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CELL THEORY . 3. Glycocalyx – this may be another network of
➢ Contributions: polysaccharides that project from cellular
○ Antony van Leeuwenhoek: a shoekeeper surfaces of bacteria, made up of a capsule
that crafts lenses, observed movements of 4. Cytosol – a jellylike semifluid substance in
unicellular organisms he called which organelles are suspended
animalcules. 5. Cell Wall – the rigid structure outside the
○ Robert Hooke: coined the term cell in his plasma membrane present in all prokaryotes
publication called Micrographia (1665), to 6. Plasma Membrane – aka cell membrane, the
which he observed plant cells thru cork membrane enclosing the protoplasm
tissues. 7. Ribosomes – these are complex proteins that
➢ Final ver. was developed by the late 1830s by also synthesize other proteins.
Matthias Schleiden [botanist], Theodor
Schwann [zoologist], and Rudolf Virchow. EUKARYOTES .
➢ Propositions: ➢ From the Greek eu – “true” and karyon –
1. All living things are composed of one “kernel / nucleus”; literally meaning true
or more cells nucleus
2. The cell is the basic unit of life ➢ These are cells that have a clearly-defined
3. Cells arise from preexisting cells nucleus and other membrane-bound
★ All cells share 4 common characteristics: ➢ They have several, rod-shaped chromosomes
A. Plasma membrane and more complex structures than prokaryotic
B. Cytoplasm cells
C. DNA [particularly, chromosomes]
D. Ribosomes

➢ These are simple, unicellular organisms,
lacking a nucleus or any membrane-bound
➢ In prokaryotes, the DNA is concentrated in the
center region called the nucleoid.

★ Cells keep their size small to optimize the

surface area — which determines the rate of
exchange of nutrients and wastes.
★ Sometimes, microvilli are present that increase
surface area without any appreciable increase
in the volume

Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell .

