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Definition Premature separation of the Placenta partially or completely covers
placenta from the uterine wall. The the cervical opening.
blood may pool in the cul-de-sac of
Douglas. If blood cannot escape,
there is pain.
Onset Sudden Gradual or sudden
Bleeding Painful vaginal bleeding Painless vaginal bleeding
Hematoma The accumulated blood can form a No apparent hematoma.
retroplacental hematoma, which
exerts pressure on the surrounding
tissues. This will eventually
manifest Cullen’s sign.
Timing Usually occurs after 20 weeks of Typically identified in the second or
gestation third trimester
Pain Abdominal pain and uterine Usually no pain
Uterine Tone Increased uterine tone (rigid, hard Normal uterine tone
Fetal Heart Rate May show signs of distress or Usually normal unless severe
abnormalities hemorrhage
Risk Factors Hypertension, trauma, smoking, Previous placenta previa, multiple
multiple gestations, advanced pregnancies, advanced maternal age,
maternal age uterine surgery
Diagnosis Clinical assessment, ultrasound, and Ultrasound
fetal monitoring
Complications Shock, coagulation disorders, fetal Preterm birth, hemorrhage, placental
distress or death, maternal abruption, fetal growth restriction
Management Immediate medical intervention, Depends on gestational age and severity,
possible delivery, monitoring and may include bed rest, cesarean delivery
stabilization if necessary
Nursing 1. Monitor vital signs and 1. Monitor vital signs and fetal
Management fetal heart rate heart rate Assess and quantify
2. Assess and quantify vaginal vaginal bleeding
bleeding 2. Avoid vaginal examinations
3. Administer IV fluids and 3. Prepare for possible cesarean
blood products as needed delivery
4. Prepare for possible 4. Provide emotional support and
emergency delivery education to the patient and
5. Provide emotional support family
and education to the patient
and family
is a condition which vasospasm occurs during
• It is an abnormal proliferation and pregnancy in both small and large arteries.
degeneration of the trophoblastic villi,
they become filled with fluid and appear Pre Eclampsia
as graped-like vesicles.
▪ a pregnancy related disease process
Incidence: is 1 for every 1,500 pregnancy evidence by hpn and proteinuria
Risk factors: ▪ Also termed as Toxemia of pregnancy
1. Women older that 35 yrs old
2. Woman with low intake of protein Cause:
3. Hx of H mole ▪ Unknown
▪ Common in women younger than 20 and
Types: above 40 y/o
1. Complete ▪ Underlying diseases DM, heart disease
• All trophoblastic villi swell and becomes
cystic TYPES
• If embryo forms, it dies immediately
a. Gestational Hypertension
Chromosomes was only contributed by
▪ elevated blood pressure of 140/90 but has
the father or an empty ovum
no proteinuria or edema
2. Partial
▪ BP returns to normal after birth
• Some villi normally grow
▪ No drug therapy is necessary
• Fetal may grow about 9 weeks then
macerates b. Preeclampsia without severe features or PE
• mother’s chromosomes remain but there c mild feature
are 2 sets from the father, placenta and ▪ Blood pressure of 140/90 taken on 2
fetus are formed but failed to develop occasion with 6 hrs apart
• Rarely leads to chorio carcinoma ▪ or systolic elevated 30mmhg
▪ or diastolic pressure elevated 15 mmhg
Treatment: above pre pregnancy level,
▪ Suction curettage ▪ proteinuria of 1-2+, wt gain over 2 lbs per
▪ Test for HCG week in the 2nd tri and 1 lb per week in
o Analyzed every 2 wks until level 3rd tri
are normal, then every 4 wks for ▪ mild edema on the upper extremities or
6-12 mos (some have still (+) @ face
3 weeks/ ¼ @ 40 days)
▪ Declining result suggest no complication Management: usually managed at home
▪ While, 3x increase suggest malignancy 1. Promote bed rest
▪ Woman should use oral contraceptive for 2. Monitor anti platelet therapy
12 mos 3. Promote good nutrition
▪ After 6 months and HCG is negative, the 4. Provide emotional support
woman is free of malignancy
▪ METHOTREXATE is given as c. Preeclampsia with severe features
prophylactic o Early screening for next ➢ Blood pressure of 160/110;
pregnancy ➢ Proteinuria 3- 4+, on a random sample
and 5g on a 24 hr sample,
➢ Oliguria,
➢ Altered creatinine,
➢ Cerebral and visual disturbances,
➢ Epigastric pain, ▪ Vaginal birth with minimum anesthesia
➢ Extensive peripheral edema is ideal
▪ CS if fetal distress is imminent
▪ Bed rest
▪ Monitor maternal and fetal well being HELLP SYNDROME
▪ Provide nutritious diet
▪ Administer Medication to prevent Is a variation of the gestational hypertensive
eclampsia process named for symptoms that occur:
a. Hemolysis that leads to anemia
Magnesium Sulfate b. Elevated liver enzymes that lead to
Action: prevent convulsion epigastric pain
c. Low platelets lead to abnormal bleeding
Intervention before the administration:
▪ + deep tendon reflex o RR= above Incidence:
12bpm Occurs 4%-12% of patients who have elevated
▪ Urine output of 30 ml per hr blood pressure during pregnancy
▪ Therapeutic range: 5-8 mg/ml Occurs primigravida and multi
▪ Antidote: Calcium Gluconate
▪ Induced labor/CS if pregnancy is 36 wks Cause: unknown
and there is evidence of fetal lung
maturity Signs and Symptoms:
1. Proteinuria
d. Eclampsia 2. Edema
▪ seizure accompanied by S/Sx of pre 3. Hypertension
eclampsia 4. Nausea
▪ Usually happens at late pregnancy up to 5. Epigastric pain
48 hrs after childbirth 6. Right upper quadrant pain and tenderness
7. Bleeding
Signs and Symptoms before seizure
1. Increase in BP Complications:
2. Increase in Temp ▪ hyponatremia, renal failure,
3. Blurring of vision hypoglycemia, renal failure, cerebral
4. Decrease urinary output hemorrhage
5. Severe epigastric pain ▪ FETUS: IUGR & Preterm Labor

