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波波老师剑桥雅思口语 99 句(背会提高 1 分)

 波波老师原创

1. I find it chic/practical/user-friendly/vital/amazing.
2. It’s an important opportunity to wind down/get close to nature/have a better
understanding of our own culture/smell the flowers/catch up with my friends/take up the
challenge/work out.
3. What I think is that travelling makes you more responsible and patient, because you need to
deal with a lot of things like language barriers.
4. It was such a warm day that I went for a stroll along the river and had a lunch in a café.
5. We did some sight-seeing in the ancient alleys where we ate and drank a lot.
6. The more time men spend in doing housework at home, the happier both partners will be.
7. I love my hometown because it was where I was born and grew up.
8. Every time I listen to her songs, I will be lost in it.
9. The book is beautifully written.
10. When I saw how happy Jenny was when she received my gift, it made my day as well.
11. It’s a lot more fun/meaningful/amusing/vibrant.
12. I t’s definitely worth it.
13. From what I’ve seen and read, I think that history has a direct impact on our lives.
14. What makes the piece of art so amazing is that it helps me reflect on my own life whenever I
look at it.
15. It gives me a sense of inner peace/excitement/relaxation/freedom/security.
16. If children’s decisions don’t accord with their parents ‘expectations, most Chinese
parents will not be supportive.
17. If fashion doesn’t keep changing all the time, it will not be called fashion anymore, which
really makes sense.
18. What I’m saying is that it has brought people closer together.
19. He is the person who rubs off on me positively.
20. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
21. It’s fair to say that today we can’t live without the Internet.
22. Although I don’t have a much better understanding of art, I find it pretty vital, because
without art, we would lose an important way to express our thoughts.
23. No matter what my situation in life will be, there will always be a way to succeed if I put all my
heart and energy into it.
24. It is common that young people wear fancy jewelry.
25. I’d say that teenagers don’t have to worry about anything except making good grades.
26. It’s clear that travelling offers the best way to gain an insight into other cultures. I mean, the
more we understand about a different culture, the more open-minded we will become.
27. It seems that teachers have greater opportunities to fundamentally make the world a better
28. It can be pretty annoying/fun/different/unique.
29. It’s something I need to get better at.
30. If you want to excel in using a language, the number one priority is that you need to get the
hang of grammar and lexical resource, because it will help you understand how to use a
language like a native speaker.
31. It’s not as popular as it used to be.
32. As long as it brings some positive value to me, I’d say it’s definitely worthwhile.
33. Since wherever we look nowadays, there is something be advertised. It seems that we have
no choice but to see them.
34. It’s a place where people do exercise, get close to nature, and have fun.
35. It would be fantastic if I could make it.
36. The cake is not only tasty, but also special.
37. It depends on different situations.
38. The reason why I like the advertisement is that it made me think.
39. The moment I saw the piece of furniture, it caught the fancy of me.
40. We’d better encourage young children to do something straight away, instead of leaving it
to the last moment.
41. Whenever it rains, the traffic always seems to get a lot more congested.
42. Teenagers know exactly what is trending like pop culture and fashion.
43. It’s almost impossible going anywhere without seeing an advertisement of some sort.
44. Most people spend too much time sitting in front of my computer rather than going out and
45. The Internet has created a global village where everyone can easily and cheaply contact
almost anyone in the world,just to chat or to do business or to find love.
46. It’s not something I get to do a lot.
47. It’s been when I’m on a holiday somewhere.
48. Since modern people are pretty busy, we don’t have chances to see our neighbours.
49. It’s a place where I’m able to fix my mind on reading.
50. What looks best on me is silvery jewelry.
51. One day my nephew performed water ballet in a swimming pool, which cracked me up.
52. We hit it off when we met each other.
53. The first time I went on a mountain trek was two years ago, I never imagined that it would be
such an incredible experience.
54. In order to make doing housework more thrilling, I just inject more fun into exercise like
putting on some pop or dance music. And I feel more powerful and sweatier.
55. Before I start a journey, I will pack my bags and try to get an idea of the place I am going to
visit in advance like doing a research online.
56. What makes online shopping so good is that it provides a great variety of shops and it saves
you much time.
57. The root of the problem is that everyone is hunger for a higher standard of living. I mean,
people can enjoy the convenience and comfort of travelling around in cars.
58. Chinese school children are made to learn ancient poems by Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei so
well that many years afterwards they still know many of them off by heart.
59. I was not so good at organizing time, but after attending some online courses about time
management, I am getting hang of it now. For instance, I know how to enhance the efficiency
of learning.
60. Actually, I get really stressed working in a big city, always rushing around getting stuck in
traffic. So I'd love to move to a small village where it's really tranquil.
61. The best time of the day to study is in the early morning, just after dawn. This is the quietest
time of the day and I am able to really get into what I'm studying.
62. I think art is exceedingly important in life, especially today. People need to see the beauty in
their lives. Art is fascinating and can inspire us to think more deeply and reflect on life.
63. When I was a kid all restaurants were quite cheap and simple, but now a wide range of
elegant Chinese and international restaurants line every street.
64. The young normally listen to pop, rock, hip-pop or live music whereas older people tend to
listen to more traditional music like folk, opera or old songs.
65. It is essential for giving children a sense of identity and unity if they wear school uniform.
66. It seems to me that many people, especially younger people, are very vulnerable, particularly
in today's fast-paced competitive society.
67. There's a local magazine named Time Out that is full of events listings, advertisements and
reviews about the latest gigs, concerts, exhibitions and so on.
68. No matter what new skill I want to master, I just learn it by trial and error on my own. For
example, it took me almost a year to learn to swim.
69. Planning for life helps us be more positive. Take me for example, I would prefer to make a
new year resolution and try my best to make it come true.
70. The best thing to do would be to always allow lots of time to get anywhere.
71. One thing people could do is to trust their gut instinct more when making decisions.
72. Parents should give their children as much freedom as possible to do what they want, instead
of always telling them what to do.
73. It’s likely that students will run into a lot of problems if they don’t make plans.
74. People who have a positive outlook on life are more likely to be happy.
75. More people around the world are more prosperous now than in the past, which means they
can afford to eat better.
76. It’s much better to eat low-fat food, organic fruit and vegetables.
77. The most common causes of obesity are a diet high in fat and sugar and a lack of exercise.
78. Most people work in offices so they just sit in a chair all day long and only move to go to the
79. Not only can schools offer a wide range of sports for children to play, but they can also teach
them about eating a balanced diet, and the negative effects of eating junk food and not
80. A good advertisement is one which makes you want to buy the product or service it’s
81. Books have been in existence for hundreds of years and we’ve been able to pass on
knowledge from generation to generation through books.
82. Libraries provide areas where you can sit down to read or study because the quiet
environment helps them get more work done.