1. Fimbriae, Pilus, and Flagella – these are
hairlike appendages that help cells adhere to
other cells, move, and to be motile.
2. Nucleoid – this is the region where the cell’s
DNA is located / concentrated
○ Typically, circular chromosomes are
accompanied by ring-like DNA called
plasmids — a coiled DNA.
The Compartments of Eukaryotic Cells . 6. Nucleoplasm
1. The Structural Support System ★ aka Karyoplasm
➔ Includes the Plasma Membrane, ★ Like the cytosol, it is the semi-solid fluid
inside the nucleus, where we find the
Cytoplasm, and Cell Wall (for some).
chromatin and the nucleolus.
➔ This is a set of structures that allow the
existence of the structure of cells.
➢ The DNA is packaged into discrete packets
PLASMA MEMBRANE . called chromosomes that carry these genetic
➢ A phospholipid bilayer embedded with
protein that separates internal content and
➢ Each chromosome contains one long DNA
environment of cells.
molecule associated with many proteins like
➢ It also controls the passage and leave of
histones that help DNA coil to reduce its
nutrients and wastes to and from the cell.
length and fit into the nucleus.
➢ May contain microvilli that are fingerlike
➢ The complex of DNA and proteins making up
projections that increase surface area.
the chromosomes is called the chromatin.
➢ This is a prominent structure within the
nondividing nucleus that allows the synthesis
of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), used in synthesis of
ribosomes from the genes in DNA.
➢ Proteins are imported here from the
cytoplasm, assembled with rRNA into large
subunits of ribosomes, exiting thru pores.
➢ It is the entire region between plasma
➢ The nucleoli may also play a role in controlling
membrane and the nuclear envelope
cell division and the lifespan of a cell.
➢ It is made up of organelles suspended in the
gel-like cytosol, the cytoskeleton, and various
➢ 70% to 80% water, having semi-solid
consistency due to proteins and others
2. The Nucleus
➔ This is the control center of the cell,
housing the cell's genetic material.
➔ It regulates gene expression, controls
cellular activities, and is responsible for
the replication and transcription
➔ Contains most of the genes and usually
the most conspicuous organelle
1. Nuclear Envelope
★ Envelopes the nucleus, separating it from
the plasma membrane
2. Nuclear Pores
★ aka Pore Complex
★ These are structures that perforate the
nuclear membrane that allows the
passage of proteins and RNAs in and
out of the cell. RIBOSOME .
3. Nuclear Lamina ➢ These are protein-rRNA complexes that carry
★ These are netlike array of protein out protein synthesis.
filaments that lines the nuclear side of ➢ Cells with high rates of protein synthesis
the nuclear membrane
have particularly large numbers of
★ It is responsible for maintaining the
shape of the nucleus by mechanically ribosomes as well as prominent nucleoli.
supporting the nuclear envelope. ○ mRNA, tRNA, and microRNA in cytop.
4. Nuclear Matrix ○ rRNA in nucleolus
★ Although it has evidences, it hasn’t been ➢ Ribosomes carry protein synthesis out in 2 regions
confirmed yet in the cytoplasm:
★ It is a framework of protein fibers ○ Free ribosomes – suspended in cytosol; they
extending throughout the nuclear typically create ribosomes that function
interior within the cytosol themselves.
★ The nuclear lamina and matrix may help organize ○ Bound ribosomes – attached outside the
the genetic material so it functions efficiently. rough ER or the nuclear envelope; they
5. Perinuclear Space synthesize proteins destined for insertion
★ The nuclear envelope is a double into other membranes, packaging, or export
membrane of phospholipid bilayer. ➢ Has a large subunit and small subunit that
★ In between the two layers is a space together function as an interactive workbench,
called the perinuclear space. occurring as a catalyst to facilitate protein
★ aka perinuclear cistern synthesis.
I. As a polypeptide chain grows from a bound
ribosome, the chain is threaded into the ER lumen
through a pore formed by a protein complex in the
ER membrane and anchored there by their
hydrophobic portions.
II. The new polypeptide folds into its functional shape
as it enters the ER lumen. Enzymes built in the ER
membrane allow the modification of these proteins.
III. The proteins can either be incorporated in ER
membrane or secreted out of the cell (secretory
3. The Endomembrane System proteins)
➔ This is a network of membranous IV. After secretory proteins are formed, the ER
structures within the cell that work membrane keeps them separate from proteins in the
together to modify, package, and cytosol, which are produced by free ribosomes.
transport lipids and proteins. ● Transitional ER – this is a specialized region to
➔ They are responsible for the metabolic which secretory proteins depart from the ER.
The proteins are wrapped in the membranes of
functions inside the cell. vesicles that bud like bubbles called transport
VESICLES . vesicles.
➢ These are small, membrane-bound sacs that V. After leaving the ER, transport vesicles travel to the
transport and store substances within a cell. Golgi Apparatus (warehouse for manufacturing and
➢ They are formed from segments of modifying proteins) or directly to their destination.
membranes in the endomembrane system ======================================================
and play crucial roles in various cellular GOLGI APPARATUS .
processes. ➢ aka Golgi Bodies, these are a series of
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM . flattened membranes (the cisternae)
➢ From the word endoplasmic – “within the responsible for modifying, sorting, tagging,
cytoplasm” and reticulum – “L. little neck” packaging, and distributing proteins and
➢ The cisternal space of the nuclear membrane lipids.
is continuous with the lumen of the ER ○ cis Face – receiving side
➢ Have 3 main parts: ○ trans Face – opposite, shipping side
○ Cisternae – membranous tubules and ★ Acc. to Cisternal Maturation Model, the cisternae
sacs; flattened for rough ER and curvy of Golgi progress forward from cis to trans face,
for smooth ER carrying and modifying the cargo as they move.
○ ER Membrane – separates internal
compartment of ER from the cytosol
○ ER Lumen – aka cisternal space, this is
the internal compartment or cavity of
1. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
★ Termed as smooth because it does not
have any attached ribosomes
★ They are included in the synthesis of
carbohydrates, cholesterol, lipids, and
steroid hormones, as well as the
detoxification of some drugs and toxins
★ Termed as smooth because it does not
have any attached ribosomes
★ In muscle cells, they are specialized SER
are presented and they are called the
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum with functions:
○ Sequesters and releases calcium LYSOSOMES .
ions in muscle cells ➢ These are membranous sacs of hydrolytic
○ Regulates muscle contraction enzymes that cells use to digest / hydrolyze
and relaxation macromolecules
2. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ➢ Their enzymes work best in acidic
★ Termed as rough because of ribosome environment, found in lysosomes, which are
attachments on the surface synthesized in RER and altered in GA.
★ Many cells secrete proteins that are
➢ These organelles are formed by the utilization
produced by ribosomes attached in RER.
of late endosomes as an intermediary
★ Their cytoplasmic surface of RER
possesses receptor molecules:
compartment, and some arise by budding
○ Ribophorins — for ribosomes and from the trans face of the Golgi apparatus.
○ Docking Proteins — for signal 1. Phagocytosis
recognition particles (SRPs) ★ Lysosomes carry out intracellular
(known digestion in a variety of circumstances.
★ It also functions in the synthesis and I. When cells engulf smaller organisms
or molecules, this process is called
modification of proteins that are to be
packaged, as well as in the synthesis of
II. These substances fuse with the
lipids and proteins found in the plasma
lysosome, hydrolyzing them.
membrane of cells.
III. The waste products pass / exit into
the cytosol and become nutrients for
the cell.
2. Autophagy
★ This is a process where lysosomes use
their hydrolytic enzymes to recycle the
cell’s own organic material.
★ It starts because of signals like nutrient
deprivation, stress, or damage.
I. In response to these, a small portion
of the ER, the Golgi, or the Plasma
membrane elongates and curves to
form a double-membrane structure
called the phagophore or isolation
II. The phagophore expands and
engulfs a portion of the cytoplasm,
including organelles or other cellular
components targeted for degradation
to form an autophagosome.
III. The autophagosome undergoes a
series of maturation steps, including ENDOSOMES .
fusion with endosomes and ➢ These are intermediate compartments used
lysosomes, to form an autolysosome. for the destruction of endocytosed,
IV. The contents of the autolysosome are
phagocytosed, or autophagocytosed
degraded by lysosomal enzymes..
V. The degraded components are
materials or formation of lysosomes.
recycled back to the cytosol. ➢ They possess proton pumps which acidify
the interior compartment.
○ Early Endosomes — found at the
periphery of cell; contain receptor-ligand
○ Late Endosomes — found deeper within
the cytoplasm
➢ Receptors allow more concentration to be
endocytosed in a process called
receptor-mediated endocytosis that involves
formation of a clathrin-coated vesicle that
sheds its coat once inside and fuses with an
early endosome.
➢ Receptors are carried into a system of tubular
vesicles, recycling endosomes, from which
the receptors are returned to the
plasmalemma, whereas the ligands are
translocated to late endosomes.