During Seizure: Treatment:

▪ Cyanosis ▪ Transfusion of Fresh plasma or Platelets
▪ Incontinence of urine and feces ▪ Intravenous glucose
▪ Mother delivers either vaginal or CS
Treatment/ Management:
▪ Tonic -Clonic seizure
▪ Maintain airway
▪ Prevent aspiration
▪ Monitor FHT
▪ Administer MgSO4 or Valium
▪ Monitor for Vaginal bleeding and uterine
▪ Decision about birth will be made soon
after seizure ( 12hrs-24 hrs)
CAESAREAN SECTION ▪ Estimated fetal size of over 9lbs(4.1kg).
A maternal disease or
It is a surgical delivery of an infant through an ▪ Condition that may be worsened by the
incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus stress of labor, such as diabetes.
▪ A placenta that is blocking the cervix
placenta previa
▪ Open sores from active genital herpes
▪ Severe pre-eclampsia
near the due the date
▪ Placental accidents
▪ Fetal distress
▪ Previous classic CS and elective CS=
1. Check vital signs, uterine contractions
done prior to onset of labor
and FHR
2. Physical examination; routine lab tests,
blood typing and cross matching
a. LOW-SEGMENT 3. Abdomino-perineal preparation
▪ “bikini” type, low transverse 4. Retention catheter is inserted to
▪ the best method of choice constantly drain the urine
▪ the incision is made in the lower uterine 5. Administer ATROPINE SULFATE. No
segment which is the thinnest and most narcotics are given bec. This can lead to
passive part during labor respiratory depression to the newborn


▪ Minimal blood loss ▪ Deep breathing, coughing exercises,
▪ Incision is easier to repair turning from side to side
▪ Lower incidence of postpartum infection ▪ Encourage ambulation after 12 hours as
▪ No possibility of uterine rupture tolerated
▪ Monitor vital signs
B. CLASSIC ▪ Watch for signs of hemorrhage
▪ vertical incision, recommended in a. Inspect lochia
bladder or lower uterine segment b. Check for involution
adhesions c. inspect operative site
Resulting from previous operations ▪ Encourage breastfeeding – 24 hours after
Low-lying/marginal placenta previa delivery
Fetal transverse lie
RISKS: ▪ Weight: 500 g
▪ Infection ▪ Diameter: 15-20cm
▪ Heavy blood loss >500 ml ▪ Thickness: 1.5-3cm
▪ A woman with previous CS has a lesser ▪ Extra large for DM, syphilis,
chance of delivering her next baby erythroblastosis

Medical reasons for planned caesarian section:
▪ A fetus in any position that is not head
▪ Decreased blood supply to the placenta
before birth
▪ The medical need to deliver and no
success with inducing labor

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