83. People don’t really see their neighbours all that often nowadays, whereas in the past, they
used to do quite a lot of things together.
84. Home furniture tends to come in a much greater variety of styles than office furniture, simply
because most people want their homes to look unique.

85. If you get the style of furniture right, then you can make your home look really nice and cozy.

86. History makes us better appreciate everything we have around us, instead of just taking it for

87. Change is necessary, but it is also frightening. For this reason, people continue to rely on
their traditions to give them a sense of their roots and to remind them of where they've
come from.
88. I think the city is associated with work and the country with relaxation.
89. I think success in studying comes from being highly motivated to study a specific subject
90. Being proud of where you are from is therefore an extension of being proud of who you are.
91. One of the obvious benefits to living with friends is that you’re barely lonely and you always
have someone around to talk to.
92. The older we get, the more nostalgic we get about the past.
93. Sometimes English grammar can really drive me crazy.

94. Kids need to be exposed to a wide range of situations and settings, and experiencing just the
city or just the countryside is limiting.
95. I think culture is also what connects us to our past.

96. If it wasn’t for historical buildings, then most cities would look pretty much the same.
97. Texting is pretty cheap and super fast, whereas writing a letter costs more and takes a lot

98. There used to be only a limited variety of programs, whereas nowadays, there is a much
wider range of things on TV, such as talent, reality and dating shows.
99. Playing competitive sports is one way of motivating children to develop and improve
100.The English poet John Donne said 'no man is an island', and I think in this day and age that is
also true of countries: we are all connected.



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