F-REVIEWED GR6 UNIT1 SEC 2 The Classroom in the Train- Common Notes- NEW

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MCB UNIT – 1 SEC - 2 - “The Classroom in the Train”
I. EXTRACTS (Guided)

1. “Bad shot!” said the boy, taking aim again from the same place. This time it stayed
on. “Nice shot!” he shouted followed by “No, bad shot,” as he scrambled onto the
desk and opened his bag to get out his notebook and pencil box.

a. What was the bad shot mentioned in the extract?

Ans: The boy who entered the class stood near the door and threw his bag on the
baggage rack like a football. It bounced off and fell on the floor so he said that was a
bad shot.

b. Did the boy keep the bag on the rack and how did he feel after that?

Ans: After his first failure he was determined to go for his second attempt. He threw his
bag on the rack and this time it stayed on. That’s why he shouted “Nice shot” to express
his glee.

2. Terrible things were beginning to happen in various parts of the world. But as the
children discussed their tiny field, they were still enfolded in the very heart of peace.

a. What were the contrast ideas highlighted in the extract?

Ans: The contrast idea highlighted in the extract was the terrible things happening in
various parts of the world and the sense of peace and tranquility that the children feel
while discussing their tiny field.

b. What does the phrase "enfolded in the very heart of peace" suggest?

Ans: The phrase suggests that despite the chaos and turmoil happening elsewhere, the
children are surrounded by a sense of peace and happiness as they discuss their tiny

II. EXTRACTS: (Independent)

1. “Totto-chan was so happy and liked the school so much, she made a firm decision
to come to school every day and never take any holidays.”
a. Give two reasons why Totto-Chan was happy at school?

b. What decision did Totto-chan make about attending the school?

2. Whenever he had any fertilizer left, he would bring it over and spread it on the
children’s field, and their crops grew well. Every day someone would visit the field
and report to the headmaster and the children on how it was doing.

a. Who would bring the fertilizer to the children’s field and why?

b. Who was responsible for monitoring the progress of the crops?

III. Answer the following in less than 50 words: (Guided)

1. Do you think the farmer’s lesson was beneficial to the learners? Why or why not?

Ans: Yes! The farmer’s lesson is beneficial to the learners. In the farming class the
children were educated on various aspects of farming and agriculture. The farming
teacher imparted practical knowledge and skills including wedding, hoeing, making
furrows, spreading fertilizers, imparted safety measures which was the need of the

2. Would you like/dislike studying in a school like Totto-chan’s Give two reasons for
your answer? (Independent).

IV. Answer the following in less than 80 words:

1. Why do you think skills training is useful? Can you think of someone you
know who has benefitted from skills training in their career aspirations? (

Skills training provides people with hands- on knowledge and abilities necessary
to meet specific requirements in their job positions or survive the need for the
hour, or even start their own ventures leading to professional growth. Acquiring
a particular skill could be an improvisation of the passion as well.

Yes ! Mary Kom a renowned boxer from India is a self made person who aspired
to become a great boxer, inspired by many famous boxers she trained herself and
acquired the skill of boxing and the techniques which made her achieve her
aspirations in her career. There are many other live examples around us who
skill train and win in their career.
In this story, the students were skill trained in farming, given a piece of land they
would be able to do their own farming with the skills learnt and make their own
living which was much needed for the hour.

2. Terrible things were beginning to happen in various parts of the world, but as
the children discussed their tiny field, they were still enfolded in the very
heart of peace.

What does the author mean by these lines? (Independent)

V. Integrated grammar exercises and writing:

1. Sample informal letter (Guided)

Write an informal letter to your friend sharing your experiences on visiting the

36 Park street,


2 June 20XX

Dear Shyam,

I hope this letter finds you well and I’m excited to tell you about my recent trip to the
zoo. It was really exciting and I saw so many animals that I had never seen before.

We saw different kinds of birds, reptiles, and wild animals. The exciting part was the
lion safari where we could get close to the lion which was freely moving about in its
natural habitat. We saw different types of monkeys and their gestures were indeed
funny. We saw elephants with their family walking majestically across the woods. We
even saw many small reptiles and snakes which was scary.

It was an amazing day out at the zoo! Hope we plan for another trip together which
would be more fun.

Yours lovingly,

(Your name)


A prefix is a word, syllable, or letter added to the beginning of a root word to alter its

For example, in the word disappear, dis- means “do the opposite,” and the root word -
appear means “to be visible.” Disappear means “opposite of being visible” — to no longer
be seen.

