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So, good old-fashioned Hackmaster is too complicated for you? I’d slap you, but I
don’t want to get stupid on my hand. Instead, (gawds know why) I’m going to help
you and any other philistines who want to create a character in under ten hours.
You might recall the original procedure, but we’re going to make things a lot easier.
Just follow these simple steps. Remember that the main currency you have to build
a character is building points (BPs). The more you have, the better. Rerolling any
result costs 3 BPs unless otherwise specified.

Step 1: Stats
Roll those fancy six-siders seven times, once for each main stat (strength, dexterity,
constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma, comeliness). These can’t be rerolled.
Record the results. At this point, take a second to plan your character. What class
grouping (fighter/cleric/magic-user/thief) best suits their stats? You won’t decide
on class for awhile, but you should plan ahead. Before moving on, you can

1. Give up 2 points in 1 stat to go up 1 point in another.

2. Give up 1 point in 1 stat to get 2 BPs.

Note that all stats should be greater than or equal to 1 throughout the entirety of
the character creation process.

Step 2: Race
Pick a race, ideally one with ability bonuses and level restrictions that suit the class
you intend to play. Prior to picking a race, verify that you meet the racial ability
prerequisites (feel free to change your character’s sex if it helps). Note that no stat
may ever fall below 1 regardless of racial adjustments, and you can always drop a
stat score to not exceed the maximum value allowed for your race. Add 5 to the
racial BP bonus and put these BPs into your pool. Playable races:
ˆ Dwarves

ˆ Elves

ˆ Gnomes

ˆ Gnome Titans

ˆ Gnomelings

ˆ Half-Elves

ˆ Halflings

ˆ Half-Orcs

ˆ Half-Ogres

ˆ Humans

ˆ Pixie-Fairies (see The Adventurer’s Guide to Pixie Fairies)

Now roll for handedness and social class. Remember racial modifiers to handedness.
Record the modifier to starting money from social class,

Step 3: Quirks and Flaws

Commit to a class grouping (fighter/cleric/magic-user/thief). You don’t have to pick
any subclass yet. Next, commit to a number of rolls on the quirks and flaws table.
This is the best way to get more BPs, which can be used later on for kewl things like
talents and increasing your stats. The cost to reroll in this step only is calculated
using the formula

BP Cost = 1 + (Current Number of Quirks and Flaws)

For example, a character rolling their first quirk would only have to pay 1 BP to
re-roll while a character rolling their third would have to pay 4. For newbies, rolling
2-4 times on the quirks and flaws table is recommended. Each class grouping has its
own quirks and flaws table, which you roll on here for:

ˆ Clerics

ˆ Fighters

ˆ Magic-Users

ˆ Thieves

Be sure to record the effects of your new quirks and flaws where relevant. Anyone
can also add the (new) illiterate quirk for 1 BP. Add all BPs gained to your pool.

Step 4: Honor and Starting Money

Compute your honor by taking the floor of the mean of your ability scores and
adding your charisma modifier. Roll for your starting money, adding modifiers for
social class and class group. Remember you can reroll for 3 BPs! Record starting
money and add BPs to your pool.

Step 5: Pick a Class

Before picking a class, you may adjust your stats to meet class ability requirements.
For 1 BP, you can add 25 fractional ability points to 1 stat. If that makes the
stat 15/01 or greater, the cost doubles to 2 BPs. Make sure to record any bene-
fits/drawbacks from your class, including the BP bonus. We use the simplified rules,
which supersede much of the information in the PHB. The standard playable classes

ˆ Cleric

– Druid
– Zealot (page 13)
ˆ Fighter

– Barbarian
– Berserker
– Cavalier
– Dark Knight
– Knight Errant
– Monk
– Paladin
– Ranger

ˆ Magic-User

– Battle Mage
– Illusionist

ˆ Thief

– Assassin
– Bard

Interested players may find more subclasses for

ˆ Clerics in the Zealot’s Guide

ˆ Fighters in the Combatant’s Guide

ˆ Magic-Users in the Spellslinger’s Guide

ˆ Thieves in the Griftmaster’s Guide

After you’ve picked your class:

1. Pick an allowed alignment

2. Roll for hitpoints (remember your constitution modifier)

3. Record saving throws

4. Record EPs needed to advance to 2nd level. Record an EP bonus if you qualify.

5. Record THACO. For a 1st level character it should be:

ˆ 19 for Clerics
ˆ 18 for Fighters
ˆ 20 for Magic-Users
ˆ 20 for Thieves

6. (Clerics only): Pick a patron gawd. Note that clerics must use a permitted
weapon as outlined in the Zealot’s Guide.

7. (Magic-Users only): Roll for your starting spells here. You get 1 offensive, 1
defensive, and 1 miscellaneous spell. You can sacrifice 1 of these “real spells” for
4 cantrips. You also start with Read/Write. Specialists may consult Chapter
1 of the SSG for their own initial spells.

Step 6: Skills, Talents, and Proficiencies

Use all remaining BPs to buy skills, talents, and proficiencies. Use ’em or lose ’em.
Following the below order is probably best, but do what you like:

1. Buy talents. All characters can buy talents subject to race restrictions. Click
on the below links to see what talents your race allows. Notice the links to the
PHB, CG, GG, SSG, and ZG!

