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Career Report for 8th, 9th or 10th

K12 Techno Services Pvt Ltd

Report Prepared for

Mahant Joshi-23-24

Ph No 96998584674

Email ID

Age 13

Location Thane


This report is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
information that is non-public, proprietary, privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under
applicable law or may constitute as attorney work product. No part of this report may be reproduced in
any form or manner without prior written permission from company.

K12 Techno Services Pvt Ltd

Mahant Joshi-23-24 Page 1
Career Report


Your Profiling
Personal profiling is the first step in career planning. The purpose of profiling is to understand your
current career planning stage. It will help decide your career objective and roadmap. The ultimate aim of
the planning is to take you from the current stage of career planning to the optimized stage of career
planning. Personal profiling includes information about your current stage, the risk involved and action
plan for your career development.

Current Stage of Planning

Ignorant Confused Diffused Methodical Optimized


Confused: You are at the confused stage in career planning. We understand that you are having
little idea of career planning, but usually confused among various career options. At this stage, you
are looking for proper guidance. Generally, at this stage, your career decisions shall be influenced by
friends and parents.

Risk Involved: Wrong selection of a career path, career dissatisfaction, and self-interest mismatch.

Action Plan : Explore your strengths and weakness > Explore career options > Gather
information>Match best suitable option> Early execution.

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Career Personality

Result of the Career Personality

Personality Assessment will help you understand yourself as a person. It will help you expand your
career options in alignment with your personality. Self-understanding and awareness can lead you to
more appropriate and rewarding career choices. The Personality Type Model identifies four dimensions
of personality. Each dimension will give you a clear description of your personality. The combination of
your most dominant preferences is used to create your individual personality type. Four dimensions of
your personality are mentioned in this chart. The graph below provides information about the personality
type you belong to, based on the scoring of your responses. Each of the four preferences are based on
your answers and are indicated by a bar chart.

Personality Type: Extrovert:Sensing:Thinking:Judging

Introvert-[29%] Extrovert-[71%]

Sensing-[71%] iNtuitive-[29%]
(Observant) (Futuristic)

Thinking-[71%] Feeling-[29%]

Judging-[57%] Perceiving-[43%]
(Organized) (Spontaneous)

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Career Report

Analysis of Career Personality

Your Career Personality Analysis

Where do you prefer to focus your energy and attention?

• You are quite talkative, energized and like to spend lots of time
with others.
• Your primary mode of living is focused externally.
• You can easily be distracted.
• You are a bit aggressive.
• You quickly adapt to a given situation.
• You are sometimes described as an attention-seeker.

How do you grasp and process the information?

• You mostly collect and trust the information that is presented in a

detailed and sequential manner.
• You think more about the present and learn from the past.
• You like to see the practical use of things and learn best from
• You notice facts and remember details that are important to you.
• You solve problems by working through facts until you
understand the problem.
• You create meaning from conscious thought and learn by

How do you make decisions?

• You seem to make decisions based on logic rather than the

• You believe telling truth is more important than being tactful.
• You seem to look for logical explanations or solutions to almost
• You can often be seen as very task-oriented, uncaring, or
• You are ruled by your head instead of your heart.
• You are a critical thinker and oriented toward problem solving.

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Career Report

Analysis of Career Personality

Your Career Personality Analysis

How do you prefer to plan your work ?

• You prefer a planned or orderly way of life.

• You like to have things well-organized.
• Your productivity increases when working with structure.
• You are self-disciplined and decisive.
• You like to have things decided and planned before doing any
• You seek closure and enjoy completing tasks.
• Mostly, you think sequentially.

Your strengths

• Dedicated
• Strong-willed
• Loyal, patient and reliable
• Excellent organizer
• Honest and direct

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Career Report

Result of the Career Interest

Your Career Interest Types

The Career Interest Assessment will help you understand which careers might be the best fit for you. It is
meant to help you find careers that you might enjoy. Understanding your Top career interest will help you
identify a career focus and begin your career planning and career exploration process.

The Career Interest Assessment (CIA) measures six broad interest patterns that can be used to
describe your career interest. Most people’s interests are reflected by two or three themes, combined to
form a cluster of interests. This career interest is directly linked to your occupational interest.

Realistic 64

Enterprising 63

Conventional 42

Investigative 39

Social 39

Artistic 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

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Career Report

Analysis of Career Interest

Your Career Interest Analysis


• You are active and stable and enjoy hands-on or manual

• You prefer to work with things rather than ideas and people.
• You tend to communicate in a frank, direct manner and value
material things.
• You may be uncomfortable or less adept with human relations.
• You value practical things that you can see and touch .
• You have good skills at handling tools, mechanical drawings,
machines or animals.


