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बुलंद 1 Straight Lines: Basics

बुलंद 2 Section Formula

P (x1, y1) R (x, y) Q (x2, y2)

R (x, y) P (x1, y1) Q (x2, y2)

For convenience, if ratio is to be found we assume it as k : 1 instead of m : n

Find the Point which divides A(2,-1) and B(1,3) externally in ratio 2:3
बुलंद 3 Area of Triangle

P (x1, y1)

Q (x2, y2) R (x3, y3)

बुलंद 4 Collinearity of 3 Points
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बुलंद 5 Area of Quadrilateral

S (x4, y4) R (x3, y3)

P (x1, y1)
Q (x2, y2)
बुलंद 6 4 Important Points

Point of Intersection of




बुलंद 7 4 Important Points: Centroid

A (x1, y1)

B (x2, y2) C (x3, y3)

बुलंद 8 Properties of Centroid

● Centroid divides the triangle into 6 triangles of equal areas

● Centroid divides median in 2:1 ratio from vertex

बुलंद 9 4 Important Points: Incenter

A (x1, y1)

Note: Incenter is equidistant from all

3 sides of triangle
B (x2, y2) C (x3, y3)
बुलंद 10 Properties of Incenter

r = ∆/s
बुलंद 11 4 Important Points: Circumcenter

A (x1, y1)

Circumradius, R = abc/4∆

B (x2, y2) C (x3, y3)

बुलंद 12 4 Important Points: Orthocenter

A (x1, y1)

B (x2, y2) C (x3, y3)

बुलंद 13 Special Cases
बुलंद 14 Important Note

● For any triangle Orthocentre (H), Centroid (G), Circumcentre (O)

are collinear and centroid divides orthocentre and circumcentre in
the ratio 2 : 1 internally

● For isosceles triangle centroid, circumcentre, orthocentre and

incentre are collinear
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A (1, 2)

B (5, -7) A (6, 8)

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बुलंद 15 How to find Locus

1. Assume the coordinates of the point whose locus is to be

determined as (h, k)

1. Use Mathematical condition given in the question to find

relation between h and k

1. Eliminate other variables except h and k

1. Replace h → x and k → y
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बुलंद 16 Perpendicular Distance
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बुलंद 17 Parametric Equation of SL
बुलंद 18 Image and Foot of Perpendicular

Image of Point in Straight Line

Foot of Perpendicular of Point in Straight Line

The image of the point (3, 5) in the line x - y + 1 = 0, lies on :

A. (x - 2)2 + (y – 4)2 = 4
JEE M 2021
B. (x – 4)2 + (y + 2)2 = 16

C. (x – 4)2 + (y - 4)2 = 8

D. (x - 2)2 + (y - 2)2 = 12
बुलंद 19 Family of Straight Lines

Equation of line passing through the intersection of L1 & L2 is given by L1 +λ L2 =0

Find the equation of SL passing through point of intersection of 3x+4y+1=0
and 2x+3y=7 such that
1. It also passes through (1, 3)
2. Is parallel to x axis
A variable line ax + by + c = 0 passes through a fixed point if a, b, c are in
arithmetic progression. Find the fixed point.
Consider the set of all lines px + qy + r = 0 such that 3p + 2q + 4r = 0. Which
one of the following statements is true?
A. The lines are concurrent at the point (¾, ½)

B. Each line passes through the origin.

C. The lines are all parallel

D. The lines are not concurrent.

बुलंद 20 Equation of Angle Bisector
बुलंद 21 Identifying Angle Bisector Containing Origin
बुलंद 22 Identifying Acute and Obtuse Angle Bisector
The equation of the bisector of the lines
3x - 4y + 1 = 0 and 5x + 12y - 11 = 0 which do not contain origin is

A. 7x - 56y + 34 = 0

B. 32x + 4y - 21=0

C. 3x + 7y + 11 = 0

D. 16x - 3y + 7 = 0
The equation of the bisector of the acute angle between the lines
3x - 4y + 7 = 0 and 12x + 5y - 2 = 0 is

A. 21x + 77y - 101 = 0

B. 11x - 3y + 9 = 0

C. 21x + 77y + 101 = 0

D. 11x - 3y - 9 = 0
बुलंद 23 Pair of Straight Lines
बुलंद 24 General Equation of Pair of Straight Lines

will represent pair of straight line if

बुलंद 25 Pair of Straight Lines Passing Through Origin

General Equation of POSL passing through origin

बुलंद 26 How to Factorise Pair of SL

Method to factorise is put y = mx

Example : 12x² – 20xy + 7y2 = 0
बुलंद 27 Angle Between Pair of SL
बुलंद 28 Special Cases

The condition that these lines are :

1. At right angles to each other if a+b=0.

i.e. coefficient of x2 + coefficient of y2 = 0.