ˆ Drow
ˆ Dwarves
ˆ Elves
ˆ Gnomes
ˆ Gnomelings
ˆ Gnome Titans
ˆ Half-Elves
ˆ Halflings
ˆ Half-Orcs
ˆ Half-Ogres
ˆ Humans
ˆ Pixie-Fairies (shudder)

2. Buy proficiencies. Each costs 1 BP. Keep the below table in mind. A list of all
proficiencies can be found here.

Class Group Non-Prof Penalty Max Number of Profs New Prof When Level is Multiple of
Cleric -3 2 4
Fighter -2 4 3
Magic-User -5 1 6
Thief -3 2 4

3. Buy skills. The morass of HM skills have been replaced by the following a
shorter list of standard and combat skills. Standard skills now represent a
combination of HM skills. For example, all skills related to armor repair have
been subsumed into a single skill: Craft[Armor Repair]. Buying one rank of a
standard skill costs 1 BP, with the cost doubling past the fifth rank, quadrupling
after the tenth, etc. Combat skills have a higher BP cost. Note that some
combat skills have been modified according to the notes. Note further that no
character may have more ranks in a skill than their CL+6.
Table 1: Standard Skills

Skill Primary Stat Untrained?

Acrobatics DEX Y
Bluff CHA Y
Chase DEX Y
Chore CON Y
Climb CON Y
Concentration WIS Y
Craft INT N
Diplomacy CHA Y
Disable Device INT N
Disguise CHA Y
Escape Artist DEX N
Gather Information CHA Y
Handle Animal CHA Y
Hide in Shadows DEX Y
Insight WIS Y
Intimidate CHA Y
Investigate INT Y
Jump STR Y
Knowledge INT N
Lift STR Y
Medicine WIS N
Memory INT Y
Move Silently DEX Y
Notice WIS Y
Perform CHA N
Profession VARIES N
Reason INT Y
Research INT Y
Ride DEX Y
Sail DEX N
Search INT Y
Sense Motive WIS Y
Sleight of Hand DEX Y
Survival WIS N
Swim CON Y
Throw STR Y
Track WIS N
Table 2: Combat Skills

Skill Stat BP Cost

Angawa Battle Cry (STR+CHA)/2 2
Brawler (STR+DEX)/2 2
Crane DEX 2
Cricket-in-the-Pea Pod DEX 1
Dirty Fighting INT 2
Eye Gouge DEX 1
Eye of the Tiger Advantage DEX 5
Groin Punch STR 10
Jugular Swipe DEX 10
Kidney Bruiser STR 2
Mortal Combat CON 9
Muster Resolve CON 8
Pugilism (STR+DEX+INT)/3 4
Round House Groin Kick DEX 5
Who’s Yer Mamma Ankle Wrench (STR+DEX)/2 6

See PHB for the description of these skills, though bear in mind that some have been edited in the
simplified rules.

Step 7: Equipment
Buy equipment. Your sheet should update automatically with any weapon/armor
you put in, so feel free to play around with those to help decide what you want to
buy. Be sure to record each item’s encumbrance. Find

ˆ Armor and shield prices. Magic-Users should remember the increased chance
for spell mishap.

ˆ Weapon prices.

ˆ Ammo prices and ranged weapon ranges.

(Magic-Users only): Buy spellbooks. A spellbook base price is 10 GP per page,
minimum of 5 pages and maximum of 100. A spell takes 1 page to record per level,
with cantrips requiring only 41 of a page. A spellbook has an encumbrance value of
1 per 8 pages.

Step 8: Biography
1. Pick a name.

2. Pick an age, and a height/weight that fit with the image you have in mind for
the character. Note that you can’t pick a value which lies outside the specified
ranges for your race.

3. (Optional) Pick hair and eye color.

4. (Optional) Add a picture that fits the character description.

5. (Optional) Pick a homeland

6. (Optional) Pick a patron gawd.

7. (Optional) Think of a backstory for your character. How did they turn to
adventuring? What explains their quirks and flaws?

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acrobatic Skill Suite 5 All PHB337 Hardy Traveler 5 All CG57
Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 Heat Resistance 5 All PHB339
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Javelin Bonus 5 All PHB339
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Keen Sight (Long Distance) 5 All PHB339
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Less Sleep 5 All PHB339
Bloodline 5 Magic-User group SSG54 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Magic Identification 10 All PHB339
Bow Bonus 5 All PHB337 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Mining Sense 5 All PHB339
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Close to the Earth 5 All PHB338 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Cold Resistance 5 All PHB338 Perfect Grooming 2 All GG69
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Photographic Memory 5 All ZG75/PHB339
Constitution/Health Bonus 10 All PHB338 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Counter Speller 15 Magic-User group SSG55 Precise Targeting 5 Magic-User group SSG55
Courage 4 All ZG73 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Cower 5 All GG68 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Crossbow Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Dagger Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Detect Secret Doors 5 All PHB338 Seeking Grasping Hands 5 All PHB340
Determine Stability 5 All PHB338 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Speak With Plants 10 All PHB340
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Spear Bonus 5 All PHB340
Eagle Eye 4 All SSG54 Spell Abilities 15 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Still Casting 15 Magic-User group SSG55
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Sword Bonus 5 All PHB340
Expert Cheater 5 Thief group GG68 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Trident Bonus 5 All PHB340
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Forest Fighting 3 All CG57 Voiceless Casting 20 Magic-User group SSG55
Forest Movement 10 All PHB339 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
Grace Under Pressure 5 All PHB339 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Blind Fighting and Blind Casting are both excel- tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
lent talents that work of your innate Spell Abili- These are abilities you have to buy at character
ties. Being able to create Darkness at will, you generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
should take advantage of the fact. gets you both of them.

