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Year Unit Marks

Apr-23 1 10
Apr-22 1 16
Dec-18 1 16
Dec-16 1 16
Jun-16 1 16
Jun-15 1 16

Apr-23 1 16
Apr-22 1 10
Dec-19 1 16

Apr-22 1 16
Apr-21 1 16
Dec-17 1 16
Dec-15 1 16

Apr-23 1 6

Apr-23 1 10
Apr-22 1 10
Mar-22 1 10
Nov-21 1 10
Oct-22 1 16
Dec-20 1 16
Dec-19 1 16
Jun-19 1 16
Jun-18 1 16
Jun-18 1 16
Dec-17 1 16
Jun-17 1 16
Jun-16 1 16
Jun-15 1 16

Jun-17 1 16

Apr-22 1 6
Nov-22 1 10
Mar-22 1 6
Nov-21 1 6
Oct-22 1 16
Dec-20 1 8
Nov-21 1 16
Jun-19 1 8
Jun-18 1 8

Nov-22 1 10
Dec-18 1 16

Nov-22 1 6

Nov-22 1 6
Apr-21 1 8

Mar-22 1 10
Dec-20 1 16

Apr-23 1 6
Apr-22 1 6
Mar-22 1 6
Apr-22 1 16
Nov-21 1 10
Nov-22 1 8
Nov-21 1 16
Jun-19 1 16
Jun-18 1 16

Apr-23 2 16
Nov-21 2 10
Jun-16 2 16

Nov-22 1 10
Dec-15 1 16
Apr-23 16

Apr-22 2 10
Nov-21 2 10
Jun-18 2 16
Dec-16 2 16

Apr-22 6
Mar-22 1 10

Apr-23 2 10
Nov-21 2 16
Dec-19 2 16

Nov-22 16

Nov-21 2 6
Nov-22 2 16
Dec-16 2 16
Jun-15 2 16

Dec-16 2 16

Mar-22 2 6

Nov-22 2 6

Nov-22 2 10
Apr-22 2 8
Apr-21 2 16
Dec-17 2 16

Apr-22 2 6
Nov-21 2 8

Mar-22 2 6
Dec-17 2 6

Nov-21 8

Apr-21 2 16

Apr-23 2 10

Mar-22 2 10
Nov-21 2 16
Nov-22 2 16

Jun-19 2 16
Dec-15 2 16
Dec-20 3 16
Apr-23 3 16
Mar-22 3 10
Jun-17 3 16

Apr-22 3 10
Nov-22 3 16
Nov-21 3 16
Apr-23 3 10
Apr-21 3 16
Dec-17 3 16

Apr-22 10

Nov-22 3 10
Nov-21 3 10
Dec-20 3 16
Jun-17 3 16
Dec-16 3 16
Jun-15 3 16

Apr-21 3 16
Jun-15 3 8

Nov-22 8
Dec-15 8

Mar-22 6
Nov-22 3 10

Apr-23 3 10

Nov-22 3 10
Apr-22 3 16
Nov-21 3 6
Apr-21 3 16
Dec-16 3 16
Jun-16 3 16

Apr-23 3 16
Dec-19 3 8
Dec-18 3 16
Jun-16 3 8
Nov-21 2 10
Dec-15 2 16

Nov-21 2 16
Dec-19 2 16
Jun-18 2 16

Nov-22 3 6

Mar-22 10
Apr-22 16
Dec-17 16

Apr-23 4 10
Nov-21 4 10
Jun-18 4 16
Jun-17 4 16

Dec-15 8

Dec-20 4 16
Dec-19 4 16
Jun-15 4 16

Apr-22 16
Nov-21 10
Dec-20 16
Jun-19 16
Dec-18 16
Dec-17 16

Jun-18 8
Dec-16 8

Mar-22 10

Apr-23 4 10
Apr-22 4 6

Apr-23 4 16
Nov-22 4 10
Nov-21 4 16
Apr-21 4 8
Dec-17 4 8

Apr-22 10

Apr-23 4 6
Nov-22 4 10
Apr-22 4 16
Nov-21 4 10
Nov-22 4 16
Dec-20 4 8
Jun-19 4 16
Dec-18 4 8
Jun-18 4 8
Jun-16 4 16

Nov-22 4 6
Dec-19 4 8
Jun-16 4 8

Mar-22 6

Apr-23 5 16
Mar-22 5 10
Nov-21 5 16
Dec-19 5 16
Jun-15 5 16

Apr-22 10

Nov-21 10
Dec-16 16
Jun-16 16

Apr-22 6
Dec-19 16
Jun-19 16
Dec-18 16
Jun-16 16

Nov-21 8
Jun-15 16

Apr-22 4 10
Mar-22 4 10
Nov-22 4 16
Nov-21 4 16
Jun-19 4 16
Dec-18 4 16
Dec-17 4 16
Jun-17 4 16
Dec-15 4 16