➢ These are large vesicles derived from ER and
Golgi Bodies
➢ Its membrane is selectively permeable for
transporting solutes and its interior has a
solution of different composition than cytosol
called the cell sap.
○ Food Vacuoles — formed by
phagocytosis, it allows the storage of food
by the cell
○ Contractile Vacuoles — they pump excess
water out of the cell that maintains ion
balance, used by many unicellular
freshwater protists
○ Plant and Fungal Vacuoles — carry out
enzymatic hydrolysis, hold reserves of
organic compounds, store defensive
poisons against herbivores, and even
pigments to attract pollinating insects
○ Central Vacuoles — typically large in plant
cells which develop by the coalescence of
smaller vacuoles.
★ Vesicles can fuse with other organelles,
while Vacuoles cannot fuse with other
4. The Metabolic Organelles MITOCHONDRIA .
➔ They are responsible for generating the ➢ Mitochondria are the sites of cellular
energy required for various cellular respiration, hence they are called the
processes. “powerhouses” or “energy factories” of
ENDOSYMBIONT THEORY . a cell since they are responsible for
➢ States that an early ancestor of eukaryotic making adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
cells engulfed an oxygen-using non the cell’s main energy-carrying molecule.
photosynthetic prokaryotic cell. ➢ Cells with higher demand for energy
➢ They endosymbiosed, merging into one single have more mitochondria to produce
organism that later became mitochondrion. ATP, like muscles, through chemiosmotic
➢ By the same virtue, one ancestor has taken up coupling mechanisms because of the
a photosynthetic prokaryote, becoming the enzymes in their cristae.
ancestor of chloroplasts. ➢ They generate heat in brown fat instead
=================================================== of producing ATP, assisting in the
EVIDENCES FOR ENDOSYMBIOTIC THEORY synthesis of certain lipids and proteins
1. Similarity with bacteria ★ When your cells don’t get enough
★ Chloroplasts and Mitochondria are the same size oxygen, they do not make a lot of
as prokaryotic cells ATP. They carry-out anaerobic
★ They divide by binary fission, and have Fts respiration, accompanied by the
proteins at their division plane. production of lactic acid.
★ They replicate autonomously in the cell. ○ Cristae — the inner folds of the
2. Presence of Plastids mitochondrial membrane
★ Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own ○ Mitchondrial Matrix — the area
DNA that is circular, not linear. surrounded by the folds of the cristae.
3. Presence of Ribosomes
★ Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own
ribosomes that have 30S and 50S subunits, not
40S and 60S.
4. Double-membrane Structure
★ Unlike the single-membraned endomembrane
system, they have a double membrane.
★ This implies invagination by ancestral eukaryotes
as with endocytosis.
5. Evolutionary Systematics
★ Several more primitive eukaryotic microbes, such
as Giardia and Trichomonas have a nuclear
membrane but no mitochondria.