• You are energetic, ambitious, adventurous and confident.

• You are skilled in leadership and speaking.
• You generally enjoy starting your own business, promoting
ideas and managing people.
• You are often effective public speaker and are generally
• You like activities that require to persuade others and leadership
• You like the promotion of products, ideas, or services.


• You are efficient, careful, conforming, organized and

• You are organized, detail-oriented and do well with manipulating
data and numbers.
• You are persistent and reliable in carrying out tasks.
• You enjoy working with data, details and creating reports.
• You prefer working in a structured environment.
• You like to work with data, and you have a numerical or clerical

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Career Report

Result of the Career Motivator

Your Career Motivator Types

Values are the things that are most important to us in our lives and careers. Our values are formed in a
variety of ways through our life experiences, our feelings and our families. In the context of Career
Planning, values generally refer to the things we value in a career. Being aware of what we value in our
lives is important because a career choice that is in-line with our core beliefs and values is more likely to
be a lasting and positive choice

Continuous Learning 100

Structured work environment 100

Independence 60

Adventure 60

High Paced Environment 40

Creativity 20

Social Service 20

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

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Career Report

Analysis of Career Motivator

Your Career Motivator Analysis

Structured work environment-HIGH

• You enjoy working in a structured work

• You like following directions and guidelines.
• You enjoy work routine.
• You dislike variety and frequent changes in

Continuous learning-HIGH

• You like to have consistent professional growth in your field of

• You like to work in an environment where there is need to
update your knowledge at regular intervals.
• You like it when your work achievements are evaluated at
regular intervals.

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Career Report

Result of the Learning Style

Your Learning Style Types

Read & Write Learning 50

Auditory learning 38

Kinesthetic Learning 13

Visual Learning 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

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Career Report

Analysis of Learning Style

Your Learning Style Analysis

Read/Write learning style

• Reading and writing learners prefer to take in the information displayed as words.
• These learners strongly prefer primarily text-based learning materials.
• Emphasis is based on text-based input and output, i.e. reading and writing in all its forms.
• People who prefer this modality love to work using PowerPoint, internet, lists, dictionaries and

Learning improvement strategies

• Re-write your notes after class.

• Use coloured pens and highlighters to focus on key ideas.
• Write notes to yourself in the margins.
• Write out key concepts and ideas.
• Compose short explanations for diagrams, charts and graphs.
• Write out instructions for each step of a procedure or math problem.
• Print out your notes for later review.
• Post note cards/post-its in visible places. (when doing dishes, on the bottom of the remote
• Vocabulary mnemonics.
• Organize your notes/key concepts into a powerpoint presentation.
• Compare your notes with others.
• Repetitive writing.
• Hangman game.

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Career Report

Skills and Abilities

Your Skills and Abilities

The skills & abilities scores will help us to explore and identify different ways to reshape your career
direction. This simple graph shows how you have scored on each of these skills and abilities. The graph
on the top will show the average score of your overall skills and abilities.

Overall Skills and Abilities

67% - Good

Numerical Ability

• Your numerical skills are average.

• Numeracy involves an understanding of numerical
data and numbers.
• Being competent and confident while working with 60%
numbers is a skill, that holds an advantage in a wide Average
range of career options. 0 100

Logical Ability

• Your logical skills are excellent.

• Logical thinking is very important for analytical
• Being able to understand and analyze data in different
formats is considered an essential skill in many career Excellent
options. 0 100

Verbal Ability

• Your communication skills are good.

• Good verbal and written communication helps you to 80%
communicate your message effectively.
0 100

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Career Report

Skills and Abilities

Your Skills and Abilities

Clerical and Organizing Skills

• Your organizing & planning skills are average.

• It includes general organizing, planning, time
management, scheduling, coordinating resources and 50%
meeting deadlines. Average
0 100

Spatial & Visualization Ability

• Your visualization skills are fair.

• This skill allows you to explore, analyze, and create
visual solutions. 40%
• It is important in many academic and professional Fair
career fields.
0 100

Leadership & Decision making skills

• Your leadership & decision-making skills are good.

• It includes strategic thinking, planning, people
management, change management, communication,
persuasion and influencing. 75%
• These skills allow you to make decisions quickly, Good
adapt to changing scenarios and respond to
opportunities promptly. 0 100

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Career Report

Skills and Abilities

Your Skills and Abilities

Social & Co-operation Skills

• Your social and cooperation skills are good.

