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Days of sunshine, warm and bright,

Fill our hearts with pure delight.

Time for laughter, time for cheer,
The best time of the year is here! Let's embrace fun and learning,
Our minds forever yearning.

Dear Students

As the summer break begins, it's the perfect time for you to unwind and have fun.
To keep your minds active and creativity flowing, we have designed a range of
enjoyable tasks and activities for making your holidays both fun and fruitful.

Here are some ideas you can explore to remain productive during summer
vacations and try out new things and develop some new skills:
• Maintain a fitness regime: Eat a healthy diet with sufficient amount of water.
Practise basic yoga exercises.
• Organise your time: Stay active by engaging in physical activities at home.
-Lend a hand to your parents with household chores.
-Meet your extended family and try to spend some quality time with your
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. It’s a great time to learn about many
family traditions.
• Learn a New Skill: Learn a new skill, such as cooking, photography,
playing a musical instrument.
• Decrease Screen Time: Play indoor games, read books/newspaper , get involved
in art and craft.
• Update your General Knowledge: Make it a habit to read the newspaper
headlines everyday to find out about the latest happenings around the country and
the world.
• Rest and Recharge: Take regular breaks to refresh yourself as short intervals
of rest can rejuvenate your mind and help you maintain better focus.
• Keep a Steady Pace: Stick to a consistent study schedule during the
break to avoid procrastination and stay aligned with your objectives.

The attached document contains all the relevant details pertaining to the tasks, links
to the online resources to be referred to,and dates of submission. A journey
of discovery awaits as you delve into these assignments.

Enjoy your break and remember to balance your academic pursuits

with rest and relaxation.
Days of sunshine, warm and bright,
Fill our hearts with pure delight.
Time for laughter, time for cheer,
The best time of the year is here!
Let's embrace fun and learning,
Our minds forever yearning.
Dear Students
As the summer break begins, it's the perfect time for you to unwind and have fun. To keep
your minds active and creativity flowing, we have designed a range of enjoyable tasks and
activities for making your holidays both fun and fruitful.

Here are some ideas you can explore to remain productive during summer vacations
and try out new things and develop some new skills:
• Maintain a fitness regime: Eat a healthy diet with sufficient amount of water. Practise
basic yoga exercises.
• Organise your time: Stay active by engaging in physical activities at home.
-Lend a hand to your parents with household chores.
-Meet your extended family and try to spend some quality time with your grandparents,
aunts, uncles and cousins. It’s a great time to learn about many
family traditions.

• Learn a New Skill: Learn a new skill, such as cooking, photography, playing a
musical instrument.
• Decrease Screen Time: Play indoor games, read books/newspaper , get involved
in Art and Craft.

• Update your General Knowledge: Make it a habit to read the newspaper headlines
everyday to find out about the latest happenings around the country and the world.

• Rest and Recharge: Take regular breaks to refresh yourself as short intervals of
rest can rejuvenate your mind and help you maintain better focus.
• Keep a Steady Pace: Stick to a consistent study schedule during the break to avoid
procrastination and stay aligned with your objectives.

The attached document contains all the relevant details pertaining to the tasks,
links to the online resources to be referred to and dates of submission. A journey
of discovery awaits as you delve into these assignments.

Enjoy your break and remember to balance your academic pursuits with rest
and relaxation.
1. Handwriting Challenge
Handwriting is a reflection of your personality. Good handwriting is always appreciated by all.
Patience is an asset to handwriting.

Suggestions for Handwriting:

• Copy an interesting article from the newspaper
• Compose and write your own story/poem
• Write your daily routine
• Any other

Focus on the following points to improve your handwriting and making it legible:
a. Hold your pencil correctly
b. Do not lift your pencil while writing a letter/word
c. Write with proper spacing
d. Pay attention to forming each letter neatly and consistently
e. Follow the format attached
• Take prints of the worksheet for 5 pages of handwriting (attached)

2. Read and Reflect

• Read the books mentioned in the suggested reading list. Select the one you liked
the most and write the review of the book on a light-coloured A-4 sheet. Refer to
the attached picture and do as directed
1. Secret Seven by Enid Blyton
2. Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl
3. Magic Drum and other stories by Sudha Murty
4. Swami and Friends by RK Narayan