Apr-23 5 10
Apr-22 5 10
Nov-22 5 10
Apr-21 5 16
Jun-17 5 16

Apr-23 5 10
Apr-23 5 6
Nov-22 5 10
Mar-22 5 10
Apr-22 5 8
Nov-21 5 6
Dec-18 5 8
Jun-16 5 8
Jun-15 5 8

Apr-23 5 6
Apr-22 5 6
Nov-22 5 6
Mar-22 5 6
Nov-21 5 6
Apr-21 5 8
Dec-15 5 16

Apr-23 5 6
Nov-22 5 6

Apr-23 8
Nov-21 6

Apr-23 2 8
Apr-22 2 10
Dec-19 2 16
Dec-18 2 16
Jun-18 2 16
Dec-17 2 8
Dec-16 2 8

Apr-23 8
Dec-20 8
Jun-19 8
Jun-17 8

Nov-22 8
Jun-17 10
Dec-16 8

Dec-19 8
Jun-15 8

Jun-19 8

Dec-15 16

Dec-15 8
Analyse the variouS sources of lnternational Law according to the statues of ICJ
What are the sources of lnternational law ? Explain tretis as a source of lnternational law
Explain the sources of international law
State the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations as source of international law with decided cases
What are the sources of lntemational Law ? Explain Treaties as a source of lnternational Law
What are the sources of lnternational Law ? Explain how decisions of lnternational lnstitution as a source of lnternational Law.

Evaluate the concept of lnternational law in light of definitions of different lnternational Jurists
Critically exarnlne the nneaning and definition o{ lnternational Law
criticaily examine the meaning of international-law

Define lnternationar law and trace the development of International law

Define lnternational Law and trace the origin and development of International Law
Define international law and trace the development of international law
Trace the origin and development of international law

Basis of lnternational law

Explain the theories relating to relationship between ' International Law and Municipa! Law.
Discuss the theories relating to application of lnternational Law in Municipal Law
Discuss the theories as to relation between international law and municipal law
Explain the different theories relating to relationship between lnternational Law and Municipal Law
Discuss the theories relating to lnternational Law and Municipal Law.
Examine state practice as to the application of international law within the municipal sphere
Explain the theories regarding relationship between lnternational-law and Municipal-law.
Examine the various theories regarding the basis of international law
Exarnine the theories relating ts natulre and basis of lnternational Law.
Explain the different theories relating to relationship between lnternational law and Municipal law
Discuss the theories as to application of international law in municipal Iaw.
Define lnternational [aw. Explain various theories regarding basis of lnternational law
Explain the theories relating to relationship between lntemational Law and Municipal Law
Explain the theories relating to relationship between lnternational Law and Muncipal Law

Explain the difference between Municipal Law and lnternational Law

Custom is a source of lnternational Law

Define lnternatiortal Law and discuss custom as a source of lnternational Law
Write a brief note on Customs
Write a note on lnternational Customs
Explain the irnportance of custorns and treaties as sources of lnternational Law.
lnternational custom
Define international law and discuss custom as a source of international law

Examine British practice as to the application of lnternational Law with in the Municipal sphere.
Explain the operation of international law in British Municipal law sphere

Hugo Grotius.

Monism and dualism.

ls international law true law ? Discuss

Discuss whether international law is a true law or not.

Subjects of lnternational Law.

lndividuals as subiects of international Law
Are individuals subjects of international law
"lndividuats are the onry subjects of lnternational Law.,, " Evaluate the relevancy of the statement
"lndividuals are the only subjects of lnternational Law". Evaluate the relevance of the statement.
Subjects of lnternational Law.
Explain the different subjects of international law
"State, individual and internal organizations are the subjects of international law". Elucidate
"lndividuals are the only subjects of lnternational law". Evaluate the relevancy of the statement

Examine the nature of state. Briefly explain the different kinds of State
Define State. State the different kinds of States
Define State. State the different kinds of States

Define the term 'State'. Explain the essential elements of a State

Analyse the characteristics of a state
"State cannot avoid the responsibility even though it is sovereign". Examine the relevancy of the statement

Discuss different types of states and modes of acquisition of territcrial sovereignty

Briefly explain the various modes of acquisition and loss of territory under lnternational Law
Explain the modes of acquisition and loss of state territory.
Examine modes of acquiring and loss of territorial sovereign

State responsibility in case of mob violence

"ltisthedutyof State notto interfere intheaffairsof another State". Examine the statement with exceptions if any

What is recognition ? Discuss different types of recognition

Define recognition. what are the modes of recognition of states.
Explain the composition and jurisdiction of lnternational Court of Justice

what is meant by recognition ? critically examine the various theories of recognition.

