the mean
includes the range obtained by both methods. It mixture fraction and temperature profiles at the
can be seen that the outer extremity of the flame initial condition for Figs. 2 and 6. For the remain-
generally extends to the edge of the flow as ing figures, g was computed by the model.
indicated by other measured quantities. The visible The values of g required to match initial con-
portion of the flame also extends well beyond the ditions are too high near the edge of the flow, and
maximum temperature positions in both the axial somewhat low near the maximum temperature
and radial directions, position, when compared to the usual behavior of
The measured temperatures shown in the figures concentration fluctuations [3, 1l]. Errors in con-
are not corrected for radiation effects; however, centration measurements, particularly near the
estimated errors due to radiation are indicated by edge of the flow, and the fact that uncorrected
error bars at a number of positions. Error bars are temperatures were matched, both contribute to this
shown for the uncertainty in the emissivity of the behavior. Near the edge of the flow, the actual gas
thermocouple after a period of exposure to the temperature is lower than indicated and an exces-
flame. The error limit farthest from the measure- sively large value ofgis needed to raise the value of
ments corresponds to a thermocouple emissivity of the predicted mean temperature. Similar factors
unity. In high.temperature regions, the thermo- affect g at high-temperature locations. This in-
couple indication is below the temperature of fluences the prediction of mean species concentra-
the flow, with maximum errors of 180K near tions at the initial condition positions illustrated in
maximum temperature locations. Near the edge of Figs. 2 and 6. In regions where g values are not
the flow, the thermocouple indication is higher than normal, largely at the centerline and the edge of the
the flow temperature since the sensor intercepts flows, species concentrations exhibit erroneous
flame radiation. This effect is smaller, yielding trends. This initial condition difficulty, however,
errors on the order of 10K. decays rapidly, and concentration profiles, as well
The axial variation ofradiant heat flux from each as g itself, behave more reasonably at higher
flame is illustrated in Figs. 3 and 7. The position of locations in the flames (cf. Figs. 4, 5, 8, and 9). The
maximum radiant heat flux generally coincides extent of the predicted flow field influenced by the
with the maximum temperature location along the initial condition for g is more clearly seen in the
flame axis. An estimate of a radiant heat loss of axial profiles illustrated in Figs. 3 and 7. The effect is
15%, from flame I, was made by integrating the indicated by a jump or oscillation in the laredictions
measured radiant heat flux along the axis. A similar which extends to 120-150 mm above the exit of
computation could not be made for flame II, the burner.

Initial conditions were also prescribed by allow- the predictions shown in Figs. 2-9. As noted earlier,
ing T a n d f t o vary within experimental uncertainty several different approaches were used to estimate
while specifying a radial variation of g consistent initial conditions, assuming initial profiles of g
with earlier measurements [3, 11]. A better match based on results for plumes [11], etc. Again, these
of the initial species concentration profiles could be calculations gave results similar to those pictured in
obtained in this manner. Computations with this Figs. 2-9.
initial condition had only a small effect on predic- While the agreement between predictions and
t i o n s a t x = 2 1 5 a n d 3 0 0 m m . This suggests that the measurements may be good enough for many
present treatment of the state relation and concen- purposes, further model development is needed.
tration fluctuations is reasonable. Models treating the effect of buoyancy on the
Another aspect of estimating parameters at the production and transport of turbulence quantities
initial condition involves the Reynolds stress. In the might perform better. However, such improve-
case where Reynolds stress could be measured at ments will require the systematic determination of a
the initial condition, flame I illustrated in Fig. 2, the number of new empirical parameters. Work along
estimated value is substantially greater than the these lines [10] has not yet achieved significantly
measurements. However, this measurement was better results than those illustrated here.
felt to be of limited reliabilty, due to seeding Comparison of the present limiting calculations,
difficulties; therefore, the estimation procedure for including and neglecting radiant heat losses, in-
the computations was not changed. Nevertheless, dicates that flame radiation has a significant in-
the comparison does suggest that development of fluence on flame structure for present test con-
turbulence characteristics was incomplete at the ditions. This suggests that adopting recent methods
initial condition locations. Similar to g, Reynolds for treating radiation in flames [16, 20] might
stress values appear to be more normal at higher improve predictions. Certainly, the values of the
positions in the flames (Figs. 4, 5, 8, and 9). model constants could be optimized to improve the
There is only fair agreement between predicted agreement between predictions and measurements,
and measured quantities along the axis of the at least for present test conditions. The general
flames (Figs. 3 and 7), particularly in view of the validity of such an approach, however, would be
much better agreement exhibited by this model for questionable.
forced flows [1, 2]. There is little to choose between Experimental difficulties and the test conditions
predictions from the two state relations, although themselves could also be factors in the discrepan-
the model allowing for radiant heat loss does des between predictions and measurements. It is
provide a better estimate of mean temperatures in very difficult to completely eliminate room disturb-
the region beyond the maximum temperature ances which deflect the flow. The low momentum of
position, these flows and the absence of a surface to help
The major discrepancy between predictions and stabilize large-scale disturbances magnify the prob-
measurements involves the width of the flow. This lem. Such disturbances provide an obvious mecha-
is particularly evident at the highest position (Figs. nism for unusually wide profiles of flow quantities.
5 and 9), where the predicted width is as much as The local Reynolds number of the present test
50~o smaller than the measurements. In contrast, flames were also relatively low. Local Reynolds
this model yielded excellent predictions of flow number values based on the average vertical
widths for forced flows [1, 2]. Tamanini [10] velocity and the flow displacement diameter,
encountered similar problems with his predictions 2u al'a/V ~, were in the range 1750-8080 (cf. Table 1).
of buoyant flames, employing the data of Furthermore, the appearance of flame II indicated
Markstein [13], even though he allowed for effects patches of laminar flow extending some distance
of buoyancy on turbulence properties, above the burner exit. In contrast, the turbulence
The measurements were also compared with model was developed, and largely calibrated, for
calculations employing set ii of the model con- high Reynolds number flows. In particular, earlier
stants. These results generally fall in the range of evaluation of the present model involved local
274 H-Z. YOU and G. M. FAETH