Less sleep is a very useful talent, although it’s Drow already have Spell Abilities, but there’s
usefulness for spell casters diminishes after they nothing stoping you from taking them a second
get access to 3rd level spells. But the ability to time. On one hand, it’s redundant. On the other,
only sleep for 4 hours is extremely useful for noone will expect you to have a second Darkness
keeping guard shifts etc. spell, which might give you the upper hand.

Photographic Memory is a must-have for ar- High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-
cane spell casters, and highly useful for anyone ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
else as well. A perfect memory has so many uses, tween male or female characters, although your
it’s difficult to list them all. GM may feel otherwise.

Astute Observation and Acute (high) Alertness Please note that all elves are ambidextrous, so
both give you a 1 in 10 chance of being suprised, putting 5 BP into the talent is a waste.
but you’ve already got this ability innately. Still,
the side features of each talent make them nice, if If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent
slightly less usefull than to most races. selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-,, or e-mail me directly at
Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 12 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 High Tolerance 5 All GG69
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Hit Point Bonus 10 All PHB339
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Illusion Resistant 5 All PHB339
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Axe Bonus 5 All PHB337 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mace Bonus 5 All PHB339
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Martial Tradition 4 Magic-User group SSG54
Brewing 5 All PHB337 Mass Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74
Burst of Speed 5 All ZG73 Meld Into Stone 10 All PHB339
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Mining Sense 5 All PHB339
Close to the Earth 5 All PHB338 Mountain Fighting 3 All CG58
Concentration 20 All ZG73 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Constitution/Health Bonus 10 All PHB338 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Courage 4 All ZG73 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Cower 5 All GG68 Pick Bonus 5 All PHB339
Critical Hit Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Crossbow Bonus 5 All PHB338 Precise Targeting 5 Magic-User group SSG55
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Damage Cap Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Quick Thinking 5 All SSG55
Dense Skin 10 All PHB338 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Detect Evil 5 All PHB338 Reduced Facing 5 All ZG75
Detect Poison 5 All PHB338 Resistance 5 All PHB340
Determine Age 5 All PHB338 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Determine Stability 5 All PHB338 Short Sword Bonus 5 All PHB340
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Stealth 10 All PHB340
Endurance 5 All PHB338 Stone Tell 10 All PHB340
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Evaluate Gems 5 All PHB338 Thick Headed 5 All CG58
Expert Haggler 5 All PHB338 Touched by Yurgain 0 Battle-Mages PHB340
Fast Turning 5 Cleric ZG74 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Good Immune System 5 All GG69 Warhammer Bonus 5 All PHB340
Hardy Traveler 5 All CG57 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Dwarves gain racial bonuses to several skills: comeliness as long as you pay 25 gold a month. against breath weapons, obviously, and Paralyza- These are abilities you have to buy at character
Appraisal: Gemstone (+15%) History, Local lets you tell entertaining stories, giv- tion Bonus does the same towards paralyzation. generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
Geology (unspecified) ing you +2 charisma for the encounter. You also High Tolerance ups your poison save by 1, but gets you both of them.
Coin Pile Numerical Approximation (+15%) only need to roll against the skill when learning the 5 BPs is better spent on Poison Bonus, which
Mining (+15%) the story, which you can do on your own when- ups it by 2 and 4 against a specific poison type. High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-
Stonemasonry (+10%) ever you want. Dancing, Ballroom gives you +1 Don’t forget to boost your constitution if that ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
charisma for as long as you’re dancing, and no will take you to the next save modifier -- 5 points tween male or female characters, although your
The bonus to Appraisal: Gemstone is nice but skill check is required, but dancing is not always in constitution is better spent than 5 points on GM may feel otherwise.
unless you plan on branching into Gem Cutting, appropriate. Poison Bonus.
you’re much better off investing in the Evaluate If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent
Gems talent at a straight 5 BP versus Appraisal: Dense Skin offers excellent protection from Curse Resistance gives you a nice general bonus selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-
Gemstone’s 3 BP, skill check required, and prereq- a third of the weapon types in HackMas- against cursed items, as well as allow you a sav-,, or e-mail me directly at
uisite of Appraisal, which is 6 BP a pop. ter. Remember, fists are blunt weapons too. ing throw versus rod, wand or staff (one of your
*cough*Monks*cough*. It also has no upper limit, strong suites) to remove the cursed item.
The Brewing talent is more or less worthless, so any tree-trunk wielding giants will suffer as
unless you plan on taking your Brewing skill above well. For a thief, Astute Observation is great. For any-
125%. And even then, the 10% bonus isn’t any- one else, invest in Acute (high) Alertness. Either
thing worth bragging about. Dwarves naturally have improved saving way, 5 BP gives you a 1 in 10 chance of being
throws against wands, rods, staves, spells and poi- surprised.
Dwarves take a -1 to their charisma and come- son, but it’s possible to improve others as well;
liness scores, but this is easily offset by taking Death Magic Bonus gives you a nice boost against Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-
a few skills: Shaving/Grooming gives you +1 to death magic. Breath Weapon Bonus does the same tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 13 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acrobatic Skill Suite 5 All PHB337 Heat Resistance 5 All PHB339
Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Javelin Bonus 5 All PHB339
Animal Companion 10 All PHB337 Keen Sight (Long Distance) 5 All PHB339
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Less Sleep 5 All PHB339
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Magic Identification 10 All PHB339
Bloodline 5 Magic-User group SSG54 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Bow Bonus 5 All PHB337 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Perfect Grooming 2 All GG69
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Photographic Memory 5 All ZG75/PHB339
Cold Resistance 5 All PHB337 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Precise Targeting 5 Magic-User group SSG55
Counter Speller 15 Magic-User group SSG55 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Courage 4 All ZG73 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Cower 5 All GG68 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Dagger Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Detect Secret Doors 5 All PHB338 Seeking Grasping Hands 5 All PHB340
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Speak With Plants 10 All PHB340
Eagle Eye 4 All SSG54 Spear Bonus 5 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Spell Abilities 15 All except Barbarian PHB340
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Still Casting 15 Magic-User group SSG55
Expert Cheater 5 Thief group GG68 Sword Bonus 5 All PHB340
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Track Game Animal 5 Grunge Only PHB340
Forest Fighting 3 All CG57 Trident Bonus 5 All PHB340
Forest Movement 10 All PHB339 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Grace Under Pressure 5 All PHB339 Voiceless Casting 20 Magic-User group SSG55
Hardy Traveler 5 All CG57 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice

Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-
tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
gets you both of them.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.

Elves are naturally ambidextrous, and as such

there’s no point in taking the talent.

If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent

selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-,, or e-mail me directly at

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 14 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 Hide 10 All PHB339
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Animal Friendship 10 All PHB337 Item Savant 5 Magic-User group SSG54
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Arcane Swindler 6 MU group, Bards SSG54 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Mining Sense 5 All PHB339
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Mountain Fighting 3 All CG58
Brewing 5 All PHB337 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Opportunist (skill/trait) 5 All PHB339
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Close to the Earth 5 All PHB338 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Counter Speller 15 Magic-User group SSG55 Potion Identification 5 All PHB339
Courage 4 All ZG73 Precise Targeting 5 Magic-User group SSG55
Cower 5 All GG68 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Prudish 5 All ZG75
Dagger Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Dart Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Quick Learner 5 All SSG55
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Defensive Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Reaction Bonus 5 All PHB339
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Eagle Eye 4 All SSG54 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Short Sword Bonus 5 All PHB340
Engineering Bonus 5 All PHB338 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Experience Bonus 10 All PHB338 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Expert Cheater 5 Thief group GG68 Sling Bonus 5 All PHB340
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Stealth 10 All PHB340
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Forest Movement 10 All PHB339 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58
Freeze 5 All PHB339 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice

Gnomes gain a racial bonus to the Geology skill, rate. Considering the access to healing magics GM may feel otherwise.
although the exact bonus isn’t specified. and potions in a typical HackMaster game, this
talent does almost no good whatsoever. If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent
Opportunist: One of the great things about be- selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-
ing a gnome is access to the Opportunist talent. Il- Counter Speller. Normally an interesting choice,,, or e-mail me directly at
lusionists can spell-jack with less risk, thieves are it isn’t a very good one for gnomes. Gnomes can
considerably more adept, and gnome titans with only become illusionists, and as such they learn
combat procedures are even more lethal. abjuration spells with massive penalties. Con-
sidering the difficulties in learning dispel magic,
Defensive Bonus: This innocuous-looking talent along with the restrictions on spell memoriza-
is excellent if your adventurer plans on spending tions from outside schools for specialists, it
considerable time underground. Each purchase makes almost no sense for a gnome illusionist
gives your AC a +1. That AC bonus, however, is to take this talent.
for all situations, whether the attacker is coming
from behind, has surprised you, or even if you Engineering Bonus. +10% to all engineering
are unconscious. There are several class/package checks is almost pointless. The Engineering skill
combinations which allow you to purchase this can be purchased for just 2 BP per 1d4%, and
talent at a reduced price; seriously consider it Opportunist gives a +5% to all those checks along
under discounted conditions. with every other one.