Write a note on Legal effects of recognition

What is recognition ? Explain the effects of recognition
Define recognition. Discuss the legal effects of recognition
What is'Recognition'? Explain the legaleffects of recognition of a new state

Duties and rights of states are only the duties and rights of men who compose them' Discuss

Write a note on retrospective etfect of recognition

Write a note on withdrawal of recognition

what is intervention ? Discuss the different types of intervention.

Explain intervention. Lxplain the significance of "Manroe doctrine".
What is intervention ? Discuss the different types of intervention

Monroe doctrine
Monroe doctrine.

Write a note on "Microstates

Microstates & Condominium

Doctrine of imputability

"States alone are the subjects of lnternational Law." Discuss

Discuss different modes of acquisition and loss of territory.

Explain the modes of 4cquiring territorial sovereignty

Explain the different modes of acquisition of territoriat sovereignty
Discuss "Occupation" as a mode of acquisition of territory under lnternational Law

Define territorial sovereignty. State the exceptions to territorial sovereignty of the State
Define territorial sovereignty. State the exceptions to territorial sovereignty of the State
what is territoriarjurisdiction of the state ? Explain the principles governing territorial jurisdiction.
Explain the territorial Jurisdiction of the State with related cases
What is territorial jurisdiction ? Can a State exercise territoria! jurisdiction over a foreign sovereign ?
"A state exercises jurisdiction over property, person, acts and events occurring within its territory". Examine the exceptions

Define Territorial jurisdiction of a State. Who are exempted from the territorialjurisdiction of a State ?
Define jurisdiction. State the exceptions to the territorial jurisdiction of a State
Explain the exceptions to the territorial jurisdiction of a state
Discuss the limitations on territorial jurisdiction
Discuss the limitations on territorial jurisdiction
Explain state jurisdiction according to personal and protective principles.

Explain the history and development of claim over territorial waters

Discuss the jurisdiction of maritime states over territorial waters.

Discuss the jurisdiction of maritime state over Coastal waters
Explain the nature of jurisdiction exercised by the coastal state on its territorial sea.
Discuss the jurisdiction of maritime state over coastal waters
Point out the nature of rights of coastal states over adjoining maritime waters
Discuss the Jurisdiction of maritime state over coastal water

What is Exclusive Economic Zone ? What are the rights available to eoastal State in its Exclusive Economic Zone ?
Exclusive economic zone

Maritime Belt
Maritime Belt

Write a note on State succession to public debts

State succession to public debts

Analyse the rights of coastar states on their continental shelf

Explain the responsibility of a State for lnternational delinquencies.

Explain the responsibility of a state for tnternational delinquencies
Write a note on lnternational Delinquencies
Explain the rules relating to state responsibility for internationaldelinque
Explain the responsibility of a state for international delinquencies
Explain the responsibility of a state for international delinquencies

Explain the general rules regarding territorial sea, contagious zone and continental shelf
Continental shelf
What is continental shelf ? Explain the rights available to coastal state in continental shelf
"Territorial Sea" and "Continental Shelf".
Explain theories and kinds of State succession
Explain theories and kinds of state succession

Discuss the rights and obligations of a state in matters relating to treaties in state succession
Define state successlon. Discuss the consequences of state succession.
What is State Succession ? Explain rights and duties arising out of succession of State.

Personal Jurisdiction

What is high seas ? What are the freedoms of high seas ?

what is High sea ? state the freedoms available to a state on the High Seas
What is hlgh seas ? State the freedoms available to a state on the high seas

Define Treaty. Discuss different steps in the formation of a treaty.

Examine the practices of States in relation to formation and termination of treaty
Examine the practices of states in relation to formation and termination of treaty
Narrate the importance of treaty in lnternational law. Explain various steps in conclusion of an lnternational treaty

Classification of treaties

Explain the grounds for termination of treaties

Discuss the rules regarding formation and termination of treaties.
Define the term "Treaty". Explain termination of treaties

Explain the composition and jurisdiction of lnternational Courl of Justice

Explain the composition and powers of lnternational Court of justice
Explain the composition and jurisdiction of the international court of justice
Explain the composition and powers of lnternational Court of Justice
Explain the composition and jurisdiction of lnternational Court of Justice
Explain the composition and jurisdiction of international court of justice

International court of Justice

International court of Justice

Explain the stages in conclusion of international treaties

Define extradition. Analyse the crimes which are recognised as non-extraditable crimes
Non Extraditable crimes

Give the meaning of extradition. Examine the general rules relating to extradition
What is extradition ? Discuss the rules relating to extradition with the help of decided cases
What is extradition ? Discuss the rules relating to extradition with the help of decided cases.

