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Option Explicit

' Globals
Dim ObjShell, ObjFS

Dim manual,targetDir

Set ObjShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")

Set ObjFS = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Regular Expressions

Dim RegExFolderPart, RegExExtensionPart, RegExIsManifest

Set RegExFolderPart = New RegExp

RegExFolderPart.Pattern = "^.*\\"
RegExFolderPart.Global = True
RegExFolderPart.IgnoreCase = True
RegExFolderPart.MultiLine = False

Set RegExExtensionPart = New RegExp

RegExExtensionPart.Pattern = "\.[^.\\]+$"
RegExExtensionPart.Global = True
RegExExtensionPart.IgnoreCase = True
RegExExtensionPart.MultiLine = False

Set RegExIsManifest = New RegExp

RegExIsManifest.Pattern = ".+\.man$"
RegExIsManifest.Global = True
RegExIsManifest.IgnoreCase = True
RegExIsManifest.MultiLine = False

' There is no convenient way to check whether WScript is defined.

' This code captures the possible undefined error to perform the check.
On Error Resume Next
manual = Not WScript Is Nothing
If Err.Number = 0 Then
manual = True
manual = False
End If
On Error Goto 0

'''''''''''''''''''''' Manual Execution ''''''''''''''''''''''

If True = manual Then

Dim ObjCommandLine
Dim result

Set ObjCommandLine = WScript.Arguments

' Check parameters

If( 2 <> ObjCommandLine.Count ) Then
End If

targetDir = objFS.GetAbsolutePathName(ObjCommandLine(1))

' Perform operation

If "install" = ObjCommandLine(0) Then
result = ForEachManifest( GetRef("InstallProvider") )
ElseIf "uninstall" = ObjCommandLine(0) Then
result = ForEachManifest( GetRef("UninstallProvider") )
result = 1
End If


End If

'''''''''''''''''''''' Subroutines ''''''''''''''''''''''

' Print usage syntax

Function PrintUsage()

WScript.Echo( "ETWProviderInstall.vbs installs and uninstalls the Microsoft
Windows Setup ETW" + VbCR + VbLF + _
"Provider Manifests necessary to decode setup.etl files on
computers running" + VbCR + VbLF + _
"Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows Server 2008." +
VbCR + VbLF + _
"" + VbCR + VbLF + _
"Usage: ETWProviderInstall.vbs { install | uninstall } <provider
directory>" + VbCR + VbLF + _
" install - installs the providers" + VbCR + VbLF + _
" uninstall - uninstalls the providers" + VbCR + VbLF + _
" provider directory - a relative or absolute path to the
directory containing" + VbCR + VbLF + _
" the provider manifests and resources." + VbCR + VbLF + _
"" )
End Function

' Install Providers

Function InstallProviders
targetDir = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
ForEachManifest( GetRef("InstallProvider") )
End Function

' Uninstall Providers

Function UninstallProviders

' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal

If False = manual Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
targetDir = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
ForEachManifest( GetRef("UninstallProvider") )

On Error Goto 0

End Function

' Enumerates over the provider manifests

Function ForEachManifest( performAction )
Dim ObjCD, ObjFiles, File

' Remove possible trailing backslash

If Right(targetDir, 1) = "\" Then
targetDir = Left(targetDir, Len(targetDir) - 1)
End If

Set ObjCD = ObjFs.GetFolder( targetDir )

Set ObjFiles = ObjCD.Files

For Each File In ObjFiles
If RegExIsManifest.Test( ) Then
ForEachManifest = performAction( File.path )
If ForEachManifest <> 0 AND manual Then
WScript.Echo(" Failed on " & & " with error code " &
Exit For
End If
End If

End Function

' Install an ETW Provider

Function InstallProvider( manifestName )
Dim fixedManifest

fixedManifest = FixManifest( manifestName )

If Not fixedManifest = "" Then

InstallProvider = ObjShell.Run( "wevtutil im """ & fixedManifest & """", 0,
True )
ObjFS.DeleteFile( fixedManifest )
InstallProvider = 1
End If

End Function

' Uninstall an ETW Provider

Function UninstallProvider( manifestName )
UninstallProvider = ObjShell.Run( "wevtutil um """ & manifestName & """", 0,
True )
End Function
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Function FixManifest( manifestName )
Dim ObjDom, ObjNodes, ObjNode, ObjAttributes
Dim fixedName, messageFileName, resourceFileName

Set ObjDom = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")

ObjDom.async = false
ObjDom.resolveExternals = false
ObjDom.validateOnParse = false

If Not ObjDom.load( manifestName ) Then

FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If

Set ObjNodes = ObjDom.SelectNodes("//*/provider")

If ObjNodes Is Nothing Then

FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If

For Each ObjNode In ObjNodes

Set ObjAttributes = ObjNode.attributes

messageFileName = ObjAttributes.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
resourceFileName = ObjAttributes.getNamedItem("resourceFileName").nodeValue

messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, targetDir +

"\" )
resourceFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( resourceFileName, targetDir +
"\" )

' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs

' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName,
"etw.dll" )
End If

If 0 = InStr( resourceFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then

resourceFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( resourceFileName,
"etw.dll" )
End If

ObjNode.SetAttribute "messageFileName", messageFileName

ObjNode.SetAttribute "resourceFileName", resourceFileName

fixedName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( manifestName,

ObjShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""

If fixedName ) Then

FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If

FixManifest = fixedName
End Function

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