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Actual Question Paper 2024

Paper-1 (set 1)

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Ma in Te st Booklet No. I -:mm
This txx)klet contains 48 Pnntedpages
� Sfffia,1 it 4a �� i I
PAPER-I / �faf-tr,J-I ,..,.,i+
7 0 6 412 2 9
MAIN TEST BOOKLET/�� tr;ft.m �Q<1�¢�:_I ---"""".'-:-:-::---.--:-=:-;:;1r.;-;;�rn!i'ii1
tWffl gftacbl cm
Main Test Booklet Code I�
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
� trltffl !JQ:aa,1 lffl 'cRI' ac1> vr �t-1· ura cm; c1>m °' urm I
Read caretully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
� tdt,m !J�cbl a> �IJH Jljq,to1 � � iJm ��ll <l>l l2ITiil � I trf
1. TheOMRAnsw8'Sheet Is inside lhls Tes! Booklet When you are directed 1. OMR 3fil q;r � iritm � u; Jrarr nm lr ijfcf :lil�<l>l trft-m
toopen lhe Test Bool\lel. takeout lheAnSWll< Sheet andfill In the particulars �' <i/lc1� cm � Gilt!, cir m tr,r P-li1>1e1 ifll 1l_'3- 1 l!lf �2 rn
on Slde-1 and Side-2 carefully Wllh blue/black ball poi nt pen only EZl1il 'll tm:r �li1>@ 'a@' � ir.r 'ii f.)q,01 m I
2. Thetestisol 2½ hoursdurallonandconslsts of 150questlons, There ls no 2. trfterr '1ft 3!'alb 21/, ut l tT<i trftm if 1so m � I qj)-$ ?!i•llcillcn
nega�� ma11<111g 3fa;.J aftf t ,
3. Use Slue/Black Ball Point Pen only forwrttlng partJculars on lh s page/ 3. lei� !fl fa4zor .-� tT<i m q;r lfl P-l'trr"l ctJlfii! 0 faQ
maifcingresponsesm !he AnswerSheel, l
ffi!fcf �li5@ ?./ii:f � Qi! ill! IJllTJf �I
CODE for !his Bookie! is l Make sure Iha! lhe COOE printed on
4. n,e
Slde-2of lheAnswerSheel 1s the same as !hal on !h is Booklet. Also ensure 4. ��ill! ffl Ii r ���a� a Pm� gfura;T ifi1 m.
that your Test Booklet No. andAnswerSheet N o . are lhe same. In case of 3nl lr,I t ipo-2 II< t;q ffl "ll J1!t'fcfl l 1 � aft §fa�d <5l if ?cir
d1sa-epancy, the candfdate should immediately report the matter to the tdtm qfurci;r cti<io11 JrR :rac tBt a6ll1 Ri1 3f,;R � fffii ii' m
lnvigUarorforreptaceme111 of both the Test Booklet and theAnswer Sheet, lfitt:rrefl � lRTffl� �f&iihl 3fR 3tR tr;J' Bo! a; fau r.t'tl� <Iii'
5, This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, If, Ul, IV and V , consisting ol 150 goo 3railrei il>lll? I
ObJective Type OuesUoos and each carries 1 mark· 5. �trft® S�ibr i trra a!TJI I, II. Ill, IV 3fR v't,, faiotii 150 a�&:.
Part-I • Child OeveJopment and Pedagogy (O.Nos 1-30) 1r� �. oerf Rf.Qili 1 3fq; <J;(i •
Part-II • Mathematics (0.Nos 31-60) arrv! -1 : arct fctcbltl a �llff1¥llbl (11� cf 1-30)
Pan-Ill Environmental Studies aim-II • Jf�IH {� ti. 31-60)
(Q,Nos 61-90)
mw-111 q4hrt01 .3l&!l4ci
Pan-JV Language-I (English/Hindi) (0.Nos 91-120) l'11¥<tci. 6 1 -90)
Part-V Language-JI (English/Hindi) (0.Nos, 121-150) ffluT-IV a!M-1 (�,M) ("!lrcfci. 91-120)
ilITTT·V 3!l'TT-ll (Ji- �)iifl�) (�� ci. 121-150)
6 . Pa1-IVCXlf'lla111s 30 questionsftx'Languqge-1 and P art -V cootairis-30 questions
for Language-II. In thisTest Booklet. only questions pertaining to English 6, a!TJl·IVi 3ITTIT-I iii� 30 � 3ITT' :HTJ TV - it ffll'{T -11 ij;' � 30 U�
and Hindi language have been given, In case the language/a you have � of!! i 1 � irlt�rr � i ijic@ � c1 ft,ai;� ffltlr tf tii4Too
opted for as Language-I and/or language-II Is a language other than �� � of!!il � Wll·13irlfllJ 31Nl·11 �- � � �
English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement (Language) Test 31mf(ff} Ji:nilft
m �� �iitldl�{im ip441 l ·� ;ra mtnd
Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that language. The � {a!M) lfit411 !ffeai61.rr.ll cilRitQ I �mtn31i� \l�ct'it�
languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for
in your Application Form. No change In languages is allowed.
3mf � ��� 3ll4i;iil Q';J � -gcfi �
3!Nl3U ���-am•• I
amfl3U ili1 q�qdof ll'!JiFloq i!1ff °t
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions In Language-II 7. int� Wll-11 (3ITTT·V) t fffi!, ffll'{T � � � mtn � illT �
(Part-V) In a language other than the one chosen a.s Language-I
(Part-IV) from the fist of languages. im amfl·I (:HTJT·IV) � � � 3ITtill '8 �
8. Rough work should bedOne only In the space provided Jn the Test Booklet s. 'lC!> !Rtcm � � � udtli!e1 iii � � � � uiJI� rn
difcf tl
forthe same ail I
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheetonly. Mark
9, craft Ji'!( ,Wcrcf OMR 3n< Q';J 1R tl 3ITWcf � f � Jn< atlcl'l.,da,
31?.i;a � I 3n< � t;g ffi1 icii<l> a,i 'VllTJI
your responses carefully. No whllener is allowed for changing answers. � iI