Explain the concept of Fleservation in a treaty with the help of provisions of Vienna Convention on the law of treaties

What is Asylum, explain different types of Asylum
What is Asylum ? Explain the different types of Asylum
What is Asylum ? Explain the different types of Asylum
Define Asylum. Explain different types of Asylum with the help of decided cases
what is asylum ? Explain different types of asylum
What is Asylum, explain different types of Asylum


Write a note on membership of United Nations Organisation

Explain composition, powe!'s and functions of Security Council

Explain the powers and functions of Security Council
Discuss the composition, powers and functions of security council of the United Nations Organisation.
Discuss the composition and powers of security council
Explain the functions and powers of SecurityCouncil

Explain the role of U.N Security Council in the peace keeping

State the purposes and principles of United Nations

Explain the purposes and principles of United Nations Organization
Explain the purposes and principles of United Nations Organization

Different modes of acquisition of nationality

Exptain different modes of acquisition and loss of nationality
Define Nationality. Explain modes of acquisition and loss of nationality.
State the difierent modes of acquisition and loss of nationali

lnternational importance of nationality

what is'Nationality'? Explain the international importance of nationality

Discuss the previleges, immunities, rights and duties of the Diplomatic agents
What are the privileges and immunities of a Diplomatic envoy
Analyse the privilege and immunities of a diplomatic agent.
Explain the rights and inimunities of diplomatic agents
Discuss the privileges and immunities of diplomatic envoy
Explain the rights and privilages of diplomatic envoys
Explain the privileges and immunities of diplomatic envys
Explain the privileges and immunities of diplomatic envoys
Analyse the privileges and immunities of consuls

Discuss the structure and functions of general assembly

Explain the powers and functions of the General Assembly of United Nations Organisation
Explain the powers and functions of General Assembly of UNO
Explain the composition and functions of the United Nations General Assembly
Explain the powers and functions of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Explain the main features of lnternational Labour Organisation

Write note on Objectives of ILO
Exptain the objectives and composition of lnternational Labour Organisation
Explain the objectives and composition of lnternationa! Labour Organisation
Note on ILO

Structure of W.T.O
Structure of W.T.O
Structure of W.T.O
Discuss the functions and dispute settlement mechanism of World TO

Veto power
Veto power

Auto limitation theory

Write a note on Auto Limitation Theory

Dejure recognition
Discuss the legal effect of de facto and dejure recognition of States with the help of decided cases
Discuss about the occasion and legal impact of dejure and defacto recognition of the state
What is recognition ? Explain dejure and defacto recognition
Give the meaning of recoEnition" Bring out the distinction between De.iure and Defacto recognition
Defacto Recognition
lmplied recognifion.

Dual Nationality.

Calvo Clause'.
Calvo Clause'.
Calvo Clause'.

Lotus Case
Lotus Case

Pacts sunt servanda.

As to inter-oceanic canals, speciattreaty ru(es are app(icable

f lnternational Law.

e the exceptions
Year Unit Marks Question

state "H" claims the island on the ground of continuous

exercise of sovereignty with wilful intention to rute. But State
"N" claims the island on the basis of treaty with state ,,A,,to
Apr-23 2 6 which island was the colony. Decide
Apr-23 2 6 Temple of Preahvihar case
Apr-23 3 6 Anglo Norwegian fisheries case

Apr-23 3 6 Youman's case.

Apr-23 4 6 Nottebohm's case

Nov-22 4 6 Nottebohm's case

Mar-22 4 6 Nottebohm's case
Apr-22 4 8 Nottebohm's case
Nov-21 4 6 Nottebohm's case
Jun-17 4 10 Nottebohm's case.

X', has been charged with offences against the state 'Y'.
'X'takes asylum in the State 'H'. The request on the part
of State 'Y'to handover'X'to it is rejected by State 'H''ls
Apr-23 10 'H' State refusal to extradite justifiable ? Decide

The State 'R' attacks the State 'Z'. ln the course of war
State 'Z'defeats State 'R'. 'HD', the National belonging to
the State 'R' refuses to accept the nationality of State 'Z'.
Apr-23 10 But the State 'Z' intends to compel him for it. Decide.

Ship belonging to State 'C'causes damage to the ship of

State'N'in the High Sea. The captain and crew member
of 'C'State ship are arrested when they reached to the port
Apr-23 10 of State 'N'. State'C'objects to act of State'N'. Decide.

State 'A' claims sovereignty over an lsland on the ground

that it has discovered the same, but State'A'has no effective
sovereignty on the lsland. State 'B'alsCI claims sovereignty
on the same lsland on the ground that it has effective control
and sovereignty over the lsland for last three hundred years.
Apr-22 6 Which State haq. sovereignty overthe lsland ?

The King of State "A" during his stay in State "B" promised to
marry Miss "M" subsequently the promise was not fulfilled.
Apr-22 6 Miss "M" files a case in State " B" for breach of promise. Decide

A' i9 a new State Which is not yet recognised by State ,8,.

'A' State wants to file a suit against a company in the
Nov-22 6 courts of State'B'. Can it do so ?

