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POSTING DATE: 19.04.2024 SUBMISSION DATE: 22.04.2024
Time Allowed: 30 Min Maximum Marks: 20

1. Solve the cross-word puzzle from the dues given below. 1*11=11


1. Lack of nutrients in our diet over a long period causes these diseases

2. Rice and potato are rich in this type of nutrient

3. Deficiency disease in bones making it become soft and bent

4. The diet that provides all the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities, along with adequate
amount of roughage and water

5. Deficiency disease with bleeding gums

6. Disease caused due to deficiency of iodine


7. Starch and sugar in our food are rich in this type of energy giving nutrient
8. Ingredients contain components that are needed by our body.

9. The disease caused by deficiency of iron in diet

10. Green leafy vegetables, liver and apples are rich in this mineral

11. Deficiency disease caused due to lack of vitamin B in the diet

II. Answer in short 2*2=4

1. Read the items of food listed below. Classify them into carbohydrate rich, protein rich and fat rich
foods and fill them in the given table.
Moong dal, fish, mustard oil, sweet potato, milk, rice, egg, beans, butter, butter milk, cottage cheese
(paneer), peas, maize, white bread.

2. Paheli and Boojho peeled some potatoes and cut them into small pieces. They washed and boiled
them in water. They threw away the excess water and fried them in oil adding salt and spices.
Although the potato dish tasted very good, its nutrient value was less. Suggest a method of cooking
potatoes that will not lower the nutrients in them.

III. Case Based Questions 1*4=4

Foods containing fats and carbohydrates are also called ‘energy giving foods. Proteins are needed for
the growth and repair of our body. Foods proteins are often called ‘body building foods. Vitamins help
in protecting our body against diseases. Vitamins are of different kinds known by different names. Our
body needs all types of vitamins in small quantities. Vitamin A keeps our skin and eyes healthy. Vitamin
C helps body to fight against many diseases. Vitamin D helps our body to use calcium for bones and
teeth. However, in a given raw material, one particular nutrient may be present in much larger quantity
than in others. For example, rice has more carbohydrates than other nutrients. Thus, we say that rice is
a “carbohydrate Rich” source of food. Besides these nutrients, our body needs dietary fibres and water.
Dietary fibers are also known as Roughage. Roughage is mainly provided by plant products in our foods.
Whole grains and pulses, potatoes, fresh fruits and vegetables are main sources of roughage.

(a) Name the nutrient needed for the growth and repair of the body?
(b) what are Roughages?
(C) Mention ways in which Vitamins are helpful for the body.
(d) What are nutrients? Give one example.

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