• Social skills are important because they help you
build, maintain and grow relationships with others. 80%
• This skill is beneficial in the service industry and Good
social causes.
0 100

Mechanical Abilities

• The score indicates that your mechanical ability is

• This section evaluates your basic mechanical
understanding and mechanical knowledge. 50%
• This skill is required for many career options like Average
engineering and mechanical services. 0 100

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Career Report

Career Clusters

Your Career Clusters

Career Clusters are groups of similar occupations and industries that require similar skills. It provides a
career road map for pursuing further education and career opportunities. They help you connect your
Education with your Career Planning. Career Cluster helps you narrow down your occupation choices
based on your assessment responses. Results show which Career Clusters would be best to explore. A
simple graph report shows how you have scored on each of the Career Clusters.

Hospitality and Tourism 74.29

Logistics and Transportation 74

Accounts and Finance 71

Sports & Physical Activities 67

Public Safety and Security 65

Business Management 62

Information Technology 60

Marketing & Advertising 52

Manufacturing 51

Government Services 45

Legal Services 45

Science, Maths and Engineering 37

Agriculture 33

Media and Communication 28

Bio Science and Research 26

Education and Training 22

Architecture and Construction 19

Health Science 18

Human Service 18

Arts & Language Arts 16

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

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Career Report

Selected Career Clusters

Your Selected 4 Career Clusters

Hospitality and Tourism

• Hospitality and tourism professionals help people enjoy vacations and

entertainment activities.

1 • It includes management, marketing and operations of hotels,

restaurants, events and travel-related services.
• You might work at a restaurant, resort, sports arena, theme park,
museum, or hotel.
• You might be involved in planning activities.

Logistics and Transportation

• Professionals will be involved in planning, management, and

movement of people, materials, and goods.

2 • you might work behind the scenes to make sure the products and
people get to the right place on time.
• You might repair or maintain the vehicles, trains, planes, and ships
that move people and products.
• You might be providing technical support services such as
transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics
services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.

Accounts and Finance

• Finance and Accounts professionals keep track of money.

• You might work in financial planning, banking, or insurance.

3 • You could maintain financial records or give advice to business

executives on how to operate their business.

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Career Report

Selected Career Clusters

Your Selected 4 Career Clusters

Sports & Physical Activities

• Sports professionals involved in physical activities like playing sports.

• You might involve in providing on-field and off field support to players.

4 • You might also work as a professional coach and providing training to

• As a player you will represent your state or country.

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Career Report

Subjects Recommendations

Top Subjects Recommendations for you

1. Accountancy
Economics  Mandatory Subjects
Business Studies

Entreprenuership 50

Physical education 50

71% Computer science 25

0 100
Legal Studies 25
Business Maths 15

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Optional Subjects

2. Maths
Physics  Mandatory Subjects

Physical education 50

Economics 30
0 100 Computer science 25

Bio technology 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Optional Subjects

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Career Report

Subjects Recommendations

Top Subjects Recommendations for you

3. Biology
Physics  Mandatory Subjects

Physical education 50

Economics 30
0 100 Computer science 25

Maths 15

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Optional Subjects

4. Language Arts
 Mandatory Subjects

Physical education 50

Economics 30

Legal studies 25

28% Maths 15

0 100 Graphical design 15

Media studies 15

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Optional Subjects

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Career Report

Career Path

Your Career Paths

Career Cluster 1: Hospitality And Tourism

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Travel & Tourism Very High:79 High:65

1 Top Choice
Travel Consultants, Tour Managers

Hotel Management High:63 High:69

2 Good Choice
Restaurant Manager, Hotel Manager

Airhostess Average:56 High:69

3 Optional
Airhostess, Cabin Crew, Flight Steward

Event, Entertainment & Hospitality Average:50 High:69

4 Optional
Event Manager, Hospitality Manager

Culinary Arts Low:32 High:68

5 Avoid
Chef, Food Expert

Wedding Planner Low:30 High:65

6 Avoid
Wedding Event Manager, Event Consultant

Career Cluster 2: Logistics And Transportation

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Aviation Management
Very High:97 High:66
1 Airport Field Operations And Management, Aviation Top Choice

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Career Report

Career Path

Your Career Paths

Career Cluster 2: Logistics And Transportation

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Logistics & Supply Chain Very High:88 High:75