A National of State 'A' while travelling in State 'B' was

attacked in a mob rioting. Can the state'B' be held
Mar-22 6 responsible for the injuries caused to him ? Decide
State 'A' requests the State 'X' to surrender a fugitive
offender, Mr. 'B' who is National of State 'A' State 'X'
initiates the process of surrender. Mr. 'B' contends that
there is no extradition treaty between States'A'and'X'. Can
Mar-22 6 he still be surrendered ? Decide.

Authorities of state 'X' enter the territory of state ,y, to

arrest a fugitive offender, without the knowledge of state
Apr-22 10 'Y'. Whether their action is lawful ? Decide

The Prince of State'At during his stay in state'B'promises

to marry a lady. Subsequently, he refuses to marry her.
She wants to file a suit against the Prince in state 'B'.
Apr-22 10 Advice her

The Prince of state'A'during his stay in state 'B' promises

to marry a lady. Subsequently, he refuses to marry her.
She wants to file a suit against him in state 'B'. Advice
Dec-20 10 her.

State 'X' got'A' extradited from state 'Y' on the ground

that he had fled to 'Y' after murdering a fellow servant in a
ship belonging to'X'. ln 'X', 'A' is tried not for murder but
for causing grievous hurt to a fellow servant. ls state 'X's
Apr-22 10 act justifiable ? Decide

State "X" was accorded recognition on a condition that, it

shall not impose any religious disabilities on its subjects.
State "X" commits breach of this condition. Can the
Nov-21 6 recognition given to it be with drawn

A factory situated in State "X" releases poisonous gas. The

poisonous gas is carried away by wind to the territory of the
neighbouring state "Y" and caused heavy loss there. Can
Nov-21 6 state "X" be held responsible for the loss to "Y" ?

A factory is situated in State 'X' releases Poisonous gas. The

Poisonous gas is carried away by wind to the territory of the
neighbouring State 'Y' and caused heavy loss there. Can
Nov-22 10 State 'X' be held responsible for the loss to 'Y'. Decide.

A factory situated in and owned by State'X' neleases

poisonous gas which is carried away by wind to the
territory of State 'Y' and causes heavy loss to State Y".
Dec-18 10 State Y seeks remedy. Advice"
"X" a member of banned organization in State "Y" kills
a minister of State "Y" and flees to State "2". State "Y"
demands his extradition. "X" pleads, he is a political
Nov-21 6 offender. Decide

B' a member of banned organization in State X kiitrs a

minister of State X and flees to State'Y'. State X demands
Dec-18 10 his extradition. B pleads, he is a political offender. Declde

State 'M' sent its troops to protect three citizens of State 'A'
from mob in its territory. lnstead of protecting them, the troops
opened fire on the citizens of State 'A' and killed them. ls
Nov-22 10 State 'M' liable for the wrongs of the troops ? Decide

N'takes shelter in the 'XY' State after committing offence

in'RA'State. 'RA'State demands extradition of 'N'. Decide
Nov-22 10 the liability of State 'XY'.

Mexico sent troops to protect three Americans from a

mob in its territory. lnstead of protecting them, the troops
opened fire on the Americans and killed them. ls Mexico
Dec-20 10 liable for the wrongs of the troops ? Decide.

State 'X' get'A' extradited from state 'Y' on the ground

that he had fledto 'Y' after murdering a fellow servant in a
ship belonging to 'X'. ln 'X', 'A' is tried not for murder but
for causing grievous hurt to a fellow servant. ls X's act
Dec-20 10 justifiable. Decide.

A merchant ship"violatbO the municipal regulations of State

X. A patrolling vessel of State X gave audio-visual signals to
stop. lgnoring the same the ship entered the high seAs. Can
Nov-21 10 the ship be captured on the high seas by State X ? Decide

A British National 'X'was seriouslv iniured bv a French

National 'Y' in the presence of sevdralbersons in France
'X' lodqed a complaint. The French qovernment did not
arrest 6nd toOk abtion aqainst 'Y' evdn after eioht vears.
NoW, .British Governmeilt wants to claim com[en'sation
Nov-21 10 on behalf of X. Advice
State 'A' procured consent of State 'B' to a treatv bv
coercion of its representative throuqh threats direbted
against l!ry.- Stqte 'A' enforde the treaty. ls the
Nov-21 10 treaty valid ? Advise state 'B'.

State 'A' has not recognised the new State 'B'. State 'B' wants to
file a suit against a company in a count of State 'A'. Can it do so ?
Apr-21 10 Advice

King of State 'A' during his stay in State

-B' promised to marry
Miss'X'. l-le subsequently refused to marry her. She wanis to fiie a
Apr-21 10 suit against him in State 'B'. Advice her

A merchant ship while leaving the territorial sea of State'X'violates

rules o{ State'X'. Coast guards of State X signalthe merchant ship
to stop. Despite this the ship speeds out beyond the territ+rlal sea
of State 'X'. What immediate action can be taken by State 'X' ?
Apr-21 10 A rI. rina ALT V IL,G.

