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code segment

assume cs:code; ds:code mov ah, 02h

org 100h mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
begin: mov dl, 0dh
int 21h
; Read first ternary digit
mov ah, 09h ;check if all numbers are the
mov dx, offset msg same
int 21h cmp bl, bh ;compare num1 and
mov ah, 01h num 2
int 21h je cmp_1n3 ;either compare
sub al, '0' ;convert ASCII to decimal num 1 and num 3 or num 2 and num 3.
mov bl, al ;store 1st num If equal jump to cmp_1n3, if not read the
nxt line
mov ah, 02h jmp largest_num
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h cmp_1n3:
mov dl, 0dh cmp bl, cl
int 21h jne largest_num ;jump/Go to
finding the largest number if not equal
; Read second ternary digit ;display all numbers are the
mov ah, 09h same
mov dx, offset msg1 mov ah, 09h
int 21h mov dx, offset msg3
mov ah, 01h int 21h
int 21h ; Exit the program so it wont run
sub al, '0' ;convert ASCII to decimal the other codes
mov bh, al ;store 2nd num mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, 0ah largest_num:
int 21h cmp bl, bh ;compare num1 and
mov dl, 0dh num2
int 21h jg compare_1n3 ;if bl is greater
than it will jump to compare_1n3 if not it
; Read third ternary digit reads the next line/code
mov ah, 09h cmp bh, cl ; compare num2 and
mov dx, offset msg2 num 3
int 21h jl compare_1n3 ;if bh is less than
mov ah, 01h it will jump to compare_1n3 if not it
int 21h reads the next line/code
sub al, '0' ;convert ASCII to decimal add bh, '0' ;convert bh/num2 to
mov cl, al ; store 3rd num ASCII
;display num1
mov ah, 09h mov ah, 02h
mov dx, offset msg4 mov dl, bl ;store num1 to dl
int 21h int 21h

;display num2 ; Exit the program

mov ah, 02h mov ah, 4Ch
mov dl, bh ;store num2 to dl int 21h
int 21h

; Exit the program so it wont run

the other codes msg db 'Enter First number[0-9]: $'
mov ah, 4Ch msg1 db 'Enter Second number[0-9]: $'
int 21h msg2 db 'Enter Third number[0-9]: $'
compare_1n3: SAME $'
cmp bl, cl ;compare num1 and msg4 db 'The largest NUMBER is: $'
num 3
jg display_num3 ;if greater code ends
than jump to display_num3 and if not end begin
read the nxt line/code
add cl, '0' ;convert to ASCII

mov ah, 09h

mov dx, offset msg4
int 21h

;display num1
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, cl ;store num3 to dl
int 21h

; Exit the program so it wont run

the other codes
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h

add bl, '0' ;convert to ASCII

mov ah, 09h

mov dx, offset msg4
int 21h

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