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UNIVERSITY OF FUJAIRAH COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION iantitative Analysis for Bus 10:00 aim to 12:00 pm :MAY 79,202. Section O1 Spring Semester, 2023-24 DR. PRIYANKA VERMA iL dit yp fati: Type of £0 Desenpion ‘| Beamnions i it : . ‘ ‘Adapt the major theoretical and MICOS } : conceptual frameworks | underlying | | different quantitative methods used in | _| business decision-making Employ linear programming models to | | MOQs < Problem [eet E pel pus fegu tee | (28 Determine production eors using various rt y 7 forecasting techniques. Essay Question ried ¢ i 3 8 i .| 1c Problem 14 |e solving 10 Uiilize the wansportation solving |] MCQs T % Ss TT techniques to establish efficient | Problem Pat [7 [7 production rout solving C:93 LiKé, ' Tntegrate waiting ines and queuing theory | | Problem Part | 6 = Te] noel to solve the pruction processes. |_| solving Coa \\ 5 Essay Question | Part | 5 CS B.Q3 |-———> BEE u “The weight ofthis inirument constitutes 40% oF the total course ino iudent’s Ts peor Genera osteustions: ey ‘© The time allowed to complete the exam is 2 hours. ‘This isa closed book exam. ‘+ This examination contains 11 pages including the cover page. ‘+ Mobile phone is not allowed in the examination hall Scanned with CamScanner *You are Required to Determine the following 1. Develop the project network diagram, 2. Calculate the expected duration and variance, 3. Identify the critical path of the project and determine the project duration. 4. Assess the probability of meeting the target time for the project. yXFrwil2 Pack it +> tulle: | YF) Wye Pos 1 Ay oudlene 2 KPridg,* Padey | Jo twheuse 3 Rh ga ded > ) Ow) 2 | Ne Ao wwathaue a | ¥ YAWy a showed - XW * Dabeg a woahnone xhwy 2 Pad & A couehone | x fey 2 Pactooy & te vwourdhwate D thre Maadhan 2 00 xfuby Fb XA TOXF i, + SIO w) SaMkywa F (oA Wa, + TWF, + BOF Ox GX eee oe oe nes Die Dakin © > ee ae 4 Gao xfs, ¥ 10x (ust _ me mee : te Tyan} WO AS JTooxRwy + Vox BW, Bohs! Spy ee) Rex oth Conbroiak + xy 4 rPag tats 4 x Rua + och yung © Kae 4 Bw, 4 Bur t vPyvs F ait /” 10 Scanned with CamScanner Q.4 The Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) branch in Fujairah is experiencing increased customer traffic due to the growing population in the area. With more customers visiting the branch, longer queues are forming at the teller counters. To improve customer satisfaction and reduce waiting times, the branch manager has decided to analyze the queueing system and implement operations management solutions. Customers arrive at the bank's teller counters at a Poisson-distributed rate of 30 customers per hour. The service rate at the counters follows an exponential distribution with an average service time of 3 minutes per customer. Queue Theory Model Applicatior 1. Calculate the Expected Waiting Time in The System (Ws) 2. Caleulate the Expected Waiting Time in Queue (Wa) 3. what is the probability of zero customer in the system? (CLO 5 ;6 Marks) Le ride vale = 30 px tow 30 /kr fia Sonia nde = Sgn inudy i" pPerore 1x60 ¢ 20 minide 0) Cipechd) wag Tine in th sade bug egg. fe Os y 60 yo. 3 2» [20° HeLa rig i 11 2 pn Scanned with CamScanner Part A-Multiple Choice Question [CLO 1,3 &4] ‘Total of 4 Marks (1 Marks each) > Attempt ALL in Part A 1. [CLO1] A measurable quantity that may vary, or is subject to change, and can be controlled is known gga(n) L yim variabl a & y [ kL algorithm, 1 & ©) Price, + ¥ D) solution. fi " ‘ i | 2. [CLOL] Successfull implementation of a solution developed via quantitative analysis requires that the ‘ ~ analyst i {4b A) tell the users exactly what to do. er B) train the users in the theoretical underpinnings of the models considered. ©) work with users and take their feelings into account. train the users in Kee tical underpinnings of the best model. x | Z ( ¥ Imust be a corner pgint of the feasible region. ‘must satisfy all of the problem's constraints simultaneously. need not satisfy all of the constraints, only the non-negativity constraints. (0) ust give the maximum possible woh 3. ie A feasible solutiog to a linear programming problem — B) There can be constraints on the number of units shipped into a destination point hi ‘The transshipment problem can be solved with linear programming shipped from one origi point must all go to the same destination point. »- vo Scanned with CamScanner (Zotal of 8 Marks) Instructions: > Read Question requirement carefully and answer > Choices if any is given within Question in this section QL. Suppose you are general manager in