3. Learn As You Cook

-Take the opportunity to cook a new dish with the help of your mother
-Write its recipe in a paragraph, using 5 Countable Nouns, 5 Uncountable
Nouns and 5 Verbs

-Remember to include at least 5 new words in your recipe

-Do not forget to highlight them with different colours. For eg: Countable
Nouns with red, Verbs with green and so on
-Paste your picture next to the recipe you created
-The work should be neatly presented in landscape on a light-coloured A-4 sheet.


✓ The Blue Umbrella
✓ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
✓ Matilda
Sec-122, Noida
ENGLISH Holiday Homework
Name: __________ Class/Sec:_____ Roll no: ____ Date:_________






















Name: __________ Class/Sec:_____ Roll no: ____ Date:______



























Name: __________ Class/Sec:_____ Roll no: ____ Date:______

























Name: __________ Class/Sec:_____ Roll no: ____ Date:______

























Name: __________ Class/Sec:_____ Roll no: ____ Date:______
























Read and Reflect
ह दिं ी
क ाहियााँ ज़रिया ैं, बच्चों को अच्छे सस्िं काि देिे का। उन् े बे ति इसिं ाि बिािे
का। सिंभवत: य ी कािण ै हक आप औि म, सभी दादी-िािी से िाजाओ िं की,
परियों की, पशु-पहियों आहद की क ाहियााँ सुि-सुि कि बडे ुए ैं। शायद य
उि क ाहियों का जादू ी था, जो में एक अिोखी दुहिया में ले जाता था औि
क ािी के अतिं में, जो सीख हमलती थी, वो आज भी आपके औि मािे
ज़ ि में ताज़ा ै।

आपिे अकबि औि बीिबल की अिेक क ाहियााँ सुिी ोंगी ।बीिबल मेशा

ी अपिी समझदािी, बहु िमािी औि चतिु ाई से बादशा अकबि का हदल जीत
लेते थे, इसहलए तो बीिबल अकबि के िवित्िों में एक थे ।िीचे दी गई
क ाहियों में से कोई 3 क ाहियााँ पढ़ें तथा हदए गए प्रश्नों के उत्ति दीहजए |
• बीिबल की हखचडी
• अकल का घडा
• हपिंजिे में शेि
• जादुई गधा
• कट ल का पेड
• जादईु कुआाँ अथवा (अपिी पसदिं की कोई)
दिल्ली पदललक स्कूल
सेक्टर-122 नोएडा
द ििं ी - ग्रीष्मकालीन गृ कार्य-प्रपत्र 1

नाम : _______ कक्षा एविं वगय : _____ अनुक्रमािंक : ____ दिनािंक : ____

1. आपको कौि सी क ािी सबसे ज्यादा पसिंद आई औि क्यों?






ll. आपको अकबि औि बीिबल दोिों के व्यव ािों से क्या अतिं ि समझ में आया ,
िं ेप में बताइए|





lll. आपको क ािी से क्या सीख प्राप्त ुई ?




----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
2. गहतहवहध -हखलौिे की दहु िया
आपिे अकबि-बीिबल की अिेक क ाहियााँ पढ़ी, उिमें से जो क ािी आपको सबसे
ज्यादा पसदिं आई उसके हकन् ीं दो हकिदािों को स्व हिहमित हखलौिों के माध्यम से
किा में प्रदहशित किें|
गदिदवदि दनिेश - अपिी कल्पिा के अिुसाि ाथों के दस्तािों या मोजों से एक
हखलौिे का हिमािण कीहजए ।अपिे हखलौिे को िाम देकि क ािी की प्रस्तुहत किें |
3. गहतहवहध- आपकी पाठ् यपुस्तक परिवेश में दी गई क ाहियों या कहवताओ िं में से कोई 6
पृष्ठ सुलेख के हलए अभ्यास किें (हजिका अभी तक सुलेख ि ीं हकया गया ै)
िोट:- सल
ु ेख हलखते ुए हिम्ि बातों का ध्याि िखें -