2 Top Choice
Logistics Manager, Supply Chain Manager

Air Traffic Controller High:60 High:70

3 Airport Traffic Controller, GPS Navigator, Good Choice
Operations Control Tower

Commercial Pilots. Average:58 Very High:87

4 Optional
Commercial Pilot; Flight Trainer

Aerospace Engineering Low:39 High:63

5 Avoid
Aeronautical Engineer, Aircraft Maintenance

Merchant Navy Low:36 High:73

6 Avoid
Marine Engineer, Marine Consultant

Automotive Design Very Low:18 High:67

7 Avoid
Automobile Engineering, Automobile Designer

Career Cluster 3: Accounts And Finance

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Commerce With Information Technology High:74 High:70

1 Good Choice
Software Engineer,Coder, Programmer

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Career Report

Career Path

Your Career Paths

Career Cluster 3: Accounts And Finance

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Financial & Investment Planning High:72 High:71

2 Good Choice
Investment Banker, Financial Planner, Advisor

Banking And Related Services High:70 High:73

3 Good Choice
Banking Manager, Financial Manager, Tellers

Business Financial Management

High:69 High:71
4 Financial Analyst, Fraud Examiners Analysis, Risk Good Choice

Cost Accountant High:62 High:70

5 Good Choice
Cost Accountant, Cost Consultant

Company Secretary Average:58 High:76

6 Optional
Company Secretory, Compliance Manager

Financial Analyst Average:54 High:70

7 Optional
Equity Research Analyst, Investment Analyst

Economics Average:54 High:75

8 Optional
Economist, Foreign Trade

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Career Report

Career Path

Your Career Paths

Career Cluster 3: Accounts And Finance

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Actuarial Science Average:54 High:70

9 Optional
Actuaries, Insurance Claims Clerks, Underwriters

Chartered Accountant Average:54 High:70

10 Optional
Accountant, Auditor

Financial Risk Management Average:52 High:70

11 Optional
Financial Risk Analyst, Credit Risk Analysis

Career Cluster 4: Sports & Physical Activities

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Sports Administrative Services

Very High:100 High:71
1 Sports Event Manager, Club Administrative Top Choice

Physical Trainer/ Coach Very High:81 High:78

2 Top Choice
Physical Trainer, Coach,

Sports Person High:71 High:78

3 Good Choice
Sports Person,

Sports Physiotherapy Average:50 Very High:88

4 Optional
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

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Career Report

Career Path

Your Career Paths

Career Cluster: Other Recommendations

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Industrial Management
Very High:86 High:76
1 Production Manager, Quality manager, Inventory Top Choice

International Business
Very High:82 High:76
2 Foreign Trade Manager, Import and Export Top Choice

Business administration & Operations

Support Very High:81 High:76
3 Top Choice
Operations Manager, Administrator, Customer

Police Service High:73 High:77

4 Good Choice
IPS, Police Officer, CID Officer

Project Management -IT High:70 High:79

5 Good Choice
Project Managers, Project lead

Business Management Information

High:69 High:73
6 Technology Good Choice
Business Analyst, System Admin

BPO High:69 High:68

7 Good Choice
Call center, Technical Support, Customer Service

Business Financial Management High:69 High:71

8 Good Choice
Financial Analyst, Financial Managers

Army High:69 Very High:80

9 Good Choice
Lieutenant to General

Project Management High:67 High:76

10 Good Choice
Project Managers, Project lead

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Career Report

Career Path

Your Career Paths

Career Cluster: Other Recommendations

Career Paths Psy. Analysis Skill and Abilities Comment

Business Analyst IT
High:67 High:78
11 Business Analyst, Business Intelligence, Good Choice
Operational Analysts,

Retail Management High:67 High:71

12 Good Choice
Retail Manager, Brand,Warehouse Manager

Business Analytics High:65 High:71

13 Good Choice
Business Data Analyst, Marketing Research

Professional Sales High:63 High:78

14 Good Choice
Sales Executive, Sales Head, BDM

Human Resources High:62 High:78

15 Good Choice
HR Manager, Recruiter, Trainer

Construction Project Management High:62 High:65

16 Good Choice
Project Manager, Construction Manager,

Hospital Management
High:61 High:71
17 Health Information Management, Practice Good Choice
Administrator, Program Manager

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Career Report

Favourite Career Path

Your Favourite Career Path : Travel & Tourism

Career Cluster : Hospitality and Tourism

Skill and
# Career Path Career Profile Psy. Analysis Comment

Travel Consultants, Tour Very High:79% High : 65% Top

1 Travel & Tourism
Managers Choice


1. Top Choice - You have the highest degree of interest and skills to pursue this career path. You will excel
in the fields mapped to this career path.

2. Good Choice - This Career path will be a good match for you as your interest and skills & abilities are
correctly aligned.

