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This prospectus provides basic information about offered undergraduate
programs, courses and guidelines for admissions, and examinations. It also
includes introduction to Ravi-Infinity Group, Infinity Institute of Technology (IIT)
and its founding body.
The information in this prospectus is correct at the time of its publication with
best efforts instilled for its accuracy. It is issued for general guidance of potential
candidates for getting admission in the Fall 2022 and does not form part of any
contract. IIT intends to provide information about its programs and courses
described in this prospectus but reserves the right to withdraw or make
alterations to these programs, courses or facilities if found necessary, without
any prior notice. Likewise course fee and financial issues mentioned here are
provisional and subject to change.

All Rights Reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in part, in

Faculty of CS & IT

Recent developments in computer hardware, software and communication

technologies have offered new exciting opportunities and challenges for creation of
innovative learning environments for Computer Science and its curricula design. One of
the key elements here is to prepare the graduates for the future. The challenge of getting
all newly emerging technologies incorporated in to the curriculum is becoming pivotal
for the effectiveness of curricula. There is a need for curricula structures that are really
able to grow as we put new demands on them. The curriculum is required to provide
integration of all components and the foundations that allow accessing all of the new
knowledge and technology to fulfil the vision of future.

The basic intention of an Faculty of Computer Science is to develop the student’s critical
professional thinking and intuition. The curriculum must be structured to provide a
balanced mixture of theory and practical experiences at foundation and advance levels
to make the graduate capable of sound professional decisions. As a result the graduate
should be able to assume responsible positions in business, government, and education
at the research, development, and planning levels. The Program should also provide an
excellent foundation for further formal learning and training. The Computer Science
curriculum is expected to provide environments to put into practice, the principles and
techniques learnt during the course of implementation of academic Program.

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

of Computer Science & Information Technology

Dr. Syed Saqib Raza

PhD Computer Science
Head of Department

CS & IT are the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the
basis for the design and use of computers. It is the scientific and practical approach to
computation and its applications and the systematic study of the feasibility, structure,
expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that
underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and
access to information.

Computer Science is the application of a systematic, disciplined and quantifiable

approach to the design, development, operation, and maintenance of software
systems. It is in fact the practice of designing and implementing large, reliable, efficient
and economical software by applying the principles and practices of engineering. The
program aims to train students in all aspects of software life cycle from specification
through analysis and design to testing, maintenance and evaluation of software

Information technology (IT) is the bedrock of modern enterprise organizations. The

term refers to computer systems, software, internet, and other infrastructure that
enables an organization's core capabilities. Forward-thinking organizations view IT as
a competitive advantage that allows them to work smarter and achieve their business


“Provide quality undergraduate education in both the theoretical and applied

foundations of computer science and train students to effectively apply this
education to solve real-world problems thus amplifying their potential for lifelong
high-quality careers and give them a competitive advantage in the ever-changing
and challenging global work environment of the 21 century”.

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO-1 Academic Education:

To prepare graduates as computing professionals.

PLO-2 Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems:

Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing

specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the
computing specialization to the16 abstraction and conceptualization of computing
models from defined problems and requirements.

PLO-3 Problem Analysis:

Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems

reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics,
computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.

PLO-4 Design/Development of Solutions:

Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and
evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with
appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations

PLO-5 Modern Tool Usage:

Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO-6 Individual and Team Work:

Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and

in multi-disciplinary settings.

PLO-7 Communication:

Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large
about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective
reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
understand clear instructions.

PLO-8 Computing Professionalism and Society:

Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local
and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional
computing practice.

PLO-9 Ethics:

Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of

professional computing practice.

PLO-10 Life-long Learning:

Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for
continual development as a computing professional.

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Courses Under Semester System
BS Computer Science
Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-101 Introduc on to Informa on and 2 1
Communica on Technologies
CS-102 Programming Fundamentals 3 1
MT-101 Calculus and Analy cal geometry 3 0
EG-101 English Composi on and Comprehension 3 0
EL-101 Basic Electronics 2 1
Total 13 3
Semester Total 16
Semester - II
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-103 Object Oriented Programming 3 1 Prog. Fundamental
CS-104 Discrete Structure 3 0
English Composi on and
EG102 Communica on and Presenta on Skills 3 0
Comprehension Skills
MT-102 Probability & Sta cs 3 0
PK-101 Islamic and Pak Studies 2 2
Total 14 3
Semester Total 17
Total for First Year 33
Semester - III
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-201 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 1 Object Oriented Prog.
CS-202 Digital Logic Design 3 1 Basic Electronics
CS-203 Computer Architecture and assembly 3 1
UE-201 University Elec ve–I 3 0
MT-202 Liner Algebra and Differen al Equa ons 3 0
Total 15 3
Semester Total 18
Semester - IV
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-204 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 Data Structures & Algo.
CS-205 Theory of Automata & Formal Languages 3 0
CS-206 Theory of Programming Languages 3 0
UE-202 University Elec ve–II 3 0
CS-203 Database Systems 3 1 Data Structures & Algo.
MT-203 Numerical Compu ng 3 0
Total 18 1
Semester Total 19
Total for Second Year 37