Potion Identification. This talent is seldom that Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-
effective -- and just possessing the Alchemy skill tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
gives a character an automatic 50% chance to These are abilities you have to buy at character
identify the properties of a liquid or compound. generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
Take the skill over the talent, especially since you gets you both of them.
can pick it up after character creation.
High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-
Close to the Earth: This talent allows you to heal ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
naturally underground at double your normal tween male or female characters, although your

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 15 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Animal Friendship 10 All PHB337 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mining Sense 5 All PHB339
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Potion Identification 5 All PHB339
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Courage 4 All ZG73 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Cower 5 All GG68 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Dagger Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Dart Bonus 5 All PHB338 Reaction Bonus 5 All PHB339
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Defensive Bonus 5 All PHB338 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Sling Bonus 5 All PHB340
Engineering Bonus 5 All PHB338 Stealth 10 All PHB340
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Take After (gnome/halfling) 30 All GMG72
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Forest Movement 10 All PHB339
Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
Hide 10 All PHB339 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Defensive Bonus: This innocuous-looking talent
is excellent if your adventurer plans on spending If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent
considerable time underground. Each purchase selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-
gives your AC a +1. That AC bonus, however, is,, or e-mail me directly at
for all situations, whether the attacker is coming
from behind, has surprised you, or even if you
are unconscious. There are several class/package
combinations which allow you to purchase this
talent at a reduced price; seriously consider it
under discounted conditions.

Potion Identification. This talent is seldom that

effective -- and just possessing the Alchemy skill
gives a character an automatic 50% chance to
identify the properties of a liquid or compound.
Take the skill over the talent, especially since you
can pick it up after character creation.

Engineering Bonus. +10% to all engineering

checks is almost pointless. The Engineering skill
can be purchased cheaply, and Opportunist gives
a +5% to all those checks along with every other

Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-

tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
gets you both of them.

Reaction Bonus is unique to halflings and, if

you’re playing a bard or plain want to make a
good impression, is quite nice. Of course, it’s 5
BPs per level, while raising your charisma is only
4 BPs and aplies to halflings as well.Your choice.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.
Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 16 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 Hide 10 All PHB339
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Animal Friendship 10 All PHB337 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Martial Tradition 4 Magic-User group SSG54
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Mining Sense 5 All PHB339
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Mountain Fighting 3 All CG58
Brewing 5 All PHB337 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58

Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Opportunist (skill/trait) 5 All PHB339

Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58

Close to the Earth 5 All PHB338 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74

Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74

Courage 4 All ZG73 Potion Identification 5 All PHB339

Cower 5 All GG68 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74

Critical Hit Bonus 4 Fighter group CG57 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75

Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Change 4 All CG58

Dagger Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Movement 5 All GG69

Damage Cap Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55

Dart Bonus 5 All PHB338 Reaction Bonus 5 All PHB339

Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75

Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75

Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Second Sight 5 All ZG75

Defensive Bonus 5 All PHB338 Short Sword Bonus 5 All PHB340

Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340

Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69

Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340

Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Sling Bonus 5 All PHB340

Engineering Bonus 5 All PHB338 Stealth 10 All PHB340

Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75

Expert Cheater 5 Thief group GG68 Thick Headed 5 All CG58

Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58

Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75

Forest Movement 10 All PHB339 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.
Freeze 5 All PHB339

Skills and Talents Advice

Opportunist: One of the great things about be- tween male or female characters, although your
ing a gnome is access to the Opportunist talent. Il- Potion Identification. This talent is seldom that GM may feel otherwise.
lusionists can spell-jack with less risk, thieves are effective -- and just possessing the Alchemy skill
considerably more adept, and gnome titans with gives a character an automatic 50% chance to If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent
combat procedures are even more lethal. identify the properties of a liquid or compound. selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-
Take the skill over the talent, especially since you,, or e-mail me directly at
Defensive Bonus: This innocuous-looking talent can pick it up after character creation.
is excellent if your adventurer plans on spending
considerable time underground. Each purchase Close to the Earth: This talent allows you to heal
gives your AC a +1. That AC bonus, however, is naturally underground at double your normal
for all situations, whether the attacker is coming rate. Considering the access to healing magics
from behind, has surprised you, or even if you and potions in a typical HackMaster game, this
are unconscious. There are several class/package talent does almost no good whatsoever.
combinations which allow you to purchase this
talent at a reduced price; seriously consider it Engineering Bonus. +10% to all engineering
under discounted conditions. checks is almost pointless. The Engineering skill
can be purchased cheaply, and Opportunist gives
Reduced Facing: Small characters already have an a +5% to all those checks along with every other
advantage in regards to the number of creatures one.
which can attack them at once. A gnome titan
with this talent can hold out against a great many Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-
foes for considerably longer period of time. tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
Unyielding: Gnome Titans make great fighters, generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
but their lack of hitpoints is a concern. Especially gets you both of them.
when it comes to threshold of pain. By taking
Unyielding you help mitigate this weakness by in- High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-
creasing the TOP of your Gnome Titan fighter. ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 17 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acrobatic Skill Suite 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 High Spell-Jacker 5 Magic-User group SSG54
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Keen Sight (Long Distance) 5 All PHB339
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Arcane Swindler 6 MU group, Bards, Non-Lawful only SSG54 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Less Sleep 5 All PHB339
Balance Bonus 10 All PHB337 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Bloodline 5 Magic-User group SSG54 Mnemonically Gifted 15 All SSG54
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Bow Bonus 5 All PHB337 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Perfect Grooming 2 All GG69
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Photographic Memory 5 All ZG75/PHB339
Cold Resistance 5 All PHB338 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Precise Targeting 5 Magic-User group SSG55
Counter Speller 15 Magic-User group SSG55 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Courage 4 All ZG73 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Cower 5 All GG68 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Learner 5 All SSG55
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Detect Secret Doors 5 All PHB338 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Resistance 5 All PHB340
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Eagle Eye 4 All SSG54 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Spell Razor 15 Magic-User group SSG55
Expert Cheater 5 Thief group GG68 Still Casting 15 Magic-User group SSG55
Fast Cast 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Sword Bonus 5 All PHB340
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Take After (elf/human) 30 All GMG
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Forest Fighting 3 All CG57 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Forgettable Face 5 All GG69 Voiceless Casting 20 Magic-User group SSG55
Heat Resistance 5 All PHB339 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-
tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
gets you both of them.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.

