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Integration Formulas

Integration formulas can be applied for the integration of algebraic expressions, trigonometric
ratios, inverse trigonometric functions, and logarithmic and exponential functions. These
integration formulas are used to find the antiderivative of a function. This inverse process of
differentiation is called integration. (

What are Integration Formulas?

The integration formulas have been broadly presented as the following sets of formulas. The
formulas include basic integration formulas, integration of trigonometric ratios, inverse
trigonometric functions, the product of functions, and some advanced set of integration
formulas. Basically, integration is a way of uniting the part to find a whole. It is the inverse
operation of differentiation. Thus the basic integration formula is ∫ f'(x) dx = f(x) + C. Using this,
the following integration formulas are derived.
Integral Formulas for Different Functions
Rational functions (A rational function is like a special type of fraction, but instead of just
having numbers on the top and bottom, it can have numbers and letters (called variables) too!)

Irrational functions (An irrational function is a type of function that includes a square root (or
other roots) with a variable inside it.)

Trigonometric functions
Inverse trigonometric functions

Hyperbolic functions

Exponential Function is a special kind of math function where a number is raised to the power
of a variable.

Logarithmic functions (A logarithmic function is the opposite of an exponential function. It

helps us find out how many times we need to multiply a number to get another number.)
Integral Formulas for Some Special Functions
As we have already gone through integral formulas for exponential functions, logarithmic
functions, trigonometric functions and some basic functions. Let’s have a look at the additional
integration formulas, i.e. the integral formulas for some special functions listed below:

Integration Rules of Basic Functions

The integration rules are defined for different types of functions. Let us learn here the
basic rules for integration of the some common functions, such as:

 Constant
 Variable
 Square
 Reciprocal
 Exponential
 Trigonometry

Integration of Constant
Integration of constant function say ‘a’ will result in:

∫a dx = ax + C


∫4 dx = 4x + C

Integration of Variable
If x is any variable then;
∫x dx = x2/2 + C

Integration of Square
If the given function is a square term, then;

∫x2 dx = x3/3

Integration of Reciprocal
If 1/x is a reciprocal function of x, then the integration of this function is:

∫(1/x) dx = ln|x| + C (In means Natural log of x)

Integration of Exponential Function

The different rules for integration of exponential functions are:

 ∫ex dx = ex + C
 ∫ax dx = ax/ln(a) + C
 ∫ln(x) dx = x ln(x) − x + C

Integration of Trigonometric Function

 ∫cos(x) dx = sin(x) + C
 ∫sin(x) dx = -cos(x) + C
 ∫sec2(x) dx = tan(x) + C

Important Integration Rules

The important rules for integration are:

 Power Rule
 Sum Rule
 Different Rule
 Multiplication by Constant
 Product Rule

Power Rule of Integration

As per the power rule of integration, if we integrate x raised to the power n, then;
∫xn dx = (xn+1/n+1) + C

By this rule the above integration of squared term is justified, i.e.∫x2 dx. We can use this
rule, for other exponents also.

Example: Integrate ∫x3dx.

∫x3 dx = x(3+1)/(3+1) = x4/4

Sum Rule of Integration

The sum rule explains the integration of sum of two functions is equal to the sum of
integral of each function.

∫(f + g) dx = ∫f dx + ∫g dx

Example: ∫(x + x2 )dx

= ∫x dx + ∫x2 dx

= x2/2 + x3/3 + C

Difference Rule of Integration

The difference rule of integration is similar to the sum rule.

∫(f – g) dx = ∫f dx – ∫g dx

Example: ∫(x – x2 )dx

= ∫x dx – ∫x2 dx

= x2/2 – x3/3 + C

Multiplication by Constant
If a function is multiplied by a constant then the integration of such function is given by:

∫cf(x) dx = c∫f(x) dx

Example: ∫2x.dx
= 2∫x.dx

=2 x2/2 + C

= x2 + C

Apart from the above-given rules, there are two more integration rules:

Integration by parts
This rule is also called the product rule of integration. It is a special kind of integration
method when two functions are multiplied together. The rule for integration by parts is:

∫ u v da = u∫ v da – ∫ u'(∫ v da)da


 u is the function of u(a)

 v is the function of v(a)
 u’ is the derivative of the function u(a)

Integration by Substitution
Integration by substitution is also known as “Reverse Chain Rule” or “u-substitution
Method” to find an integral.

The first step in this method is to write the integral in the form:

∫ f(g(x))g'(x)dx

Now, we can do a substitution as follows:

g(x) = a and g'(a) = da

Now substitute the equivalent values in the above form:

∫ f(a) da

Once you integrate the above form, finally substitute the original values.

Solved Examples
Question 1: What is ∫ 8 a3 da?

Solution: We can take 8 out of integral,

∫ 8 a3 da = 8 ∫ a3 da

= 8 a4 / 4 + C

= 2 a4 + C

Question 2: What is ∫ 4 a3 da?

Solution: We can take 4 out of integral,

∫ 4 a3 da = 4 ∫ a3 da

= 4 a4 / 4 + C

= a4 + C

Question 3: What is ∫ (Cos a + a) da ?

Solution: ∫ (Cos a + a) da = ∫ Cos a da + ∫ a da

= sin a + a2 /2 + C

Question 4: What is ∫ (Sin a + a) da ?

Solution: ∫ (Sin a + a) da = ∫ Sin a da + ∫ a da

= – Cos a + a2 /2 + C

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