CamScanner 05-22-2024 10.58(1)

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Key poinA-
• Concept of distance and displacement
• Uniform motion
• Non unifom motion
• Speed
• Velocig
• Acceleration
• Graphical representation of motion
(Distance time graph and velocity time graph)
• Equations of motion
• Uniform circular motion
Skills:( OemonsVate ,knowledge & understandin g, anaIyze,evaluate & create)

1. Suppose a boy is enjoying a ride on a merry-go-round which is moving at a constant speed of

10 m/s.It implies that the boy is
(a) at rest
(b) moving with no acceleration
(c) accelerated motion
(d) moving with uniform velocity
2. Which of the following situations are not possible?
(a)Abody moving wi!h constant acceleration but with zero velocity.
(b)A body moving hortzontally with acceleration in veñical direction
(c) A body moving with a constant velocity in an accelerated motion
(d) All of these

3. Retardation of a body is expressed in

(a) m (b) ms
(c) -ms"° (d) ms*

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4. The speedometer of a car measures
(a) Averag e speed (b) Instantaneous speed
(c) écceleration (d) None of these
5. If the displacemen t time graph of a pañicle is paraliel to time axis, the veiocity of the pañicle is
{ajunity (b)In1nity
(c)Zero (d)VariabIe
6. Vich of the following gra h how at the body is at rest:

wwe -=y

7. The V£?I OCit y time (V - t) gr£i ph €/f £Z moving pi3rticle is shown in Figure. The acceleration is
maximum for segment

r-°••—•-v C£ASS IX
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a) AB b) BC
c) CD d) equal for all pañs
8. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object is
a) Always less than 1 b) ATways equal to 1
c) Always more than 1 d) Equal or less than 1
9. Four cars 4, B, C, and O, are moving on a ieveiled road. Their distance versus time graphs
is shown. Choose the correct statement
(a) Car A is faster than car D. (b) Car B is the slowest.
(c) Car D is faster than car C. (d) Car C is the slowest.

Ttme (s)
10 Men the distanće travelied by an object is directly propo fiional to the time, it is said to travel
a) uniform acceleration b) Non uniform acceleration
c) Constant s"p”eed d) Variable Speed
Skilis : (analyse, evaluate and create)
Directions: In each of the following questions, a statement ofAsseñion is given and a corresponding
statement of Reason is given just beiow it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct answe”
(a) Both asseñion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both asseñion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of asseñ ion.
(c) Asseñion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both” Asseñion and Reason are false.
11. Asseñion : An object may acquire acceleration even if it is moving at a constant speed.

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* Reason : With change in the direction of motion, an object can acquire acceleration.
12. Assertion : Veiocig versus time graph of a pa1icle in uniform motion along a straight path is a
line parallel to the time axis.
Reason : in uniform molion the velocity ofa particle increases as the square of the time eÍapsed.
Short answer questions (I)
sz iils : (Oemonstrate, knowledge and ucders@nding appIicat|on of knowledge / concepH,
analyze , evaluate and create)
13. 4• Obje Ct ÏS MO'\l ing up ä n in¢îlined piane its ve IOcit y changes from 15cm/s to 10 cm/s in Mo
seconds. What is its acceleration?
14. F(nd the distance covered by a pañicle during the time intewal t=0 to t=2O s for which the speed
time graph is shown in ùgure,

65. Velocig time graph for two objects A and B moving along the same direction which object has
greater acceleration?

+*^ 135

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16. Given Figure represents the speed time graph for a particle. Find the distance covered by
pañicle between t=0 min and t=30 vxiin,

I”b ° S• .v• to 6o ›>»jy f >/

Fig (A)
17. A car covers 20 km at a uniform speed of 20 1m/h. What should be its speed for the neM 90
ky. if the average speed foi the entire jourrey is 60 km/h?
18. What is retardation? Give one example of retarded motion from daily life.
19. Cat is meant by uniform circuiar motion? Give its two examples.
2o. Oerive the formula v = rw.
21. A pañicle takes 7s to complete one revolution. Cat will be its angular speed?
22. A stone of mass 50 gram is beinq rotated in a circle of radius 50 centimetre with a uxifon
speed of 2 metre per second. A hat is the acceleration of the stone?
(Hint: a=v2 / r=8m/s2)
Sho7 answer questions
Skills : (Application of knowledge I concepts, axa1yze ,evaluate and create)
23. 4 pañicle is pushed along a horizontal suRace ih such a way that it stañs witfi a velocity
12m/s. Its velocig decreases at a rate of 0.5m/s* find the time it will take to come to rest. Pi
the distance covered by it before coming to rest.
24. Arrange the following speeds in increasing order:
7m/s (ii)15kmIhr (iii) 2km/min
25. A car moves in circular path of radius 14m at a speed of 10m/s. Evaluate:
i) Time taken to compiete the cifcle
ii) Find the angular velocig.
26. Tn a 120 km track a train travels the first 20 km at uniform speed of 30 km/§. Calculate the sp
with which the train move rest of the track so as to get average speed of so km/h for the e r
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