If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent

selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-,, or e-mail me directly at

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 18 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Balance Bonus 10 All PHB337 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Opportunist (skill/trait) 5 All PHB339
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Brewing 5 All PHB337 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Prudish 5 All ZG75
Courage 4 All ZG73 Puritanical 10 All ZG75
Cower 5 All GG68 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Dagger Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Detect Evil 5 All PHB338 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Taunt 5 All PHB340
Expert Haggler 5 All PHB338 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Forest Fighting 3 All CG57 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
Hide 10 All PHB339 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Opportunist is, without a doubt, the single best
talent in HackMaster. For 5 BP you get +5% to
any d100 roll. This will save your ass on many oc-
casions. No halfling should be without.

Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-

tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
gets you both of them.

If your character has the Gambling Addiction

or Alcoholic quirks, concider investing in the Pu-
ritanical talent, especially if they have low wisdom
scores. For 2 BPs more than you gained for the
flaw you gain a decent protection against it as
well as protection against high comlieness. If you
have both quirks, this talent is a must-have.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.

If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent

selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-,, or e-mail me directly at

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 19 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Active Sense of Smell 5 All PHB337 Good Immune System 5 All GG69
Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 Hardy Traveler 5 All CG57
Acute Taste 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 High Tolerance 5 All GG69
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Attack Bonus 5 All PHB337 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Mace Bonus 5 All PHB339
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Mountain Fighting 3 All CG58
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Courage 4 All ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Cower 5 All GG68 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Critical Hit Bonus 4 Fighter group CG57 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Damage Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Damage Cap Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Dense Skin 10 All PHB338 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Take After (human) 30 All GMG72
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Endurance 5 All PHB338 Thick Headed 5 All CG58
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Fireborn 15 All COB123 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Think long and hard about taking Acute (high)
Alertness. It gives you a 1 in 10 chance of being
surprised, and you have Active Sense of Smell in-
nate, which gives you a leg up on the competition
in the form of a +1 on your surprise roll. Baring
modifiers, you’ve got a 0 in 10 chance of being

Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-

tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
gets you both of them.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.

If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent

selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-,, or e-mail me directly at

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 20 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Active Sense of Smell 5 All PHB337 High Tolerance 5 All GG69
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mace Bonus 5 All PHB339
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Courage 4 All ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Cower 5 All GG68 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Critical Hit Bonus 4 Fighter group CG57 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Damage Bonus 5 All PHB338 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Damage Cap Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Dense Skin 0 All PHB338 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Take After (human) 30 All GMG72
Endurance 5 All PHB338 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Thick Headed 5 All CG58
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Tough Hide 0 All PHB340
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58
Good Immune System 5 All GG69 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Hardy Traveler 5 All CG57 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Both Damage Bonus and Mace Bonus stack with
your innate +1 to hit and damage with one weap-
on, so if you take the talent, make sure you take it
in the same weapon. Don’t bother taking both of
them: It’s much better to invest the BPs directly
in strength. 10 BP (from Damage Bonus and Mace
Bonus) in strength will up both your to-hit and
damage by +1 to all weapons, not just maces.

If you’re really desperate to be less surprised,

Active Sense of Smell gives you a +1 on your sur-
prise rolls. If not, don’t bother. The 5 BPs are
much better spent elsewhere.

Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab At-

tacks are, for the price, indispensable to any thief.
These are abilities you have to buy at character
generation or you will never have, and just 3 BPs
gets you both of them.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.

If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent

selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-,, or e-mail me directly at