ML'state enters into alliance agreernent with 'CD' state.

The succession state of 'ML'state refuses to follow the terrns
Dec-19 10 of alliance agreement. Decide the liability of successor state

State 'NA' provides asylum to 'X' who is imputed under political

natured charges in its diplomatic office situated in 'MX' state.
'MX' demands surrender of 'X'for the trial of charges. Decide the
Dec-19 10 liability of 'NA' state

Z', son of diplomat causes death of 'H' in an accident. I-le pleads

Dec-19 10 immunity to defend himself against the liability. Decide

State 'MR' confers 'defacto' recognition upon State'AB'.

Subsequently State 'MR' revokes the 'defacto' recognition
on the ground that State 'AB' is engaged in the violation of
Jun-19 10 lnternational-law. ls the act of '[VIR'State Justifiable ?

The factory run by private individual in 'HR' State causes

loss to 'BC' State's in habitants. State 'BC'sues State
Jun-19 10 'HR' for compensation. Decide the liability of 'HR' State.

N' takes shelter in the 'XY' State after committing offence

in 'RA'State. 'RA'State demands extradition of 'N'. Decide
Jun-19 10 the liability of State'XY'.
Fishermen of 'State 'X' were fishing in the Exclusive
Economic zone of neighbouring State Y. Statey prevented
them from fishing. State X contends that its fishermen can
fish beyond the territorial sea of State Y. ls the contention
Dec-18 10 of State X valid ? Decide.

State 'H' claims the island on the ground of continuous

exercise of sovereignty with willful intention. But state'N'
claims the island on the basis of treaty with 'A'to which
Jun-18 10 island was the colony. Decide

A, B, C, D four nationals belonging to state 'Z'causes

grevious hurt to foreign citizen 1M'. State'Z' claims
exemption on the ground that act has not been caused
Jun-18 10 by its officials

State 'A' enters into neutrality treaty with state 'H'.

Subsequently state 'Fl' which replaces state 'A' as
successor. State 'R' refuses to follow the conditions of
Jun-18 10 treaty. Decide the responsibility of state'R'.

Authorities of state X enter the territory of neigbhouring state y

to arrest a fugitive offender, without the knowledge of state y.
Dec-17 10 Whether their action is lawful ? Decide.

Mexico sent troops to protect three Americans from a mob in

its territory. lnstead of protecting them, the troops opened fire
on the Americans and killed them. ls Mexico liable for the wrongs
Dec-17 10 of the troops ? Decide.

A factory situated in state X releases poisonous gas. The

poisonous gas is ca-rried away by wind to the territory of the
neighbouring state Y and caused heavy loss there. Can state
Dec-17 10 X be held responsible for the loss to Y ?
Underthe dictatorial regime of 'X', his subordinate officer'Y'
committed attrocities upon Tamilians. The charge against
him was that he was responsible for the murders of lakhs of
Tamilians and for in human treatment towards them. The
spies of newly formed "Eelam" state were after him for a
long time, but he was running from one country to another
for escaping arrest and trail. Ultimately Eelam spies caught
him in "Purvanchal". But on account of the fear that the
government of "Purvanchal" might not extradite him for
prosecution for the commission of war crimes, the Eelam
spies, abducted him from 'Purvanchal'to Eelam in an irregular
way. Now Eelam wants to prosecute and punish for
committing war crimes. State of Eelam was established only
Jun-17 10 after the alleEed cornmission of war crimes by 'Y', Decide

State'T'got'S'extradited from State'R'on the ground that

he had fled to'R'after murdering a fellow servant in a ship
belonging to 'T'. In 'T' , S is now being tried not for murder
but for causing grievous hurt to a fellow servant.
Jun-17 10 ls it justifiable on the part of 'T' to do so ? Decide.

A and B, the two cricket players of England are included in

English cricket team scheduled to visit lndia between
November 2016 and February 2016 to play six cricket
matches in different places in India. The two players have
played some cricket matches in "Bantuland" which is still
practising the policy of apartheid. The Government of lndia
is a party to the "Gleneagles Accord" entered into by the
member countries of the Commonwealth wherein they
affirmed their full support for the international campaign
against apartheid.
Civil Rights Vigilance Committee, a N.G.O. questions the
decision of the Government of lndia to allow the English
cricket team including these two players to play cricket
Jun-17 10 matches in lndia. Decide.

s, a British subject, fires across the channel and kills a

fisherman on the shore of France. ln this case Britain claiming
jurisdiction over s, because s is a Britain subject and the
crime committed with in the territory of Britain. France can
also claim jurisdiction because though the crime was initiated
in Britain, it was completed or consummated in the French
Dec-16 10 territory. Decide.
The state of Indonesia claims a fishing island in lndian Ocean
as part of its territory because it is close to lndonesia. The
island has been in lndian occupation for over a century though
there is no permanent population on the island. Which state
Dec-16 10 can claim legally the territory of fishing island. Decide.

