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Directorate: Curriculum FET

SUBJECT AND Consumer Studies: Grade 10

TERM 1 Week 2
TOPIC Consumer Studies as a subject: The Consumer?
AIMS OF LESSON You will know:
- What is Consumer Studies?
- Who and what is a consumer?
- Consumer needs and wants.
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
- Consumer rights and responsibilities.
- Terminology of The Consumer
RESOURCES Paper based resources Digital resources
Textbooks (Oxford, Focus, • Power Points 1-4
Additional textbook – The Answer Series study guide (for • Links in activity column.
• Terminology document
• Articles in magazines-/pictures
• Work sheets and memoranda.
• Previous exam question papers and memoranda

INTRODUCTION Power point 1- 3:

• When looking at the first few slides, ask youself about what you think the subject is about.
• By looking at the slides, can you identify the differnt career possibilities.
• Explain what are the advantages of taking the subject.
Directorate: Curriculum FET

CONCEPTS AND Lesson presentation: Do you know the

SKILLS Look at the terminology of the consumer following?

The aim of Consumer Studies is to: 1. What is Consumer

1. Develop responsible and informed consumer decisions as well as to Studies?
establish the optimal use of resources. 2. What does it
What is Consumer Studies: 3. The terminology
2. Production and marketing of quality products by means of used in the subject.
entrepreneurial skills. 4. The definition of a
3. Both of the above focus areas are applicable to food, housing, and consumer and
household appliances. examples to
identify the
What are you going to learn in Consumer Studies? consumer.
5 Topics: 5. Consumer needs
1. The consumer and wants.
2. Food and Nutrition 6. Maslow hieraghy of
3. Clothing needs
4. Housing and Interior • 5 levels
5. Entrepreneurship • Lower levels are
more important
Practical Options: than higher
You have a choice from the following options: levels
- Food Production; Soft Furnishings; Clothing; Patchwork and Quilting; 7. The Rights and
Knitting and Crocheting. Responsibilities of
In all these options, you will be taught how to: the consumer.
Directorate: Curriculum FET

- Produce quality and marketable products or items.

- The criteria of quality products or items.

Advantages of consumer education:

➢ Encourage consumers to evaluate products and services.
➢ Provide consumers with skills to enable them to change their
lifestyle and to take responsibility for their choices.
➢ To develop responsible consumer behavior, e.g., drawing up a
budget, savings, responsible use of credit transactions, payment of
➢ Teach learners what their responsibilities are.
➢ Give consumers the confidence to take part in the community and
play an active role as citizen of the country.

Consumer education enhances the community as follow:

➢ Increases the understanding between consumers and producers.
➢ Consumers become aware of the social influence their choices
have on available resources.
➢ Empower consumers to make decisions that will bring about
changes and improve the lives of others.
➢ Promotes consumer activism that will lead to improvement of
products and services; refuse to buy unsafe products; refuse to buy
products that were produced in an unhuman way; producers are
obligated to improve work circumstances.
Directorate: Curriculum FET

Consumer education can have advantages for the economy of the

country and businesses because:
➢ Knowledgeable consumers make better choices and have more
realistic expectations of products and services.
➢ Educated consumers have higher expectations which has a
positive influence on competition as companies will want to
improve the products and services.
➢ Businesses can experience an increase in turnover of good quality
products and services that will satisfy the needs of the consumer.
➢ They will be able to identify opportunities to create useful ideas in
the practice.
➢ It requires driving force and willingness to take risks.
➢ Identify potential profitable business.
➢ The ability to deliver goods and services to enrich the lives of others.
➢ Has a positive influence on economic stability; provides new
products and services to make our lives comfortable; makes us
more productive; improves our health and creates new ways to
entertain us.
AKTIVITIES/ • Paste the list terminology document in your workbook at home.
ASSESSMENTS • Summarize the chapter of the textbook and answer the questions,
“What is Consumer Studies/The Consumer” Use Power point 1-3.
• Complete the activities on Worksheets (photocopies of power point)/Power Point 4 – re. above
content, complete in your workbook at home.
• Answer the activities on worksheets -teacher make copies beforehand (power point
presentation 4, complete it as homework in their workbooks/learners also use magazines to
depict Maslow’s hierarchy and to cut out articles about Consumerism and paste/answer it into
their work books.
• Click on the link to access the Power Points.
Directorate: Curriculum FET
• Exam questions and memoranda about “The Consumer”.
CONSOLIDATION • Go through the exam questions on your own or with your friends.
• Ask your teacher to teach you how to interpret questions and how to answer them.
• Ask your teacher to explain what Bloom’s taxonomy is and how it is integrated in the questions.
• Reflect on this lesson after you have worked through the questions.
• Note down areas where you still struggle and share these with your teacher.

• Consumer Studies teaches us to make informed decisions and to use resources optimally in
VALUES order to improve our well-being.
• It lets you know about your rights and responsibilities, also how to be independent and to make
a variety of products and to market them well.
• It also allows you to know about your rights and to know that just as you have rights, along with
that you have responsibilities.
• It teaches one to be independent in making and marketing different products.

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