2. Coincident if h2 = ab.

3. Equally inclined to the axis of x if h = 0. i.e. coeff. of xy = 0.

बुलंद 29 Angle Bisector between Pair of SL
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बुलंद 30 Perpendicular Distance of Point from Pair of SL

Product of perpendiculars from Point (x1, y1) to

बुलंद 31 Homogenisation
Find the value of 'm' if the lines joining the origin to the points common to x 2
+ y2 + x - 2y - m = 0 & x + y = 1 are at right angles.
If the straight line joining origin and the points of intersection of the curve
5x2 +12xy-6y2+4x-2y+3=0 and x + ky - 1 = 0 are equally inclined to coordinate
axes then find k

A. 1

B. -1

C. 2

D. None
बुलंद 32 Equation of Circle
बुलंद 33 General Equation of Circle
बुलंद 34 Eqn of Circle in Diameter Form
बुलंद 35 X and Y Intercept made by Circle
बुलंद 36 Chord of Circle
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बुलंद 37 Parametric Coordinates
बुलंद 38 Parametric Coordinates (Endpoints of Diameter)
Let PQ be a diameter of the circle x2 + y2 = 9. If α and β are the lengths of
the perpendiculars from P and Q on the straight line, x + y = 2 respectively,
then the maximum value of αβ is _
बुलंद 39 Position of Point w.r.t Circle

Discuss the position of the points (1, 2) and (6, 0) with respect to the circle
x2 + y2 - 4x + 2y - 11 = 0
बुलंद 40 Family of Circles: Case 1

The equation of the family of circles passing through the points of

intersection of two circles S1 = 0 & S2 = 0 is : S1 + λS2 = 0
बुलंद 41 Family of Circles: Case 2

The equation of the family of circles passing through the point of

intersection a circle S = 0 & a line L = 0 is given by S + λL = 0
बुलंद 42 Family of Circles: Case 3

The equation of a family of circles passing through two given points

(x1, y1) & (x2, y2) can be written in the form :
बुलंद 43 Family of Circles: Case 4

The equation of a family of circles touching a fixed line ax+by+c=0 at

the fixed point (x1, y1) is (x - x1)2 + (y - y1)2 + λ(ax+by+c) = 0, where K is
a parameter.
The circle passing through the intersection of the circles, x2 + y2 - 6x = 0 and
x2 + y2 - 4y = 0, having its centre on the line, 2x - 3y + 12 = 0, also passes
through the point :

A. (-1, 3)
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B. (-3, 6)

C. (-3, 1)

D. (1, -3)
The line x = y touches a circle at the point (1, 1). If the circle also passes
through the point (1, -3), then its radius is : JEE Main 2021

A. 3

B. 2√2

C. 2

D. 3√2
बुलंद 44 Conic Section
बुलंद 45 General Equation of any 2nd Degree Curve

Pair of SL

Circle Parabola Ellipse

h2 > ab
h=0 h2 = ab h2 < ab
a=b e=1 e<1
Which conic does 13x2 - 18xy + 37y2 + 2x + 14y - 2 = 0 represent?
बुलंद 46 Standard Parabola
बुलंद 47 #Kundli of Parabola

Standard Equation



Eqn of Directrix

Eqn of Axis of Parabola

Extremities of Latus Rectum

Length of Latus rectum(LR)

Eqn of tangent at vertex(T.A.V)

Parametric Coordinates
बुलंद 48 4 Different Orientations
बुलंद 49 #Kundli of all 4 Parabolas

Standard Equation






Tangent at vertex

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बुलंद 50 Kundli of Shifted Parabola
बुलंद 51 Chord of Parabola
Chord : Line segment joining two points on the curve
बुलंद 52 Focal Length
Focal Length: Length of any point on parabola from focus

(a, 0)
बुलंद 53 Focal chord of Parabola

Chord passing through Focus

(a, 0)
बुलंद 54 Length of Focal Chord

Length of focal chord

(a, 0)
If one end of a focal chord of the parabola, y2 = 16x is at (1, 4), then
the length of this focal chord is :
A. 25
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B. 22

C. 24

D. 20
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Check whether the point (3, 4) lies
inside or outside the parabola y2 = 4x.
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बुलंद 55 Standard Equation of Ellipse
बुलंद 56 Kundli of Ellipse
बुलंद 57 Kundli of Ellipse
बुलंद 58 Kundli of Ellipse
बुलंद 59 Kundli of Hyperbola
बुलंद 60 Kundli of Hyperbola
बुलंद 61 Kundli of Hyperbola
बुलंद 62 Important Note

1. The foci of a hyperbola and its

conjugate are concyclic and form the
vertices of a square.

1. If e1 & e2 are the eccentricities of the

hyperbola & its conjugate then
e1-2 + e2-2 = 1.
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बुलंद 63 Rectangular Hyperbola
बुलंद 64 #Kundli of Rectangular Hyperbola
बुलंद 65 #Kundli of Rectangular Hyperbola
Thank You #VCians

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