3. Optional - You have adequate interest level and skills & abilities to pursue this career path. However, this
can be pursued if you are not pursuing your top choice or good choice.

4. Develop - Developing the skills and abilities required for this career path can increase your probability of
success in this career path.

5. Explore - Explore options where you have higher interest and skills and abilities than this career path.

6. Avoid - You either have very less skills & abilities or very less interest in this career path. In both cases, it
is suggested to avoid this career path.

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Career Report

Work Nature

Work Nature : Travel & Tourism

• Travel and tourism management equips you to work in a travel agency, a hotel, an airport, or any
other hospitality-focused locale.
• Specialise in different types of tours such as tours to museums, corporate houses and industries,
historical places, theme parks and amusement parks.
• Be knowledgeable of attractive places, historical moments, right information and specialities of
different areas.
• They have practical communication skills for a productive conversation with tourists.
• Prepare itineraries for the tourists based on their schedule.
• Provide help and guidance regarding transportation, food, restaurants, hotels and shopping areas.
• Prepare travel packages for outstation tours.
• Have an awareness of necessary safety measures to deal with emergent situations.
• Have a warm-hearted, lively, confident and a welcoming personality.

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Career Report

Education Road Map

Your Education Road Map : Travel & Tourism

The Education road map will give you a clear idea of subjects that you should choose at a different level
of your career path. You can choose any one of these courses to succeed in your career.

Stages Subjects Education Subjects Occupations

• English • Travel
• Hindi Consultants
10th Subjects • Arts
• Tour
Education Managers
• Physics
• Tourism
• Maths Officer
• Travel
• English agent
• Hindi • Travel
12th Subjects • Arts Guide

• Physics • Travel
• Maths

• Bachelor of Tourism Studies

• Bachelor of Tourism Administration
• B.Sc in Hotel Management
Higher • Bachelors Degree course in Airlines Tourism &
Education Courses
Hospitality Management
/Career Graduation
Courses • BTM (Hons)
• B.Sc in Travel and Tourism
• B.Sc in Air hostess Training
• B.Sc in Airline Ticketing and Hospitality Management

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Career Report

Education Road Map Continued

Your Education Road Map Cont. : Travel & Tourism

• Master of Tourism Administration • Travel

• Master of Business Administration in Tourism and Consultants

Courses Post Hospitality Management • Tour

Graduation • M.Sc in Hotel Management Managers

• M.Sc in Travel and Tourism

• Tourism
• M.B.A Aviation
• Travel
• Post Graduation Diploma in Management (Tourism
• Travel
& Leisure)
• Diploma in Hotel Management
• Travel
• Certificate Course in Travel & Tourism specialist
• Diploma in Travel & Tourism
• Diploma in Aviation and Hospitality Management
• Diploma in Cargo (Based on IATA/FIATA)
• Diploma in Domestic + International Ticketing and

Career • Diploma in Air Hostess

Developm Career • Diploma in Cargo and Flight Forwarding
ent/Career Advancement
• Diploma in International Airlines and Travel
• Diploma/ Certificate Courses in Ticketing and
Computer Reservation
• Certificate Course in Night Rating
• Diploma in Cabin Crew
• Diploma in Flight Steward
• Frankfinn Certificate Course in Airport Ground
• Certificate in Pilot Training
• IATA/UFTAA Foundation Course

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Career Report

Career Path Analysis

Your Career Path Analysis : Travel & Tourism

The Career Path Analysis contains four important parameters to have a better insight into the most
suitable career path. These factors are fees for studying the primary courses needed for this career,
demand for the skills in this career path, salary offered, level of preparation required on your part to
pursue this career.

1. Fees Medium

2. Demand High

3. Salary High

4. Level Of Preparation Medium

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Career Report

Summary Sheet

Our career assessment is based on the concept of correlation

theory and various psychometric and statistical models.

Career Personality Extrovert + Sensing + Thinking + Judging

Career Interest Realistic + Enterprising

Career Motivator Structured work environment + Continuous Learning

Learning Style Read & Write Learning

Numerical Ability[60%] +Logical Ability[100%] +Verbal Ability[80%]

Clerical and Organizing Skills[50%] +Spatial & Visualization Ability[40%]

Skills & Ablities
+Leadership & Decision making skills[75%]

Social & Co-operation Skills[80%] +Mechanical Abilities[50%] +

Hospitality and Tourism+Accounts and Finance+Logistics and

Selected Clusters
Transportation+Sports & Physical Activities

Favourite Career
Travel & Tourism

K12 Techno Services Pvt Ltd

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