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 21 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acrobatic Skill Suite 5 All PHB337 Keen Sight (Long Distance) 5 All PHB339
Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 Knack for Languages 3 All GG69
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Arcane Swindler 6 MU group, Bards, Non-Lawful only SSG54 Less Sleep 5 All PHB339
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Attack Bonus 5 All PHB337 Lucky 5 All CG57
Attack Higher Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Magically Efficient 4 All SSG54
Balance Bonus 10 All PHB337 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Martial Tradition 4 Magic-User group SSG54
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Bloodline 5 Magic-User group SSG54 Mnemonically Gifted 15 All SSG54
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Opportunist (skill/trait) 5 All PHB339
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Pain Resistance 6 All CG58
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Perfect Grooming 2 All GG69
Counter Speller 15 Magic-User group SSG55 Photographic Memory 5 All ZG75/PHB339
Courage 4 All ZG73 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Cower 5 All GG68 Precise Targeting 5 Magic-User group SSG55
Critical Hit Bonus 4 Fighter group CG57 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Prophesy 12 Cleric group ZG75
Damage Cap Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Prudish 5 All ZG75
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Puritanical 10 All ZG75
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Defend Bigger Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Detect Secret Doors 5 All PHB338 Quick Learner 5 All SSG55
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Eagle Eye 4 All SSG54 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Resistance 5 All PHB340
Endurance 5 All PHB338 School Resistant 8 Magic-User group SSG55
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Experience Bonus 10 All PHB338 Seeking Grasping Hands 5 All PHB340
Expert Cheater 5 Thief group GG68 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Fast Cast 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Fireborn 15 All COB123 Spell Razor 15 Magic-User group SSG55
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 Still Casting 15 Magic-User group SSG55
Forgettable Face 5 All GG69 Superior Meditation 3 Magic-User group SSG55
Good Immune System 5 All GG69 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Grace Under Pressure 5 All PHB339 Thick Headed 5 All CG58
Hardy Traveler 5 All CG57 Tough Hide 10 All PHB340
High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17 Unyielding 10 Fighter group CG58
High Spell-Jacker 5 Magic-User group SSG54 Vigor 9 All ZG75
High Tolerance 5 All GG69 Voiceless Casting 20 Magic-User group SSG55
Hit Point Bonus 10 All PHB339 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
Item Savant 5 Magic-User group SSG54 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Opportunist is, without a doubt, the single best tal- gives you a 1 in 10 chance of being surprised.
ent in HackMaster. For 5 BP you get +5% to any d100 Perfect Grooming basically ups your com eliness by If your character has the Gambling Addiction or Al-
roll. This will save your ass on many occasions. No Less sleep is a very useful talent, although it’s useful- one for half price. It’s not compatible with the Shav- coholic quirks, concider investing in the Puritanical tal-
human should be without. ness for spell casters diminishes after they get access ing/Grooming skill (and costs twice the price), but ent, especially if they have low wisdom scores. For 2
to 3rd level spells. But the ability to only sleep for then, you don’t have to pay the monthly upkeep cost BPs more than you gained for the one quirk, you gain
Lucky is second only to Opportunist for humans. 4 hours is extremely useful for keeping guard shifts either. a decent protection against it as well as protection
You’ll get the most bang for your buck if you put it etc. against high comlieness. If you have both quirks, this
in d20s, but if you use another dice a lot consider Magic Trap Sense and Simultaneous Backstab Attacks talent is a must-have.
taking that. Photographic Memory is a must-have for magic-users are, for the price, indispensable to any thief. These
and bards, and highly useful for anyone else as well. are abilities you have to buy at character generation If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent selection,
For a thief, Astute Observation is great. For anyone A perfect memory has so many uses, it’s difficult to or you will never have, and just 3 BPs gets you both contact me (Legba) on the forums at, hack-
else, invest in Acute (high) Alertness. Either way, 5 BP list them all. of them., or e-mail me directly at

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 22 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.

Talent BP Available To Page Talent BP Available To Page

Acrobatic Skill Suite 5 All PHB337 High Heel Walking 2 All HJ8p17
Acute (high) Alertness 5 All PHB337 Hit Point Bonus 10 All PHB339
Ambidextrous 5 All PHB337 Keen Sight (Long Distance) 5 All PHB339
Aquatic Background 4 All CG57 Ladies Man 5 All KODT64p38
Astute Observation 5 All PHB337 Legacy 10 All ZG74
Attack Bonus 5 All PHB337 Life Smite 6 Cleric group ZG74
Blind Casting 10 Magic-User group SSG54 Magic Bonus 5 All PHB339
Blind Fighting 10 All PHB337 Magic Trap Sense 1 Thief group GG69
Blood Turning 10 Cleric group ZG73 Mass Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74
Breath Weapon Bonus 4 All GG68 Multiattack Bonus 5 Fighter group CG58
Burst of Speed 10 All ZG73 Paralyzation Bonus 4 All ZG74
Called Shot Bonus 5 Fighter group CG57 Poison Bonus 5 All ZG74
Concentration 20 Cleric group ZG73 Precision Casting 5 Cleric group ZG74
Courage 4 All ZG73 Quick Casting 5 Cleric group ZG75
Cower 5 All GG68 Quick Change 4 All CG58
Curse Resistance 6 All ZG73 Quick Movement 5 All GG69
Deadeye 8 All KODT64p38 Quick Thinking 4 All SSG55
Death Magic Bonus 6 All ZG73 Receptive Healer 6 All ZG75
Divination 13 Cleric group with divination magic ZG73 Reduced Facing 4 All ZG75
Divine Shield 6 Cleric group ZG73 Second Sight 5 All ZG75
Divine Smite 11 Cleric group ZG74 Sibling Empathy 10 All PHB340
Elemental Resistance 5 All ZG74 Simultaneous Backstab Attacks 2 Thief group GG69
Enhanced Turning 7 Cleric group ZG74 Sixth Sense 5 All PHB340
Faerie Kind Martial Arts 5 All PHB338 Thick Blood 5 All ZG75
Fast Turning 5 Cleric group ZG74 Vigor 9 All ZG75
Flutter 2 All PHB338 Names in italics refer to talents which the race has at least one level of innate. This does not mean
Follow-Through Healing 4 Cleric group ZG74 that you cannot purchase the talent again, but sometimes it is redundant.

