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Inversiunea este un procedeu stilistic, care consta in tercerea de la forma

afirmativa la cea interogativa a verbului, inversand auxiliarul sau verbul cu subiectul, ce
vizeaza accentuarea sau sublinierea unui aspect esential al frazel respective, atragerea
atentiei cititorului.
Inversiunea apare dupa:

1. Expresii negative, restrictive sau de accentuare: not only, little, no sooner....than:

e.g. Little did he know about what was going to happen.
No sooner had he finished his paper than there was a knock on the door.

2. In propozitii care exprima consecinta, respectiv rezultatul : such/ so, to such a

e.g. Such was her surprise that she couldn’t speak.
Such a brilliant pianist was he that he carried all the prizes.
To such an extent did he go that he could not turn back any more.

3. Inversiuni in a doua parte a frazei, respectiv in propozitia principala, dupa Only

after, Only by, Only if, Only when, Not only/ till, not since:
e.g. Only by keeping her calm did she manage to cope with the situation.
Only after all her guests had left did she wash all the dishes.
Not until he got on the bus did he see that his wallet was missing.

4. Dupa: Seldom, Rarely, Little, Nowhere, Not even once, In no way,

Scarcely .......when, Hardly ......when, No sooner ........... than, Not only ......... but also, On
no occasion/ account/ condition, In/ Under no curcumstances, , Never, Never before, Not
since, Neither, No, So Well etc., caz in care inversiunea apare in prima parte a propozitiei:
e.g. Never have I seen such a bad film.
Well did he remember that night.
On no occasion was the girl allowed to stay out late.
Little did he know what his decision would lead to.
I haven’t got a ticket. — Neither/Nor have I.
Never before had I been asked to accept a bribe.
They not only rob you, they smash everything too.
Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
Not till he got home did he realize that he had lost his watch.
On no account must this switch be touched.
Hardly/ Scarcely/ Barely had I got home when the phone rang.
No sooner had I got home than the phone rang.
5. Dupa adverbe si expresii adverbiale:
e.g. There goes Tom!
Here comes the bus!

6. Dupa citate din vorbirea directa:

e.g. „I’ve just finished” said Tom
„He has just left” said the teacher.

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