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Semester - V
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-301 Complier Construc on 3 0 Theory of Automata
CS-302 So ware Engineering 3 0
CS-303 CS Elec ve – I 3 0
CS-304 CS Elec ve – II 3 0
1 Data Structures & Algo-
CS-305 Opera ng Systems 3
Total 15 1
Semester Total 16

Semester - VI
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-307 CS Elec ve – III 3 0
CS-308 Ar ficial Intelligence 3 1 Discrete Structure
UE-301 University Elec ve –III 3 0
CS-309 Computer Communica on and Networks 3 1
CS-310 CS Elec ve - IV 3 0
CS-311 Smart Applica on Development 3 0
Total 18 2
Semester Total 20
Total for Third Year 36

Semester - VII
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-400 Final Year Project - I 0 3
CS-401 CS Elec ve – V 3 0
CS-402 Parallel and Distribu ng Compu ng 3 0 Opera ng Systems
CS-403 Big Data Analy cs 3 0
CS-404 CS Elec ve - VI 3 0
CS-405 Data Warehousing 3 0
Total 15 3
Semester Total 18

Semester - VIII
Course Code Course Title Th. Lab Pre-Requisite
CS-406 Final Year Project-II 0 3
CS-407 Professional Prac ces 3 0
CS-408 Informa on Security 3 0
UE-401 University Elec ve–IV 3 0
Total 09 3
Semester Total 12
Total for Final Year 30
Grand Total for Four Years 136

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Computer Science Elec ve courses

Credit Credit
Sr# Course Title Sr# Course Title
Hours Hours
1 Opera ons Research 3+0 21 Expert Systems 3+0
2 Simula on and Modeling 3+0 22 Ar ficial Neural Network 3+0
3 Computer Graphics 2+1 23 Fuzzy Logic 3+0
4 Digital Image Processing 2+1 24 So ware Quality Assurance 3+0
Advance Object-Oriented
5 Digital Signal Processing 2+1 25 3+1
Programming (JAVA)
6 Computer Vision 2+1 26 Network Analysis and Design 3+0
7 So ware Engineering 3+0 27 Network Management 3+0
8 Advance So ware Engineering 3+0 28 Game Programming 3+0
Principles of Programming Object Oriented So ware
9 2+1 29 3+0
Languages Engineering
10 Data Communica on 3+0 30 Network Programming 3+0
11 Distributed Compu ng 2+1 31 Cloud Compu ng 3+0
12 Data and Network Security 3+0 32 Visual Programming 3+0
13 Wireless Networks 2+1 33 Cryptography 3+0
14 Telecommunica on Systems 2+1 34 Computer Law 3+0
15 Microprocessor Interfacing 2+1 35 Computer Anima on 3+0
16 Web Engineering 2+1 36 Modern Programming Language 3+0
17 System Programming 2+1 37 Informa on Security 3+0
18 Distributed Database Systems 2+1 38 Data and Network Security 3+0
19 Data Warehousing 2+1 39 Adv. Topics in Computer Science 3+0
20 Numerical Compu ng 3+0

University Elec ve Courses

Course Credit Course Credit

Sr# Course Title Sr# Course Title
Code Hours Code Hours
1 MG Financial Accoun ng 3+0 10 EC E-Commerce 3+0
2 MG Financial Management 3+0 11 SS Interna onal Rela ons 3+0
Human Resource Quality Assurance and
3 MG 3+0 12 QA 3+0
Management Management System
4 MG Marke ng 3+0 13 SS Social Service 3+0
5 SS Economics 3+0 14 EP Entrepreneurship 3+0
6 PS Psychology 3+0 15 SS Philosophy 3+0
Quality Improvement Social Media
7 QA 3+0 16 SS 3+0
tools &Methods Marke ng
Quality Control & Language (French,
8 QA 3+0 17 SS 3+0
Engineering Standards German, Sindhi, Punjabi,
Urdu etc.)
Introduc on to
9 MG 3+0

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Courses Under Semester System
BS Informa on Technology
Semester 1
Introduc on to Informa on &
CIT-301 3(2-1)
Communica on Technology

CSI-302 Programming Fundamentals 4(3-1)

ENG-322 English Composi on & Comprehension 3(3-0)

MTH-323 Calculus & Analy cal Geometry 3(3-0)

ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2(2-0)