The divorced daughter of Hungarian diplomatic agent in lndia

comes to lndia as a tourist. She causes a car accident and
thereby a person is killed. A case was filed against her in
Dec-16 10 lndia. She claims immunity in her defence. Decide.

State "A" was accord-ed recognition on a condition that, it

shal! not impose any religious disabilities on its Subjects.
State "A" commits breach of this condition. Can the
Jun-16 10 recognition given to it be withdrawn

David, son of Swedish Ambassador to lndia, makes an

accident in Delhi while driving his car and it resulted in
severe injury to "X" an lndian Citizen. ln a Suit for damages
by "X" against David in Delhi Courts, David claims
Jun-16 10 diplomatic immunity. Decide

"A'an American Citizen was arrested in Mexico for having

Published in Texas an article alleged to constitute a Libel
Jun-16 10 on a Mexicon Citizen. Can Mexico Prosecute him ?

A Portuguese subject residing in lndia is mobbed and his

property plundered by the mob. lndia is refusing to pay damages
to Portugal, Portugal blockades the lndian coast and orders
the capture of lndian vessel, Advice portuguese to claim
Dec-15 10 damages

A company registerecl in lndia was carrying on trade in Sikkim

before it become part of lndia. The Government of sikkim
confiscated a few consignments sent to company's office in
sikkim from lndia. The company craims two consignments or
their value from the Government of lndia. ls the sikkim can
Dec-15 10 claim it ? Decide

K, an American national, published in Texas a label against a

Mexican Citizen. Later, K is in Mexico on a temporary visit and
is arrested by the Mexican Governmentfor Prosecution.
Dec-15 10 Advice K
Mr. 'Pinto' was a clerk at lndian Embassy in England. He
was dismissed from service on the charge of stealing
documents. on the same day, the lndian Ambassadorwaived
his immunites in this respect. Mr. pinto was arrested and
tried. He claimed that being a servant of diplomatic envoy he
was immuned from the court proceedings. whether he
Jun-15 10 succeed in this case ? Give reason.

Three lndian fisherman involved in a case of alleged drug

trafficking in SriLanka. Theywere arrested bythe Sri Lankan
Navy. The Colombo High Court awarded death penalty to
three lndian fisherman. Now can lndian Diplomatic envoys
Jun-15 10 release these three lndian fisherman ? Give reason.

Ateam of USA militarytroopwas onthe ground in lraq against

the Jihadists. ls UsAviolated any rule of lnternational Law ?
Jun-15 10 Give reason.
Justification Answer
initiated legal proceedings against
Australia at the Permanent Court of
Arbitration in The Hague, challenging the
validity of the earlier Timor Gap Treaty.
East Timor argued that Australia had not
negotiated the treaty in good faith,
which undermined its validity.

Resolution: In 2018, Australia and East

Timor reached an agreement to settle
the maritime boundary dispute. The two
countries signed the Treaty Between the
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and
Australia Establishing Their Maritime
Boundaries in the Timor Sea, also known
as the Treaty on Certain Maritime
Arrangements in the Timor Sea (CMATS).
This treaty established a permanent
maritime boundary between the two
countries and addressed the allocation of
oil and gas resources.

Under this treaty, East Timor secured a

larger share of the revenue from the
Greater Sunrise gas field, which had been
a major point of contention in the
dispute. The treaty was seen as a
significant milestone in East Timor's
quest for a more equitable distribution of
resources in the Timor Sea.

It's worth noting that the situation may

have evolved since my knowledge cutoff
date in September 2021, so I recommend
checking for any updates or
developments regarding this dispute
from reliable sources. H will get it
Cambodian side of the boundary.
Thailand asserted various arguments
aimed at showing that the map had no
binding character. One of its contentions
was that the map had never been
accepted by Thailand or, alternatively,
that if Thailand had accepted it, it had
done so only because of a mistaken
belief that the frontier indicated
corresponded to the watershed line. The
court found that Thailand had indeed
accepted the map and concluded that
the temple was situated on Cambodian
territory. It also held that Thailand was
under an obligation to withdraw any
military or police force stationed there
and to restore to Cambodia any objects
removed from the ruins since 19541.

In November 2013, Cambodia requested

an interpretation of the ICJ’s judgment of
June 15, 1962. The ICJ delivered its
request for interpretation on November
11, 2013. The court unanimously
declared “by way of interpretation, that
the Judgment of June 15, 1962 decided
that Cambodia had sovereignty over the
whole territory of the promontory of
Preah Vihear…and that, in consequence,
Thailand was under an obligation to
withdraw from that territory Thai military
or police forces or other guards or
keepers that were stationed there” 2.