IKEA Dubai which has encountered challenges in optimizing its sales operations to align with the diverse needs and preferences of customers in the Al Qusais area. As a prominent furniture retailer in the UAE, IKEA Dubai operates a large store catering to customers in the vibrant Al Qusais vicinity. To improve its sales operations, IKEA Dubai, under the leadership of its General Manager, turns to the utilize a qualitative forecasting technique. The goal is to gather insights and recommendations from both internal and extemal stakeholders. it As the General Manager of IKEA Dubei, your role is pivotal in utilizing qualitative forecasting techniques to enhance sales effectiveness. Explain in detail which method you will choose with defined steps to solve the problem. OR Explain Time series model & its various components. (CLO3; 4 Marks) Tanta ll fsa fe He pat A Ha bad t t ee Scanned with CamScanner Q.2 Explain Service Single & Multichannel in Queuing theory with the diagram. (CLOS ;5 Marks) fi ie ¢ wait dag gf a wad EP oe td Scanned with CamScanner . Styx a _guive off some de yubmers oc Re ra hmers Mt fl jp’ ; be. ee el NST NN Pcl 5 Scanned with CamScanner PART C-Problem solving [CLO2,3,4 & 5] Total of 27 Marks > Read questions carefully and answer > Choic 2s if any are given within Questions in this Part : 4 gon Q.1 You are given the following objective function and constraints funetions tt be i 1 we Maximize Z=8 X2+ 7 X2 A | { X1+X2<7, 1 | : 2X1+X2< i ‘ XI, X22 0 we rs fy { : = t ) to find feasible solution. light the key columns, key row, incoming variable and 0 tgoing variable in each mndtri OR phe Prepare the simplex method matrix (2 matri "Hi (CLO2 ;8 Marks) \ r i : Qu A marketing research firm would like to survey undergraduate and geadute college students about whether or not they take out student loans for their education. There are different cost implications for the region of the UAE where the college is located and the type of degree. The survey cost table is provided below: & ‘Student type Ty I . [Region indergraduate raduate Lf JAcademic city Dubai 0,000! | $20,000 7% ~ ¢ 24 nowledge village Dubai $12,000? $18,000 fuwvaileh, Sharjah $8,000 5 $12,000 %6 ‘The requirements for the survey are as follows: Pie survey must have at least 1500 students . ‘AAU least 450 graduate students. Al least 120 ffaduat® students should be from the Muwaileh , Sharjah. _//No mote thair 500 indergraduate students should be from the Academic city, Dubai. At least 85 graduate students should be from the Knowledge village, Dubai, At least 260 students should be from the Muwaileh , Sharjah *You are required to develop objective function and all pos le constraints from the above problem, 6 Scanned with CamScanner + p #2100 Ay FR 00%, F 18,0001 che flan 0 # &o00 x6 fF 12, 000L 4, fj frrto 7 sf : 10,000£} t 2e;000%s ie H, 000 Ky + 1 8 000x ¢ § 000 af (200k orghuin\- : % 100 +h & Hy @ Ay tg tX3 tly t % QD rst ery > 10 3 at 7 Scanned with CamScanner Q2.A manager is using exponential smoothing to predict merchandise returns at a Fujairah branch of a department store chain. Given below forecast of 148 items, an actual number of returns of 150 items, and a smoothing constant equal to 0.20, what is the forecast for the January to June period? (CLO3; 6 Marks) Month Actual Forecast with a= 0.8 January 150 148 February 210 ea | 7) sh, March 145 Hea (5 ASC April 148 June 160 4. IE y,-F Rang: fa Be (H seve : ya wr og (a (at0-4S peg oR” a TG Me eee io aly -F; Mod « Fa Rt - nat f) nee aa ee 6 e| A FO) ass tou [DEP Weg. 15'S 1556 (N ME 2rd fips: 2 a. t v4 ( + > 2 [51 508 HOB a thoTeT © fi ) 2 1554. 2 SEAT icg.c) i > ‘°Scanned with CamScanner’ Q.3 A company needs to transport its produets from three factories (F'1, F2, F3) to four warehouses (WI, W2, W3, W4). The transportation cost per unit from each factory to each warehouse is given in the table below: F2 a Demand ‘ f Ganley [it (600 890 *You are required to utilize the above information to formulate constraint relationship and draw transportation network diagram OR | (C04; 7 Maries) You are a project manager tasked with planning the construction of stesidenil building, The table below presents the optimistic, most likely, and pes along with the expected duration and standard devia weeks, istic estimates for the duration of each activity, n. The target date for completing the project is 14 OPTIMIS] MOST _ | PESSIMIS TIC LIKE | TIC a LY(m)_|(b) A = 2 3 q B = 5 6 7 c|_A 3 a 3 lp] 3B ara 3 Fale E] cD z 2 3 F - 1 3 5 G EF Zi 4 5 ie | 9 Scanned with CamScanner

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