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Roadmap to learn everything from zero

(This is SUBJECTIVE personal knowledge/experience, what you learn is yours to draw, don't
drama I'm scared)
According to scientific research, when playing games, more dopamine is released, the more you
play, the more addicted you become. ----> you have to interrupt the game by doing something
else (STUDY), and if you keep interrupting continuously, it will will -----> CREATE A NEW
HABIT, something called "routine". Like eating rice, you have to use a spoon and chopsticks...
it's an everyday thing. When you try to interrupt playing and focus on studying ----> learning
becomes a daily thing, you will stop being discouraged.
2. Understand the cost.
Whatever you do, you have to pay the price. If you want to succeed, you have to pay the price. I
sit down to write this article to pay the price first, and after I finish writing I will play a game. In
the past, I just played 3-5 matches until I was done and then started writing... and there were no
articles at all.
Everything starts from "thinking", the more you think about something, then you try to pay the
price for it ----> the path to achieve results.
BUT... now we have a problem, there are many people who CAN'T CONCENTRATE, think too
much, want everything... at times like this, try to calm down, sit in a cafe, focus your thoughts.
Think about what you really need:
- Things that directly impact your current job
- Things that directly impact the future (take 30 minutes to think about what job you'll be doing
when you're 40 years old/what your salary will be/what your skills will be/etc....)
- Things that have a direct impact on the current urgent tasks, the tasks that need to be done
immediately and developed immediately.
------> work with a GOAL, from the goal, get into the habit of PAYING THE PRICE, then start
asking about "how to learn" - the learning method.
After thinking about the above things, the PRIORITY FACTOR is to FOCUS STUDYING ONE
THING CORRECTLY and study 12-15 hours a day, and then study when you have time, don't
divide the day into 2 hours studying marketing, 2 hours studying SEO, 2 hours studying
language. Man... this method is very crap. FOCUS ON STUDYING ONE THING ONLY,
continuously 12 hours/day, 7 days a week (including holidays) 4 weeks/month.... STUDY TO
PAY TO WIN - whoever pays the most wins, that's life. The concept of studying SMART and
not studying a lot is the most ridiculous concept. STUDY ALL THE TIME, of course study
selectively BUT STUDY 12-15 HOURS A DAY. Not to brag, I'm lucky because I work in mmo,
I can spend full time studying... but before I also worked 8 hours, AND THERE ARE DAYS I
SLEEP ONLY 3 HOURS to pay to win (if you like experience life, like to enjoy youth, sorry
because you are different from me, block it)

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