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The General Superintendent,

The Principal Officers,
The District Superintendents,
The Pastors,
The members,
And our Fathers and Mothers.

It is with great joy that I welcome you to this day, the grand finale of the 2024 Children's Week of our great Church.
Our good God has been gracious to us and made all things well. In all ramifications, I can boldly attest to the fact that
it is God who has packaged this year’s Children’s Week Himself according to His eternal and predetermined counsel
and goodwill for us the CEM DIRECTORATE in particular and the BMC NIG in general. This is because in the
course of the events of the preparations for our Week, I sensed God’s hands and intervention. The way the Children’s
teachers at all levels were enthusiastic and committed to this year’s Children’s Week was amazing. Their calls,
Whatsapp messages kept coming begging for early information and release of the lessons for early and adequate
preparation of the children, and bitter complaints and heart cry about the neglect of our children point to a revival.
It was also this year that the CEM District Coordinators and local church teachers did not wait for the lessons to be
printed and distributed to them from the national, but went ahead to print them online and distributed to the churches
in their various districts. We also experience some District Superintendents and probably some local church pastors
print the lessons for their districts and churches. This is very remarkable as we have never seen it like this. When I
thought on these, I was inspired that this is a spark of revival. And that it can grow into a full-blown revival if we can
fan it to flame, and not withdraw back to our shells with the end of our week. This is the main burden of my address,
and I pray that the mother church will discern this with us and give the CEM DIRECTORATE all the support to
actualize it.
God in this week confronted with the urgent need of growth and to grow. That in-between where we are presently and
the great things He has in-store for us is growth. From now the name of the ballgame is “GROWTH.” Growth should
be our focus and pursuit more than every other thing. It is by growth that we can receive and enter into all that we
have been passing sleepless night and running from pillar to post to achieve. We should humbly accept that it is our
lack of growth that has robbed and distant us from blessings that are ours in Christ.
Based on this need and demand of God on us, the CEM DIRECTORATE has taken it upon her to grow in two specific
areas for a start. First the area of formalizing the Teenagers Department under the CEM DIRECTORATE, and
secondly on the area of zoning our districts for effective Zonal Teenagers/Children's Camping. The plan is that the
Teenagers Department will be officially created and recognized with their own leadership both at the district and local
levels, and come next year the Children’s Week will be named “Teenagers/Children’s Week or they will have their
separate weeks.
Coming to Zonal camping, it is obvious that Children’s camping will be more effective and finds more space at the
zonal level than at the national. While it is not a new innovation since some Districts have at one point or the other
carried out camp meetings for their children and presently some are seeking for a space and permission to organize
theirs, we want to make it official and compulsory for all Districts and to merge districts to collaborate for
effectiveness and greater result, hence the Zonal Camping.
Finally on behalf of the CEM BMC NIG, I want to thank and appreciate all that God used to package this year’s
Children’s Week, by advice, encouragement, and cash support. I was cladded with courage to move on when I
received a direct message from our daddy in the LORD and grand patron, the GS that I should go ahead that he is
solidly behind me.
I give all glory to God for making our Week a reality and a huge success. I remain eternal grateful to God and to Bible
Missionary Church of Nigeria for giving me the privilege to serve His church at this capacity of the National Director
of the Children Evangelism Ministries. I also doff my cap for my amiable NEB members, and able District
Coordinators and Head teachers and teachers and helpers in the local churches for all their support. I also appreciate
our parents for partnering with us and plead with them to continue to release their children and wards to us. Most
precious to my heart are the children for which we are in this ministry and without which we will have no ministry or
be out of ministry. “Great Children of BMC NIG I love you all and congratulate you on the success of your week.”
God bless us all in Jesus Name, Amen.
Yours Servant,

Pastor Macaulay Nwachukwu

National Director

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