• लेख सुिंदि हलखें , अििों की बिावट एकसमाि िखें |

• वतििी तथा त्रुहटयों का ध्याि िखें |
• कायि पिंहि पि किें
• हदए गए 6 हदिों में से हकसी एक हदि पाठ् यपुस्तक में दी गई हकसी एक कहवता
का सलु ेख हलखें , कहवता को कहवता के रूप में ी हलखें |
दिल्ली पदललक स्कूल
सेक्टर-122 नोएडा
द ििं ी - ग्रीष्मकालीन गृ कार्य-प्रपत्र 2

नाम : ________ कक्षा एविं वगय : _____ अनुक्रमािंक : _____ दिनािंक : ______
सुलेख : दिवस 1










सुलेख : दिवस 2 दिनािंक : ________-











सुलेख : दिवस 3 दिनािंक : --------------











सुलेख : दिवस 4 दिनािंक : --------------











सुलेख : दिवस 5 दिनािंक : --------------











सुलेख : दिवस 6 दिनािंक : ________-













1.Design your own snake and ladder game using Roman

numerals (1 to 100) on an A-3 sheet .

2. Find the cut outs of 10 large numbers (6 or 7 digits ) from different magazines/
newspapers. Paste them on a light coloured A4 sheet. Round off each number to nearest
10, 100, 1000

3. Solve the attached crossword .

4. Revise Multiplication tables till 15.

Sector 122, Noida
Summer Holiday Homework (2024-25)
Subject – Math
Class IV
Name: ______________________ Sec: ______ Roll No- Date: ______________

• Solve the crossword using the given clues:

1. Fifty nine lakh thirty six thousand fifty-nine
2. Greatest 1-digit number
3. Predecessor of 76,67,344
4. Predecessor of 36,060
5. Seven ones subtracted from 2 tens
6. 9000+500+80+6
7. Greatest 3-digit number
1. Successor of 2,81,61,298
2. One lakh more than 92,62,635
3. 1 lakh more than 32,49,639
4. Subtract 31 ones from 100 tens
5. Predecessor of 6400
6. 235 less than the smallest 4-digit number

The Earth gives us so many wonderful things like clean air to breathe,
fresh water to drink, and beautiful places to play and explore but
sometimes our actions can hurt the environment, like when we waste
water, throw trash on the ground, or use too much plastic.
On World Environment Day-5 June we renew our pledge to protect
our environment so that it stays wonderful not only for us but also
help to conserve the flora and fauna that cover the surface of the earth.

• Newspaper Exploration: Read and cut a headline along with related information and a
picture of World Environment Day from the newspaper and paste it on a light coloured
A-4 sheet.

• Green Initiatives: World Environment Day is a reminder for one and all that we
should not be negligent about protecting and conserving our earth. The need of the
hour is an eco-friendly environment. For many years people have been working for it.
Research and find out and write names of any three such activists.
• Paste their pictures on a light coloured A4 sheet.
• Write their names
• Country they belong/ed to
• Their contribution towards an ecofriendly world
• Any other interesting fact

Water Fountain: On this Environment Day, let’s give a thought to reuse plastic bottles and make
something new out of it for fun. Make a water fountain out of plastic bottles without electricity.
General Instructions –
● The Summer Activities must be done in a neat and presentable manner adhering to the
instructions provided with each project.
• Do take necessary guidance from your parents but make sure that you accomplish the task
on your own in your handwriting.
• Encourage the use of recycled material for doing the activities.
• Fix ‘Reading Dates’ and read and learn under the supervision of the parents.
• Write your name, class/sec. and roll number at the back of each activity that you submit.

❖ Dates for submission of the ‘Summer Activities’is as follows:

➢ English: Monday, 8.7.24
➢ Hindi: Tuesday, 9.7.24
➢ Maths: Wednesday, 10.7.24
➢ E.V.S.: Thursday, 11.7.24
➢ Presentation of Holiday Activities in regular subject periods

_____________ _______________
Class Rep Principal

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