When you change the prefix of a word, you can change the word’s meaning — or even
the meaning of the whole sentence.

● The magician made the rabbit disappear. (The rabbit vanished.)

● The magician made the rabbit reappear. (The rabbit became visible again.)

● I feel transformed after my trip to the spa. (The spa changed me.)
● I feel informed after my trip to the spa. (I learned something after going to the

● Paul reported the criminals to the police. (Paul told the police about the
● Paul teleported the criminals to the police. (Paul used technology to instantly
send the criminals to the police)

More Examples:

1. Mis understand -------🡪 Understand is the Root or Base word and Mis is the prefix
added to the root word which changes the entire meaning of the word ( Wrongly

2. Un Identified --------🡪 Identified is the Root or Base word and Un is the prefix added
to the root word which modifies the entire meaning of the word (Not recognized)

3. In Sensitive---------🡪 Sensitive is the Root or Base word and In is the prefix added to
the root word which changes the meaning of the word (Lack of feelings).


List of commonly used prefixes: (Teachers can give any 10 of their choice to write in
the classwork)
Prefix Prefix Meaning Word Examples
ante- before, prior to, front antebellum, antechamber, anterior
auto- self, one's self, yourself autobiography, autograph, autonomy
circum - around, go around circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent
co- jointly, with, together coexist, copilot, coworker
com- together, with commiserate, compartment, community
con- with, together confound, confluence, conversation
en- put into, surround encase, endow, envelope
exo- out, outer exhale, extend, exoskeleton
extra- beyond, more extracurricular, extraterrestrial, extravert
hetero- different, not the same heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterocyst
homo- same, not different homogenized, homophone, homosexual
hyper- extreme, beyond hyperactive, hyperspace, hypertension
inter- between, in the midst of, among intermittent, intersect, interstate
mega - large, massive megaphone, megadose, megabyte
micro- small, tiny microcosm, microphone, microscope
mid- middle, midpoint midnight, midseason, midterm
mis- incorrect, bad, wrongful misappropriate, misunderstand, misuse
mono- one, singular monogamous, monotone, monochrome
over- too much, excessive overcook, overdone, overwrought
post- After postdate, postscript, post-war
pre- before, prior to prefix, preliminary, preschool
re- again, do over reconsider, re-evaluate, rewrite
semi- partial, somewhat, less than fully semiconductor, semester, semi-retired
sub- below, beneath subjugate, submarine, sub-par
trans- across, change transfer, transgender, translate

Prefixes That Mean “Not”

Several prefixes make the new word mean the opposite of the original meaning of the base

Prefix Prefix Meaning Word Examples

a- lacking, without, not amoral, atheist, abiotic
ab- away, removed, not abnormal, abstract, absent
an- without, not, lacking anaerobic, anacoustic, anhydrous
anti- against, opposing, contrary to antibiotic, antifreeze, antisocial
contra- contrary to, against, opposing contraindicated, contralateral, contraflow
counter- opposing, contrary to, against counterproposal, counteroffer, counter-attack
de- reverse, undo, remove deactivate, de-ice, deplane
dis- remove, separate, apart from disagree, disapprove, disconnect
ex- away from, former, lacking ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-boss
il- not, lacking, without illegal, illegible, illogical
im- without, not, lacking impossible, improper, impermeable
in- no, without, lacking injustice, incomplete, invisible
ir- not, non, opposite irreversible, irreplaceable, irregular
non- not, lacking, without non-existent, nonfiction, non-negotiable
un- opposite, not, lacking unkind, unresponsive, unruly

VI. Creative Writing: INDEPENDENT

Summary (Sample)- Rearrange the sequential events in the lesson to summarize the
lesson: ( in own words)

1. The headmaster had appointed the farmer to be the children’s farming teacher.

2. The children were excited to have a classroom in a different environment.

3. Totto-Chan was all excited to go to school and pursue her education on practical

4. There were 9 students who assembled in a pond near Kuhonbutsu Temple to have
hands -on experience in farming.

5. The farmer claimed himself to be a farmer and not a teacher and assured them to
know everything related to farming.

6. Children were dripping with sweat after they finally finished planting their field.

7. The Farmer taught them the entire process of farming including removing weeds,
hoeing, making furrows, planting seeds and spreading fertilizers.

8. Children were all excited and had a check on their field growth and were fed with
experiential learning which made up their heart in-spite of the turbulent scenario

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