Skills and Talents Advice PHB, ZG, CG, SSG, GG

Few pixie-fairies should be without Faerie Kind If you have any tips or ideas on skill and talent
Martial Arts. The +2 cancels out any penalties to selection, contact me (Legba) on the forums at ken-
hit or damage, or adds a bonus at a far cheaper,, or e-mail me directly at
cost than adding to your strength.
Note that the talent has been errataed: The
+2 to hit and damage doesn’t apply when casting
spells. As such it’s a lot less usefull for magic-us-

As long as you didn’t do something silly like

trade away your Emphkrin tattoo, a pixie-fairy is
never surprised by living creatures.
As such, Acute (high) Alertness and Astute Ob-
servation are less useful than for other races, but
Astute Observation still gives thieves a nice bonus
and Acute (high) Alertness still gives you an 8 in 10
chance of knowing when something is going on
while you’re sleeping.You know, in case you don’t
trust your adventuring party.

Magic Trap Sense is indispensable to any thief. If

you don’t spend the 1 BP at character generation,
you will never be able to find magical traps.Tough
noogins, huh?

The same is true for Simultaneous Backstab At-

tacks, but as a pixie-fairy, you probably won’t be
doing too many backstabs with two weapons.

Instead, a pixie-fairy thief should take Flutter.

Using the move silently skill when flying is invalu-
able, especially since any self-respecting pixie-
fairy will spend most his time flying anyway.

Unlike Death Magic Bonus, Magic Bonus pro-

tects you from all spell effects and costs 1 BP
less. However, Death Magic Bonus also gives you a
bonus to your Threshold of Pain check, and with
a pixie-fairy’s low hitpoints, it can come in usefull
to pixie-fairies who engage in melee.

High Heel Walking is an excellent talent for up-

ping your charisma, and doesn’t distinguish be-
tween male or female characters, although your
GM may feel otherwise.

Compiled by Emanuel Nordrum. For free distribution only. 23 Version 2.0.2., updated on 07/Aug/05. See for new updates.
Weapon BP Relevant Abilities Dice Cost Diff. Classes Course Prerequisite Check Req. Page
Advanced Single Weapon Fighting 1 NA NA 850 gp +10% Fighter No Never CG58
Advanced Two-Handed Fighting 1 NA NA 850 gp +10% Fighter No Never CG58
Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting 1 NA NA 850 gp +10% Fighter Basic Proficiency Never CG58
Advanced Weapon and Shield Fighting 1 NA NA 850 gp +10% Fighter Basic Proficiency Never CG58
Basic Proficiency (per weapon) 1 NA NA 600 gp +5% All No Never PHB102
Grand Mastery (only one) 1 - NA NA 4,200 gp +20% Fi. class High Mastery Never PHB102
Grenade-like Missiles 1 NA NA 600 gp +5% Cleric No Never ZG75
High Mastery (only one) 1 - NA NA ? ? Fi. class Weapon Mastery Never PHB102
Improved Backstab 1 NA NA 600 gp +5% Thief Backstab ability Never GG69
Punching Specialization 2 1 NA NA ? ? All No Never CG106
Quick Draw (weapon) 1 NA NA 600 gp +5% Fighter Basic Proficiency in relevant weapon Never CG58
Shield Proficiency 5 NA NA 850 gp +10% Thief No Never GG69
Specialization (only one) 3 1 NA NA 850 gp +10% Fi. class Basic Proficiency Never PHB102
Two-Shield Style 1 NA NA 1,500 gp +15% Fi, Th Shield Proficiency Never GG69
Weapon Mastery (only one) 1 - NA NA 1,500 gp +15% Fi. class Specialization Never PHB102
Wrestling Specialization 2 1 NA NA ? ? All No Never CG107

There’s a minimum level required to take these skills. As such, there is no BP cost.
Special rules apply to selecting the Punching Specialization and Wrestling Specialization proficiencies. They do not count as a specialization. Any class may take one of the two, but cannot take both. Multi-
classed and single-classed fighter group characters may take both, but may only take one of them at first level. Single-classed characters from the fighter group may take the proficiencies several times for
added benefit, but may only take one level in one of them at first level. Single-classed fighter group characters are the only ones allowed to take more than one level of either skill, and may take them as well
as their normal weapon specialization. These are interpretations of the rules, which are rather vague. For the exact wordings, see CG106. Also note that there are no official numbers for the proficiencies,
including BP cost -- the 1 BP listed is the cost HMTK uses.
Nominally only the Fighter class is allowed Specialization, but there are multiple exceptions. Check the relevant class or package description for information.


Arcane Skills

Arcane Knowledge BP Relevant Abilities Dice Cost Diff. Classes Course Prerequisite Check Req. Page
Arcane Lore 5 INT 1d6 500 gp +20% All No Normal PHB313
Divine Lore 5 WIS 1d6 450 gp +20% All Religion (General) Normal PHB313
Spellcraft 2 INT 1d4 500 gp +25% All Arcane Lore Always PHB313


Subject Matter BP Relevant Abilities Dice Cost Diff. Classes Course Prerequisite Check Req. Page
Administration 1 (INT+WIS)/2 1d6 475 gp +10% All Leadership, Committee Normal PHB313
Agriculture 1 WIS 1d10 250 gp - All No Normal PHB313
Alchemy 7 INT 1d6 400 gp +5% All No Normal PHB313

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