ISL-322 Ethics (Non-Muslims) 2(2-0)

+ Transla on of The Holy Quran -I 1(1–0)

Semester 2

CSI-403 Object Oriented Programming 4(3-1)

ENG-421 Communica on Skills 3(3-0)

CSI-304 Discrete Structures 3(3-0)

PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)

PHY-323 Basic Electronics 3(2-1)

Semester 3

CSI-401 Data Structure & Algorithms 4(3-1)

ELE-401 Digital Logic Design 3(2-1)

ENG-422 Technical Wri ng 3(3-0)

CSI-408 Database Systems 4(3-1)

CSI-407 Computer Networks 4(3-1)

+ Transla on of The Holy Quran -II 1(1–0)

Semester 4

SWE-401 Introduc on to So ware Engineering 3(3-0)

CSI-509 Opera ng Systems 4(3-1)

CIT-406 Web Technologies 3(2-1)

CIT-408 Visual Programming 3(2-1)

STA-321 Probability & Sta s cs 3(3-0)

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Semester 5

CIT-503 Database Administra on and Management 4(3-1)

CIT-505 System and Network Administra on 3(2-1)

CIT-507 Opera ons Research 3(3-0)

IT-Elec ve-1 3

MTH-424 Linear Algebra 3(3-0)

BAM-302 Principles of Marke ng 3(3-0)

+ISL-511 Transla on of The Holy Quran -III 1(1–0)

Semester 6

SWE-501 So ware Requirement Engineering 3(3-0)

CIT-502 Informa on Technology Infrastructure 3(3-0)

SWE-507 Human Computer Interac on 3(3-0)

IT Elec ve-2 3

IT Elec ve-3 3

BAM-601 Entrepreneurship 3(3-0)

Semester 7

CIT-601 Virtual Systems and Services 4(3-1)

CIT-603 Modeling and Simula on 3(2-1)

IT Elec ve-4 3

IT Elec ve-5 3

CSI-604 Informa on Security 3(3-0)

SWE-632 So ware Quality Engineering 3(2-1)

+ISL-611 Transla on of The Holy Quran -IV 1(1–0)

Semester 8

CIT-602 IT Project Management 3(3-0)

CIT-604 Cyber Security 3(3-0)

CIT-631 Project 6(0-6)

CSI-505 Professional Prac ces 3(3-0)

Note: + Audit Course

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

* List of IT Elective Courses for BS(IT)

IT Elec ve-1 CIT-664 Informa on Systems 3(3-0)

CIT-684 Computer Game Development 3(2-1) CIT-665 So ware Agents Technology 3(3-0)
CIT-685 Mobile Compu ng 3(2-1) CIT-666 Robo cs 3(2-1)
CIT-686 Enterprise Applica on Development 3(2-1) CIT-667 Ar ficial Intelligence & Fuzzy Logic Systems 3(3-0)
CIT-687 Mobile Applica on Development 3(2-1) IT Elec ve-4
CIT-688 E-Commerce Applica ons Development 3(2-1) CIT-668 Mul media Technologies 3(2-1)
IT Elec ve-2 CIT-669 3D Modeling and Anima on 3(2-1)
CIT-651 Telecommunica on Systems 3(3-0) CIT-670 Computer Graphics 3(2-1)
CIT-652 Rou ng & Switching 3(2-1) CIT-671 Mul media Systems and Design 3(2-1)
CIT-653 Network Design and Management 3(2-1) CIT-672 Digital Image Processing 3(2-1)
CIT-654 Network Programming 3(2-1) IT Elec ve-5
CIT-655 Wireless and Mobile Communica ons 3(2-1) CIT-673 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 3(3-0)
CIT-656 Cryptography and Informa on Security 3(3-0) CIT-674 Informa on System Audi ng and Assurance 3(3-0)
CIT-657 Cloud Compu ng 3(2-1) CIT-675 Business Process Management 3(3-0)
CIT-658 System Integra on and Architecture 3(3-0) CIT-676 Knowledge Management 3(2-1)
CIT-659 Internet Architecture & Protocols 3(3-0) CIT-677 Technology Management 3(3-0)
IT Elec ve-3 CIT-678 Informa on Technology Tools & Techniques 3(3-0)
in Business
CIT-660 Data Warehousing 3(3-0)
CIT-679 Informa on technology Innova ons in 3(3-0)
CIT-661 Data Mining 3(3-0)
CIT-662 Distributed Database Systems 3(2-1)
Electronic Customer Rela onship 3(3-0)
CIT-663 Distributed Compu ng 3(2-1) Management

Prospectus 2022-2023 Innity Institute of Technology

Infinity Institute of Technology
+92 42 37970011/12
f /infinityschoolofengineering
18-KM Sheikhupura Road, Lahore

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