➢ It is a type of plastid found in plants and
algae as sites of photosynthesis.
➢ It has a very narrow intermembrane
space, housed by a double membrane.
○ Chlorophyll — green pigment that
captures sunlight for photosynthesis.
○ Thylakoid — these are flattened,
interconnected sacs stacked like
pancakes where light-dependent
photosynthesis takes place.
○ Granum — the term used to describe a
stack of thylakoids
○ Stroma — this is a fluid similar to
cytosol that fills the chloroplast.
PEROXISOMES . 5. The Cytoskeleton
➢ These are specialized metabolic ➔ This is a dynamic network of protein fibers
compartments bounded by a single that provide structural support to the cell,
membrane that houses oxidative enzymes maintain its shape, and facilitate
such as urate oxidase, D-amino acid movement.
oxidase, and catalase. ➔ It is involved in various cellular functions,
➢ Peroxisomes contain enzymes that perform including intracellular transport, cell
OXIDATION — they remove hydrogen atoms division, and cell signaling.
from various substrates and transfer them to
● Cell Motility – this is the movement
oxygen, producing hydrogen peroxide as a
and change in location of cell parts. It
➢ Peroxisomes themselves are toxic, but
generally requires interaction of the
contain catalase that convert H2O2 to water. cytoskeleton with motor proteins.
➢ Most of the proteins intended for inclusions MICROTUBULES .
into peroxisomes are synthesized in the ➢ These are hollow rods of 25 nm with 15 nm
cytosol rather than on the RER. lumen in diameter.
➢ All peroxisomes are formed by fission from ➢ It is a protein polymer made up of globular
preexisting peroxisomes proteins called tubulin dimers. Their walls
1. Peroxisomes break fatty acids consist of 13 polymerized α- and β-tubulin
★ Some peroxisomes use oxygen to break monomers.
fatty acids down into smaller molecules ➢ They grow in length by adding tubulin
that are transported to mitochondria dimers that can be disassembled and built
and used as fuel for cellular respiration. elsewhere.
2. Peroxisomes detoxify alcohol ○ Plus end — mobile end of MT.
○ Minus end — anchored on centrosom.
★ Peroxisomes in the LIVER detoxify alcohol
and other harmful compounds by
transferring hydrogen from the
poisonous compounds to oxygen.
3. Peroxisomes can store fats
★ Specialized peroxisomes called
GLYOXYSOMES are found in the
fat-storing tissues of plant seeds.
★ They contain enzymes that initiate the
conversion of fatty acids to sugar, which
the emerging seedling uses as a source
of energy and carbon until it can
produce its own sugar by photosynthesis.

