holiday homework class 6 (1)pdf

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Q. Read any story 📖of your choice and do the following interesting learning with fun
▶️ Write the summary in about 75 – 80 words.
▶️ Name the main characters of the story.
▶️Choose any ten adjectives from the story and write their dictionary meanings .
▶️Make interesting sentences using the above ten words.
▶️Present your work creatively by pasting some pictures related to the story.

Q. Compose a dialogue writing between two animals in a zoo discussing their discomfort
and illness in a zoo.

Q. Paste the main headlines from an *English Newspaper* (at least 5) and mark “ Nouns “
with green and “Adjectives “ with blue and “ Verbs” with orange. Read the newspaper

Q. Practice Pronouns in your School Grammar book.

Q1. Choose any two topic from the following given topics and write in detail with
pictures for the paired states Uttarakhand and Tamil Nadu.
Topics- dance form, tribes, painting, monuments, dress, history, jewellery,
famous personality, art and craft, cuisine. (To be done in civics notebooks)
Q2. Collect pictures of expeditions to the Himalayas. Write about the kind of
equipment carried by the climbers for protection against sunshine,temperature
and the lack of air. (To be done in geography notebooks)
Q3. List down five countries and note the time difference between all these
countries. Then make colorful clocks for each of these countries. Also mention
the reason for these differences.

Objective Create your own mystery mixtures by combining various

households substances with water
Ask a question What can you add in the water for making mystery mixtures

Make a prediction Salt Sugar Vinegar Soil

Make a plan and follow it 1- Observe what happens when water is added to different substances
2- Make mystery mixture by combining salt, sugar , baking soda
and vinegar with water
3- Watch what happens to each
4- Are all the mixtures soluble in each other? Which one can
be separated easily? Which one is most soluble and why?
Name the separation techniques used to separate the required
Record the results Salt Sugar Vinegar Soil

Draw a conclusion Tell under which separation techniques the all mystery mixtures
Write your observation in A4 sheet.
QA. Shekhar Taneja, a student with a passion for science experiments, aims to test for fats using
paper and mustard oil.

Q1. What nutrient does the patch on the paper indicate?

Q2. Write 2 function of this nutrient.
Q3. Does the patch allow light to pass through it?
QB.Saurabh, enthusiastic about science experiments, plans to test for protein.
( a) How many drops of copper sulphate are needed for the test?
(b) How many drops of caustic soda are necessary?
(c) Write 2 functions of protein.

Q3.Exploring Chemical reaction

What happens when you mix vinegar, oil, food coloring, and baking
soda in a bottle? Explain your observations

Oil (vegetable or any

cooking oil)

Food coloring Vinegar soda
(any color)

Empty bottle with a

cap Spoon or stirrer

1.Pour vinegar into the bottle until it fills about one-fourth of the bottle.


2 . Add a few drops of food coloring into the bottle. .3. Add a tablespoon of baking soda into
the bottle.

Observation Observation
. 4. Quickly close the bottle with the cap and shake it vigorously.


5. Observe and record what happens inside the bottle.


6. Describe your observations and explain why you think those reactions occurred


Write your observation in this sheet only.

Q4. Paste or draw pictures of five Junk food item and list five harmful effects of those items.

A. CROSSWORD : Complete the following Crossword

Across: 2. Value of Indian system equivalent to 1 Million.

6. 5- digit number using digits 9,8,7
4. Expressing a number that is one less than 100 in words.
8. 2,4,6,….
Down : 1. Successor of 10378695.
3. Place of International system of numeration after ones and tens.
5. greatest one digit number.
7. Number of zeros in one thousand.
B. Map and Maths :


Take a political map of India. Draw the following line segments and answer the questions that
1. Join Srinagar to Tiruvananthpuram and name it AB.

2. Join Imphal to Gandhinagar and name it CD.

3. Join Itanagar to Shimla and name it EF.

4. Join Patna to Chennai and name it GH.

Questions: i) Which is the shortest line segment?

ii) Which line segment passes through Arabian sea?
iii) Which line segment passes through a country other than India?
iv) Which line segment passes through the maximum states?

C. Cooking and Maths (Art Integrated based questions)

D. Cartoon and Maths : Collect picture of “Face” of your favorite cartoon character and cut it
vertically using scissors . Paste that half part of face on A4 size sheet. Draw the second half using
symmetry . For example:
E. Solve the following questions:
1. A tyre factory produces 6348 tyres a day. How many tyres will the factory
produce in 460 days?

2. 470988 books are to be arranged equally in shelves. If 378 books are arranged
in each shelf, how many shelves will be needed?

3. The population of a country in 1990 was 906450600 and next year it is increased
by 9889700. What was the population of that country in the year of 1991?

4. 36 families went on trip which cost them $1216152. If each family share the
cost equally, how much did each family pay?

5. The sum of two numbers is 41482308. If one number is 3918695 then, find the
other number.

6. The cost of a flat is Rs. 42,18,000. If there are 36 similar flats in a building,
how much money will be collected by selling all the flats?

7. A Game zone was held for four days in a school. The number of tickets sold at
the counter on the first, second, third and final day was respectively 5198, 2081,
1500 and 1271. Find the total number of tickets sold on?

8. 392600 apples are packed equally in 1208 boxes. How many apples are packed
in a box?

विषय - ह द
िं ी
( रचनात्मक कौशल पर आधाररत
) प्रश्न 1) ह द
िं ी समाचार पत्र पहिये और अपनी ह द
िं ी II कॉपी में समाचार पत्र के ललए एक बाल
कोना तैयार कीजिए , जिसके अिंतर्गत कोई प े ली, चुटकुला, कविता आहद रोचक तथ्य ो|
प्रश्न 2) )अपने िीिन के आदशग व्यजततत्ि ( व्यजतत ) का चचत्र चचपकाकर उनकी विशेषताए बताते
ु ए दस िातय ललखिए |
प्रश्न 3) िातय प्रयोर् कीजिये
अपने नाम के र अक्षर से शब्द बनाइये और उन शब्दों से िातय प्रयोर् कीजिये |
उदा रण ककरन
कक → ककनारे → मछुआरें ने अपनी नाि को नदी के ककनारे लर्ाया |
र → रसमलाई → दीदी की शादी में बच्चों ने िूब रसमलाई िाई |
न → नमक → र्ााँधी िी ने नमक आिंदोलन ककया था |
प्रश्न )4 बूझो तो िाने ( प े ललयााँ
)2ककसी का स ारा न चा ें
)1मन की बात दू सरो को अपने आप बिते िाएाँ
जिससे समझाए
व्यिंिनों से लमल नये शब्द
बताओ वह क्या बनायें...........
क लाए............... .......

स्वरोों का साथ िरुरी )3

)4ऐसा है वह शास्त्र भाषा,
यही इनकी मज़बूरी की गजतजवजियोोंका रखे सदा
..................... जहसाब

)5जिह्न –जिह्न का
)6हाथ आँ ख और,
बोि करती भाषा का
मोंह से समझाए
जिखखत रूप
मन की बात दू सरो,
को बताए

Dear Students
Kindly note → The School has planned Mathematics test in the month of
July, when you return back to School from your summer holidays. The test
will be of 30 marks. The syllabus for the test (covered till 20th of May 2024).
So prepare yourself for the same and enjoy your holidays.

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