* � 3lrt � �l&:ZUJ ii; v�mm if � Rrcia1Prt ti! fil

10• �
10. In case ofany discrepancy in lhe Engl/sh and Hindi versions ofquestions/
answers, Engl/sh version will be taken as final. cic<IROJ 8 iFll•II iJll�JII I
"'1'1 • I :Oclftl atiffll ,t=,t 4.
I / fclc6i
p /lff'Y:. AGOG -YI atc'f
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the .-·'' , u,ro,v anc cts :
depi ( Z) Ge.nder eq ua lit y
"· '· nus,�• 1,1ve= con,s ncy 4) Gen der stereotyping +;,,-rm
(l) Gender � ( . . 3TR u:tj'\
oj -il � � � th(; dl t- fcf;° cffl° � q\,cf,� -ft � f� T <?fTTl
3) Ge nd er eqw tJ . fi-ll � �tt lf
( yR,.Jl fill'IT -q rn ci s fr.h ll i \ .1 1 <?1 1 � °Q\ cfi ..,.,
B efi ffi I �

� -q � 8 IT � C:P-ll''fc:fi" � � (-Fi!.cf, • 1 % 3lR •

-a�<IIT 1iffl1 f�B-11 "f!<fio
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----g< (2) � Bt.tl1dl
� -� mfl
(l) , (M"- � {c\f�cllfc;dl
( 3) � �'-!di � V.
__ __ convergent thinlcing _ _ _ _
2. While divergent thinking 5.
ul tip le an sw er s; is fi xe d on o �� correct solution
(l} encourages m encourages n1ultip le answers
ed on on e co rr ec t so lu tio n;
(2} is fix omotes verbal abilities
es m at he m ati ca l ab ili tie s; pr
(3) Promot
Pr om ot es ve rb al abilities; promotes matl1ematical abilities
a1 - - - - -il iilf c:fi aT I 'l-f BI U fiia1 ---- I
31q�1u Fi1'
� m' Cfil !liffilf�a thldl �; � � WTT � � w:R t°
l% "mT WTT "-TA -q{ ft:e.T{ t-; � � � \.l'lffilf�a th{dl �
1 fu1al ll 8Jt@l3TI c!il ttl�l cll � t°; i:fif© cfi 8;1t.tdl3TI "cfil iil�lcll ·� t° •
(3) 1
"cfil iil�l cll � 't; 1lfulffill 8;1qa1oTI "cfil iil�lcll � t°
(4) i:fif© <h 8Jt@l3TI

3. Which of tl1e following statements about inclusive education �correct?

(1) lncJusive teaclung means "teaching il1 ways that do not
(2) Tnclusive teadling means "adopting pedagogies that support needs of a1J learners" . 6
(3) An inclusive classroom "accommodates differences i n language styles and promotes
ard assessment" •
(4) An inclusive classroom centres around "f ixed curricula and stand * � � m � t1q1tj�fl roan t- � � "� ?
(1> fH•lJtj�n rn8;1UT q;J a1?.f � "� ai1cfl1 '{) ro� -;m iilf�'1ia � �" 1
( 2) fjqftj�ft ffi8;lUT q;J � �
ro83,� llfS4 q:;) 31q1111 -;m �'TT roam� cITT �lcl�llcfictl3TI q;T �� ";:,ch�


anR qil tl'-lllflf,iiict � t ain "B6l1P1 � ��1<=11 �-%-'I I +
(3) � fl'iltj�ft � �� -q


I f.lf.i=qa 1'.li<N'tilff -3ffi 411cn '(Micfi1'' t- &lltJq,� �,n��IT � qiT � ffl t 1 m�

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