➢ It functions in:
○ Maintenance of cell shape
○ Cell motility – they serve as tracks along
which organelles equipped with motor
proteins can move
○ Chromosome movements / separation
during cell division
○ Organelle movements – microtubules
guide vesicles from the ER to the Golgi
apparatus and from the Golgi to the
plasma membrane
➢ These are small, barrel-shaped organelles that 1. Centrosomes
function in the degradation of cytosolic ★ Present in Animal Cells, these
proteins. are structures to which
➢ The practice of cytosolic proteolysis is highly microtubules grow out from,
regulated, and the candidate protein must be located near the nucleus.
TAGGED by several UBIQUITIN molecules ★ The microtubules function as
before it is permitted to be destroyed. compression-resisting girders
○ 26S Proteasome System — the larger of the cytoskeleton.
protease that “splits” the proteins into ★ Inside them is a pair of
smaller subunits. CENTRIOLES composed of 9 sets
○ 20S Proteasome System — the smaller of triplet microtubules arranged
protease that consumes the splitted in a ring.
protein subunits. It also degrades proteins ★ Centrosomes with centrioles is
that are oxidized by reactive oxygen the microtubule organizing
species to form protein carbonyls. center (MTOC) that helps
organize microtubule assembly
in animal cells.
2. Cilia and Flagella ★ Bending involves large motor proteins called
★ Present in some eukaryotes, a specialized DYNEINS that are attached along each outer
arrangement of microtubules is responsible for microtubule doublet.
the beating of these structures. ★ The outer doublets and two central
★ Their primary functions are for locomotion and microtubules are held together by flexible
movement through fluids. cross-linking proteins; the walking movement is
★ Motile cilia appear numerously on cell’s surfaces, coordinated so that it happens on one side of the
having alternating power and recovery strokes, circle at a time.
much like the oars of a racing crew boat. ★ If the doublets were not held in place, the walking
★ Non Motile cilium may also act as a action would make them slide past each other.
signal-receiving “antenna” for the cell, limited to ★ Instead, the movements of the dynein feet cause
only one per cell. the microtubules—and the organelle as a
★ Flagella only appears limitedly, has an whole—to bend.
undulating motion like the tail of a fish. ===================================================
➢ aka Actin Filaments
➢ These are thin solid rods made of two
intertwined strands of actin (a globular
protein), of 7 nm diameter.
➢ It functions in the maintenance of cell shape,
changes in cell shape, muscle contraction,
cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells, cell
motility, and cell division in animal cells.
➢ They can have a linear or branched structure
when protein binds along in the side,
extending as a new network of filaments.
➢ Their role is to bear tension to support shape
and their role for cellular motility:
○ Cortical Microfilaments – a 3D network
formed by microfilaments inside,
★ All have a group of microtubules sheathed in an adjacent to the plasma membrane to
extension of the plasma membrane. help support the cell’s shape.
★ It has 9 doublets arranged in a ring with 2 single ○ Microvilli – microfilaments make up its
microtubules in the center, called the 9+2 core that increases its SA, allowing it to
pattern found in eukaryotic flagella and motile absorb more nutrients.
cilia. ○ Actin and Myosin – thousands of actin
★ 9+0 pattern is observed in nonmotile cilia, filaments and thicker filaments made of
lacking a pair of microtubules. a protein called MYOSIN interact to cause
● Basal Body – this is where the MTOC of a contraction of muscle cells.
cilium or flagellum is anchored in the
cell. It is structurally very similar to a
centriole, with microtubule triplets in a
“9 + 0” pattern. In fact, in many animals,
the basal body of the fertilizing sperm’s
flagellum enters the egg and becomes a
○ Pseudopodia – these are extensions that
cells use to crawl along a surface. It is
especially prominent with unicellular
protist Amoeba and some of our white
blood cells. Localized contractions
brought by actin and myosin are involved
in the amoeboid (crawling) movement.

6. The Extracellular Matrix

➔ This is a complex network
of proteins and
polysaccharides outside
the cell that provides
structural support,
segregates tissues and
regulates intercellular
➔ It plays a crucial role in tissue
development, wound healing,
maintaining the physical properties of
tissues, and even cell differentiation.
○ Cytoplasmic Streaming – this is a circular ➔ Collagen fibers are interwoven with
flow of cytoplasm within (large plant) carbohydrate-containing protein
cells. It is brought by actin-protein molecules called proteoglycans.
interactions, speeds up the movement of ★ Cells have protein receptors on their plasma
organelles and the distribution of
membrane, changing its molecular structure
materials within the cell.
when a molecule binds within the matrix.
★ The receptor, in turn, changes the
conformation of the microfilaments
positioned just inside the plasma membrane.
★ These conformational changes induce
chemical signals inside the cell that reach the
nucleus and turn “on” or “off” the transcription
of specific sections of DNA, which affects the
production of associated proteins, thus
changing the activities within the cell.

