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MET # _____ Lesson # _____ (Name of the Lesson/topic) _____________________________________

Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
Prerequisite Skill:

Prerequisites Assessment: (Describe the type and content of the Prerequisite Assessment and Use a separate sheet for the copy of a full-blown assessment.)
Pre-lesson Remediation Activity: (Describe the activities and Use a separate sheet for the copy of a full-blown assessment.)
1. For Students with an Insufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
2. For Students with a Fairly Sufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

Introduction: Must include the following parts:

1. time frame a student is expected to finish learning the lesson (and where to contact the teacher when concerns arise)
2. the knowledge (RUA) the student is expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson
3. Context where the student is going to apply their learning (In what PAA/EFAA and personal use?)
4. Overview of the Lesson

Student’s Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching Strategy. Number of chunking of topics will be dependent
on the teacher’s plan.)

Chunk 1

Formative question

Chunk 2

Formative question

RUA of a Student’s Learning:

Post-lesson Remediation Activity: (Describe the activity and use a separate sheet for the copy of a full-blown activity.)

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