Reynolds numbers, defined in the same manner as are felt to be mainly responsible for this
in Table 1, greater than 10,000 11, 2]. Therefore, problem. Effects of low Reynolds numbers,
some of the present discrepancy may be due to the influence of buoyancy on turbulence
transition effects and poorly developed turbulence, properties, uncertainties in estimating initial
Our inability to measure completely all proper- conditions, and experimental uncertainties
ties required to specify the initial condition for the (seeding, thermocouple radiation, varying
computations also leaves uncertainties in the com- nature of property averaging, etc.) are also
parison of predictions and measurements. It ap- contributing factors.
pears that these effects were limited to the lower 3. Allowing for radiative heat losses resulted in
portions of the flow, but the present results do not some improvement of the predictions, but the
provide a thorough indication of the extent to effect was not large. Similarly, use of two
which errors in initial conditions influenced the different sets of model constants currently
computations, employed by a number of investigtors (Table
Finally, the measuring techniques also introduce 2) did not significantly affect the overall
uncertainties which are difficult to evaluate quanti- comparison between predictions and
tatively. Thermocouple errors, seeding difficulties, measurements.
and the mixing of time and Favre averages have 4. The outer extremity of flame luminosity
already been discussed. These problems did not generally extended to the edge of the flow as
have a large influence on earlier results for forced indicated by other measured properties.
flows, initial conditions for which could be specified Luminous flame was observed well beyond
at the burner tube exit [1, 2]; however, in the the locationofthemaximummeantempera-
present case, measured mean temperatures, veloci- ture in both the axial and radial directions.
ties, and compositions (mixture fraction) were The maximum radiative heat flux from the
employed to fix initial conditions for the compu- flame, in the radial direction, generally cor-
tations, and the effect should be larger, responded to the location of the maximum
In view of these potential error sources and the mean temperature along the flame axis.
limitations of the present model, the comparison
between predictions and measurements is en- This research was supported by the U.S.
couraging. Work is continuing in this laboratory to Department of Commerce, National Bureau of
expand the data base and to reduce experimental Standards, Grant No. 7-9020, under the technical
uncertainties so that a more reliable assessment of managementof Dr. Howard Baum of the Center for
flow models for buoyant flames can be provided. Fire Research.

The major conclusions of the study are as follows:
a acceleration of gravity
1. The theory provides a reasonable indication Ci constants in turbulence model
of the trends of flow quantities; however, the Cp specific heat at constant pressure
comparison between predictions and meas- d burner exit diameter
urements shows greater errors than those f mixture fraction
observed for forced combusting flows using g square of mixture fraction fluctuations
the same model [1, 2]. k kinetic energy of turbulence
2. The greatest discrepancy between predic- L flame height
tions and measurements involwd the width m mass flow rate
of the flow, which was theoretically under- M flow momentum
estimated by as much as 50% in the upper Q burner heat release rate
portions of the flames. Room disturbances r radial distance

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