➢ These are fibrous proteins coiled into cable
shapes of 8–12 nm found in only animal cells.
➢ They are specialized for bearing tension, and
have a diverse class of cytoskeleton.
➢ Each type is constructed from a particular
molecular subunit belonging to a family of
proteins whose members include the keratins.
➢ It functions in the maintenance of cell shape,
anchorage of nucleus and certain, other
organelles, and formation of nuclear lamina
○ The nucleus typically sits within a cage
made of intermediate filaments.
○ Other intermediate filaments make up ○ Intercellular Junctions – allow plant cells
the nuclear lamina. to communicate through direct contact.
○ In general, the various kinds of ★ Plasmodesmata are junctions between plant
intermediate filaments seem to function cells, whereas animal cell contacts include tight
together as the permanent framework of junctions, gap junctions, and desmosomes.
the entire cell.
➢ It is a rigid covering that protects the cell, ➢ The main ingredients of the ECM are
provides structural support, gives shape to glycoproteins and other
the cell, and prevents excessive uptake of carbohydrate-containing molecules secreted
water. by the cells.
➢ At the level of the whole plant, the strong COMPONENTS OF ANIMAL ECM
walls of specialized cells hold the plant up ★ Collagen forms strong fibers
against the force of gravity. extracellularly
○ Prokaryotic cell walls are made of ★ Large proteoglycan complexes can form
peptidoglycan when many proteoglycan molecules
○ Plant cell walls are made of cellulose become noncovalently attached to a
○ Fungal cell walls are made of chitin single long polysaccharide molecule.
○ Protistan cell walls are made of other INTEGRINS .
sugars and proteins, not having a fixed ★ These are surface receptor proteins to
composition which fibronectins and other ECM proteins
1. Microfibrils ★ They span the membrane and bind on their
★ They are made of cellulose, synthesized by cytoplasmic side to associated proteins
an enzyme called cellulose synthase and attached to microfilaments in the
secreted to the extracellular space, where cytoskeleton.
they become embedded in a matrix of ★ Integrins are in a position to transmit
other polysaccharides and proteins. signals between the ECM and the
★ Hydroxyl groups are free to hydrogen bond cytoskeleton and thus to integrate changes
with the hydroxyl groups of other cellulose occurring outside and inside the cell.
molecules lying parallel to it.
2. Ground Substance ➔ Current research on fibronectin, other ECM
★ It is an amorphous gel-like substance in the molecules, and integrins reveals the influential
extracellular space of animals that contains
role of the ECM in the lives of cells.
all components of the extracellular matrix
➔ By communicating with a cell through
(ECM) except for fibrous materials such as
integrins, the ECM can regulate a cell’s behavior.
collagen and elastin.
3. Primary Cell Wall
★ It is the flexible wall that young plant cells ➔ Researchers have also learned that the
first secrete. extracellular matrix around a cell can influence
★ It is relatively thin, whose main functions are the activity of genes in the nucleus.
to protect the plasma membrane, maintain ➔ Information about the ECM probably reaches the
turgor pressure, and allow for growth. nucleus by a combination of mechanical and
4. Middle Lamella chemical signaling pathways.
★ A thin layer between the adjacent primary
cell walls; it is rich is sticky polysaccharide CELL JUNCTIONS .
called pectin. ➢ These are sites of physical contacts to which
★ It glues adjacent cells together, cells communicate upon.
strengthening the plant once it stops grow.
1. Plasmodesmata
5. Secondary Cell Wall
★ Plant cell walls are perforated with
★ Some cells strengthen middle lamella, while
plasmodesmata — channels that
some add a secondary cell wall.
connect cells, lined with membranes.
★ It is deposited in several laminated layers,
has a strong and durable matrix that affords ★ Although not connected directly,
cell protection and support. plants use vascular tissues and
★ The primary function of the secondary cell plasmodesmata to transport
wall is to strengthen the cell and prevent it materials, with aid from cytoskeleton,
from bursting under high water pressure. cell-to-cell and throughout the plant.
★ They are continuous and they unify
most of the plants in a one continuum.
2. Tight Junctions
★ In these junctions, the plasma
membranes are very tightly pressed,
bound together by proteins, primarily
claudins and occludins.
★ They form continuous seals around cells
that establish a barrier preventing the
leakage of extracellular fluid across a
layer of epithelial cells.


★ They develop when a set of six proteins called
CONNEXINS in the plasma membrane arrange
themselves in an elongated donut-like
configuration called a CONNEXON.
★ When the pores of connexons in adjacent animal
cells align, a channel between the two cells forms.

3. Desmosomes
★ Is a type of an ANCHORING junction
★ aka Adhesion Junctions
★ It functions like rivets that fasten cells
together into strong sheets.
★ Sturdy keratin protein called cadherins
typically allow this anchoring by
connecting the intermediate filaments
of adjacent cells..


4. Gap Junctions
★ aka Communicating Junctions
★ They provide cytoplasmic channels from
two adjacent cells, functioning similar to
plasmodesmata in plants.
★ Membrane proteins extend to two
membranes that create pores through
which small molecules may pass.
★ They are necessary for communication
of cells

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