This overview is provided for information

only and in no way involves the
responsibility of the Court.
determining the legality of Norway's
claim to sovereignty over these waters
and the rights of British fishermen to fish

ICJ Decision: In 1951, the ICJ issued a

landmark decision in favor of Norway.
The court ruled that Norway had the
right to assert its sovereignty over the
waters in question, and British fishermen
were required to respect these territorial
waters. This decision led to significant
changes in the fishing industry and
practices in the North Sea.

Impact: The Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries

Case had several consequences. It
reaffirmed the principle of coastal state
sovereignty over territorial waters and
established the concept of exclusive
economic zones (EEZs) in international
law, which are areas in which coastal
states have special rights over the
exploration and use of marine resources.
It also resulted in negotiations between
the UK and Norway to work out fishing
agreements and access to each other's

The case is often cited as a key precedent

in the development of modern
international maritime law, particularly
with regard to the establishment of
territorial waters and exclusive economic
zones. It highlighted the importance of
resolving disputes through international
legal mechanisms and diplomacy. Norway's favour
This case can be used for Intl customs

Mexico vs. USA. State is responsible to

pay compensation. US citizen caught in Mexico was liable to
riots in Mexico. compensate. 50k$

Nationality. ICJ decisions. State's

territorial sovereignity.

German citizen. Applies for citizenship in Citizenship - taken only to file

Liechenstein. Guatemala war. But through Leichestein - No
Germany was an enemy state. rights to file.
His property was under seige and he filed
as a German citizen.

Asylum and Extradition. IS there a

bilateral agreement between X and H? If Political crime? No reason for
it is not there, it is open. H to give up X.

Nationality - modes of acquisition.

[Subjugation] State succession. Double
nationality?? Eg. Goa, Daman and Diu Can compel.

SS Lotus case. France and Turkey. France

will say no jurisdiction. Turkey says that
they are the victims and can claim
jurisdiction. Case goes to ICJ. Turkey wins. N prevails.
ICJ decision

La Palmas case - mode of acquisition. -

called occupation (USA and Netherlands) B

Sovereign immunity. Mighel vs. Sultan. Diplomatic Immunity claimed.

Effects of non-recognition. No

Youman's case Yes

Vijay Mallya?? Crime in both the
countries. Abu Salem. Quattrochi. Treaty or reciprocity

Sovereignity. Adolf Eichemann case. Guy

is a Nazi war criminal. Mossad will pick
him up from Argentina. No.



Purpose - Rule of Speciality. US vs.

Rauscher - case law matching this
situation. No.

Conditional recognition given - if it is

breached Defacto - temporary

Case law - Japan - nuclear waste in water

Trans smelder case - USA v
Canada Yes

Case law - Japan - nuclear waste in water

Trans smelder case - USA v
Canada Yes
Bhopal gas - Jurisdiction

Extradition. Meunter case Paris to

England. Can't be extradited

Extradition. Meunter case Paris to

England. Can't be extradited

Youman's case Mexico vs. USA Yes

Nature of offence? Extradition treaty?

Protection in the embassy of other
country? Bothways

Youman's case Mexico vs. USA Yes

Depends on the flag of the

merchant ship.

International deliquency. Case law -

Janes Clain, US v Mexico. Janes was killed
and US filed compensation. Mexico was
ordered to pay 12k$ Can be claimed.
Treaty invalid because of coercion. No.

State recognition. No.


Depends on flag of merchant


State succession. Bothways

Peru vs. Columbia case Diplomatic immunity

Immunity applicable to family members


Defacto - provisional Yes

Similar to Trail Smelder case HR state is liable

Depends on nature of offence and

availability of extradition treaty.
Anglo - Norwegian case

East Timor case. La Palmas also. H will get it.

Youman's case State Z is liable

Successor not encumbered by any

predecessor's conditions. State

Soveriegnity / jurisdiction No

Youman's case

Trans smelder case.

Argentina - Israel - Nazi case Against Intl law.

US vs. Rocher No

2 players are individuals. No Intl law violation

State jurisdiction - territorial Subjective

and Objective test.
Indian occupation - continuity and
intention to rule. Not proximity.

Real case?

Conditional recognition.

Yes, Diplomatic immunity can

be claimed.

Jurisdiction - Cutting case - Published

libel - vacation to Mexico and arrested.
ICJ - event in USA - no jurisdiction.

Approach ICJ

Real case? See page 182 SK Kapoor

Cutting case
Not full immunities - being a servant. Plus
waived off. Then Pinto is liable Pinto won't succeed.

Geo-political pressure - depends.

Jurisdiction is what matters.

Political answer!

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